/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <math.h> #include <float.h> #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "alMain.h" #include "alError.h" #include "alSource.h" #include "alBuffer.h" #include "alThunk.h" #include "alAuxEffectSlot.h" #include "backends/base.h" #include "threads.h" #include "almalloc.h" extern inline void LockSourcesRead(ALCcontext *context); extern inline void UnlockSourcesRead(ALCcontext *context); extern inline void LockSourcesWrite(ALCcontext *context); extern inline void UnlockSourcesWrite(ALCcontext *context); extern inline struct ALsource *LookupSource(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id); extern inline struct ALsource *RemoveSource(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id); static void InitSourceParams(ALsource *Source, ALsizei num_sends); static void DeinitSource(ALsource *source, ALsizei num_sends); static void UpdateSourceProps(ALsource *source, ALvoice *voice, ALsizei num_sends, ALCcontext *context); static ALint64 GetSourceSampleOffset(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *context, ALuint64 *clocktime); static ALdouble GetSourceSecOffset(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *context, ALuint64 *clocktime); static ALdouble GetSourceOffset(ALsource *Source, ALenum name, ALCcontext *context); static ALboolean GetSampleOffset(ALsource *Source, ALuint *offset, ALsizei *frac); static ALboolean ApplyOffset(ALsource *Source, ALvoice *voice); typedef enum SourceProp { srcPitch = AL_PITCH, srcGain = AL_GAIN, srcMinGain = AL_MIN_GAIN, srcMaxGain = AL_MAX_GAIN, srcMaxDistance = AL_MAX_DISTANCE, srcRolloffFactor = AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, srcDopplerFactor = AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR, srcConeOuterGain = AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN, srcSecOffset = AL_SEC_OFFSET, srcSampleOffset = AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, srcByteOffset = AL_BYTE_OFFSET, srcConeInnerAngle = AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE, srcConeOuterAngle = AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE, srcRefDistance = AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, srcPosition = AL_POSITION, srcVelocity = AL_VELOCITY, srcDirection = AL_DIRECTION, srcSourceRelative = AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, srcLooping = AL_LOOPING, srcBuffer = AL_BUFFER, srcSourceState = AL_SOURCE_STATE, srcBuffersQueued = AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, srcBuffersProcessed = AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, srcSourceType = AL_SOURCE_TYPE, /* ALC_EXT_EFX */ srcConeOuterGainHF = AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF, srcAirAbsorptionFactor = AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR, srcRoomRolloffFactor = AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, srcDirectFilterGainHFAuto = AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO, srcAuxSendFilterGainAuto = AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO, srcAuxSendFilterGainHFAuto = AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO, srcDirectFilter = AL_DIRECT_FILTER, srcAuxSendFilter = AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, /* AL_SOFT_direct_channels */ srcDirectChannelsSOFT = AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT, /* AL_EXT_source_distance_model */ srcDistanceModel = AL_DISTANCE_MODEL, srcByteLengthSOFT = AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT, srcSampleLengthSOFT = AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT, srcSecLengthSOFT = AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT, /* AL_SOFT_source_latency */ srcSampleOffsetLatencySOFT = AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT, srcSecOffsetLatencySOFT = AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT, /* AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES */ srcAngles = AL_STEREO_ANGLES, /* AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS */ srcRadius = AL_SOURCE_RADIUS, /* AL_EXT_BFORMAT */ srcOrientation = AL_ORIENTATION, /* AL_SOFT_source_resampler */ srcResampler = AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT, /* AL_SOFT_source_spatialize */ srcSpatialize = AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT, } SourceProp; static ALboolean SetSourcefv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const ALfloat *values); static ALboolean SetSourceiv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const ALint *values); static ALboolean SetSourcei64v(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const ALint64SOFT *values); static ALboolean GetSourcedv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, ALdouble *values); static ALboolean GetSourceiv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, ALint *values); static ALboolean GetSourcei64v(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, ALint64 *values); static inline ALvoice *GetSourceVoice(const ALsource *source, const ALCcontext *context) { ALvoice **voice = context->Voices; ALvoice **voice_end = voice + context->VoiceCount; while(voice != voice_end) { if(ATOMIC_LOAD(&(*voice)->Source, almemory_order_acquire) == source) return *voice; ++voice; } return NULL; } /** * Returns if the last known state for the source was playing or paused. Does * not sync with the mixer voice. */ static inline bool IsPlayingOrPaused(ALsource *source) { ALenum state = ATOMIC_LOAD(&source->state, almemory_order_acquire); return state == AL_PLAYING || state == AL_PAUSED; } /** * Returns an updated source state using the matching voice's status (or lack * thereof). */ static inline ALenum GetSourceState(ALsource *source, ALvoice *voice) { if(!voice) { ALenum state = AL_PLAYING; if(ATOMIC_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_STRONG(&source->state, &state, AL_STOPPED, almemory_order_acq_rel, almemory_order_acquire)) return AL_STOPPED; return state; } return ATOMIC_LOAD(&source->state, almemory_order_acquire); } /** * Returns if the source should specify an update, given the context's * deferring state and the source's last known state. */ static inline bool SourceShouldUpdate(ALsource *source, ALCcontext *context) { return !ATOMIC_LOAD(&context->DeferUpdates, almemory_order_acquire) && IsPlayingOrPaused(source); } static ALint FloatValsByProp(ALenum prop) { if(prop != (ALenum)((SourceProp)prop)) return 0; switch((SourceProp)prop) { case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: return 1; case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: return 2; case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: return 3; case AL_ORIENTATION: return 6; case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* Double only */ case AL_BUFFER: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: break; /* i/i64 only */ case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* i64 only */ } return 0; } static ALint DoubleValsByProp(ALenum prop) { if(prop != (ALenum)((SourceProp)prop)) return 0; switch((SourceProp)prop) { case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: return 1; case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: return 2; case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: return 3; case AL_ORIENTATION: return 6; case AL_BUFFER: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: break; /* i/i64 only */ case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* i64 only */ } return 0; } static ALint IntValsByProp(ALenum prop) { if(prop != (ALenum)((SourceProp)prop)) return 0; switch((SourceProp)prop) { case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_BUFFER: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: return 1; case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: return 3; case AL_ORIENTATION: return 6; case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* i64 only */ case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* Double only */ case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: break; /* Float/double only */ } return 0; } static ALint Int64ValsByProp(ALenum prop) { if(prop != (ALenum)((SourceProp)prop)) return 0; switch((SourceProp)prop) { case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_BUFFER: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: return 1; case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: return 2; case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: return 3; case AL_ORIENTATION: return 6; case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* Double only */ case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: break; /* Float/double only */ } return 0; } #define CHECKVAL(x) do { \ if(!