/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.cpp Content : Win32 HID device implementation. Created : February 22, 2013 Authors : Lee Cooper Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.1 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *************************************************************************************/ #include "OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h" #include "OVR_Win32_DeviceManager.h" #include "Kernel/OVR_System.h" #include "Kernel/OVR_Log.h" namespace OVR { namespace Win32 { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HIDDevicePathWrapper is a simple class used to extract HID device file path // through SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail. We use a class since this is a bit messy. class HIDDevicePathWrapper { SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA_A* pData; public: HIDDevicePathWrapper() : pData(0) { } ~HIDDevicePathWrapper() { if (pData) OVR_FREE(pData); } const char* GetPath() const { return pData ? pData->DevicePath : 0; } bool InitPathFromInterfaceData(HDEVINFO hdevInfoSet, SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA* pidata); }; bool HIDDevicePathWrapper::InitPathFromInterfaceData(HDEVINFO hdevInfoSet, SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA* pidata) { DWORD detailSize = 0; // SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA returns "not enough buffer error code" // doe size request. Just check valid size. SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA(hdevInfoSet, pidata, NULL, 0, &detailSize, NULL); if (!detailSize || ((pData = (SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA_A*)OVR_ALLOC(detailSize)) == 0)) return false; pData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA_A); if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA(hdevInfoSet, pidata, pData, detailSize, NULL, NULL)) return false; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // **** Win32::DeviceManager HIDDeviceManager::HIDDeviceManager(DeviceManager* manager) : Manager(manager) { hHidLib = ::LoadLibraryA("hid.dll"); OVR_ASSERT_LOG(hHidLib, ("Couldn't load Win32 'hid.dll'.")); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetHidGuid); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_SetNumInputBuffers); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetFeature); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_SetFeature); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetAttributes); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetManufacturerString); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetProductString); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetSerialNumberString); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetPreparsedData); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidD_FreePreparsedData); OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(HidP_GetCaps); if (HidD_GetHidGuid) HidD_GetHidGuid(&HidGuid); } HIDDeviceManager::~HIDDeviceManager() { ::FreeLibrary(hHidLib); } bool HIDDeviceManager::Initialize() { return true; } void HIDDeviceManager::Shutdown() { LogText("OVR::Win32::HIDDeviceManager - shutting down.\n"); } bool HIDDeviceManager::Enumerate(HIDEnumerateVisitor* enumVisitor) { HDEVINFO hdevInfoSet; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData; interfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(interfaceData); // Get handle to info data set describing all available HIDs. hdevInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevsA(&HidGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE | DIGCF_PRESENT); if (hdevInfoSet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; for(int deviceIndex = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hdevInfoSet, NULL, &HidGuid, deviceIndex, &interfaceData); deviceIndex++) { // For each device, we extract its file path and open it to get attributes, // such as vendor and product id. If anything goes wrong, we move onto next device. HIDDevicePathWrapper pathWrapper; if (!pathWrapper.InitPathFromInterfaceData(hdevInfoSet, &interfaceData)) continue; // Look for the device to check if it is already opened. Ptr<DeviceCreateDesc> existingDevice = Manager->FindDevice(pathWrapper.GetPath()); // if device exists and it is opened then most likely the CreateHIDFile // will fail; therefore, we just set Enumerated to 'true' and continue. if (existingDevice && existingDevice->pDevice) { existingDevice->Enumerated = true; continue; } // open device in non-exclusive mode for detection... HANDLE hidDev = CreateHIDFile(pathWrapper.GetPath(), false); if (hidDev == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) continue; HIDDeviceDesc devDesc; devDesc.Path = pathWrapper.GetPath(); if (initVendorProductVersion(hidDev, &devDesc) && enumVisitor->MatchVendorProduct(devDesc.VendorId, devDesc.ProductId) && initUsage(hidDev, &devDesc)) { initStrings(hidDev, &devDesc); // Construct minimal device that the visitor callback can get feature reports from. Win32::HIDDevice device(this, hidDev); enumVisitor->Visit(device, devDesc); } ::CloseHandle(hidDev); } SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hdevInfoSet); return true; } bool HIDDeviceManager::GetHIDDeviceDesc(const String& path, HIDDeviceDesc* pdevDesc) const { // open device in