/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVR_Stereo.cpp Content : Stereo rendering functions Created : November 30, 2013 Authors : Tom Fosyth Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.2 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *************************************************************************************/ #include "OVR_Stereo.h" #include "OVR_Profile.h" #include "Kernel/OVR_Log.h" #include "Kernel/OVR_Alg.h" #include "Util/Util_Render_Stereo.h" // DistortionMeshCreate //To allow custom distortion to be introduced to CatMulSpline. float (*CustomDistortion)(float) = nullptr; float (*CustomDistortionInv)(float) = nullptr; namespace OVR { using namespace Alg; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inputs are 4 points (pFitX[0],pFitY[0]) through (pFitX[3],pFitY[3]) // Result is four coefficients in pResults[0] through pResults[3] such that // y = pResult[0] + x * ( pResult[1] + x * ( pResult[2] + x * ( pResult[3] ) ) ); // passes through all four input points. // Return is true if it succeeded, false if it failed (because two control points // have the same pFitX value). bool FitCubicPolynomial ( float *pResult, const float *pFitX, const float *pFitY ) { float d0 = ( ( pFitX[0]-pFitX[1] ) * ( pFitX[0]-pFitX[2] ) * ( pFitX[0]-pFitX[3] ) ); float d1 = ( ( pFitX[1]-pFitX[2] ) * ( pFitX[1]-pFitX[3] ) * ( pFitX[1]-pFitX[0] ) ); float d2 = ( ( pFitX[2]-pFitX[3] ) * ( pFitX[2]-pFitX[0] ) * ( pFitX[2]-pFitX[1] ) ); float d3 = ( ( pFitX[3]-pFitX[0] ) * ( pFitX[3]-pFitX[1] ) * ( pFitX[3]-pFitX[2] ) ); if ( ( d0 == 0.0f ) || ( d1 == 0.0f ) || ( d2 == 0.0f ) || ( d3 == 0.0f ) ) { return false; } float f0 = pFitY[0] / d0; float f1 = pFitY[1] / d1; float f2 = pFitY[2] / d2; float f3 = pFitY[3] / d3; pResult[0] = -( f0*pFitX[1]*pFitX[2]*pFitX[3] + f1*pFitX[0]*pFitX[2]*pFitX[3] + f2*pFitX[0]*pFitX[1]*pFitX[3] + f3*pFitX[0]*pFitX[1]*pFitX[2] ); pResult[1] = f0*(pFitX[1]*pFitX[2] + pFitX[2]*pFitX[3] + pFitX[3]*pFitX[1]) + f1*(pFitX[0]*pFitX[2] + pFitX[2]*pFitX[3] + pFitX[3]*pFitX[0]) + f2*(pFitX[0]*pFitX[1] + pFitX[1]*pFitX[3] + pFitX[3]*pFitX[0]) + f3*(pFitX[0]*pFitX[1] + pFitX[1]*pFitX[2] + pFitX[2]*pFitX[0]); pResult[2] = -( f0*(pFitX[1]+pFitX[2]+pFitX[3]) + f1*(pFitX[0]+pFitX[2]+pFitX[3]) + f2*(pFitX[0]+pFitX[1]+pFitX[3]) + f3*(pFitX[0]+pFitX[1]+pFitX[2]) ); pResult[3] = f0 + f1 + f2 + f3; return true; } #define TPH_SPLINE_STATISTICS 0 #if TPH_SPLINE_STATISTICS static float max_scaledVal = 0; static float average_total_out_of_range = 0; static float average_out_of_range; static int num_total = 0; static int num_out_of_range = 0; static int num_out_of_range_over_1 = 0; static int num_out_of_range_over_2 = 0; static int num_out_of_range_over_3 = 0; static float percent_out_of_range; #endif float EvalCatmullRom10Spline ( float const *K, float scaledVal ) { int const NumSegments = LensConfig::NumCoefficients; #if TPH_SPLINE_STATISTICS //Value should be in range of 0 to (NumSegments-1) (typically 10) if spline is valid. Right? if (scaledVal > (NumSegments-1)) { num_out_of_range++; average_total_out_of_range+=scaledVal; average_out_of_range = average_total_out_of_range / ((float) num_out_of_range); percent_out_of_range = 100.0f*(num_out_of_range)/num_total; } if (scaledVal > (NumSegments-1+1)) num_out_of_range_over_1++; if (scaledVal > (NumSegments-1+2)) num_out_of_range_over_2++; if (scaledVal > (NumSegments-1+3)) num_out_of_range_over_3++; num_total++; if (scaledVal > max_scaledVal) { max_scaledVal = scaledVal; max_scaledVal = scaledVal; } #endif float scaledValFloor = floorf ( scaledVal ); scaledValFloor = Alg::Max ( 0.0f, Alg::Min ( (float)(NumSegments-1), scaledValFloor ) ); float t = scaledVal - scaledValFloor; int k = (int)scaledValFloor; float p0, p1; float m0, m1; switch ( k ) { case 0: // Curve starts at 1.0 with gradient K[1]-K[0] p0 = 1.0f; m0 = ( K[1] - K[0] ); // general case would have been (K[1]-K[-1])/2 p1 = K[1]; m1 = 0.5f * ( K[2] - K[0] ); break; default: // General case p0 = K[k ]; m0 = 0.5f * ( K[k+1] - K[k-1] ); p1 = K[k+1]; m1 = 0.5f * ( K[k+2] - K[k ] ); break; case NumSegments-2: // Last tangent is just the slope of the last two points. p0 = K[NumSegments-2]; m0 = 0.5f * ( K[NumSegments-1] - K[NumSegments-3] ); p1 = K[NumSegments-1]; m1 = K[NumSegments-1] - K[NumSegments-2]; break; case NumSegments-1: // Beyond the last segment it's just a straight line p0 = K[NumSegments-1]; m0 = K[NumSegments-1] - K[NumSegments-2]; p1 = p0 + m0; m1 = m0; break; } float omt = 1.0f - t; float res = ( p0 * ( 1.0f + 2.0f * t ) + m0 * t ) * omt * omt + ( p1 * ( 1.0f + 2.0f * omt ) - m1 * omt ) * t * t; return res; } // Converts a Profile eyecup string into an eyecup enumeration void SetEyeCup(HmdRenderInfo* renderInfo, const char* cup) { if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "A") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1A; else if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "B") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1B; else if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "C") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1C; else if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "Orange A") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_OrangeA; else if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "Red A") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_RedA; else if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "Pink A") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_PinkA; else if (OVR_strcmp(cup, "Blue A") == 0) renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_BlueA; else renderInfo->EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1A; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The result is a scaling applied to the distance. float LensConfig::DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared (float rsq) const { float scale = 1.0f; switch ( Eqn ) { case Distortion_Poly4: // This version is deprecated! Prefer one of the other two. scale = ( K[0] + rsq * ( K[1] + rsq * ( K[2] + rsq * K[3] ) ) ); break; case Distortion_RecipPoly4: scale = 1.0f / ( K[0] + rsq * ( K[1] + rsq * ( K[2] + rsq * K[3] ) ) ); break; case Distortion_CatmullRom10:{ // A Catmull-Rom spline through the values 1.0, K[1], K[2] ... K[10] // evenly spaced in R^2 from 0.0 to MaxR^2 // K[0] controls the slope at radius=0.0, rather than the actual value. const int NumSegments = LensConfig::NumCoefficients; OVR_ASSERT ( NumSegments <= NumCoefficients ); float scaledRsq = (float)(NumSegments-1) * rsq / ( MaxR * MaxR ); scale = EvalCatmullRom10Spline ( K, scaledRsq ); //Intercept, and overrule if needed if (CustomDistortion) { scale = CustomDistortion(rsq); } }break; default: OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; } return scale; } // x,y,z components map to r,g,b Vector3f LensConfig::DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquaredChroma (float rsq) const { float scale = DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( rsq ); Vector3f scaleRGB; scaleRGB.x = scale * ( 1.0f + ChromaticAberration[0] + rsq * ChromaticAberration[1] ); // Red scaleRGB.y = scale; // Green scaleRGB.z = scale * ( 1.0f + ChromaticAberration[2] + rsq * ChromaticAberration[3] ); // Blue return scaleRGB; } // DistortionFnInverse computes the inverse of the distortion function on an argument. float LensConfig::DistortionFnInverse(float r) const { OVR_ASSERT((r <= 20.0f)); float s, d; float delta = r * 0.25f; // Better to start guessing too low & take longer to converge than too high // and hit singularities. Empirically, r * 0.5f is too high in some cases. s = r * 0.25f; d = fabs(r - DistortionFn(s)); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { float sUp = s + delta; float sDown = s - delta; float dUp = fabs(r - DistortionFn(sUp)); float dDown = fabs(r - DistortionFn(sDown)); if (dUp < d) { s = sUp; d = dUp; } else if (dDown < d) { s = sDown; d = dDown; } else { delta *= 0.5f; } } return s; } float LensConfig::DistortionFnInverseApprox(float r) const { float rsq = r * r; float scale = 1.0f; switch ( Eqn ) { case Distortion_Poly4: // Deprecated OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; case Distortion_RecipPoly4: scale = 1.0f / ( InvK[0] + rsq * ( InvK[1] + rsq * ( InvK[2] + rsq * InvK[3] ) ) ); break; case Distortion_CatmullRom10:{ // A Catmull-Rom spline through the values 1.0, K[1], K[2] ... K[9] // evenly spaced in R^2 from 0.0 to MaxR^2 // K[0] controls the slope at radius=0.0, rather than the actual value. const int NumSegments = LensConfig::NumCoefficients; OVR_ASSERT ( NumSegments <= NumCoefficients ); float scaledRsq = (float)(NumSegments-1) * rsq / ( MaxInvR * MaxInvR ); scale = EvalCatmullRom10Spline ( InvK, scaledRsq ); //Intercept, and overrule if needed if (CustomDistortionInv) { scale = CustomDistortionInv(rsq); } }break; default: OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; } return r * scale; } void LensConfig::SetUpInverseApprox() { float maxR = MaxInvR; switch ( Eqn ) { case Distortion_Poly4: // Deprecated OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; case Distortion_RecipPoly4:{ float sampleR[4]; float sampleRSq[4]; float sampleInv[4]; float sampleFit[4]; // Found heuristically... sampleR[0] = 0.0f; sampleR[1] = maxR * 0.4f; sampleR[2] = maxR * 0.8f; sampleR[3] = maxR * 1.5f; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { sampleRSq[i] = sampleR[i] * sampleR[i]; sampleInv[i] = DistortionFnInverse ( sampleR[i] ); sampleFit[i] = sampleR[i] / sampleInv[i]; } sampleFit[0] = 1.0f; FitCubicPolynomial ( InvK, sampleRSq, sampleFit ); #if 0 // Should be a nearly exact match on the chosen points. OVR_ASSERT ( fabs ( DistortionFnInverse ( sampleR[0] ) - DistortionFnInverseApprox ( sampleR[0] ) ) / maxR < 0.0001f ); OVR_ASSERT ( fabs ( DistortionFnInverse ( sampleR[1] ) - DistortionFnInverseApprox ( sampleR[1] ) ) / maxR < 0.0001f ); OVR_ASSERT ( fabs ( DistortionFnInverse ( sampleR[2] ) - DistortionFnInverseApprox ( sampleR[2] ) ) / maxR < 0.0001f ); OVR_ASSERT ( fabs ( DistortionFnInverse ( sampleR[3] ) - DistortionFnInverseApprox ( sampleR[3] ) ) / maxR < 0.0001f ); // Should be a decent match on the rest of the range. const int maxCheck = 20; for ( int i = 0; i < maxCheck; i++ ) { float checkR = (float)i * maxR / (float)maxCheck; float realInv = DistortionFnInverse ( checkR ); float testInv = DistortionFnInverseApprox ( checkR ); float error = fabsf ( realInv - testInv ) / maxR; OVR_ASSERT ( error < 0.1f ); } #endif }break; case Distortion_CatmullRom10:{ const int NumSegments = LensConfig::NumCoefficients; OVR_ASSERT ( NumSegments <= NumCoefficients ); for ( int i = 1; i < NumSegments; i++ ) { float scaledRsq = (float)i; float rsq = scaledRsq * MaxInvR * MaxInvR / (float)( NumSegments - 1); float r = sqrtf ( rsq ); float inv = DistortionFnInverse ( r ); InvK[i] = inv / r; InvK[0] = 1.0f; // TODO: fix this. } #if 0 const int maxCheck = 20; for ( int i = 0; i <= maxCheck; i++ ) { float checkR = (float)i * MaxInvR / (float)maxCheck; float realInv = DistortionFnInverse ( checkR ); float testInv = DistortionFnInverseApprox ( checkR ); float error = fabsf ( realInv - testInv ) / MaxR; OVR_ASSERT ( error < 0.01f ); } #endif }break; default: break; } } void LensConfig::SetToIdentity() { for ( int i = 0; i < NumCoefficients; i++ ) { K[i] = 0.0f; InvK[i] = 0.0f; } Eqn = Distortion_RecipPoly4; K[0] = 1.0f; InvK[0] = 1.0f; MaxR = 1.0f; MaxInvR = 1.0f; ChromaticAberration[0] = 0.0f; ChromaticAberration[1] = 0.0f; ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.0f; ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.0f; MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.05f; } enum LensConfigStoredVersion { LCSV_CatmullRom10Version1 = 1 }; // DO NOT CHANGE THESE ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN BAKED INTO FIRMWARE. // If something needs to change, add a new one! struct LensConfigStored_CatmullRom10Version1 { // All these items must be fixed-length integers - no "float", no "int", etc. uint16_t VersionNumber; // Must be LCSV_CatmullRom10Version1 uint16_t K[11]; uint16_t MaxR; uint16_t MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter; uint16_t ChromaticAberration[4]; // InvK and MaxInvR are calculated on load. }; uint16_t EncodeFixedPointUInt16 ( float val, uint16_t zeroVal, int fractionalBits ) { OVR_ASSERT ( ( fractionalBits >= 0 ) && ( fractionalBits < 31 ) ); float valWhole = val * (float)( 1 << fractionalBits ); valWhole += (float)zeroVal + 0.5f; valWhole = floorf ( valWhole ); OVR_ASSERT ( ( valWhole >= 0.0f ) && ( valWhole < (float)( 1 << 16 ) ) ); return (uint16_t)valWhole; } float DecodeFixedPointUInt16 ( uint16_t val, uint16_t zeroVal, int fractionalBits ) { OVR_ASSERT ( ( fractionalBits >= 0 ) && ( fractionalBits < 31 ) ); float valFloat = (float)val; valFloat -= (float)zeroVal; valFloat *= 1.0f / (float)( 1 << fractionalBits ); return valFloat; } // Returns true on success. bool LoadLensConfig ( LensConfig *presult, uint8_t const *pbuffer, int bufferSizeInBytes ) { if ( bufferSizeInBytes < 2 ) { // Can't even tell the version number! return false; } uint16_t version = DecodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 0 ); switch ( version ) { case LCSV_CatmullRom10Version1: { if ( bufferSizeInBytes < (int)sizeof(LensConfigStored_CatmullRom10Version1) ) { return false; } LensConfigStored_CatmullRom10Version1 lcs; lcs.VersionNumber = DecodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) { lcs.K[i] = DecodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 2 + 2*i ); } lcs.MaxR = DecodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 24 ); lcs.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = DecodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 26 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { lcs.ChromaticAberration[i] = DecodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 28 + 2*i ); } OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT ( sizeof(lcs) == 36 ); // Convert to the real thing. LensConfig result; result.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) { // K[] are mostly 1.something. They may get significantly bigger, but they never hit 0.0. result.K[i] = DecodeFixedPointUInt16 ( lcs.K[i], 0, 14 ); } // MaxR is tan(angle), so always >0, typically just over 1.0 (45 degrees half-fov), // but may get arbitrarily high. tan(76)=4 is a very reasonable limit! result.MaxR = DecodeFixedPointUInt16 ( lcs.MaxR, 0, 14 ); // MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter is also known as focal length! // Typically around 0.04 for our current screens, minimum of 0, sensible maximum of 0.125 (i.e. 3 "extra" bits of fraction) result.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = DecodeFixedPointUInt16 ( lcs.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter, 0, 16+3 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // ChromaticAberration[] are mostly 0.0something, centered on 0.0. Largest seen is 0.04, so set max to 0.125 (i.e. 3 "extra" bits of fraction) result.ChromaticAberration[i] = DecodeFixedPointUInt16 ( lcs.ChromaticAberration[i], 0x8000, 16+3 ); } result.MaxInvR = result.DistortionFn ( result.MaxR ); result.SetUpInverseApprox(); OVR_ASSERT ( version == lcs.VersionNumber ); *presult = result; } break; default: // Unknown format. return false; break; } return true; } // Returns number of bytes needed. int SaveLensConfigSizeInBytes ( LensConfig const &config ) { OVR_UNUSED ( config ); return sizeof ( LensConfigStored_CatmullRom10Version1 ); } // Returns true on success. bool SaveLensConfig ( uint8_t *pbuffer, int bufferSizeInBytes, LensConfig const &config ) { if ( bufferSizeInBytes < (int)sizeof ( LensConfigStored_CatmullRom10Version1 ) ) { return false; } // Construct the values. LensConfigStored_CatmullRom10Version1 lcs; lcs.VersionNumber = LCSV_CatmullRom10Version1; for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) { // K[] are mostly 1.something. They may get significantly bigger, but they never hit 0.0. lcs.K[i] = EncodeFixedPointUInt16 ( config.K[i], 0, 14 ); } // MaxR is tan(angle), so always >0, typically just over 1.0 (45 degrees half-fov), // but may get arbitrarily high. tan(76)=4 is a very reasonable limit! lcs.MaxR = EncodeFixedPointUInt16 ( config.MaxR, 0, 14 ); // MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter is also known as focal length! // Typically around 0.04 for our current screens, minimum of 0, sensible maximum of 0.125 (i.e. 3 "extra" bits of fraction) lcs.