(x)) \ SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, AL_FALSE); \ } while(0) #define DO_UPDATEPROPS() do { \ ALvoice *voice; \ if(SourceShouldUpdate(Source, Context) && \ (voice=GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)) != NULL) \ UpdateSourceProps(Source, voice, device->NumAuxSends, Context); \ else \ ATOMIC_FLAG_CLEAR(&Source->PropsClean, almemory_order_release); \ } while(0) static ALboolean SetSourcefv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const ALfloat *values) { ALCdevice *device = Context->Device; ALint ival; switch(prop) { case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: /* Query only */ SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION, AL_FALSE); case AL_PITCH: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->Pitch = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 360.0f); Source->InnerAngle = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 360.0f); Source->OuterAngle = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_GAIN: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->Gain = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->MaxDistance = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->RolloffFactor = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->RefDistance = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_MIN_GAIN: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->MinGain = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_MAX_GAIN: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->MaxGain = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 1.0f); Source->OuterGain = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 1.0f); Source->OuterGainHF = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 10.0f); Source->AirAbsorptionFactor = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 10.0f); Source->RoomRolloffFactor = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && *values <= 1.0f); Source->DopplerFactor = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f); Source->OffsetType = prop; Source->Offset = *values; if(IsPlayingOrPaused(Source)) { ALvoice *voice; ALCdevice_Lock(Context->Device); /* Double-check that the source is still playing while we have * the lock. */ voice = GetSourceVoice(Source, Context); if(voice) { WriteLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(ApplyOffset(Source, voice) == AL_FALSE) { WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); ALCdevice_Unlock(Context->Device); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, AL_FALSE); } WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); } ALCdevice_Unlock(Context->Device); } return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0.0f && isfinite(*values)); Source->Radius = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: CHECKVAL(isfinite(values[0]) && isfinite(values[1])); Source->StereoPan[0] = values[0]; Source->StereoPan[1] = values[1]; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_POSITION: CHECKVAL(isfinite(values[0]) && isfinite(values[1]) && isfinite(values[2])); Source->Position[0] = values[0]; Source->Position[1] = values[1]; Source->Position[2] = values[2]; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_VELOCITY: CHECKVAL(isfinite(values[0]) && isfinite(values[1]) && isfinite(values[2])); Source->Velocity[0] = values[0]; Source->Velocity[1] = values[1]; Source->Velocity[2] = values[2]; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECTION: CHECKVAL(isfinite(values[0]) && isfinite(values[1]) && isfinite(values[2])); Source->Direction[0] = values[0]; Source->Direction[1] = values[1]; Source->Direction[2] = values[2]; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_ORIENTATION: CHECKVAL(isfinite(values[0]) && isfinite(values[1]) && isfinite(values[2]) && isfinite(values[3]) && isfinite(values[4]) && isfinite(values[5])); Source->Orientation[0][0] = values[0]; Source->Orientation[0][1] = values[1]; Source->Orientation[0][2] = values[2]; Source->Orientation[1][0] = values[3]; Source->Orientation[1][1] = values[4]; Source->Orientation[1][2] = values[5]; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: ival = (ALint)values[0]; return SetSourceiv(Source, Context, prop, &ival); case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: ival = (ALint)((ALuint)values[0]); return SetSourceiv(Source, Context, prop, &ival); case AL_BUFFER: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; } ERR("Unexpected property: 0x%04x\n", prop); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, AL_FALSE); } static ALboolean SetSourceiv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const ALint *values) { ALCdevice *device = Context->Device; ALbuffer *buffer = NULL; ALfilter *filter = NULL; ALeffectslot *slot = NULL; ALbufferlistitem *oldlist; ALfloat fvals[6]; switch(prop) { case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: /* Query only */ SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION, AL_FALSE); case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_FALSE || *values == AL_TRUE); Source->HeadRelative = (ALboolean)*values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_LOOPING: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_FALSE || *values == AL_TRUE); WriteLock(&Source->queue_lock); Source->Looping = (ALboolean)*values; if(IsPlayingOrPaused(Source)) { ALvoice *voice = GetSourceVoice(Source, Context); if(voice) { if(Source->Looping) ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->loop_buffer, Source->queue, almemory_order_release); else ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->loop_buffer, NULL, almemory_order_release); /* If the source is playing, wait for the current mix to finish * to ensure it isn't currently looping back or reaching the * end. */ while((ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire)&1)) althrd_yield(); } } WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_BUFFER: LockBuffersRead(device); if(!(*values == 0 || (buffer=LookupBuffer(device, *values)) != NULL)) { UnlockBuffersRead(device); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, AL_FALSE); } WriteLock(&Source->queue_lock); { ALenum state = GetSourceState(Source, GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)); if(state == AL_PLAYING || state == AL_PAUSED) { WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); UnlockBuffersRead(device); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION, AL_FALSE); } } oldlist = Source->queue; if(buffer != NULL) { /* Add the selected buffer to a one-item queue */ ALbufferlistitem *newlist = al_calloc(DEF_ALIGN, sizeof(ALbufferlistitem)); newlist->buffer = buffer; ATOMIC_INIT(&newlist->next, NULL); IncrementRef(&buffer->ref); /* Source is now Static */ Source->SourceType = AL_STATIC; Source->queue = newlist; } else { /* Source is now Undetermined */ Source->SourceType = AL_UNDETERMINED; Source->queue = NULL; } WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); UnlockBuffersRead(device); /* Delete all elements in the previous queue */ while(oldlist != NULL) { ALbufferlistitem *temp = oldlist; oldlist = ATOMIC_LOAD(&temp->next, almemory_order_relaxed); if(temp->buffer) DecrementRef(&temp->buffer->ref); al_free(temp); } return AL_TRUE; case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0); Source->OffsetType = prop; Source->Offset = *values; if(IsPlayingOrPaused(Source)) { ALvoice *voice; ALCdevice_Lock(Context->Device); voice = GetSourceVoice(Source, Context); if(voice) { WriteLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(ApplyOffset(Source, voice) == AL_FALSE) { WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); ALCdevice_Unlock(Context->Device); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, AL_FALSE); } WriteUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); } ALCdevice_Unlock(Context->Device); } return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: LockFiltersRead(device); if(!(*values == 0 || (filter=LookupFilter(device, *values)) != NULL)) { UnlockFiltersRead(device); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, AL_FALSE); } if(!filter) { Source->Direct.Gain = 1.0f; Source->Direct.GainHF = 1.0f; Source->Direct.HFReference = LOWPASSFREQREF; Source->Direct.GainLF = 1.0f; Source->Direct.LFReference = HIGHPASSFREQREF; } else { Source->Direct.Gain = filter->Gain; Source->Direct.GainHF = filter->GainHF; Source->Direct.HFReference = filter->HFReference; Source->Direct.GainLF = filter->GainLF; Source->Direct.LFReference = filter->LFReference; } UnlockFiltersRead(device); DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_FALSE || *values == AL_TRUE); Source->DryGainHFAuto = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_FALSE || *values == AL_TRUE); Source->WetGainAuto = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_FALSE || *values == AL_TRUE); Source->WetGainHFAuto = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_FALSE || *values == AL_TRUE); Source->DirectChannels = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: CHECKVAL(*values == AL_NONE || *values == AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE || *values == AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED || *values == AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE || *values == AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED || *values == AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE || *values == AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); Source->DistanceModel = *values; if(Context->SourceDistanceModel) DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: CHECKVAL(*values >= 0 && *values <= ResamplerMax); Source->Resampler = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: CHECKVAL(*values >= AL_FALSE && *values <= AL_AUTO_SOFT); Source->Spatialize = *values; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); return AL_TRUE; case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: LockEffectSlotsRead(Context); LockFiltersRead(device); if(!