BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
b22xAdapt to JOGL HiDPI (Bug 741) changes up-to commit bcda2dad1a6569ffd4eba07b23...Sven Gothel11 years
masterbuild scripts: use source/target level 1.8 on java11Sven Gothel5 years
rcFix radix sort on MacWade Walker10 years
v2.5.0commit f486f88f5c...Sven Gothel19 months
v2.4.0commit f486f88f5c...Sven Gothel2 years
v2.3.2commit 056e8808a5...Sven Gothel9 years
v2.3.1commit 2e5e0fd315...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.3.0commit 2e5e0fd315...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.4commit 9e954259d9...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.3commit 9e954259d9...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.2commit 9e954259d9...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.1commit 9e954259d9...Sven Gothel11 years
v2.2.0commit 9e954259d9...Sven Gothel11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2019-12-31build scripts: use source/target level 1.8 on java11HEADv2.5.0v2.4.0masterSven Gothel2-11/+4
2015-07-06Fix radix sort on Macv2.3.2rcWade Walker2-16/+23
2015-07-06Add debug build targets to match those in gluegen and joglWade Walker4-13/+16
2015-07-06Fixed a variety of compilation and runtime errorsWade Walker21-184/+221
2015-07-06Fix Eclipse build and Ant makefileWade Walker3-4/+9
2015-02-03Bug 682 - Relocating javax.media.opengl.* -> com.jogamp.opengl.* ; Add javado...v2.3.1v2.3.0Sven Gothel7-37/+38
2014-05-27Adapt to JOGL HiDPI (Bug 741) changes up-to commit bcda2dad1a6569ffd4eba07b23...v2.2.4v2.2.3v2.2.2v2.2.1v2.2.0b22xSven Gothel1-9/+9
2014-01-26CLInfo: Use JoclVersionv2.1.5v2.1.4Sven Gothel1-74/+5
2014-01-23Jar Manifest: Add empty line before EOF (otherwise last line is cut-off - duh...Sven Gothel1-0/+3
2013-11-01Bug 881 - Add 'Application-Name' in Jar's manifest to avoid Java6 NPEs ..v2.1.3v2.1.2Sven Gothel1-2/+5