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = EncodeFixedPointUInt16 ( config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter, 0, 16+3 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // ChromaticAberration[] are mostly 0.0something, centered on 0.0. Largest seen is 0.04, so set max to 0.125 (i.e. 3 "extra" bits of fraction) lcs.ChromaticAberration[i] = EncodeFixedPointUInt16 ( config.ChromaticAberration[i], 0x8000, 16+3 ); } // Now store them out, sensitive to endianness. EncodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 0, lcs.VersionNumber ); for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) { EncodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 2 + 2*i, lcs.K[i] ); } EncodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 24, lcs.MaxR ); EncodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 26, lcs.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { EncodeUInt16 ( pbuffer + 28 + 2*i, lcs.ChromaticAberration[i] ); } OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT ( 36 == sizeof(lcs) ); return true; } #ifdef OVR_BUILD_DEBUG void TestSaveLoadLensConfig ( LensConfig const &config ) { OVR_ASSERT ( config.Eqn == Distortion_CatmullRom10 ); // As a test, make sure this can be encoded and decoded correctly. const int bufferSize = 256; uint8_t buffer[bufferSize]; OVR_ASSERT ( SaveLensConfigSizeInBytes ( config ) < bufferSize ); bool success; success = SaveLensConfig ( buffer, bufferSize, config ); OVR_ASSERT ( success ); LensConfig testConfig; success = LoadLensConfig ( &testConfig, buffer, bufferSize ); OVR_ASSERT ( success ); OVR_ASSERT ( testConfig.Eqn == config.Eqn ); for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) { OVR_ASSERT ( fabs ( testConfig.K[i] - config.K[i] ) < 0.0001f ); } OVR_ASSERT ( fabsf ( testConfig.MaxR - config.MaxR ) < 0.0001f ); OVR_ASSERT ( fabsf ( testConfig.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter - config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter ) < 0.00001f ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { OVR_ASSERT ( fabsf ( testConfig.ChromaticAberration[i] - config.ChromaticAberration[i] ) < 0.00001f ); } } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfileRenderInfo ProfileRenderInfo::ProfileRenderInfo() : EyeCupType(), EyeReliefDial(0) { Eye2Nose[0] = OVR_DEFAULT_IPD * 0.5f; Eye2Nose[1] = OVR_DEFAULT_IPD * 0.5f; Eye2Plate[0] = 0.; Eye2Plate[1] = 0.; } ProfileRenderInfo GenerateProfileRenderInfoFromProfile( HMDInfo const& hmdInfo, Profile const* profile ) { ProfileRenderInfo profileRenderInfo; if (!profile) { LogError("[Stereo] Error: No user profile provided."); OVR_ASSERT(false); return profileRenderInfo; } // Eye cup type char eyecup[16]; if (profile->GetValue(OVR_KEY_EYE_CUP, eyecup, 16)) { profileRenderInfo.EyeCupType = eyecup; } Ptr<Profile> def = *ProfileManager::GetInstance()->GetDefaultProfile(hmdInfo.HmdType); // Set the eye position // Use the user profile value unless they have elected to use the defaults if (!profile->GetBoolValue(OVR_KEY_CUSTOM_EYE_RENDER, true)) { profile = def; // use the default } if (!def) { LogError("[Stereo] Error: No user profile provided."); OVR_ASSERT(false); return profileRenderInfo; } // Username char user[32] = {}; profile->GetValue(OVR_KEY_USER, user, 32); // for debugging purposes // TBD: Maybe we should separate custom camera positioning from custom distortion rendering ?? float ipd = OVR_DEFAULT_IPD; if (profile->GetFloatValues(OVR_KEY_EYE_TO_NOSE_DISTANCE, profileRenderInfo.Eye2Nose, 2) != 2) { // Legacy profiles may not include half-ipd, so use the regular IPD value instead ipd = profile->GetFloatValue(OVR_KEY_IPD, OVR_DEFAULT_IPD); } const float ipd_div2 = ipd * 0.5f; profileRenderInfo.Eye2Nose[0] = ipd_div2; profileRenderInfo.Eye2Nose[1] = ipd_div2; if ((profile->GetFloatValues(OVR_KEY_MAX_EYE_TO_PLATE_DISTANCE, profileRenderInfo.Eye2Plate, 2) != 2) && (def->GetFloatValues(OVR_KEY_MAX_EYE_TO_PLATE_DISTANCE, profileRenderInfo.Eye2Plate, 2) != 2)) { // We shouldn't be here. The user or default profile should have the eye relief OVR_ASSERT(false); } profileRenderInfo.EyeReliefDial = profile->GetIntValue(OVR_KEY_EYE_RELIEF_DIAL, OVR_DEFAULT_EYE_RELIEF_DIAL); OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("[Stereo] Read profile render info for user '%s'", user)); return profileRenderInfo; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TBD: There is a question of whether this is the best file for CreateDebugHMDInfo. As long as there are many // constants for HmdRenderInfo here as well it is ok. The alternative would be OVR_Common_HMDDevice.cpp, but // that's specialized per platform... should probably move it there onces the code is in the common base class. HMDInfo CreateDebugHMDInfo(HmdTypeEnum hmdType) { HMDInfo info; info.DebugDevice = true; if ((hmdType != HmdType_DK1) && (hmdType != HmdType_CrystalCoveProto) && (hmdType != HmdType_DK2) ) { LogText("Debug HMDInfo - HmdType not supported. Defaulting to DK1.\n"); hmdType = HmdType_DK1; } // The alternative would be to initialize info.HmdType to HmdType_None instead. If we did that, // code wouldn't be "maximally compatible" and devs wouldn't know what device we are // simulating... so if differentiation becomes necessary we better add Debug flag in the future. info.HmdType = hmdType; info.Manufacturer = "Oculus VR"; switch(hmdType) { case HmdType_DK1: info.ProductName = "Oculus Rift DK1"; info.ResolutionInPixels = Sizei ( 1280, 800 ); info.ScreenSizeInMeters = Sizef ( 0.1498f, 0.0936f ); info.ScreenGapSizeInMeters = 0.0f; info.CenterFromTopInMeters = 0.0468f; info.LensSeparationInMeters = 0.0635f; info.PelOffsetR = Vector2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f ); info.PelOffsetB = Vector2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f ); info.Shutter.Type = HmdShutter_RollingTopToBottom; info.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync = ( 1.0f / 60.0f ); info.Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline = 0.000052f; info.Shutter.FirstScanlineToLastScanline = 0.016580f; info.Shutter.PixelSettleTime = 0.015f; info.Shutter.PixelPersistence = ( 1.0f / 60.0f ); break; case HmdType_CrystalCoveProto: info.ProductName = "Oculus Rift Crystal Cove"; info.ResolutionInPixels = Sizei ( 1920, 1080 ); info.ScreenSizeInMeters = Sizef ( 0.12576f, 0.07074f ); info.ScreenGapSizeInMeters = 0.0f; info.CenterFromTopInMeters = info.ScreenSizeInMeters.h * 0.5f; info.LensSeparationInMeters = 0.0635f; info.PelOffsetR = Vector2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f ); info.PelOffsetB = Vector2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f ); info.Shutter.Type = HmdShutter_RollingRightToLeft; info.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync = ( 1.0f / 76.0f ); info.Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline = 0.0000273f; info.Shutter.FirstScanlineToLastScanline = 0.0131033f; info.Shutter.PixelSettleTime = 0.0f; info.Shutter.PixelPersistence = 0.18f * info.