((ALuint)values[1] < (ALuint)device->NumAuxSends && (values[0] == 0 || (slot=LookupEffectSlot(Context, values[0])) != NULL) && (values[2] == 0 || (filter=LookupFilter(device, values[2])) != NULL))) { UnlockFiltersRead(device); UnlockEffectSlotsRead(Context); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, AL_FALSE); } if(!filter) { /* Disable filter */ Source->Send[values[1]].Gain = 1.0f; Source->Send[values[1]].GainHF = 1.0f; Source->Send[values[1]].HFReference = LOWPASSFREQREF; Source->Send[values[1]].GainLF = 1.0f; Source->Send[values[1]].LFReference = HIGHPASSFREQREF; } else { Source->Send[values[1]].Gain = filter->Gain; Source->Send[values[1]].GainHF = filter->GainHF; Source->Send[values[1]].HFReference = filter->HFReference; Source->Send[values[1]].GainLF = filter->GainLF; Source->Send[values[1]].LFReference = filter->LFReference; } UnlockFiltersRead(device); if(slot != Source->Send[values[1]].Slot && IsPlayingOrPaused(Source)) { ALvoice *voice; /* Add refcount on the new slot, and release the previous slot */ if(slot) IncrementRef(&slot->ref); if(Source->Send[values[1]].Slot) DecrementRef(&Source->Send[values[1]].Slot->ref); Source->Send[values[1]].Slot = slot; /* We must force an update if the auxiliary slot changed on an * active source, in case the slot is about to be deleted. */ if((voice=GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)) != NULL) UpdateSourceProps(Source, voice, device->NumAuxSends, Context); else ATOMIC_FLAG_CLEAR(&Source->PropsClean, almemory_order_release); } else { if(slot) IncrementRef(&slot->ref); if(Source->Send[values[1]].Slot) DecrementRef(&Source->Send[values[1]].Slot->ref); Source->Send[values[1]].Slot = slot; DO_UPDATEPROPS(); } UnlockEffectSlotsRead(Context); return AL_TRUE; /* 1x float */ case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: fvals[0] = (ALfloat)*values; return SetSourcefv(Source, Context, (int)prop, fvals); /* 3x float */ case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: fvals[0] = (ALfloat)values[0]; fvals[1] = (ALfloat)values[1]; fvals[2] = (ALfloat)values[2]; return SetSourcefv(Source, Context, (int)prop, fvals); /* 6x float */ case AL_ORIENTATION: fvals[0] = (ALfloat)values[0]; fvals[1] = (ALfloat)values[1]; fvals[2] = (ALfloat)values[2]; fvals[3] = (ALfloat)values[3]; fvals[4] = (ALfloat)values[4]; fvals[5] = (ALfloat)values[5]; return SetSourcefv(Source, Context, (int)prop, fvals); case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: break; } ERR("Unexpected property: 0x%04x\n", prop); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, AL_FALSE); } static ALboolean SetSourcei64v(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const ALint64SOFT *values) { ALfloat fvals[6]; ALint ivals[3]; switch(prop) { case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: /* Query only */ SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION, AL_FALSE); /* 1x int */ case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: CHECKVAL(*values <= INT_MAX && *values >= INT_MIN); ivals[0] = (ALint)*values; return SetSourceiv(Source, Context, (int)prop, ivals); /* 1x uint */ case AL_BUFFER: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: CHECKVAL(*values <= UINT_MAX && *values >= 0); ivals[0] = (ALuint)*values; return SetSourceiv(Source, Context, (int)prop, ivals); /* 3x uint */ case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: CHECKVAL(values[0] <= UINT_MAX && values[0] >= 0 && values[1] <= UINT_MAX && values[1] >= 0 && values[2] <= UINT_MAX && values[2] >= 0); ivals[0] = (ALuint)values[0]; ivals[1] = (ALuint)values[1]; ivals[2] = (ALuint)values[2]; return SetSourceiv(Source, Context, (int)prop, ivals); /* 1x float */ case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: fvals[0] = (ALfloat)*values; return SetSourcefv(Source, Context, (int)prop, fvals); /* 3x float */ case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: fvals[0] = (ALfloat)values[0]; fvals[1] = (ALfloat)values[1]; fvals[2] = (ALfloat)values[2]; return SetSourcefv(Source, Context, (int)prop, fvals); /* 6x float */ case AL_ORIENTATION: fvals[0] = (ALfloat)values[0]; fvals[1] = (ALfloat)values[1]; fvals[2] = (ALfloat)values[2]; fvals[3] = (ALfloat)values[3]; fvals[4] = (ALfloat)values[4]; fvals[5] = (ALfloat)values[5]; return SetSourcefv(Source, Context, (int)prop, fvals); case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: break; } ERR("Unexpected property: 0x%04x\n", prop); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, AL_FALSE); } #undef CHECKVAL static ALboolean GetSourcedv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, ALdouble *values) { ALCdevice *device = Context->Device; ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; ClockLatency clocktime; ALuint64 srcclock; ALint ivals[3]; ALboolean err; switch(prop) { case AL_GAIN: *values = Source->Gain; return AL_TRUE; case AL_PITCH: *values = Source->Pitch; return AL_TRUE; case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: *values = Source->MaxDistance; return AL_TRUE; case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: *values = Source->RolloffFactor; return AL_TRUE; case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: *values = Source->RefDistance; return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: *values = Source->InnerAngle; return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: *values = Source->OuterAngle; return AL_TRUE; case AL_MIN_GAIN: *values = Source->MinGain; return AL_TRUE; case AL_MAX_GAIN: *values = Source->MaxGain; return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: *values = Source->OuterGain; return AL_TRUE; case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: *values = GetSourceOffset(Source, prop, Context); return AL_TRUE; case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: *values = Source->OuterGainHF; return AL_TRUE; case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: *values = Source->AirAbsorptionFactor; return AL_TRUE; case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: *values = Source->RoomRolloffFactor; return AL_TRUE; case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: *values = Source->DopplerFactor; return AL_TRUE; case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(!(BufferList=Source->queue)) *values = 0; else { ALint length = 0; ALsizei freq = 1; do { ALbuffer *buffer = BufferList->buffer; if(buffer && buffer->SampleLen > 0) { freq = buffer->Frequency; length += buffer->SampleLen; } BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } while(BufferList != NULL); *values = (ALdouble)length / (ALdouble)freq; } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: *values = Source->Radius; return AL_TRUE; case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: values[0] = Source->StereoPan[0]; values[1] = Source->StereoPan[1]; return AL_TRUE; case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: /* Get the source offset with the clock time first. Then get the * clock time with the device latency. Order is important. */ values[0] = GetSourceSecOffset(Source, Context, &srcclock); clocktime = V0(device->Backend,getClockLatency)(); if(srcclock == (ALuint64)clocktime.ClockTime) values[1] = (ALdouble)clocktime.Latency / 1000000000.0; else { /* If the clock time incremented, reduce the latency by that * much since it's that much closer to the source offset it got * earlier. */ ALuint64 diff = clocktime.ClockTime - srcclock; values[1] = (ALdouble)(clocktime.Latency - minu64(clocktime.Latency, diff)) / 1000000000.0; } return AL_TRUE; case AL_POSITION: values[0] = Source->Position[0]; values[1] = Source->Position[1]; values[2] = Source->Position[2]; return AL_TRUE; case AL_VELOCITY: values[0] = Source->Velocity[0]; values[1] = Source->Velocity[1]; values[2] = Source->Velocity[2]; return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECTION: values[0] = Source->Direction[0]; values[1] = Source->Direction[1]; values[2] = Source->Direction[2]; return AL_TRUE; case AL_ORIENTATION: values[0] = Source->Orientation[0][0]; values[1] = Source->Orientation[0][1]; values[2] = Source->Orientation[0][2]; values[3] = Source->Orientation[1][0]; values[4] = Source->Orientation[1][1]; values[5] = Source->Orientation[1][2]; return AL_TRUE; /* 1x int */ case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: if((err=GetSourceiv(Source, Context, (int)prop, ivals)) != AL_FALSE) *values = (ALdouble)ivals[0]; return err; case AL_BUFFER: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; } ERR("Unexpected property: 0x%04x\n", prop); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, AL_FALSE); } static ALboolean GetSourceiv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, ALint *values) { ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; ALdouble dvals[6]; ALboolean err; switch(prop) { case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: *values = Source->HeadRelative; return AL_TRUE; case AL_LOOPING: *values = Source->Looping; return AL_TRUE; case AL_BUFFER: ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); BufferList = (Source->SourceType == AL_STATIC) ? Source->queue : NULL; *values = (BufferList && BufferList->buffer) ? BufferList->buffer->id : 0; ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_STATE: *values = GetSourceState(Source, GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)); return AL_TRUE; case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(!(BufferList=Source->queue)) *values = 0; else { ALint length = 0; do { ALbuffer *buffer = BufferList->buffer; if(buffer && buffer->SampleLen > 0) { ALuint byte_align, sample_align; if(buffer->OriginalType == UserFmtIMA4) { ALsizei align = (buffer->OriginalAlign-1)/2 + 4; byte_align = align * ChannelsFromFmt(buffer->FmtChannels); sample_align = buffer->OriginalAlign; } else if(buffer->OriginalType == UserFmtMSADPCM) { ALsizei align = (buffer->OriginalAlign-2)/2 + 7; byte_align = align * ChannelsFromFmt(buffer->FmtChannels); sample_align = buffer->OriginalAlign; } else { ALsizei align = buffer->OriginalAlign; byte_align = align * ChannelsFromFmt(buffer->FmtChannels); sample_align = buffer->OriginalAlign; } length += buffer->SampleLen / sample_align * byte_align; } BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } while(BufferList != NULL); *values = length; } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(!(BufferList=Source->queue)) *values = 0; else { ALint length = 0; do { ALbuffer *buffer = BufferList->buffer; if(buffer) length += buffer->SampleLen; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } while(BufferList != NULL); *values = length; } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(!