non-exclusive mode for detection... HANDLE hidDev = CreateHIDFile(path, false); if (hidDev == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; pdevDesc->Path = path; bool succ = getFullDesc(hidDev, pdevDesc); ::CloseHandle(hidDev); return succ; } OVR::HIDDevice* HIDDeviceManager::Open(const String& path) { Ptr<Win32::HIDDevice> device = *new Win32::HIDDevice(this); if (device->HIDInitialize(path)) { device->AddRef(); return device; } return NULL; } bool HIDDeviceManager::getFullDesc(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const { if (!initVendorProductVersion(hidDev, desc)) { return false; } if (!initUsage(hidDev, desc)) { return false; } initStrings(hidDev, desc); return true; } bool HIDDeviceManager::initVendorProductVersion(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const { HIDD_ATTRIBUTES attr; attr.Size = sizeof(attr); if (!HidD_GetAttributes(hidDev, &attr)) return false; desc->VendorId = attr.VendorID; desc->ProductId = attr.ProductID; desc->VersionNumber = attr.VersionNumber; return true; } bool HIDDeviceManager::initUsage(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const { bool result = false; HIDP_CAPS caps; HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA* preparsedData = 0; if (!HidD_GetPreparsedData(hidDev, &preparsedData)) return false; if (HidP_GetCaps(preparsedData, &caps) == HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { desc->Usage = caps.Usage; desc->UsagePage = caps.UsagePage; result = true; } HidD_FreePreparsedData(preparsedData); return result; } void HIDDeviceManager::initStrings(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const { // Documentation mentions 126 as being the max for USB. wchar_t strBuffer[196]; // HidD_Get*String functions return nothing in buffer on failure, // so it's ok to do this without further error checking. strBuffer[0] = 0; HidD_GetManufacturerString(hidDev, strBuffer, sizeof(strBuffer)); desc->Manufacturer = strBuffer; strBuffer[0] = 0; HidD_GetProductString(hidDev, strBuffer, sizeof(strBuffer)); desc->Product = strBuffer; strBuffer[0] = 0; HidD_GetSerialNumberString(hidDev, strBuffer, sizeof(strBuffer)); desc->SerialNumber = strBuffer; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // **** Win32::HIDDevice HIDDevice::HIDDevice(HIDDeviceManager* manager) : HIDManager(manager), inMinimalMode(false), Device(0), ReadRequested(false) { memset(&ReadOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); } // This is a minimal constructor used during enumeration for us to pass // a HIDDevice to the visit function (so that it can query feature reports). HIDDevice::HIDDevice(HIDDeviceManager* manager, HANDLE device) : HIDManager(manager), inMinimalMode(true), Device(device), ReadRequested(true) { memset(&ReadOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); } HIDDevice::~HIDDevice() { if (!inMinimalMode) { HIDShutdown(); } } bool HIDDevice::HIDInitialize(const String& path) { DevDesc.Path = path; if (!openDevice()) { LogText("OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Failed to open HIDDevice: ", path); return false; } HIDManager->Manager->pThread->AddTicksNotifier(this); HIDManager->Manager->pThread->AddMessageNotifier(this); LogText("OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Opened '%s'\n" " Manufacturer:'%s' Product:'%s' Serial#:'%s' Version:'%x'\n", DevDesc.Path.ToCStr(), DevDesc.Manufacturer.ToCStr(), DevDesc.Product.ToCStr(), DevDesc.SerialNumber.ToCStr(), DevDesc.VersionNumber); return true; } bool HIDDevice::initInfo() { // Device must have been successfully opened. OVR_ASSERT(Device); // Get report lengths. HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA* preparsedData = 0; if (!HIDManager->HidD_GetPreparsedData(Device, &preparsedData)) { return false; } HIDP_CAPS caps; if (HIDManager->HidP_GetCaps(preparsedData, &caps) != HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { HIDManager->HidD_FreePreparsedData(preparsedData); return false; } InputReportBufferLength = caps.InputReportByteLength; OutputReportBufferLength = caps.OutputReportByteLength; FeatureReportBufferLength= caps.FeatureReportByteLength; HIDManager->HidD_FreePreparsedData(preparsedData); if (ReadBufferSize < InputReportBufferLength) { OVR_ASSERT_LOG(false, ("Input report buffer length is bigger than read buffer.")); return false; } // Get device desc. if (!HIDManager->getFullDesc(Device, &DevDesc)) { OVR_ASSERT_LOG(false, ("Failed to get device desc while initializing device.")); return false; } return true; } bool HIDDevice::openDevice() { memset(&ReadOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); Device = HIDManager->CreateHIDFile(DevDesc.Path.ToCStr()); if (Device == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("Failed 'CreateHIDFile' while opening device, error = 0x%X.", ::GetLastError())); Device = 0; return false; } if (!HIDManager->HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(Device, 128)) { OVR_ASSERT_LOG(false, ("Failed 'HidD_SetNumInputBuffers' while initializing device.")); ::CloseHandle(Device); Device = 0; return false; } // Create a manual-reset non-signaled event. ReadOverlapped.hEvent = ::CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); if (!ReadOverlapped.hEvent) { OVR_ASSERT_LOG(false, ("Failed to create event.")); ::CloseHandle(Device); Device = 0; return