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync; break; case HmdType_DK2: info.ProductName = "Oculus Rift DK2"; info.ResolutionInPixels = Sizei ( 1920, 1080 ); info.ScreenSizeInMeters = Sizef ( 0.12576f, 0.07074f ); info.ScreenGapSizeInMeters = 0.0f; info.CenterFromTopInMeters = info.ScreenSizeInMeters.h * 0.5f; info.LensSeparationInMeters = 0.0635f; info.PelOffsetR = Vector2f ( 0.5f, 0.5f ); info.PelOffsetB = Vector2f ( 0.5f, 0.5f ); info.Shutter.Type = HmdShutter_RollingRightToLeft; info.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync = ( 1.0f / 76.0f ); info.Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline = 0.0000273f; info.Shutter.FirstScanlineToLastScanline = 0.0131033f; info.Shutter.PixelSettleTime = 0.0f; info.Shutter.PixelPersistence = 0.18f * info.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync; break; default: break; } return info; } HmdRenderInfo GenerateHmdRenderInfoFromHmdInfo ( HMDInfo const &hmdInfo, ProfileRenderInfo const& profileRenderInfo, DistortionEqnType distortionType /*= Distortion_CatmullRom10*/, EyeCupType eyeCupOverride /*= EyeCup_LAST*/ ) { HmdRenderInfo renderInfo; renderInfo.HmdType = hmdInfo.HmdType; renderInfo.ResolutionInPixels = hmdInfo.ResolutionInPixels; renderInfo.ScreenSizeInMeters = hmdInfo.ScreenSizeInMeters; renderInfo.CenterFromTopInMeters = hmdInfo.CenterFromTopInMeters; renderInfo.ScreenGapSizeInMeters = hmdInfo.ScreenGapSizeInMeters; renderInfo.LensSeparationInMeters = hmdInfo.LensSeparationInMeters; renderInfo.PelOffsetR = hmdInfo.PelOffsetR; renderInfo.PelOffsetB = hmdInfo.PelOffsetB; OVR_ASSERT ( sizeof(renderInfo.Shutter) == sizeof(hmdInfo.Shutter) ); // Try to keep the files in sync! renderInfo.Shutter.Type = hmdInfo.Shutter.Type; renderInfo.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync = hmdInfo.Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync; renderInfo.Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline = hmdInfo.Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline; renderInfo.Shutter.FirstScanlineToLastScanline = hmdInfo.Shutter.FirstScanlineToLastScanline; renderInfo.Shutter.PixelSettleTime = hmdInfo.Shutter.PixelSettleTime; renderInfo.Shutter.PixelPersistence = hmdInfo.Shutter.PixelPersistence; renderInfo.LensDiameterInMeters = 0.035f; renderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters = 0.025f; renderInfo.EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1A; #if defined(OVR_OS_LINUX) // If the Rift is a monitor, if (hmdInfo.InCompatibilityMode) { renderInfo.Rotation = hmdInfo.ShimInfo.Rotation; } else // Direct mode handles rotation internally { #endif renderInfo.Rotation = 0; #if defined(OVR_OS_LINUX) } #endif #if 0 // Device settings are out of date - don't use them. if (Contents & Contents_Distortion) { memcpy(renderInfo.DistortionK, DistortionK, sizeof(float)*4); renderInfo.DistortionEqn = Distortion_RecipPoly4; } #endif // Defaults in case of no user profile. renderInfo.EyeLeft.NoseToPupilInMeters = 0.032f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters = 0.012f; // 10mm eye-relief laser numbers for DK1 lenses. // These are a decent seed for finding eye-relief and IPD. // These are NOT used for rendering! // Rendering distortions are now in GenerateLensConfigFromEyeRelief() // So, if you're hacking in new distortions, don't do it here! renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.SetToIdentity(); renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.0449f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.Eqn = Distortion_RecipPoly4; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.K[0] = 1.0f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.K[1] = -0.494165344f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.K[2] = 0.587046423f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.K[3] = -0.841887126f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.MaxR = 1.0f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.ChromaticAberration[0] = -0.006f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.ChromaticAberration[1] = 0.0f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.014f; renderInfo.EyeLeft.Distortion.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.0f; renderInfo.EyeRight = renderInfo.EyeLeft; // Set eye cup type SetEyeCup(&renderInfo, profileRenderInfo.EyeCupType.ToCStr()); switch ( hmdInfo.HmdType ) { case HmdType_None: case HmdType_DKProto: case HmdType_DK1: // Slight hack to improve usability. // If you have a DKHD-style lens profile enabled, // but you plug in DK1 and forget to change the profile, // obviously you don't want those lens numbers. if ( ( renderInfo.EyeCups != EyeCup_DK1A ) && ( renderInfo.EyeCups != EyeCup_DK1B ) && ( renderInfo.EyeCups != EyeCup_DK1C ) ) { renderInfo.EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1A; } break; case HmdType_DKHD2Proto: renderInfo.EyeCups = EyeCup_DKHD2A; break; case HmdType_CrystalCoveProto: renderInfo.EyeCups = EyeCup_PinkA; break; case HmdType_DK2: renderInfo.EyeCups = EyeCup_DK2A; break; default: break; } if ( eyeCupOverride != EyeCup_LAST ) { renderInfo.EyeCups = eyeCupOverride; } switch ( renderInfo.EyeCups ) { case EyeCup_DK1A: case EyeCup_DK1B: case EyeCup_DK1C: renderInfo.LensDiameterInMeters = 0.035f; renderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters = 0.02357f; // Not strictly lens-specific, but still wise to set a reasonable default for relief. renderInfo.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters = 0.010f; renderInfo.EyeRight.ReliefInMeters = 0.010f; break; case EyeCup_DKHD2A: renderInfo.LensDiameterInMeters = 0.035f; renderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters = 0.02357f; // Not strictly lens-specific, but still wise to set a reasonable default for relief. renderInfo.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters = 0.010f; renderInfo.EyeRight.ReliefInMeters = 0.010f; break; case EyeCup_PinkA: case EyeCup_DK2A: renderInfo.LensDiameterInMeters = 0.04f; // approximate renderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters = 0.01965f; // Not strictly lens-specific, but still wise to set a reasonable default for relief. renderInfo.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters = 0.012f; renderInfo.EyeRight.ReliefInMeters = 0.012f; break; default: OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; } renderInfo.EyeLeft.NoseToPupilInMeters = profileRenderInfo.Eye2Nose[0]; renderInfo.EyeRight.NoseToPupilInMeters = profileRenderInfo.Eye2Nose[1]; // Subtract the eye-cup height from the plate distance to get the eye-to-lens distance // This measurement should be the the distance at maximum dial setting // We still need to adjust with the dial offset renderInfo.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters = profileRenderInfo.Eye2Plate[0] - renderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters; renderInfo.EyeRight.ReliefInMeters = profileRenderInfo.Eye2Plate[1] - renderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters; // Adjust the eye relief with the dial setting (from the assumed max eye relief) renderInfo.