(BufferList=Source->queue)) *values = 0; else { ALsizei count = 0; do { ++count; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } while(BufferList != NULL); *values = count; } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); if(Source->Looping || Source->SourceType != AL_STREAMING) { /* Buffers on a looping source are in a perpetual state of * PENDING, so don't report any as PROCESSED */ *values = 0; } else { const ALbufferlistitem *BufferList = Source->queue; const ALbufferlistitem *Current = NULL; ALsizei played = 0; ALvoice *voice; if((voice=GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)) != NULL) Current = ATOMIC_LOAD_SEQ(&voice->current_buffer); else if(ATOMIC_LOAD_SEQ(&Source->state) == AL_INITIAL) Current = BufferList; while(BufferList && BufferList != Current) { played++; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&CONST_CAST(ALbufferlistitem*,BufferList)->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } *values = played; } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: *values = Source->SourceType; return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: *values = Source->DryGainHFAuto; return AL_TRUE; case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: *values = Source->WetGainAuto; return AL_TRUE; case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: *values = Source->WetGainHFAuto; return AL_TRUE; case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: *values = Source->DirectChannels; return AL_TRUE; case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: *values = Source->DistanceModel; return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: *values = Source->Resampler; return AL_TRUE; case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: *values = Source->Spatialize; return AL_TRUE; /* 1x float/double */ case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: if((err=GetSourcedv(Source, Context, prop, dvals)) != AL_FALSE) *values = (ALint)dvals[0]; return err; /* 3x float/double */ case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: if((err=GetSourcedv(Source, Context, prop, dvals)) != AL_FALSE) { values[0] = (ALint)dvals[0]; values[1] = (ALint)dvals[1]; values[2] = (ALint)dvals[2]; } return err; /* 6x float/double */ case AL_ORIENTATION: if((err=GetSourcedv(Source, Context, prop, dvals)) != AL_FALSE) { values[0] = (ALint)dvals[0]; values[1] = (ALint)dvals[1]; values[2] = (ALint)dvals[2]; values[3] = (ALint)dvals[3]; values[4] = (ALint)dvals[4]; values[5] = (ALint)dvals[5]; } return err; case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* i64 only */ case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* Double only */ case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: break; /* Float/double only */ case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: break; /* ??? */ } ERR("Unexpected property: 0x%04x\n", prop); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, AL_FALSE); } static ALboolean GetSourcei64v(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, ALint64 *values) { ALCdevice *device = Context->Device; ClockLatency clocktime; ALuint64 srcclock; ALdouble dvals[6]; ALint ivals[3]; ALboolean err; switch(prop) { case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: /* Get the source offset with the clock time first. Then get the * clock time with the device latency. Order is important. */ values[0] = GetSourceSampleOffset(Source, Context, &srcclock); clocktime = V0(device->Backend,getClockLatency)(); if(srcclock == (ALuint64)clocktime.ClockTime) values[1] = clocktime.Latency; else { /* If the clock time incremented, reduce the latency by that * much since it's that much closer to the source offset it got * earlier. */ ALuint64 diff = clocktime.ClockTime - srcclock; values[1] = clocktime.Latency - minu64(clocktime.Latency, diff); } return AL_TRUE; /* 1x float/double */ case AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE: case AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE: case AL_PITCH: case AL_GAIN: case AL_MIN_GAIN: case AL_MAX_GAIN: case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: case AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN: case AL_MAX_DISTANCE: case AL_SEC_OFFSET: case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: case AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR: case AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR: case AL_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR: case AL_CONE_OUTER_GAINHF: case AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_RADIUS: if((err=GetSourcedv(Source, Context, prop, dvals)) != AL_FALSE) *values = (ALint64)dvals[0]; return err; /* 3x float/double */ case AL_POSITION: case AL_VELOCITY: case AL_DIRECTION: if((err=GetSourcedv(Source, Context, prop, dvals)) != AL_FALSE) { values[0] = (ALint64)dvals[0]; values[1] = (ALint64)dvals[1]; values[2] = (ALint64)dvals[2]; } return err; /* 6x float/double */ case AL_ORIENTATION: if((err=GetSourcedv(Source, Context, prop, dvals)) != AL_FALSE) { values[0] = (ALint64)dvals[0]; values[1] = (ALint64)dvals[1]; values[2] = (ALint64)dvals[2]; values[3] = (ALint64)dvals[3]; values[4] = (ALint64)dvals[4]; values[5] = (ALint64)dvals[5]; } return err; /* 1x int */ case AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE: case AL_LOOPING: case AL_SOURCE_STATE: case AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED: case AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED: case AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_TYPE: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAIN_AUTO: case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER_GAINHF_AUTO: case AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT: case AL_DISTANCE_MODEL: case AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT: case AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT: if((err=GetSourceiv(Source, Context, prop, ivals)) != AL_FALSE) *values = ivals[0]; return err; /* 1x uint */ case AL_BUFFER: case AL_DIRECT_FILTER: if((err=GetSourceiv(Source, Context, prop, ivals)) != AL_FALSE) *values = (ALuint)ivals[0]; return err; /* 3x uint */ case AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER: if((err=GetSourceiv(Source, Context, prop, ivals)) != AL_FALSE) { values[0] = (ALuint)ivals[0]; values[1] = (ALuint)ivals[1]; values[2] = (ALuint)ivals[2]; } return err; case AL_SEC_OFFSET_LATENCY_SOFT: break; /* Double only */ case AL_STEREO_ANGLES: break; /* Float/double only */ } ERR("Unexpected property: 0x%04x\n", prop); SET_ERROR_AND_RETURN_VALUE(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, AL_FALSE); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGenSources(ALsizei n, ALuint *sources) { ALCdevice *device; ALCcontext *context; ALsizei cur = 0; ALenum err; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; if(!(n >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); device = context->Device; for(cur = 0;cur < n;cur++) { ALsource *source = al_calloc(16, sizeof(ALsource)); if(!source) { alDeleteSources(cur, sources); SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, done); } InitSourceParams(source, device->NumAuxSends); err = NewThunkEntry(&source->id); if(err == AL_NO_ERROR) err = InsertUIntMapEntry(&context->SourceMap, source->id, source); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) { FreeThunkEntry(source->id); memset(source, 0, sizeof(ALsource)); al_free(source); alDeleteSources(cur, sources); SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, err, done); } sources[cur] = source->id; } done: ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alDeleteSources(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources) { ALCdevice *device; ALCcontext *context; ALsource *Source; ALsizei i; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; LockSourcesWrite(context); if(!(n >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); /* Check that all Sources are valid */ for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(LookupSource(context, sources[i]) == NULL) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); } device = context->Device; for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { ALvoice *voice; if((Source=RemoveSource(context, sources[i])) == NULL) continue; FreeThunkEntry(Source->id); ALCdevice_Lock(device); if((voice=GetSourceVoice(Source, context)) != NULL) { ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Source, NULL, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, false, almemory_order_release); } ALCdevice_Unlock(device); DeinitSource(Source, device->NumAuxSends); memset(Source, 0, sizeof(*Source)); al_free(Source); } done: UnlockSourcesWrite(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsSource(ALuint source) { ALCcontext *context; ALboolean ret; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return AL_FALSE; LockSourcesRead(context); ret = (LookupSource(context, source) ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); return ret; } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcef(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(FloatValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else SetSourcefv(Source, Context, param, &value); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSource3f(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(FloatValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALfloat fvals[3] = { value1, value2, value3 }; SetSourcefv(Source, Context, param, fvals); } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcefv(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(FloatValsByProp(param) > 0)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else SetSourcefv(Source, Context, param, values); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcedSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALdouble value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(DoubleValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALfloat fval = (ALfloat)value; SetSourcefv(Source, Context, param, &fval); } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSource3dSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALdouble value1, ALdouble value2, ALdouble value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(DoubleValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALfloat fvals[3] = { (ALfloat)value1, (ALfloat)value2, (ALfloat)value3 }; SetSourcefv(Source, Context, param, fvals); } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcedvSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALdouble *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; ALint count; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!