path: root/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2010-11-06 23:13:39 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2010-11-06 23:13:39 +0100
commit6f2d046c8d532db94f6af5003e341104d5bf4aff (patch)
tree723c31b8f9c1097ae48486acbf68e4e06fab2517 /src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g
parentec6d61f4597af32c22319c4bda3c9dd9ab80bf25 (diff)
Renamed com.sun.gluegen -> com.jogamp.gluegen
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g')
1 files changed, 852 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82792f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+ Copyright (c) Non, Inc. 1998 -- All Rights Reserved
+PROJECT: C Compiler
+MODULE: GnuCTreeParser
+FILE: GnuCTreeParser.g
+AUTHOR: Monty Zukowski ([email protected]) April 28, 1998
+ This tree grammar is for a Gnu C AST. No actions in it,
+ subclass to do something useful.
+header {
+ package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram;
+ import java.io.*;
+ import antlr.CommonAST;
+ import antlr.DumpASTVisitor;
+class GnuCTreeParser extends TreeParser;
+ {
+ importVocab = GNUC;
+ buildAST = false;
+ ASTLabelType = "TNode";
+ // Copied following options from java grammar.
+ codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
+ codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
+ }
+ int traceDepth = 0;
+ public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
+ if ( ex != null) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing RecognitionException Error: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " " + ex );
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ }
+ public void reportError(NoViableAltException ex) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing NoViableAltException Error: " + ex.toString());
+ TNode.printTree( ex.node );
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ public void reportError(MismatchedTokenException ex) {
+ if ( ex != null) {
+ TNode.printTree( ex.node );
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing MismatchedTokenException Error: " + ex );
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ }
+ public void reportError(String s) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Error from String: " + s);
+ }
+ public void reportWarning(String s) {
+ System.err.println("ANTLR Warning from String: " + s);
+ }
+ protected void match(AST t, int ttype) throws MismatchedTokenException {
+ //System.out.println("match("+ttype+"); cursor is "+t);
+ super.match(t, ttype);
+ }
+ public void match(AST t, BitSet b) throws MismatchedTokenException {
+ //System.out.println("match("+b+"); cursor is "+t);
+ super.match(t, b);
+ }
+ protected void matchNot(AST t, int ttype) throws MismatchedTokenException {
+ //System.out.println("matchNot("+ttype+"); cursor is "+t);
+ super.matchNot(t, ttype);
+ }
+ public void traceIn(String rname, AST t) {
+ traceDepth += 1;
+ for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
+ super.traceIn(rname, t);
+ }
+ public void traceOut(String rname, AST t) {
+ for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
+ super.traceOut(rname, t);
+ traceDepth -= 1;
+ }
+translationUnit options {
+ defaultErrorHandler=false;
+ : ( externalList )?
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : ( externalDef )+
+ ;
+ : declaration
+ | functionDef
+ | asm_expr
+ | SEMI
+ | typelessDeclaration
+ ;
+ : #(NTypeMissing initDeclList SEMI)
+ ;
+ : #( "asm" ( "volatile" )? LCURLY expr RCURLY ( SEMI )+ )
+ ;
+ : #( NDeclaration
+ declSpecifiers
+ (
+ initDeclList
+ )?
+ ( SEMI )+
+ )
+ ;
+ : ( storageClassSpecifier
+ | typeQualifier
+ | typeSpecifier
+ )+
+ ;
+ : "auto"
+ | "register"
+ | "typedef"
+ | functionStorageClassSpecifier
+ ;
+ : "extern"
+ | "static"
+ | "inline"
+ ;
+ : "const"
+ | "volatile"
+ ;
+ : "void"
+ | "char"
+ | "short"
+ | "int"
+ | "long"
+ | "float"
+ | "double"
+ | "signed"
+ | "unsigned"
+ | structSpecifier ( attributeDecl )*
+ | unionSpecifier ( attributeDecl )*
+ | enumSpecifier
+ | typedefName
+ | #("typeof" LPAREN
+ ( (typeName )=> typeName
+ | expr
+ )
+ )
+ | "__complex"
+ ;
+ : #(NTypedefName ID)
+ ;
+ : #( "struct" structOrUnionBody )
+ ;
+ : #( "union" structOrUnionBody )
+ ;
+ ( structDeclarationList )?