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters -= ((10 - profileRenderInfo.EyeReliefDial) * 0.001f); renderInfo.EyeRight.ReliefInMeters -= ((10 - profileRenderInfo.EyeReliefDial) * 0.001f); // Now we know where the eyes are relative to the lenses, we can compute a distortion for each. // TODO: incorporate lateral offset in distortion generation. // TODO: we used a distortion to calculate eye-relief, and now we're making a distortion from that eye-relief. Close the loop! for ( int eyeNum = 0; eyeNum < 2; eyeNum++ ) { HmdRenderInfo::EyeConfig *pHmdEyeConfig = ( eyeNum == 0 ) ? &(renderInfo.EyeLeft) : &(renderInfo.EyeRight); float eye_relief = pHmdEyeConfig->ReliefInMeters; LensConfig distortionConfig = GenerateLensConfigFromEyeRelief ( eye_relief, renderInfo, distortionType ); pHmdEyeConfig->Distortion = distortionConfig; } return renderInfo; } LensConfig GenerateLensConfigFromEyeRelief ( float eyeReliefInMeters, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd, DistortionEqnType distortionType /*= Distortion_CatmullRom10*/ ) { struct DistortionDescriptor { float EyeRelief; // The three places we're going to sample & lerp the curve at. // One sample is always at 0.0, and the distortion scale should be 1.0 or else! // Only use for poly4 numbers - CR has an implicit scale. float SampleRadius[3]; // Where the distortion has actually been measured/calibrated out to. // Don't try to hallucinate data out beyond here. float MaxRadius; // The config itself. LensConfig Config; }; static const int MaxDistortions = 10; DistortionDescriptor distortions[MaxDistortions]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxDistortions; i++) { distortions[i].EyeRelief = 0.0f; memset(distortions[i].SampleRadius, 0, sizeof(distortions[i].SampleRadius)); distortions[i].MaxRadius = 1.0f; distortions[i].Config.SetToIdentity(); // Note: This line causes a false Microsoft static analysis error -cat } int numDistortions = 0; int defaultDistortion = 0; // index of the default distortion curve to use if zero eye relief supplied if ( ( hmd.EyeCups == EyeCup_DK1A ) || ( hmd.EyeCups == EyeCup_DK1B ) || ( hmd.EyeCups == EyeCup_DK1C ) ) { numDistortions = 0; /* distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.010f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.0425f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.0000f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = 1.0f; defaultDistortion = numDistortions; // this is the default numDistortions++; distortions[0].Config.ChromaticAberration[0] = 0.0f; distortions[0].Config.ChromaticAberration[1] = 0.0f; distortions[0].Config.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.0f; distortions[0].Config.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.0f; */ // Tuned at minimum dial setting - extended to r^2 == 1.8 distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.012760465f - 0.005f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.0425f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.0000f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.06505f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.14725f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.2705f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.48f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.87f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 2.534f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 3.6f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 5.1f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 7.4f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 11.0f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = sqrt(1.8f); defaultDistortion = numDistortions; // this is the default numDistortions++; // Tuned at middle dial setting distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.012760465f; // my average eye-relief distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.0425f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.032407264f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.07160462f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.11998388f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.1808606f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.2590494f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 1.361915f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 1.5014339f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 1.6986004f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 1.9940577f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 2.4783147f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = 1.0f; numDistortions++; // Tuned at maximum dial setting distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.012760465f + 0.005f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.0425f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.0102f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.0371f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.0831f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.1353f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.2f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.2851f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 1.3979f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 1.56f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 1.8f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 2.25f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 3.0f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = 1.0f; numDistortions++; // Chromatic aberration doesn't seem to change with eye relief. for ( int i = 0; i < numDistortions; i++ ) { distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[0] = -0.006f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[1] = 0.0f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.014f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.0f; } } else if ( hmd.EyeCups == EyeCup_DKHD2A ) { // Tuned DKHD2 lens numDistortions = 0; distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.010f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.0425f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.0425f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.0826f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.130f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.185f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.250f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 1.338f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 1.455f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 1.620f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 1.840f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 2.200f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = 1.0f; defaultDistortion = numDistortions; // this is the default numDistortions++; distortions[numDistortions] = distortions[0]; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.020f; numDistortions++; // Chromatic aberration doesn't seem to change with eye relief. for ( int i = 0; i < numDistortions; i++ ) { distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[0] = -0.006f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[1] = 0.0f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.014f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.0f; } } else if ( hmd.EyeCups == EyeCup_PinkA || hmd.EyeCups == EyeCup_DK2A ) { // Tuned Crystal Cove & DK2 Lens (CES & GDC) numDistortions = 0; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.008f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.036f; // TODO: Need to retune this distortion for minimum eye relief distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.003f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.02f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.042f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.066f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.094f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.126f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 1.162f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 1.203f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 1.25f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 1.31f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 1.38f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[0] = -0.0112f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[1] = -0.015f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.0187f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.015f; numDistortions++; distortions[numDistortions].EyeRelief = 0.018f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.036f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[0] = 1.003f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[1] = 1.02f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[2] = 1.042f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[3] = 1.066f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[4] = 1.094f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[5] = 1.126f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[6] = 1.162f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[7] = 1.203f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[8] = 1.25f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[9] = 1.31f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.K[10] = 1.38f; distortions[numDistortions].MaxRadius = 1.0f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[0] = -0.015f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[1] = -0.02f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.025f; distortions[numDistortions].Config.