((count=DoubleValsByProp(param)) > 0 && count <= 6)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALfloat fvals[6]; ALint i; for(i = 0;i < count;i++) fvals[i] = (ALfloat)values[i]; SetSourcefv(Source, Context, param, fvals); } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcei(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(IntValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else SetSourceiv(Source, Context, param, &value); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSource3i(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(IntValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALint ivals[3] = { value1, value2, value3 }; SetSourceiv(Source, Context, param, ivals); } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceiv(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALint *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(IntValsByProp(param) > 0)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else SetSourceiv(Source, Context, param, values); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcei64SOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint64SOFT value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(Int64ValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else SetSourcei64v(Source, Context, param, &value); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSource3i64SOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint64SOFT value1, ALint64SOFT value2, ALint64SOFT value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(Int64ValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALint64SOFT i64vals[3] = { value1, value2, value3 }; SetSourcei64v(Source, Context, param, i64vals); } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcei64vSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALint64SOFT *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; WriteLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(Int64ValsByProp(param) > 0)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else SetSourcei64v(Source, Context, param, values); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); WriteUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcef(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!value) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(FloatValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALdouble dval; if(GetSourcedv(Source, Context, param, &dval)) *value = (ALfloat)dval; } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetSource3f(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(value1 && value2 && value3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(FloatValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALdouble dvals[3]; if(GetSourcedv(Source, Context, param, dvals)) { *value1 = (ALfloat)dvals[0]; *value2 = (ALfloat)dvals[1]; *value3 = (ALfloat)dvals[2]; } } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcefv(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; ALint count; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!((count=FloatValsByProp(param)) > 0 && count <= 6)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALdouble dvals[6]; if(GetSourcedv(Source, Context, param, dvals)) { ALint i; for(i = 0;i < count;i++) values[i] = (ALfloat)dvals[i]; } } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcedSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALdouble *value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!value) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(DoubleValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else GetSourcedv(Source, Context, param, value); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSource3dSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALdouble *value1, ALdouble *value2, ALdouble *value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(value1 && value2 && value3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(DoubleValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALdouble dvals[3]; if(GetSourcedv(Source, Context, param, dvals)) { *value1 = dvals[0]; *value2 = dvals[1]; *value3 = dvals[2]; } } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcedvSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALdouble *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(DoubleValsByProp(param) > 0)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else GetSourcedv(Source, Context, param, values); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcei(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!value) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(IntValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else GetSourceiv(Source, Context, param, value); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSource3i(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(value1 && value2 && value3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(IntValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALint ivals[3]; if(GetSourceiv(Source, Context, param, ivals)) { *value1 = ivals[0]; *value2 = ivals[1]; *value3 = ivals[2]; } } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourceiv(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(IntValsByProp(param) > 0)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else GetSourceiv(Source, Context, param, values); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcei64SOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint64SOFT *value) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!value) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(Int64ValsByProp(param) == 1)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else GetSourcei64v(Source, Context, param, value); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSource3i64SOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint64SOFT *value1, ALint64SOFT *value2, ALint64SOFT *value3) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!(value1 && value2 && value3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(Int64ValsByProp(param) == 3)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else { ALint64 i64vals[3]; if(GetSourcei64v(Source, Context, param, i64vals)) { *value1 = i64vals[0]; *value2 = i64vals[1]; *value3 = i64vals[2]; } } UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcei64vSOFT(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint64SOFT *values) { ALCcontext *Context; ALsource *Source; Context = GetContextRef(); if(!Context) return; ReadLock(&Context->PropLock); LockSourcesRead(Context); if((Source=LookupSource(Context, source)) == NULL) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_NAME); else if(!values) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else if(!(Int64ValsByProp(param) > 0)) alSetError(Context, AL_INVALID_ENUM); else GetSourcei64v(Source, Context, param, values); UnlockSourcesRead(Context); ReadUnlock(&Context->PropLock); ALCcontext_DecRef(Context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcePlay(ALuint source) { alSourcePlayv(1, &source); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcePlayv(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources) { ALCcontext *context; ALCdevice *device; ALsource *source; ALvoice *voice; ALsizei i, j; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; LockSourcesRead(context); if(!(n >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(!LookupSource(context, sources[i])) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); } device = context->Device; ALCdevice_Lock(device); /* If the device is disconnected, go right to stopped. */ if(!device->Connected) { for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { source = LookupSource(context, sources[i]); ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_STOPPED, almemory_order_relaxed); } ALCdevice_Unlock(device); goto done; } while(n > context->MaxVoices-context->VoiceCount) { ALsizei newcount = context->MaxVoices << 1; if(context->MaxVoices >= newcount) { ALCdevice_Unlock(device); SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, done); } AllocateVoices(context, newcount, device->NumAuxSends); } for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; ALbuffer *buffer = NULL; bool start_fading = false; ALsizei s; source = LookupSource(context, sources[i]); WriteLock(&source->queue_lock); /* Check that there is a queue containing at least one valid, non zero * length Buffer. */ BufferList = source->queue; while(BufferList) { if((buffer=BufferList->buffer) != NULL && buffer->SampleLen > 0) break; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } /* If there's nothing to play, go right to stopped. */ if(!BufferList) { /* NOTE: A source without any playable buffers should not have an * ALvoice since it shouldn't be in a playing or paused state. So * there's no need to look up its voice and clear the source. */ ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_STOPPED, almemory_order_relaxed); source->OffsetType = AL_NONE; source->Offset = 0.0; goto finish_play; } voice = GetSourceVoice(source, context); switch(GetSourceState(source, voice)) { case AL_PLAYING: assert(voice != NULL); /* A source that's already playing is restarted from the beginning. */ ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->current_buffer, BufferList, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->position, 0, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->position_fraction, 0, almemory_order_release); goto finish_play; case AL_PAUSED: assert(voice != NULL); /* A source that's paused simply resumes. */ ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, true, almemory_order_release); ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_PLAYING, almemory_order_release); goto finish_play; default: break; } /* Make sure this source isn't already active, and if not, look for an * unused voice to put it in. */ assert(voice == NULL); for(j = 0;j < context->VoiceCount;j++) { if(ATOMIC_LOAD(&context->Voices[j]->Source, almemory_order_acquire) == NULL) { voice = context->Voices[j]; break; } } if(voice == NULL) voice = context->Voices[context->VoiceCount++]; ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, false, almemory_order_release); ATOMIC_FLAG_TEST_AND_SET(&source->PropsClean, almemory_order_acquire); UpdateSourceProps(source, voice, device->NumAuxSends, context); /* A source that's not playing or paused has any offset applied when it * starts playing. */ if(source->Looping) ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->loop_buffer, source->queue, almemory_order_relaxed); else ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->loop_buffer, NULL, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->current_buffer, BufferList, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->position, 0, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->position_fraction, 0, almemory_order_relaxed); if(source->OffsetType != AL_NONE) { ApplyOffset(source, voice); start_fading = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position, almemory_order_relaxed) != 0 || ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position_fraction, almemory_order_relaxed) != 0 || ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->current_buffer, almemory_order_relaxed) != BufferList; } voice->NumChannels = ChannelsFromFmt(buffer->FmtChannels); voice->SampleSize = BytesFromFmt(buffer->FmtType); /* Clear previous samples. */ memset(voice->PrevSamples, 0, sizeof(voice->PrevSamples)); /* Clear the stepping value so the mixer knows not to mix this until * the update gets applied. */ voice->Step = 0; voice->Flags = start_fading ? VOICE_IS_FADING : 0; memset(voice->Direct.Params, 0, sizeof(voice->Direct.Params[0])*voice->NumChannels); for(s = 0;s < device->NumAuxSends;s++) memset(voice->Send[s].Params, 0, sizeof(voice->Send[s].Params[0])*voice->NumChannels); if(device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f) { ALfloat w1 = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC / (device->AvgSpeakerDist * device->Frequency); for(j = 0;j < voice->NumChannels;j++) { NfcFilterCreate1(&voice->Direct.Params[j].NFCtrlFilter[0], 0.0f, w1); NfcFilterCreate2(&voice->Direct.Params[j].NFCtrlFilter[1], 0.0f, w1); NfcFilterCreate3(&voice->Direct.Params[j].NFCtrlFilter[2], 0.0f, w1); } } ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Source, source, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, true, almemory_order_release); ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_PLAYING, almemory_order_release); finish_play: WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); } ALCdevice_Unlock(device); done: UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcePause(ALuint source) { alSourcePausev(1, &source); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourcePausev(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources) { ALCcontext *context; ALCdevice *device; ALsource *source; ALvoice *voice; ALsizei i; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; LockSourcesRead(context); if(!(n >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(!LookupSource(context, sources[i])) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); } device = context->Device; ALCdevice_Lock(device); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { source = LookupSource(context, sources[i]); WriteLock(&source->queue_lock); if((voice=GetSourceVoice(source, context)) != NULL) { ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, false, almemory_order_release); while((ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire)&1)) althrd_yield(); } if(GetSourceState(source, voice) == AL_PLAYING) ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_PAUSED, almemory_order_release); WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); } ALCdevice_Unlock(device); done: UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourceStop(ALuint source) { alSourceStopv(1, &source); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourceStopv(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources) { ALCcontext *context; ALCdevice *device; ALsource *source; ALvoice *voice; ALsizei i; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; LockSourcesRead(context); if(!(n >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(!LookupSource(context, sources[i])) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); } device = context->Device; ALCdevice_Lock(device); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { source = LookupSource(context, sources[i]); WriteLock(&source->queue_lock); if((voice=GetSourceVoice(source, context)) != NULL) { ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Source, NULL, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, false, almemory_order_release); while((ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire)&1)) althrd_yield(); } if(ATOMIC_LOAD(&source->state, almemory_order_acquire) != AL_INITIAL) ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_STOPPED, almemory_order_relaxed); source->OffsetType = AL_NONE; source->Offset = 0.0; WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); } ALCdevice_Unlock(device); done: UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourceRewind(ALuint source) { alSourceRewindv(1, &source); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourceRewindv(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources) { ALCcontext *context; ALCdevice *device; ALsource *source; ALvoice *voice; ALsizei i; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; LockSourcesRead(context); if(!(n >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { if(!LookupSource(context, sources[i])) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); } device = context->Device; ALCdevice_Lock(device); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) { source = LookupSource(context, sources[i]); WriteLock(&source->queue_lock); if((voice=GetSourceVoice(source, context)) != NULL) { ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Source, NULL, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->Playing, false, almemory_order_release); while((ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire)&1)) althrd_yield(); } if(ATOMIC_LOAD(&source->state, almemory_order_acquire) != AL_INITIAL) ATOMIC_STORE(&source->state, AL_INITIAL, almemory_order_relaxed); source->OffsetType = AL_NONE; source->Offset = 0.0; WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); } ALCdevice_Unlock(device); done: UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourceQueueBuffers(ALuint src, ALsizei nb, const ALuint *buffers) { ALCdevice *device; ALCcontext *context; ALsource *source; ALsizei i; ALbufferlistitem *BufferListStart; ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; ALbuffer *BufferFmt = NULL; if(nb == 0) return; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; device = context->Device; LockSourcesRead(context); if(!(nb >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); if((source=LookupSource(context, src)) == NULL) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); WriteLock(&source->queue_lock); if(source->SourceType == AL_STATIC) { WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); /* Can't queue on a Static Source */ SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION, done); } /* Check for a valid Buffer, for its frequency and format */ BufferList = source->queue; while(BufferList) { if(BufferList->buffer) { BufferFmt = BufferList->buffer; break; } BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } LockBuffersRead(device); BufferListStart = NULL; BufferList = NULL; for(i = 0;i < nb;i++) { ALbuffer *buffer = NULL; if(buffers[i] && (buffer=LookupBuffer(device, buffers[i])) == NULL) { WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, buffer_error); } if(!BufferListStart) { BufferListStart = al_calloc(DEF_ALIGN, sizeof(ALbufferlistitem)); BufferList = BufferListStart; } else { ALbufferlistitem *item = al_calloc(DEF_ALIGN, sizeof(ALbufferlistitem)); ATOMIC_STORE(&BufferList->next, item, almemory_order_relaxed); BufferList = item; } BufferList->buffer = buffer; ATOMIC_INIT(&BufferList->next, NULL); if(!buffer) continue; /* Hold a read lock on each buffer being queued while checking all * provided buffers. This is done so other threads don't see an extra * reference on some buffers if this operation ends up failing. */ ReadLock(&buffer->lock); IncrementRef(&buffer->ref); if(BufferFmt == NULL) BufferFmt = buffer; else if(BufferFmt->Frequency != buffer->Frequency || BufferFmt->OriginalChannels != buffer->OriginalChannels || BufferFmt->OriginalType != buffer->OriginalType) { WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION, buffer_error); buffer_error: /* A buffer failed (invalid ID or format), so unlock and release * each buffer we had. */ while(BufferListStart) { ALbufferlistitem *next = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferListStart->next, almemory_order_relaxed); if((buffer=BufferListStart->buffer) != NULL) { DecrementRef(&buffer->ref); ReadUnlock(&buffer->lock); } al_free(BufferListStart); BufferListStart = next; } UnlockBuffersRead(device); goto done; } } /* All buffers good, unlock them now. */ BufferList = BufferListStart; while(BufferList != NULL) { ALbuffer *buffer = BufferList->buffer; if(buffer) ReadUnlock(&buffer->lock); BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } UnlockBuffersRead(device); /* Source is now streaming */ source->SourceType = AL_STREAMING; if(!