#include "config.h" #include "alcmain.h" #include "alcontext.h" #include "almalloc.h" #include "alspan.h" #include "effects/base.h" #include "effectslot.h" namespace { struct NullState final : public EffectState { NullState(); ~NullState() override; void deviceUpdate(const ALCdevice *device, const BufferStorage *buffer) override; void update(const ALCcontext *context, const EffectSlot *slot, const EffectProps *props, const EffectTarget target) override; void process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span<const FloatBufferLine> samplesIn, const al::span<FloatBufferLine> samplesOut) override; DEF_NEWDEL(NullState) }; /* This constructs the effect state. It's called when the object is first * created. */ NullState::NullState() = default; /* This destructs the effect state. It's called only when the effect instance * is no longer used. */ NullState::~NullState() = default; /* This updates the device-dependant effect state. This is called on state * initialization and any time the device parameters (e.g. playback frequency, * format) have been changed. Will always be followed by a call to the update * method, if successful. */ void NullState::deviceUpdate(const ALCdevice* /*device*/, const BufferStorage* /*buffer*/) { } /* This updates the effect state with new properties. This is called any time * the effect is (re)loaded into a slot. */ void NullState::update(const ALCcontext* /*context*/, const EffectSlot* /*slot*/, const EffectProps* /*props*/, const EffectTarget /*target*/) { } /* This processes the effect state, for the given number of samples from the * input to the output buffer. The result should be added to the output buffer, * not replace it. */ void NullState::process(const size_t/*samplesToDo*/, const al::span<const FloatBufferLine> /*samplesIn*/, const al::span<FloatBufferLine> /*samplesOut*/) { } struct NullStateFactory final : public EffectStateFactory { al::intrusive_ptr<EffectState> create() override; }; /* Creates EffectState objects of the appropriate type. */ al::intrusive_ptr<EffectState> NullStateFactory::create() { return al::intrusive_ptr<EffectState>{new NullState{}}; } } // namespace EffectStateFactory *NullStateFactory_getFactory() { static NullStateFactory NullFactory{}; return &NullFactory; }