+ ( structDeclarationList )?
+ | ID
+ )
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : ( structDeclaration )+
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : (
+ typeSpecifier
+ | typeQualifier
+ )+
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : ( structDeclarator )+
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ :
+ #( NStructDeclarator
+ ( declarator )?
+ ( COLON expr )?
+ ( attributeDecl )*
+ )
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : #( "enum"
+ ( ID )?
+ ( LCURLY enumList RCURLY )?
+ )
+ ;
+ : ( enumerator )+
+ ;
+ : ID ( ASSIGN expr )?
+ ;
+ #( "__attribute" (.)* )
+ | #( NAsmAttribute LPAREN expr RPAREN )
+ ;
+ : ( initDecl )+
+ ;
+ { String declName = ""; }
+ : #( NInitDecl
+ declarator
+ ( attributeDecl )*
+ ( ASSIGN initializer
+ | COLON expr
+ )?
+ )
+ ;
+ : #( NPointerGroup ( STAR ( typeQualifier )* )+ )
+ ;
+ : ID ( COMMA ID )*
+ ;
+ : #( NInitializer (initializerElementLabel)? expr )
+ | lcurlyInitializer
+ ;
+ : #( NInitializerElementLabel
+ (
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ : #( NLcurlyInitializer
+ initializerList
+ )
+ ;
+ : ( initializer )*
+ ;
+ : #( NDeclarator
+ ( pointerGroup )?
+ ( id:ID
+ | LPAREN declarator RPAREN
+ )
+ ( #( NParameterTypeList
+ (
+ parameterTypeList
+ | (idList)?
+ )
+ )
+ )*
+ )
+ ;
+ : ( parameterDeclaration ( COMMA | SEMI )? )+ ( VARARGS )?
+ ;
+ : #( NParameterDeclaration
+ declSpecifiers
+ (declarator | nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
+ )
+ ;
+ : #( NFunctionDef
+ ( functionDeclSpecifiers)?
+ declarator
+ (declaration | VARARGS)*
+ compoundStatement
+ )
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ :
+ ( functionStorageClassSpecifier
+ | typeQualifier
+ | typeSpecifier
+ )+
+ ;
+ :
+ ( //ANTLR doesn't know that declarationList properly eats all the declarations
+ //so it warns about the ambiguity
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ } :
+ localLabelDecl
+ | declaration
+ )+
+ ;
+ : #("__label__" (ID)+ )
+ ;
+ : #( NCompoundStatement
+ ( declarationList
+ | functionDef
+ )*
+ ( statementList )?
+ )
+ ;
+ : ( statement )+
+ ;
+ : statementBody
+ ;
+ : SEMI // Empty statements
+ | compoundStatement // Group of statements
+ | #(NStatementExpr expr) // Expressions
+// Iteration statements:
+ | #( "while" expr statement )
+ | #( "do" statement expr )
+ | #( "for"
+ expr expr expr
+ statement
+ )
+// Jump statements:
+ | #( "goto" expr )
+ | "continue"
+ | "break"
+ | #( "return" ( expr )? )
+// Labeled statements:
+ | #( NLabel ID (statement)? )
+ | #( "case" expr (statement)? )
+ | #( "default" (statement)? )
+// Selection statements:
+ | #( "if"
+ expr statement
+ ( "else" statement )?