(BufferList=source->queue)) source->queue = BufferListStart; else { ALbufferlistitem *next; while((next=ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed)) != NULL) BufferList = next; ATOMIC_STORE(&BufferList->next, BufferListStart, almemory_order_release); } WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); done: UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alSourceUnqueueBuffers(ALuint src, ALsizei nb, ALuint *buffers) { ALCcontext *context; ALsource *source; ALbufferlistitem *OldHead; ALbufferlistitem *OldTail; ALbufferlistitem *Current; ALvoice *voice; ALsizei i = 0; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; LockSourcesRead(context); if(!(nb >= 0)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); if((source=LookupSource(context, src)) == NULL) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done); /* Nothing to unqueue. */ if(nb == 0) goto done; WriteLock(&source->queue_lock); if(source->Looping || source->SourceType != AL_STREAMING) { WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); /* Trying to unqueue buffers on a looping or non-streaming source. */ SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); } /* Find the new buffer queue head */ OldTail = source->queue; Current = NULL; if((voice=GetSourceVoice(source, context)) != NULL) Current = ATOMIC_LOAD_SEQ(&voice->current_buffer); else if(ATOMIC_LOAD_SEQ(&source->state) == AL_INITIAL) Current = OldTail; if(OldTail != Current) { for(i = 1;i < nb;i++) { ALbufferlistitem *next = ATOMIC_LOAD(&OldTail->next, almemory_order_relaxed); if(!next || next == Current) break; OldTail = next; } } if(i != nb) { WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); /* Trying to unqueue pending buffers. */ SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); } /* Swap it, and cut the new head from the old. */ OldHead = source->queue; source->queue = ATOMIC_EXCHANGE_PTR(&OldTail->next, NULL, almemory_order_acq_rel); WriteUnlock(&source->queue_lock); while(OldHead != NULL) { ALbufferlistitem *next = ATOMIC_LOAD(&OldHead->next, almemory_order_relaxed); ALbuffer *buffer = OldHead->buffer; if(!buffer) *(buffers++) = 0; else { *(buffers++) = buffer->id; DecrementRef(&buffer->ref); } al_free(OldHead); OldHead = next; } done: UnlockSourcesRead(context); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } static void InitSourceParams(ALsource *Source, ALsizei num_sends) { ALsizei i; RWLockInit(&Source->queue_lock); Source->InnerAngle = 360.0f; Source->OuterAngle = 360.0f; Source->Pitch = 1.0f; Source->Position[0] = 0.0f; Source->Position[1] = 0.0f; Source->Position[2] = 0.0f; Source->Velocity[0] = 0.0f; Source->Velocity[1] = 0.0f; Source->Velocity[2] = 0.0f; Source->Direction[0] = 0.0f; Source->Direction[1] = 0.0f; Source->Direction[2] = 0.0f; Source->Orientation[0][0] = 0.0f; Source->Orientation[0][1] = 0.0f; Source->Orientation[0][2] = -1.0f; Source->Orientation[1][0] = 0.0f; Source->Orientation[1][1] = 1.0f; Source->Orientation[1][2] = 0.0f; Source->RefDistance = 1.0f; Source->MaxDistance = FLT_MAX; Source->RolloffFactor = 1.0f; Source->Gain = 1.0f; Source->MinGain = 0.0f; Source->MaxGain = 1.0f; Source->OuterGain = 0.0f; Source->OuterGainHF = 1.0f; Source->DryGainHFAuto = AL_TRUE; Source->WetGainAuto = AL_TRUE; Source->WetGainHFAuto = AL_TRUE; Source->AirAbsorptionFactor = 0.0f; Source->RoomRolloffFactor = 0.0f; Source->DopplerFactor = 1.0f; Source->HeadRelative = AL_FALSE; Source->Looping = AL_FALSE; Source->DistanceModel = DefaultDistanceModel; Source->Resampler = ResamplerDefault; Source->DirectChannels = AL_FALSE; Source->Spatialize = SpatializeAuto; Source->StereoPan[0] = DEG2RAD( 30.0f); Source->StereoPan[1] = DEG2RAD(-30.0f); Source->Radius = 0.0f; Source->Direct.Gain = 1.0f; Source->Direct.GainHF = 1.0f; Source->Direct.HFReference = LOWPASSFREQREF; Source->Direct.GainLF = 1.0f; Source->Direct.LFReference = HIGHPASSFREQREF; Source->Send = al_calloc(16, num_sends*sizeof(Source->Send[0])); for(i = 0;i < num_sends;i++) { Source->Send[i].Slot = NULL; Source->Send[i].Gain = 1.0f; Source->Send[i].GainHF = 1.0f; Source->Send[i].HFReference = LOWPASSFREQREF; Source->Send[i].GainLF = 1.0f; Source->Send[i].LFReference = HIGHPASSFREQREF; } Source->Offset = 0.0; Source->OffsetType = AL_NONE; Source->SourceType = AL_UNDETERMINED; ATOMIC_INIT(&Source->state, AL_INITIAL); Source->queue = NULL; /* No way to do an 'init' here, so just test+set with relaxed ordering and * ignore the test. */ ATOMIC_FLAG_TEST_AND_SET(&Source->PropsClean, almemory_order_relaxed); } static void DeinitSource(ALsource *source, ALsizei num_sends) { ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; ALsizei i; BufferList = source->queue; while(BufferList != NULL) { ALbufferlistitem *next = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); if(BufferList->buffer != NULL) DecrementRef(&BufferList->buffer->ref); al_free(BufferList); BufferList = next; } source->queue = NULL; if(source->Send) { for(i = 0;i < num_sends;i++) { if(source->Send[i].Slot) DecrementRef(&source->Send[i].Slot->ref); source->Send[i].Slot = NULL; } al_free(source->Send); source->Send = NULL; } } static void UpdateSourceProps(ALsource *source, ALvoice *voice, ALsizei num_sends, ALCcontext *context) { struct ALvoiceProps *props; ALsizei i; /* Get an unused property container, or allocate a new one as needed. */ props = ATOMIC_LOAD(&context->FreeVoiceProps, almemory_order_acquire); if(!props) props = al_calloc(16, FAM_SIZE(struct ALvoiceProps, Send, num_sends)); else { struct ALvoiceProps *next; do { next = ATOMIC_LOAD(&props->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } while(ATOMIC_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_PTR_WEAK(&context->FreeVoiceProps, &props, next, almemory_order_acq_rel, almemory_order_acquire) == 0); } /* Copy in current property values. */ props->Pitch = source->Pitch; props->Gain = source->Gain; props->OuterGain = source->OuterGain; props->MinGain = source->MinGain; props->MaxGain = source->MaxGain; props->InnerAngle = source->InnerAngle; props->OuterAngle = source->OuterAngle; props->RefDistance = source->RefDistance; props->MaxDistance = source->MaxDistance; props->RolloffFactor = source->RolloffFactor; for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) props->Position[i] = source->Position[i]; for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) props->Velocity[i] = source->Velocity[i]; for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) props->Direction[i] = source->Direction[i]; for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { ALsizei j; for(j = 0;j < 3;j++) props->Orientation[i][j] = source->Orientation[i][j]; } props->HeadRelative = source->HeadRelative; props->DistanceModel = source->DistanceModel; props->Resampler = source->Resampler; props->DirectChannels = source->DirectChannels; props->SpatializeMode = source->Spatialize; props->DryGainHFAuto = source->DryGainHFAuto; props->WetGainAuto = source->WetGainAuto; props->WetGainHFAuto = source->WetGainHFAuto; props->OuterGainHF = source->OuterGainHF; props->AirAbsorptionFactor = source->AirAbsorptionFactor; props->RoomRolloffFactor = source->RoomRolloffFactor; props->DopplerFactor = source->DopplerFactor; props->StereoPan[0] = source->StereoPan[0]; props->StereoPan[1] = source->StereoPan[1]; props->Radius = source->Radius; props->Direct.Gain = source->Direct.Gain; props->Direct.GainHF = source->Direct.GainHF; props->Direct.HFReference = source->Direct.HFReference; props->Direct.GainLF = source->Direct.GainLF; props->Direct.LFReference = source->Direct.LFReference; for(i = 0;i < num_sends;i++) { props->Send[i].Slot = source->Send[i].Slot; props->Send[i].Gain = source->Send[i].Gain; props->Send[i].GainHF = source->Send[i].GainHF; props->Send[i].HFReference = source->Send[i].HFReference; props->Send[i].GainLF = source->Send[i].GainLF; props->Send[i].LFReference = source->Send[i].LFReference; } /* Set the new container for updating internal parameters. */ props = ATOMIC_EXCHANGE_PTR(&voice->Update, props, almemory_order_acq_rel); if(props) { /* If there was an unused update container, put it back in the * freelist. */ ATOMIC_REPLACE_HEAD(struct ALvoiceProps*, &context->FreeVoiceProps, props); } } void UpdateAllSourceProps(ALCcontext *context) { ALsizei num_sends = context->Device->NumAuxSends; ALsizei pos; for(pos = 0;pos < context->VoiceCount;pos++) { ALvoice *voice = context->Voices[pos]; ALsource *source = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->Source, almemory_order_acquire); if(source && !ATOMIC_FLAG_TEST_AND_SET(&source->PropsClean, almemory_order_acq_rel)) UpdateSourceProps(source, voice, num_sends, context); } } /* GetSourceSampleOffset * * Gets the current read offset for the given Source, in 32.32 fixed-point * samples. The offset is relative to the start of the queue (not the start of * the current buffer). */ static ALint64 GetSourceSampleOffset(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *context, ALuint64 *clocktime) { ALCdevice *device = context->Device; const ALbufferlistitem *Current; ALuint64 readPos; ALuint refcount; ALvoice *voice; ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); do { Current = NULL; readPos = 0; while(((refcount=ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire))&1)) althrd_yield(); *clocktime = GetDeviceClockTime(device); voice = GetSourceVoice(Source, context); if(voice) { Current = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->current_buffer, almemory_order_relaxed); readPos = (ALuint64)ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position, almemory_order_relaxed) << 32; readPos |= (ALuint64)ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position_fraction, almemory_order_relaxed) << (32-FRACTIONBITS); } ATOMIC_THREAD_FENCE(almemory_order_acquire); } while(refcount != ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_relaxed)); if(voice) { const ALbufferlistitem *BufferList = Source->queue; while(BufferList && BufferList != Current) { if(BufferList->buffer) readPos += (ALuint64)BufferList->buffer->SampleLen << 32; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&CONST_CAST(ALbufferlistitem*,BufferList)->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } readPos = minu64(readPos, U64(0x7fffffffffffffff)); } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return (ALint64)readPos; } /* GetSourceSecOffset * * Gets the current read offset for the given Source, in seconds. The offset is * relative to the start of the queue (not the start of the current buffer). */ static ALdouble GetSourceSecOffset(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *context, ALuint64 *clocktime) { ALCdevice *device = context->Device; const ALbufferlistitem *Current; ALuint64 readPos; ALuint refcount; ALdouble offset; ALvoice *voice; ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); do { Current = NULL; readPos = 0; while(((refcount=ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire))&1)) althrd_yield(); *clocktime = GetDeviceClockTime(device); voice = GetSourceVoice(Source, context); if(voice) { Current = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->current_buffer, almemory_order_relaxed); readPos = (ALuint64)ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position, almemory_order_relaxed) << FRACTIONBITS; readPos |= ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position_fraction, almemory_order_relaxed); } ATOMIC_THREAD_FENCE(almemory_order_acquire); } while(refcount != ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_relaxed)); offset = 0.0; if(voice) { const ALbufferlistitem *BufferList = Source->queue; const ALbuffer *BufferFmt = NULL; while(BufferList && BufferList != Current) { const ALbuffer *buffer = BufferList->buffer; if(buffer != NULL) { if(!BufferFmt) BufferFmt = buffer; readPos += (ALuint64)buffer->SampleLen << FRACTIONBITS; } BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&CONST_CAST(ALbufferlistitem*,BufferList)->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } while(BufferList && !BufferFmt) { BufferFmt = BufferList->buffer; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&CONST_CAST(ALbufferlistitem*,BufferList)->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } assert(BufferFmt != NULL); offset = (ALdouble)readPos / (ALdouble)FRACTIONONE / (ALdouble)BufferFmt->Frequency; } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return offset; } /* GetSourceOffset * * Gets the current read offset for the given Source, in the appropriate format * (Bytes, Samples or Seconds). The offset is relative to the start of the * queue (not the start of the current buffer). */ static ALdouble GetSourceOffset(ALsource *Source, ALenum name, ALCcontext *context) { ALCdevice *device = context->Device; const ALbufferlistitem *Current; ALuint readPos; ALsizei readPosFrac; ALuint refcount; ALdouble offset; ALvoice *voice; ReadLock(&Source->queue_lock); do { Current = NULL; readPos = readPosFrac = 0; while(((refcount=ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire))&1)) althrd_yield(); voice = GetSourceVoice(Source, context); if(voice) { Current = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->current_buffer, almemory_order_relaxed); readPos = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position, almemory_order_relaxed); readPosFrac = ATOMIC_LOAD(&voice->position_fraction, almemory_order_relaxed); } ATOMIC_THREAD_FENCE(almemory_order_acquire); } while(refcount != ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_relaxed)); offset = 0.0; if(voice) { const ALbufferlistitem *BufferList = Source->queue; const ALbuffer *BufferFmt = NULL; ALboolean readFin = AL_FALSE; ALuint totalBufferLen = 0; while(BufferList != NULL) { const ALbuffer *buffer; readFin = readFin || (BufferList == Current); if((buffer=BufferList->buffer) != NULL) { if(!BufferFmt) BufferFmt = buffer; totalBufferLen += buffer->SampleLen; if(!readFin) readPos += buffer->SampleLen; } BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&CONST_CAST(ALbufferlistitem*,BufferList)->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } assert(BufferFmt != NULL); if(Source->Looping) readPos %= totalBufferLen; else { /* Wrap back to 0 */ if(readPos >= totalBufferLen) readPos = readPosFrac = 0; } offset = 0.0; switch(name) { case AL_SEC_OFFSET: offset = (readPos + (ALdouble)readPosFrac/FRACTIONONE) / BufferFmt->Frequency; break; case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: offset = readPos + (ALdouble)readPosFrac/FRACTIONONE; break; case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: if(BufferFmt->OriginalType == UserFmtIMA4) { ALsizei align = (BufferFmt->OriginalAlign-1)/2 + 4; ALuint BlockSize = align * ChannelsFromFmt(BufferFmt->FmtChannels); ALuint FrameBlockSize = BufferFmt->OriginalAlign; /* Round down to nearest ADPCM block */ offset = (ALdouble)(readPos / FrameBlockSize * BlockSize); } else if(BufferFmt->OriginalType == UserFmtMSADPCM) { ALsizei align = (BufferFmt->OriginalAlign-2)/2 + 7; ALuint BlockSize = align * ChannelsFromFmt(BufferFmt->FmtChannels); ALuint FrameBlockSize = BufferFmt->OriginalAlign; /* Round down to nearest ADPCM block */ offset = (ALdouble)(readPos / FrameBlockSize * BlockSize); } else { ALuint FrameSize = FrameSizeFromUserFmt(BufferFmt->OriginalChannels, BufferFmt->OriginalType); offset = (ALdouble)(readPos * FrameSize); } break; } } ReadUnlock(&Source->queue_lock); return offset; } /* ApplyOffset * * Apply the stored playback offset to the Source. This function will update * the number of buffers "played" given the stored offset. */ static ALboolean ApplyOffset(ALsource *Source, ALvoice *voice) { ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; const ALbuffer *Buffer; ALuint bufferLen, totalBufferLen; ALuint offset = 0; ALsizei frac = 0; /* Get sample frame offset */ if(!GetSampleOffset(Source, &offset, &frac)) return AL_FALSE; totalBufferLen = 0; BufferList = Source->queue; while(BufferList && totalBufferLen <= offset) { Buffer = BufferList->buffer; bufferLen = Buffer ? Buffer->SampleLen : 0; if(bufferLen > offset-totalBufferLen) { /* Offset is in this buffer */ ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->position, offset - totalBufferLen, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->position_fraction, frac, almemory_order_relaxed); ATOMIC_STORE(&voice->current_buffer, BufferList, almemory_order_release); return AL_TRUE; } totalBufferLen += bufferLen; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&BufferList->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } /* Offset is out of range of the queue */ return AL_FALSE; } /* GetSampleOffset * * Retrieves the sample offset into the Source's queue (from the Sample, Byte * or Second offset supplied by the application). This takes into account the * fact that the buffer format may have been modifed since. */ static ALboolean GetSampleOffset(ALsource *Source, ALuint *offset, ALsizei *frac) { const ALbuffer *BufferFmt = NULL; const ALbufferlistitem *BufferList; ALdouble dbloff, dblfrac; /* Find the first valid Buffer in the Queue */ BufferList = Source->queue; while(BufferList) { if((BufferFmt=BufferList->buffer) != NULL) break; BufferList = ATOMIC_LOAD(&CONST_CAST(ALbufferlistitem*,BufferList)->next, almemory_order_relaxed); } if(!BufferFmt) { Source->OffsetType = AL_NONE; Source->Offset = 0.0; return AL_FALSE; } switch(Source->OffsetType) { case AL_BYTE_OFFSET: /* Determine the ByteOffset (and ensure it is block aligned) */ *offset = (ALuint)Source->Offset; if(BufferFmt->OriginalType == UserFmtIMA4) { ALsizei align = (BufferFmt->OriginalAlign-1)/2 + 4; *offset /= align * ChannelsFromUserFmt(BufferFmt->OriginalChannels); *offset *= BufferFmt->OriginalAlign; } else if(BufferFmt->OriginalType == UserFmtMSADPCM) { ALsizei align = (BufferFmt->OriginalAlign-2)/2 + 7; *offset /= align * ChannelsFromUserFmt(BufferFmt->OriginalChannels); *offset *= BufferFmt->OriginalAlign; } else *offset /= FrameSizeFromUserFmt(BufferFmt->OriginalChannels, BufferFmt->OriginalType); *frac = 0; break; case AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET: dblfrac = modf(Source->Offset, &dbloff); *offset = (ALuint)mind(dbloff, UINT_MAX); *frac = (ALsizei)mind(dblfrac*FRACTIONONE, FRACTIONONE-1.0); break; case AL_SEC_OFFSET: dblfrac = modf(Source->Offset*BufferFmt->Frequency, &dbloff); *offset = (ALuint)mind(dbloff, UINT_MAX); *frac = (ALsizei)mind(dblfrac*FRACTIONONE, FRACTIONONE-1.0); break; } Source->OffsetType = AL_NONE; Source->Offset = 0.0; return AL_TRUE; } /* ReleaseALSources * * Destroys all sources in the source map. */ ALvoid ReleaseALSources(ALCcontext *Context) { ALCdevice *device = Context->Device; ALsizei pos; for(pos = 0;pos < Context->SourceMap.size;pos++) { ALsource *temp = Context->SourceMap.values[pos]; Context->SourceMap.values[pos] = NULL; DeinitSource(temp, device->NumAuxSends); FreeThunkEntry(temp->id); memset(temp, 0, sizeof(*temp)); al_free(temp); } }