#include "config.h" #include "alcomplex.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstddef> #include <utility> #include "math_defs.h" void complex_fft(const al::span<std::complex<double>> buffer, const double sign) { const size_t fftsize{buffer.size()}; /* Bit-reversal permutation applied to a sequence of FFTSize items */ for(size_t i{1u};i < fftsize-1;i++) { size_t j{0u}; for(size_t mask{1u};mask < fftsize;mask <<= 1) { if((i&mask) != 0) j++; j <<= 1; } j >>= 1; if(i < j) std::swap(buffer[i], buffer[j]); } /* Iterative form of Danielson–Lanczos lemma */ size_t step{2u}; for(size_t i{1u};i < fftsize;i<<=1, step<<=1) { const size_t step2{step >> 1}; double arg{al::MathDefs<double>::Pi() / step2}; std::complex<double> w{std::cos(arg), std::sin(arg)*sign}; std::complex<double> u{1.0, 0.0}; for(size_t j{0};j < step2;j++) { for(size_t k{j};k < fftsize;k+=step) { std::complex<double> temp{buffer[k+step2] * u}; buffer[k+step2] = buffer[k] - temp; buffer[k] += temp; } u *= w; } } } void complex_hilbert(const al::span<std::complex<double>> buffer) { complex_fft(buffer, 1.0); const double inverse_size = 1.0/static_cast<double>(buffer.size()); auto bufiter = buffer.begin(); const auto halfiter = bufiter + (buffer.size()>>1); *bufiter *= inverse_size; ++bufiter; bufiter = std::transform(bufiter, halfiter, bufiter, [inverse_size](const std::complex<double> &c) -> std::complex<double> { return c * (2.0*inverse_size); }); *bufiter *= inverse_size; ++bufiter; std::fill(bufiter, buffer.end(), std::complex<double>{}); complex_fft(buffer, -1.0); }