false; } if (!initInfo()) { OVR_ASSERT_LOG(false, ("Failed to get HIDDevice info.")); ::CloseHandle(ReadOverlapped.hEvent); memset(&ReadOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); ::CloseHandle(Device); Device = 0; return false; } if (!initializeRead()) { OVR_ASSERT_LOG(false, ("Failed to get intialize read for HIDDevice.")); ::CloseHandle(ReadOverlapped.hEvent); memset(&ReadOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); ::CloseHandle(Device); Device = 0; return false; } return true; } void HIDDevice::HIDShutdown() { HIDManager->Manager->pThread->RemoveTicksNotifier(this); HIDManager->Manager->pThread->RemoveMessageNotifier(this); closeDevice(); LogText("OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Closed '%s'\n", DevDesc.Path.ToCStr()); } bool HIDDevice::initializeRead() { if (!ReadRequested) { HIDManager->Manager->pThread->AddOverlappedEvent(this, ReadOverlapped.hEvent); ReadRequested = true; } // Read resets the event... while(::ReadFile(Device, ReadBuffer, InputReportBufferLength, 0, &ReadOverlapped)) { processReadResult(); } if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // Some other error (such as unplugged). closeDeviceOnIOError(); return false; } return true; } bool HIDDevice::processReadResult() { OVR_ASSERT(ReadRequested); DWORD bytesRead = 0; if (GetOverlappedResult(Device, &ReadOverlapped, &bytesRead, FALSE)) { // We've got data. if (Handler) { Handler->OnInputReport(ReadBuffer, bytesRead); } // TBD: Not needed? // Event should be reset by Read call... ReadOverlapped.Pointer = 0; ReadOverlapped.Internal = 0; ReadOverlapped.InternalHigh = 0; return true; } else { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { closeDeviceOnIOError(); return false; } } return false; } void HIDDevice::closeDevice() { if (ReadRequested) { HIDManager->Manager->pThread->RemoveOverlappedEvent(this, ReadOverlapped.hEvent); ReadRequested = false; // Must call this to avoid Win32 assertion; CloseHandle is not enough. ::CancelIo(Device); } ::CloseHandle(ReadOverlapped.hEvent); memset(&ReadOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); ::CloseHandle(Device); Device = 0; } void HIDDevice::closeDeviceOnIOError() { LogText("OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Lost connection to '%s'\n", DevDesc.Path.ToCStr()); closeDevice(); } bool HIDDevice::SetFeatureReport(UByte* data, UInt32 length) { if (!ReadRequested) return false; BOOLEAN res = HIDManager->HidD_SetFeature(Device, data, (ULONG) length); return (res == TRUE); } bool HIDDevice::GetFeatureReport(UByte* data, UInt32 length) { if (!ReadRequested) return false; BOOLEAN res = HIDManager->HidD_GetFeature(Device, data, (ULONG) length); return (res == TRUE); } void HIDDevice::OnOverlappedEvent(HANDLE hevent) { OVR_UNUSED(hevent); OVR_ASSERT(hevent == ReadOverlapped.hEvent); if (processReadResult()) { // Proceed to read again. initializeRead(); } } double HIDDevice::OnTicks(double tickSeconds) { if (Handler) { return Handler->OnTicks(tickSeconds); } return DeviceManagerThread::Notifier::OnTicks(tickSeconds); } bool HIDDevice::OnDeviceMessage(DeviceMessageType messageType, const String& devicePath, bool* error) { // Is this the correct device? if (DevDesc.Path.CompareNoCase(devicePath) != 0) { return false; } if (messageType == DeviceMessage_DeviceAdded && !Device) { // A closed device has been re-added. Try to reopen. if (!openDevice()) { LogError("OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Failed to reopen a device '%s' that was re-added.\n", devicePath.ToCStr()); *error = true; return true; } LogText("OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Reopened device '%s'\n", devicePath.ToCStr()); } HIDHandler::HIDDeviceMessageType handlerMessageType = HIDHandler::HIDDeviceMessage_DeviceAdded; if (messageType == DeviceMessage_DeviceAdded) { } else if (messageType == DeviceMessage_DeviceRemoved) { handlerMessageType = HIDHandler::HIDDeviceMessage_DeviceRemoved; } else { OVR_ASSERT(0); } if (Handler) { Handler->OnDeviceMessage(handlerMessageType); } *error = false; return true; } HIDDeviceManager* HIDDeviceManager::CreateInternal(Win32::DeviceManager* devManager) { if (!System::IsInitialized()) { // Use custom message, since Log is not yet installed. OVR_DEBUG_STATEMENT(Log::GetDefaultLog()-> LogMessage(Log_Debug, "HIDDeviceManager::Create failed - OVR::System not initialized"); ); return 0; } Ptr<Win32::HIDDeviceManager> manager = *new Win32::HIDDeviceManager(devManager); if (manager) { if (manager->Initialize()) { manager->AddRef(); } else { manager.Clear(); } } return manager.GetPtr(); } } // namespace Win32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** Creation // Creates a new HIDDeviceManager and initializes OVR. HIDDeviceManager* HIDDeviceManager::Create(Ptr<OVR::DeviceManager>& deviceManager) { if (!System::IsInitialized()) { // Use custom message, since Log is not yet installed. OVR_DEBUG_STATEMENT(Log::GetDefaultLog()-> LogMessage(Log_Debug, "HIDDeviceManager::Create failed - OVR::System not initialized"); ); return 0; } Ptr<Win32::DeviceManager> deviceManagerWin32 = *new Win32::DeviceManager; if (!deviceManagerWin32) { return NULL; } if (!deviceManagerWin32->Initialize(0)) { return NULL; } deviceManager = deviceManagerWin32; return deviceManagerWin32->GetHIDDeviceManager(); } } // namespace OVR