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.02f; defaultDistortion = numDistortions; // this is the default numDistortions++; } else { // Unknown lens. // Use DK1 black lens settings, just so we can continue to run with something. distortions[0].EyeRelief = 0.005f; distortions[0].Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = 0.043875f; distortions[0].Config.Eqn = Distortion_RecipPoly4; distortions[0].Config.K[0] = 1.0f; distortions[0].Config.K[1] = -0.3999f; distortions[0].Config.K[2] = 0.2408f; distortions[0].Config.K[3] = -0.4589f; distortions[0].SampleRadius[0] = 0.2f; distortions[0].SampleRadius[1] = 0.4f; distortions[0].SampleRadius[2] = 0.6f; distortions[1] = distortions[0]; distortions[1].EyeRelief = 0.010f; numDistortions = 2; // Chromatic aberration doesn't seem to change with eye relief. for ( int i = 0; i < numDistortions; i++ ) { // These are placeholder, they have not been tuned! distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[0] = 0.0f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[1] = 0.0f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[2] = 0.0f; distortions[i].Config.ChromaticAberration[3] = 0.0f; } } OVR_ASSERT(numDistortions < MaxDistortions); DistortionDescriptor *pUpper = nullptr; DistortionDescriptor *pLower = nullptr; float lerpVal = 0.0f; if (eyeReliefInMeters == 0) { // Use a constant default distortion if an invalid eye-relief is supplied pLower = &(distortions[defaultDistortion]); pUpper = &(distortions[defaultDistortion]); lerpVal = 0.0f; } else { for ( int i = 0; i < numDistortions-1; i++ ) { OVR_ASSERT ( distortions[i].EyeRelief < distortions[i+1].EyeRelief ); if ( ( distortions[i].EyeRelief <= eyeReliefInMeters ) && ( distortions[i+1].EyeRelief > eyeReliefInMeters ) ) { pLower = &(distortions[i]); pUpper = &(distortions[i+1]); lerpVal = ( eyeReliefInMeters - pLower->EyeRelief ) / ( pUpper->EyeRelief - pLower->EyeRelief ); // No break here - I want the ASSERT to check everything every time! } } } if ( pUpper == nullptr ) { #if 0 // Outside the range, so extrapolate rather than interpolate. if ( distortions[0].EyeRelief > eyeReliefInMeters ) { pLower = &(distortions[0]); pUpper = &(distortions[1]); } else { OVR_ASSERT ( distortions[numDistortions-1].EyeRelief <= eyeReliefInMeters ); pLower = &(distortions[numDistortions-2]); pUpper = &(distortions[numDistortions-1]); } lerpVal = ( eyeReliefInMeters - pLower->EyeRelief ) / ( pUpper->EyeRelief - pLower->EyeRelief ); #else // Do not extrapolate, just clamp - slightly worried about people putting in bogus settings. if ( distortions[0].EyeRelief > eyeReliefInMeters ) { pLower = &(distortions[0]); pUpper = &(distortions[0]); } else { OVR_ASSERT ( distortions[numDistortions-1].EyeRelief <= eyeReliefInMeters ); pLower = &(distortions[numDistortions-1]); pUpper = &(distortions[numDistortions-1]); } lerpVal = 0.0f; #endif } float invLerpVal = 1.0f - lerpVal; pLower->Config.MaxR = pLower->MaxRadius; pUpper->Config.MaxR = pUpper->MaxRadius; LensConfig result; // Where is the edge of the lens - no point modelling further than this. float maxValidRadius = invLerpVal * pLower->MaxRadius + lerpVal * pUpper->MaxRadius; result.MaxR = maxValidRadius; switch ( distortionType ) { case Distortion_Poly4: // Deprecated OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; case Distortion_RecipPoly4:{ // Lerp control points and fit an equation to them. float fitX[4]; float fitY[4]; fitX[0] = 0.0f; fitY[0] = 1.0f; for ( int ctrlPt = 1; ctrlPt < 4; ctrlPt ++ ) { // SampleRadius is not valid for Distortion_RecipPoly4 types. float radiusLerp = ( invLerpVal * pLower->MaxRadius + lerpVal * pUpper->MaxRadius ) * ( (float)ctrlPt / 4.0f ); float radiusLerpSq = radiusLerp * radiusLerp; float fitYLower = pLower->Config.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( radiusLerpSq ); float fitYUpper = pUpper->Config.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( radiusLerpSq ); fitX[ctrlPt] = radiusLerpSq; fitY[ctrlPt] = 1.0f / ( invLerpVal * fitYLower + lerpVal * fitYUpper ); } result.Eqn = Distortion_RecipPoly4; bool bSuccess = FitCubicPolynomial ( result.K, fitX, fitY ); OVR_ASSERT ( bSuccess ); OVR_UNUSED ( bSuccess ); // Set up the fast inverse. float maxRDist = result.DistortionFn ( maxValidRadius ); result.MaxInvR = maxRDist; result.SetUpInverseApprox(); }break; case Distortion_CatmullRom10:{ // Evenly sample & lerp points on the curve. const int NumSegments = LensConfig::NumCoefficients; result.MaxR = maxValidRadius; // Directly interpolate the K0 values result.K[0] = invLerpVal * pLower->Config.K[0] + lerpVal * pUpper->Config.K[0]; // Sample and interpolate the distortion curves to derive K[1] ... K[n] for ( int ctrlPt = 1; ctrlPt < NumSegments; ctrlPt++ ) { float radiusSq = ( (float)ctrlPt / (float)(NumSegments-1) ) * maxValidRadius * maxValidRadius; float fitYLower = pLower->Config.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( radiusSq ); float fitYUpper = pUpper->Config.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( radiusSq ); float fitLerp = invLerpVal * fitYLower + lerpVal * fitYUpper; result.K[ctrlPt] = fitLerp; } result.Eqn = Distortion_CatmullRom10; for ( int ctrlPt = 1; ctrlPt < NumSegments; ctrlPt++ ) { float radiusSq = ( (float)ctrlPt / (float)(NumSegments-1) ) * maxValidRadius * maxValidRadius; float val = result.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( radiusSq ); OVR_ASSERT ( Alg::Abs ( val - result.K[ctrlPt] ) < 0.0001f ); OVR_UNUSED1(val); // For release build. } // Set up the fast inverse. float maxRDist = result.DistortionFn ( maxValidRadius ); result.MaxInvR = maxRDist; result.SetUpInverseApprox(); }break; default: OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; } // Chromatic aberration. result.ChromaticAberration[0] = invLerpVal * pLower->Config.ChromaticAberration[0] + lerpVal * pUpper->Config.ChromaticAberration[0]; result.ChromaticAberration[1] = invLerpVal * pLower->Config.ChromaticAberration[1] + lerpVal * pUpper->Config.ChromaticAberration[1]; result.ChromaticAberration[2] = invLerpVal * pLower->Config.ChromaticAberration[2] + lerpVal * pUpper->Config.ChromaticAberration[2]; result.ChromaticAberration[3] = invLerpVal * pLower->Config.ChromaticAberration[3] + lerpVal * pUpper->Config.ChromaticAberration[3]; // Scale. result.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter = pLower->Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter * invLerpVal + pUpper->Config.