path: root/alc/context.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/alc/context.cpp b/alc/context.cpp
index 755a1e41..0c8253fb 100644
--- a/alc/context.cpp
+++ b/alc/context.cpp
@@ -304,111 +304,6 @@ void ALCcontext::applyAllUpdates()
-void ALCcontext::sendDebugMessage(DebugSource source, DebugType type, ALuint id,
- DebugSeverity severity, ALsizei length, const char *message)
- static_assert(DebugSeverityBase+DebugSeverityCount <= 32, "Too many debug bits");
- /* MaxDebugMessageLength is the size including the null terminator,
- * <length> does not include the null terminator.
- */
- if(length < 0)
- {
- size_t newlen{std::strlen(message)};
- if(newlen >= MaxDebugMessageLength) UNLIKELY
- {
- ERR("Debug message too long (%zu >= %d)\n", newlen, MaxDebugMessageLength);
- return;
- }
- length = static_cast<ALsizei>(newlen);
- }
- else if(length >= MaxDebugMessageLength) UNLIKELY
- {
- ERR("Debug message too long (%d >= %d)\n", length, MaxDebugMessageLength);
- return;
- }
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> debuglock{mDebugCbLock};
- DebugGroup &debug = mDebugGroups.back();
- if(!mDebugEnabled.load()) UNLIKELY
- return;
- auto get_source_enum = [source]()
- {
- switch(source)
- {
- case DebugSource::API: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_SOFT;
- case DebugSource::System: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_SOFT;
- case DebugSource::ThirdParty: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_SOFT;
- case DebugSource::Application: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_SOFT;
- case DebugSource::Other: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_SOFT;
- }
- throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected debug source value "+std::to_string(al::to_underlying(source))};
- };
- auto get_type_enum = [type]()
- {
- switch(type)
- {
- case DebugType::Error: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_SOFT;
- case DebugType::DeprecatedBehavior: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT;
- case DebugType::UndefinedBehavior: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT;
- case DebugType::Portability: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_SOFT;
- case DebugType::Performance: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_SOFT;
- case DebugType::Marker: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_SOFT;
- case DebugType::Other: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_SOFT;
- }
- throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected debug type value "+std::to_string(al::to_underlying(type))};
- };
- auto get_severity_enum = [severity]()
- {
- switch(severity)
- {
- case DebugSeverity::High: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_SOFT;
- case DebugSeverity::Medium: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_SOFT;
- case DebugSeverity::Low: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_SOFT;
- case DebugSeverity::Notification: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_SOFT;
- }
- throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected debug severity value "+std::to_string(al::to_underlying(severity))};
- };
- const uint64_t idfilter{(1_u64 << (DebugSourceBase+al::to_underlying(source)))
- | (1_u64 << (DebugTypeBase+al::to_underlying(type)))
- | (uint64_t{id} << 32)};
- auto iditer = std::lower_bound(debug.mIdFilters.cbegin(), debug.mIdFilters.cend(), idfilter);
- if(iditer != debug.mIdFilters.cend() && *iditer == idfilter)
- return;
- const uint filter{(1u << (DebugSourceBase+al::to_underlying(source)))
- | (1u << (DebugTypeBase+al::to_underlying(type)))
- | (1u << (DebugSeverityBase+al::to_underlying(severity)))};
- auto iter = std::lower_bound(debug.mFilters.cbegin(), debug.mFilters.cend(), filter);
- if(iter != debug.mFilters.cend() && *iter == filter)
- return;
- if(mDebugCb)
- {
- auto callback = mDebugCb;
- auto param = mDebugParam;
- debuglock.unlock();
- callback(get_source_enum(), get_type_enum(), id, get_severity_enum(), length, message,
- param);
- }
- else
- {
- if(mDebugLog.size() < MaxDebugLoggedMessages)
- mDebugLog.emplace_back(source, type, id, severity, message);
- ERR("Debug message log overflow. Lost message:\n"
- " Source: 0x%04x\n"
- " Type: 0x%04x\n"
- " ID: %u\n"
- " Severity: 0x%04x\n"
- " Message: \"%s\"\n",
- get_source_enum(), get_type_enum(), id, get_severity_enum(), message);
- }
namespace {