#include <complex>

 * Iterative implementation of 2-radix FFT (In-place algorithm). Sign = -1 is
 * FFT and 1 is iFFT (inverse). Fills FFTBuffer[0...FFTSize-1] with the
 * Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the time domain data stored in
 * FFTBuffer[0...FFTSize-1]. FFTBuffer is an array of complex numbers, FFTSize
 * MUST BE power of two.
void complex_fft(std::complex<double> *FFTBuffer, int FFTSize, double Sign);

 * Calculate the complex helical sequence (discrete-time analytical signal) of
 * the given input using the discrete Hilbert transform (In-place algorithm).
 * Fills Buffer[0...size-1] with the discrete-time analytical signal stored in
 * Buffer[0...size-1]. Buffer is an array of complex numbers, size MUST BE
 * power of two.
void complex_hilbert(std::complex<double> *Buffer, int size);

#endif /* ALCOMPLEX_H */