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter * lerpVal; /* // Commented out - Causes ASSERT with no HMD plugged in #ifdef OVR_BUILD_DEBUG if ( distortionType == Distortion_CatmullRom10 ) { TestSaveLoadLensConfig ( result ); } #endif */ return result; } DistortionRenderDesc CalculateDistortionRenderDesc ( StereoEye eyeType, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd, const LensConfig *pLensOverride /*= nullptr */ ) { // From eye relief, IPD and device characteristics, we get the distortion mapping. // This distortion does the following things: // 1. It undoes the distortion that happens at the edges of the lens. // 2. It maps the undistorted field into "retina" space. // So the input is a pixel coordinate - the physical pixel on the display itself. // The output is the real-world direction of the ray from this pixel as it comes out of the lens and hits the eye. // However we typically think of rays "coming from" the eye, so the direction (TanAngleX,TanAngleY,1) is the direction // that the pixel appears to be in real-world space, where AngleX and AngleY are relative to the straight-ahead vector. // If your renderer is a raytracer, you can use this vector directly (normalize as appropriate). // However in standard rasterisers, we have rendered a 2D image and are putting it in front of the eye, // so we then need a mapping from this space to the [-1,1] UV coordinate space, which depends on exactly // where "in space" the app wants to put that rendertarget. // Where in space, and how large this rendertarget is, is completely up to the app and/or user, // though of course we can provide some useful hints. // TODO: Use IPD and eye relief to modify distortion (i.e. non-radial component) // TODO: cope with lenses that don't produce collimated light. // This means that IPD relative to the lens separation changes the light vergence, // and so we actually need to change where the image is displayed. const HmdRenderInfo::EyeConfig &hmdEyeConfig = ( eyeType == StereoEye_Left ) ? hmd.EyeLeft : hmd.EyeRight; DistortionRenderDesc localDistortion; localDistortion.Lens = hmdEyeConfig.Distortion; if ( pLensOverride != nullptr ) { localDistortion.Lens = *pLensOverride; } Sizef pixelsPerMeter(hmd.ResolutionInPixels.w / ( hmd.ScreenSizeInMeters.w - hmd.ScreenGapSizeInMeters ), hmd.ResolutionInPixels.h / hmd.ScreenSizeInMeters.h); localDistortion.PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter = (pixelsPerMeter * localDistortion.Lens.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter).ToVector(); // Same thing, scaled to [-1,1] for each eye, rather than pixels. localDistortion.TanEyeAngleScale = Vector2f(0.25f, 0.5f).EntrywiseMultiply( (hmd.ScreenSizeInMeters / localDistortion.Lens.MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter).ToVector()); // <--------------left eye------------------><-ScreenGapSizeInMeters-><--------------right eye-----------------> // <------------------------------------------ScreenSizeInMeters.Width-----------------------------------------> // <----------------LensSeparationInMeters---------------> // <--centerFromLeftInMeters-> // ^ // Center of lens // Find the lens centers in scale of [-1,+1] (NDC) in left eye. float visibleWidthOfOneEye = 0.5f * ( hmd.ScreenSizeInMeters.w - hmd.ScreenGapSizeInMeters ); float centerFromLeftInMeters = ( hmd.ScreenSizeInMeters.w - hmd.LensSeparationInMeters ) * 0.5f; localDistortion.LensCenter.x = ( centerFromLeftInMeters / visibleWidthOfOneEye ) * 2.0f - 1.0f; localDistortion.LensCenter.y = ( hmd.CenterFromTopInMeters / hmd.ScreenSizeInMeters.h ) * 2.0f - 1.0f; if ( eyeType == StereoEye_Right ) { localDistortion.LensCenter.x = -localDistortion.LensCenter.x; } return localDistortion; } FovPort CalculateFovFromEyePosition ( float eyeReliefInMeters, float offsetToRightInMeters, float offsetDownwardsInMeters, float lensDiameterInMeters, float extraEyeRotationInRadians /*= 0.0f*/ ) { // 2D view of things: // |-| <--- offsetToRightInMeters (in this case, it is negative) // |=======C=======| <--- lens surface (C=center) // \ | _/ // \ R _/ // \ | _/ // \ | _/ // \|/ // O <--- center of pupil // (technically the lens is round rather than square, so it's not correct to // separate vertical and horizontal like this, but it's close enough) float halfLensDiameter = lensDiameterInMeters * 0.5f; FovPort fovPort; fovPort.UpTan = ( halfLensDiameter + offsetDownwardsInMeters ) / eyeReliefInMeters; fovPort.DownTan = ( halfLensDiameter - offsetDownwardsInMeters ) / eyeReliefInMeters; fovPort.LeftTan = ( halfLensDiameter + offsetToRightInMeters ) / eyeReliefInMeters; fovPort.RightTan = ( halfLensDiameter - offsetToRightInMeters ) / eyeReliefInMeters; if ( extraEyeRotationInRadians > 0.0f ) { // That's the basic looking-straight-ahead eye position relative to the lens. // But if you look left, the pupil moves left as the eyeball rotates, which // means you can see more to the right than this geometry suggests. // So add in the bounds for the extra movement of the pupil. // Beyond 30 degrees does not increase FOV because the pupil starts moving backwards more than sideways. extraEyeRotationInRadians = Alg::Min ( DegreeToRad ( 30.0f ), Alg::Max ( 0.0f, extraEyeRotationInRadians ) ); // The rotation of the eye is a bit more complex than a simple circle. The center of rotation // at 13.5mm from cornea is slightly further back than the actual center of the eye. // Additionally the rotation contains a small lateral component as the muscles pull the eye const float eyeballCenterToPupil = 0.0135f; // center of eye rotation const float eyeballLateralPull = 0.001f * (extraEyeRotationInRadians / DegreeToRad ( 30.0f)); // lateral motion as linear function float extraTranslation = eyeballCenterToPupil * sinf ( extraEyeRotationInRadians ) + eyeballLateralPull; float extraRelief = eyeballCenterToPupil * ( 1.0f - cosf ( extraEyeRotationInRadians ) ); fovPort.UpTan = Alg::Max ( fovPort.UpTan , ( halfLensDiameter + offsetDownwardsInMeters + extraTranslation ) / ( eyeReliefInMeters + extraRelief ) ); fovPort.DownTan = Alg::Max ( fovPort.DownTan , ( halfLensDiameter - offsetDownwardsInMeters + extraTranslation ) / ( eyeReliefInMeters + extraRelief ) ); fovPort.LeftTan = Alg::Max ( fovPort.LeftTan , ( halfLensDiameter + offsetToRightInMeters + extraTranslation ) / ( eyeReliefInMeters + extraRelief ) ); fovPort.RightTan = Alg::Max ( fovPort.RightTan, ( halfLensDiameter - offsetToRightInMeters + extraTranslation ) / ( eyeReliefInMeters + extraRelief ) ); } return fovPort; } FovPort CalculateFovFromHmdInfo ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd, float extraEyeRotationInRadians /*= 0.0f*/ ) { FovPort fovPort; float eyeReliefInMeters; float offsetToRightInMeters; if ( eyeType == StereoEye_Right ) { eyeReliefInMeters = hmd.EyeRight.ReliefInMeters; offsetToRightInMeters = hmd.EyeRight.NoseToPupilInMeters - 0.5f * hmd.LensSeparationInMeters; } else { eyeReliefInMeters = hmd.EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters; offsetToRightInMeters = -(hmd.EyeLeft.NoseToPupilInMeters - 0.5f * hmd.LensSeparationInMeters); } // Limit the eye-relief to 6 mm for FOV calculations since this just tends to spread off-screen // and get clamped anyways on DK1 (but in Unity it continues to spreads and causes // unnecessarily large render targets) eyeReliefInMeters = Alg::Max(eyeReliefInMeters, 0.006f); // Central view. fovPort = CalculateFovFromEyePosition ( eyeReliefInMeters, offsetToRightInMeters, 0.0f, hmd.LensDiameterInMeters, extraEyeRotationInRadians ); // clamp to the screen fovPort = ClampToPhysicalScreenFov ( eyeType, distortion, fovPort ); return fovPort; } FovPort GetPhysicalScreenFov ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion ) { OVR_UNUSED1 ( eyeType ); FovPort resultFovPort; // Figure out the boundaries of the screen. We take the middle pixel of the screen, // move to each of the four screen edges, and transform those back into TanAngle space. Vector2f dmiddle = distortion.LensCenter; // The gotcha is that for some distortion functions, the map will "wrap around" // for screen pixels that are not actually visible to the user (especially on DK1, // which has a lot of invisible pixels), and map to pixels that are close to the