+ )
+ | #( "switch" expr statement )
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ : assignExpr
+ | conditionalExpr
+ | logicalOrExpr
+ | logicalAndExpr
+ | inclusiveOrExpr
+ | exclusiveOrExpr
+ | bitAndExpr
+ | equalityExpr
+ | relationalExpr
+ | shiftExpr
+ | additiveExpr
+ | multExpr
+ | castExpr
+ | unaryExpr
+ | postfixExpr
+ | primaryExpr
+ | commaExpr
+ | emptyExpr
+ | compoundStatementExpr
+ | initializer
+ | rangeExpr
+ | gnuAsmExpr
+ ;
+ : #(NCommaExpr expr expr)
+ ;
+ : NEmptyExpression
+ ;
+ : #(LPAREN compoundStatement RPAREN)
+ ;
+ : #(NRangeExpr expr VARARGS expr)
+ ;
+ : #(NGnuAsmExpr
+ ("volatile")?
+ LPAREN stringConst
+ ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
+ COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
+ ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
+ COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
+ )?
+ )?
+ ( COLON stringConst ( COMMA stringConst)* )?
+ )
+ ;
+ : stringConst ( LPAREN expr RPAREN )?
+ ;
+ : #( ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( DIV_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( PLUS_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( MINUS_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( STAR_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( MOD_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( RSHIFT_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( LSHIFT_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( BAND_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( BOR_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ | #( BXOR_ASSIGN expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( QUESTION expr (expr)? COLON expr )
+ ;
+ : #( LOR expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( LAND expr expr )
+ ;
+ : #( BOR expr expr )
+ ;
+ : #( BXOR expr expr )
+ ;
+ : #( BAND expr expr )
+ ;
+ : #( EQUAL expr expr)
+ | #( NOT_EQUAL expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( LT expr expr)
+ | #( LTE expr expr)
+ | #( GT expr expr)
+ | #( GTE expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( LSHIFT expr expr)
+ | #( RSHIFT expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( PLUS expr expr)
+ | #( MINUS expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( STAR expr expr)
+ | #( DIV expr expr)
+ | #( MOD expr expr)
+ ;
+ : #( NCast typeName RPAREN expr)
+ ;
+ : specifierQualifierList (nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
+ ;
+ : #( NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
+ ( pointerGroup
+ ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
+ | parameterTypeList
+ )?
+ )*
+ | ( (LPAREN
+ ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
+ | parameterTypeList
+ )?
+ )+
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ : #( INC expr )
+ | #( DEC expr )
+ | #( NUnaryExpr unaryOperator expr)
+ | #( "sizeof"
+ ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
+ | expr
+ )
+ )
+ | #( "__alignof"
+ ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
+ | expr
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+catch [RecognitionException ex]
+ {
+ reportError(ex);
+ System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
+ + _t.toStringList());
+ if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
+ }
+ unaryOperator
+ : BAND
+ | STAR
+ | PLUS
+ | BNOT
+ | LNOT
+ | LAND
+ | "__real"
+ | "__imag"
+ ;
+ : #( NPostfixExpr
+ primaryExpr
+ ( PTR ID
+ | DOT ID
+ | #( NFunctionCallArgs (argExprList)? RPAREN )
+ | INC
+ | DEC
+ )+
+ )
+ ;
+ : ID
+ | Number
+ | charConst
+ | stringConst
+// JTC:
+// ID should catch the enumerator
+// leaving it in gives ambiguous err
+// | enumerator
+ | #( NExpressionGroup expr )
+ ;
+ : ( expr )+
+ ;
+ : CharLiteral
+ ;
+ : #(NStringSeq (StringLiteral)+)
+ ;
+ : IntOctalConst
+ | LongOctalConst
+ | UnsignedOctalConst
+ | IntIntConst
+ | LongIntConst
+ | UnsignedIntConst
+ | IntHexConst
+ | LongHexConst
+ | UnsignedHexConst
+ ;
+ : FloatDoubleConst
+ | DoubleDoubleConst
+ | LongDoubleConst
+ ;