/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include "backends/solaris.h" #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <memory.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <math.h> #include "alMain.h" #include "alu.h" #include "alconfig.h" #include "threads.h" #include "compat.h" #include <sys/audioio.h> struct ALCsolarisBackend final : public ALCbackend { int fd; ALubyte *mix_data; int data_size; ATOMIC(ALenum) killNow; althrd_t thread; }; static int ALCsolarisBackend_mixerProc(void *ptr); static void ALCsolarisBackend_Construct(ALCsolarisBackend *self, ALCdevice *device); static void ALCsolarisBackend_Destruct(ALCsolarisBackend *self); static ALCenum ALCsolarisBackend_open(ALCsolarisBackend *self, const ALCchar *name); static ALCboolean ALCsolarisBackend_reset(ALCsolarisBackend *self); static ALCboolean ALCsolarisBackend_start(ALCsolarisBackend *self); static void ALCsolarisBackend_stop(ALCsolarisBackend *self); static DECLARE_FORWARD2(ALCsolarisBackend, ALCbackend, ALCenum, captureSamples, void*, ALCuint) static DECLARE_FORWARD(ALCsolarisBackend, ALCbackend, ALCuint, availableSamples) static DECLARE_FORWARD(ALCsolarisBackend, ALCbackend, ClockLatency, getClockLatency) static DECLARE_FORWARD(ALCsolarisBackend, ALCbackend, void, lock) static DECLARE_FORWARD(ALCsolarisBackend, ALCbackend, void, unlock) DECLARE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATORS(ALCsolarisBackend) DEFINE_ALCBACKEND_VTABLE(ALCsolarisBackend); static const ALCchar solaris_device[] = "Solaris Default"; static const char *solaris_driver = "/dev/audio"; static void ALCsolarisBackend_Construct(ALCsolarisBackend *self, ALCdevice *device) { new (self) ALCsolarisBackend{}; ALCbackend_Construct(STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend, self), device); SET_VTABLE2(ALCsolarisBackend, ALCbackend, self); self->fd = -1; self->mix_data = nullptr; ATOMIC_INIT(&self->killNow, AL_FALSE); } static void ALCsolarisBackend_Destruct(ALCsolarisBackend *self) { if(self->fd != -1) close(self->fd); self->fd = -1; free(self->mix_data); self->mix_data = nullptr; self->data_size = 0; ALCbackend_Destruct(STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend, self)); self->~ALCsolarisBackend(); } static int ALCsolarisBackend_mixerProc(void *ptr) { ALCsolarisBackend *self = static_cast<ALCsolarisBackend*>(ptr); ALCdevice *device = STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend, self)->mDevice; struct timeval timeout; ALubyte *write_ptr; ALint frame_size; ALint to_write; ssize_t wrote; fd_set wfds; int sret; SetRTPriority(); althrd_setname(althrd_current(), MIXER_THREAD_NAME); frame_size = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType, device->AmbiOrder); ALCsolarisBackend_lock(self); while(!ATOMIC_LOAD(&self->killNow, almemory_order_acquire) && ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->Connected, almemory_order_acquire)) { FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(self->fd, &wfds); timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ALCsolarisBackend_unlock(self); sret = select(self->fd+1, nullptr, &wfds, nullptr, &timeout); ALCsolarisBackend_lock(self); if(sret < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) continue; ERR("select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); aluHandleDisconnect(device, "Failed to wait for playback buffer: %s", strerror(errno)); break; } else if(sret == 0) { WARN("select timeout\n"); continue; } write_ptr = self->mix_data; to_write = self->data_size; aluMixData(device, write_ptr, to_write/frame_size); while(to_write > 0 && !ATOMIC_LOAD_SEQ(&self->killNow)) { wrote = write(self->fd, write_ptr, to_write); if(wrote < 0) { if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR) continue; ERR("write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); aluHandleDisconnect(device, "Failed to write playback samples: %s", strerror(errno)); break; } to_write -= wrote; write_ptr += wrote; } } ALCsolarisBackend_unlock(self); return 0; } static ALCenum ALCsolarisBackend_open(ALCsolarisBackend *self, const ALCchar *name) { ALCdevice *device; if(!name) name = solaris_device; else if(strcmp(name, solaris_device) != 0) return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; self->fd = open(solaris_driver, O_WRONLY); if(self->fd == -1) { ERR("Could not open %s: %s\n", solaris_driver, strerror(errno)); return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; } device = STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend,self)->mDevice; al_free(device->DeviceName); device->DeviceName = alstrdup(name); return ALC_NO_ERROR; } static ALCboolean ALCsolarisBackend_reset(ALCsolarisBackend *self) { ALCdevice *device = STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend,self)->mDevice; audio_info_t info; ALsizei frameSize; ALsizei numChannels; AUDIO_INITINFO(&info); info.play.sample_rate = device->Frequency; if(device->FmtChans != DevFmtMono) device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; numChannels = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->AmbiOrder); info.play.channels = numChannels; switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtByte: info.play.precision = 8; info.play.encoding = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR; break; case DevFmtUByte: info.play.precision = 8; info.play.encoding = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR8; break; case DevFmtUShort: case DevFmtInt: case DevFmtUInt: case DevFmtFloat: device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtShort: info.play.precision = 16; info.play.encoding = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR; break; } frameSize = numChannels * BytesFromDevFmt(device->FmtType); info.play.buffer_size = device->UpdateSize*device->NumUpdates * frameSize; if(ioctl(self->fd, AUDIO_SETINFO, &info) < 0) { ERR("ioctl failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ALC_FALSE; } if(ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->AmbiOrder) != (ALsizei)info.play.channels) { ERR("Failed to set %s, got %u channels instead\n", DevFmtChannelsString(device->FmtChans), info.play.channels); return ALC_FALSE; } if(!((info.play.precision == 8 && info.play.encoding == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR8 && device->FmtType == DevFmtUByte) || (info.play.precision == 8 && info.play.encoding == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR && device->FmtType == DevFmtByte) || (info.play.precision == 16 && info.play.encoding == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR && device->FmtType == DevFmtShort) || (info.play.precision == 32 && info.play.encoding == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR && device->FmtType == DevFmtInt))) { ERR("Could not set %s samples, got %d (0x%x)\n", DevFmtTypeString(device->FmtType), info.play.precision, info.play.encoding); return ALC_FALSE; } device->Frequency = info.play.sample_rate; device->UpdateSize = (info.play.buffer_size/device->NumUpdates) + 1; SetDefaultChannelOrder(device); free(self->mix_data); self->data_size = device->UpdateSize * FrameSizeFromDevFmt( device->FmtChans, device->FmtType, device->AmbiOrder ); self->mix_data = static_cast<ALubyte*>(calloc(1, self->data_size)); return ALC_TRUE; } static ALCboolean ALCsolarisBackend_start(ALCsolarisBackend *self) { ATOMIC_STORE_SEQ(&self->killNow, AL_FALSE); if(althrd_create(&self->thread, ALCsolarisBackend_mixerProc, self) != althrd_success) return ALC_FALSE; return ALC_TRUE; } static void ALCsolarisBackend_stop(ALCsolarisBackend *self) { int res; if(ATOMIC_EXCHANGE_SEQ(&self->killNow, AL_TRUE)) return; althrd_join(self->thread, &res); if(ioctl(self->fd, AUDIO_DRAIN) < 0) ERR("Error draining device: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } BackendFactory &SolarisBackendFactory::getFactory() { static SolarisBackendFactory factory{}; return factory; } bool SolarisBackendFactory::init() { ConfigValueStr(nullptr, "solaris", "device", &solaris_driver); return true; } bool SolarisBackendFactory::querySupport(ALCbackend_Type type) { return (type == ALCbackend_Playback); } void SolarisBackendFactory::probe(enum DevProbe type, std::string *outnames) { switch(type) { case ALL_DEVICE_PROBE: { #ifdef HAVE_STAT struct stat buf; if(stat(solaris_driver, &buf) == 0) #endif outnames->append(solaris_device, sizeof(solaris_device)); } break; case CAPTURE_DEVICE_PROBE: break; } } ALCbackend *SolarisBackendFactory::createBackend(ALCdevice *device, ALCbackend_Type type) { if(type == ALCbackend_Playback) { ALCsolarisBackend *backend; NEW_OBJ(backend, ALCsolarisBackend)(device); if(!backend) return nullptr; return STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend, backend); } return nullptr; }