path: root/alc/effects/pshifter.cpp
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1 files changed, 46 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/alc/effects/pshifter.cpp b/alc/effects/pshifter.cpp
index 0156d777..f0a4c1dd 100644
--- a/alc/effects/pshifter.cpp
+++ b/alc/effects/pshifter.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ std::array<double,STFT_SIZE> InitHannWindow()
for(size_t i{0};i < STFT_SIZE>>1;i++)
constexpr double scale{al::numbers::pi / double{STFT_SIZE}};
- const double val{std::sin(static_cast<double>(i+1) * scale)};
+ const double val{std::sin((static_cast<double>(i)+0.5) * scale)};
ret[i] = ret[STFT_SIZE-1-i] = val * val;
return ret;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ alignas(16) const std::array<double,STFT_SIZE> HannWindow = InitHannWindow();
struct FrequencyBin {
- double Amplitude;
+ double Magnitude;
double FreqBin;
@@ -191,31 +191,39 @@ void PshifterState::process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span<const Float
for(size_t k{0u};k < STFT_HALF_SIZE+1;k++)
- const double amplitude{std::abs(mFftBuffer[k])};
+ const double magnitude{std::abs(mFftBuffer[k])};
const double phase{std::arg(mFftBuffer[k])};
- /* Compute phase difference and subtract expected phase difference */
- double tmp{(phase - mLastPhase[k]) - static_cast<double>(k)*expected_cycles};
+ /* Compute the phase difference from the last update and subtract
+ * the expected phase difference for this bin.
+ *
+ * When oversampling, the expected offset increments by 1/OVERSAMP
+ * for every frequency bin. So, the offset wraps every 'OVERSAMP'
+ * bin.
+ */
+ const double expected_diff{static_cast<double>(k&(OVERSAMP-1)) * expected_cycles};
+ double tmp{(phase - mLastPhase[k]) - expected_diff};
+ /* Store the actual phase[k] for the next update. */
+ mLastPhase[k] = phase;
- /* Map delta phase into +/- Pi interval */
- int qpd{double2int(tmp / al::numbers::pi)};
+ /* Wrap the phase delta between -pi and +pi. */
+ int qpd{double2int(tmp * al::numbers::inv_pi)};
tmp -= al::numbers::pi * (qpd + (qpd%2));
- /* Get deviation from bin frequency from the +/- Pi interval */
- tmp /= expected_cycles;
+ /* Get deviation from bin frequency, accounting for oversampling. */
+ tmp *= OVERSAMP * al::numbers::inv_pi * 0.5;
- /* Compute the k-th partials' true frequency and store the
- * amplitude and frequency bin in the analysis buffer.
+ /* Compute the k-th partials' frequency bin target and store the
+ * magnitude and frequency bin in the analysis buffer. We don't
+ * need the "true frequency" since it's a linear relationship with
+ * the bin.
- mAnalysisBuffer[k].Amplitude = amplitude;
+ mAnalysisBuffer[k].Magnitude = magnitude;
mAnalysisBuffer[k].FreqBin = static_cast<double>(k) + tmp;
- /* Store the actual phase[k] for the next frame. */
- mLastPhase[k] = phase;
/* Shift the frequency bins according to the pitch adjustment,
- * accumulating the amplitudes of overlapping frequency bins.
+ * accumulating the magnitudes of overlapping frequency bins.
std::fill(mSynthesisBuffer.begin(), mSynthesisBuffer.end(), FrequencyBin{});
const size_t bin_count{minz(STFT_HALF_SIZE+1,
@@ -223,8 +231,14 @@ void PshifterState::process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span<const Float
for(size_t k{0u};k < bin_count;k++)
const size_t j{(k*mPitchShiftI + (MixerFracOne>>1)) >> MixerFracBits};
- mSynthesisBuffer[j].Amplitude += mAnalysisBuffer[k].Amplitude;
- mSynthesisBuffer[j].FreqBin = mAnalysisBuffer[k].FreqBin * mPitchShift;
+ /* If more than two bins end up together, use the target frequency
+ * bin for the one with the dominant magnitude. There might be a
+ * better way to handle this, but it's better than last-index-wins.
+ */
+ if(mAnalysisBuffer[k].Magnitude > mSynthesisBuffer[j].Magnitude)
+ mSynthesisBuffer[j].FreqBin = mAnalysisBuffer[k].FreqBin * mPitchShift;
+ mSynthesisBuffer[j].Magnitude += mAnalysisBuffer[k].Magnitude;
/* Reconstruct the frequency-domain signal from the adjusted frequency
@@ -232,15 +246,25 @@ void PshifterState::process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span<const Float
for(size_t k{0u};k < STFT_HALF_SIZE+1;k++)
- /* Calculate actual delta phase and accumulate it to get bin phase */
- mSumPhase[k] += mSynthesisBuffer[k].FreqBin * expected_cycles;
+ /* Calculate the actual delta phase for this bin's target frequency
+ * bin, and accumulate it to get the actual bin phase.
+ */
+ double tmp{mSumPhase[k] + mSynthesisBuffer[k].FreqBin*expected_cycles};
+ /* Wrap between -pi and +pi for the sum. If mSumPhase is left to
+ * grow indefinitely, it will lose precision and produce less exact
+ * phase over time.
+ */
+ int qpd{double2int(tmp * al::numbers::inv_pi)};
+ tmp -= al::numbers::pi * (qpd + (qpd%2));
+ mSumPhase[k] = tmp;
- mFftBuffer[k] = std::polar(mSynthesisBuffer[k].Amplitude, mSumPhase[k]);
+ mFftBuffer[k] = std::polar(mSynthesisBuffer[k].Magnitude, mSumPhase[k]);
for(size_t k{STFT_HALF_SIZE+1};k < STFT_SIZE;++k)
mFftBuffer[k] = std::conj(mFftBuffer[STFT_SIZE-k]);
- /* Apply an inverse FFT to get the time-domain siganl, and accumulate
+ /* Apply an inverse FFT to get the time-domain signal, and accumulate
* for the output with windowing.