middle. // This means the edges of the screen will actually be // "closer" than the visible bounds, so we'll clip too aggressively. // Solution - step gradually towards the boundary, noting the maximum distance. struct FunctionHider { static FovPort FindRange ( Vector2f from, Vector2f to, int numSteps, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortionL ) { FovPort result; result.UpTan = 0.0f; result.DownTan = 0.0f; result.LeftTan = 0.0f; result.RightTan = 0.0f; float stepScale = 1.0f / ( numSteps - 1 ); for ( int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++ ) { float lerpFactor = stepScale * (float)step; Vector2f sample = from + (to - from) * lerpFactor; Vector2f tanEyeAngle = TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpace ( distortionL, sample ); result.LeftTan = Alg::Max ( result.LeftTan, -tanEyeAngle.x ); result.RightTan = Alg::Max ( result.RightTan, tanEyeAngle.x ); result.UpTan = Alg::Max ( result.UpTan, -tanEyeAngle.y ); result.DownTan = Alg::Max ( result.DownTan, tanEyeAngle.y ); } return result; } }; FovPort leftFovPort = FunctionHider::FindRange( dmiddle, Vector2f( -1.0f, dmiddle.y ), 10, distortion ); FovPort rightFovPort = FunctionHider::FindRange( dmiddle, Vector2f( 1.0f, dmiddle.y ), 10, distortion ); FovPort upFovPort = FunctionHider::FindRange( dmiddle, Vector2f( dmiddle.x, -1.0f ), 10, distortion ); FovPort downFovPort = FunctionHider::FindRange( dmiddle, Vector2f( dmiddle.x, 1.0f ), 10, distortion ); resultFovPort.LeftTan = leftFovPort.LeftTan; resultFovPort.RightTan = rightFovPort.RightTan; resultFovPort.UpTan = upFovPort.UpTan; resultFovPort.DownTan = downFovPort.DownTan; return resultFovPort; } FovPort ClampToPhysicalScreenFov( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, FovPort inputFovPort ) { FovPort resultFovPort; FovPort phsyicalFovPort = GetPhysicalScreenFov ( eyeType, distortion ); resultFovPort.LeftTan = Alg::Min ( inputFovPort.LeftTan, phsyicalFovPort.LeftTan ); resultFovPort.RightTan = Alg::Min ( inputFovPort.RightTan, phsyicalFovPort.RightTan ); resultFovPort.UpTan = Alg::Min ( inputFovPort.UpTan, phsyicalFovPort.UpTan ); resultFovPort.DownTan = Alg::Min ( inputFovPort.DownTan, phsyicalFovPort.DownTan ); return resultFovPort; } Sizei CalculateIdealPixelSize ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, FovPort tanHalfFov, float pixelsPerDisplayPixel ) { OVR_UNUSED(eyeType); // might be useful in the future if we do overlapping fovs Sizei result; // TODO: if the app passes in a FOV that doesn't cover the centre, use the distortion values for the nearest edge/corner to match pixel size. result.w = (int)(0.5f + pixelsPerDisplayPixel * distortion.PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter.x * ( tanHalfFov.LeftTan + tanHalfFov.RightTan ) ); result.h = (int)(0.5f + pixelsPerDisplayPixel * distortion.PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter.y * ( tanHalfFov.UpTan + tanHalfFov.DownTan ) ); return result; } Recti GetFramebufferViewport ( StereoEye eyeType, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd ) { Recti result; result.w = hmd.ResolutionInPixels.w/2; result.h = hmd.ResolutionInPixels.h; result.x = 0; result.y = 0; if ( eyeType == StereoEye_Right ) { result.x = (hmd.ResolutionInPixels.w+1)/2; // Round up, not down. } return result; } ScaleAndOffset2D CreateUVScaleAndOffsetfromNDCScaleandOffset ( ScaleAndOffset2D scaleAndOffsetNDC, Recti renderedViewport, Sizei renderTargetSize ) { // scaleAndOffsetNDC takes you to NDC space [-1,+1] within the given viewport on the rendertarget. // We want a scale to instead go to actual UV coordinates you can sample with, // which need [0,1] and ignore the viewport. ScaleAndOffset2D result; // Scale [-1,1] to [0,1] result.Scale = scaleAndOffsetNDC.Scale * 0.5f; result.Offset = scaleAndOffsetNDC.Offset * 0.5f + Vector2f(0.5f); // ...but we will have rendered to a subsection of the RT, so scale for that. Vector2f scale( (float)renderedViewport.w / (float)renderTargetSize.w, (float)renderedViewport.h / (float)renderTargetSize.h ); Vector2f offset( (float)renderedViewport.x / (float)renderTargetSize.w, (float)renderedViewport.y / (float)renderTargetSize.h ); result.Scale = result.Scale.EntrywiseMultiply(scale); result.Offset = result.Offset.EntrywiseMultiply(scale) + offset; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A set of "forward-mapping" functions, mapping from framebuffer space to real-world and/or texture space. // This mimics the first half of the distortion shader's function. Vector2f TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpace( DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, const Vector2f &framebufferNDC ) { // Scale to TanHalfFov space, but still distorted. Vector2f tanEyeAngleDistorted; tanEyeAngleDistorted.x = ( framebufferNDC.x - distortion.LensCenter.x ) * distortion.TanEyeAngleScale.x; tanEyeAngleDistorted.y = ( framebufferNDC.y - distortion.LensCenter.y ) * distortion.TanEyeAngleScale.y; // Distort. float radiusSquared = ( tanEyeAngleDistorted.x * tanEyeAngleDistorted.x ) + ( tanEyeAngleDistorted.y * tanEyeAngleDistorted.y ); float distortionScale = distortion.Lens.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( radiusSquared ); Vector2f tanEyeAngle; tanEyeAngle.x = tanEyeAngleDistorted.x * distortionScale; tanEyeAngle.y = tanEyeAngleDistorted.y * distortionScale; return tanEyeAngle; } // Same, with chromatic aberration correction. void TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpaceChroma ( Vector2f *resultR, Vector2f *resultG, Vector2f *resultB, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, const Vector2f &framebufferNDC ) { // Scale to TanHalfFov space, but still distorted. Vector2f tanEyeAngleDistorted; tanEyeAngleDistorted.x = ( framebufferNDC.x - distortion.LensCenter.x ) * distortion.TanEyeAngleScale.x; tanEyeAngleDistorted.y = ( framebufferNDC.y - distortion.LensCenter.y ) * distortion.TanEyeAngleScale.y; // Distort. float radiusSquared = ( tanEyeAngleDistorted.x * tanEyeAngleDistorted.x ) + ( tanEyeAngleDistorted.y * tanEyeAngleDistorted.y ); Vector3f distortionScales = distortion.Lens.DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquaredChroma ( radiusSquared ); *resultR = tanEyeAngleDistorted * distortionScales.x; *resultG = tanEyeAngleDistorted * distortionScales.y; *resultB = tanEyeAngleDistorted * distortionScales.z; } // This mimics the second half of the distortion shader's function. Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetTexUV( ScaleAndOffset2D const &eyeToSourceUV, Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle ) { Vector2f textureUV; textureUV.x = tanEyeAngle.x * eyeToSourceUV.Scale.x + eyeToSourceUV.Offset.x; textureUV.y = tanEyeAngle.y * eyeToSourceUV.Scale.y + eyeToSourceUV.Offset.y; return textureUV; } Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetNDC( ScaleAndOffset2D const &eyeToSourceNDC, Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle ) { Vector2f textureNDC; textureNDC.x = tanEyeAngle.x * eyeToSourceNDC.Scale.x + eyeToSourceNDC.Offset.x; textureNDC.y = tanEyeAngle.y * eyeToSourceNDC.Scale.y + eyeToSourceNDC.Offset.y; return textureNDC; } Vector2f TransformScreenPixelToScreenNDC( Recti const &distortionViewport, Vector2f const &pixel ) { // Move to [-1,1] NDC coords. Vector2f framebufferNDC; framebufferNDC.x = -1.0f + 2.0f * ( ( pixel.x - (float)distortionViewport.x ) / (float)distortionViewport.w ); framebufferNDC.y = -1.0f + 2.0f * ( ( pixel.y - (float)distortionViewport.y ) / (float)distortionViewport.h ); return framebufferNDC; } Vector2f TransformScreenPixelToTanFovSpace( Recti const &distortionViewport, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, Vector2f const &pixel ) { return TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpace( distortion, TransformScreenPixelToScreenNDC( distortionViewport, pixel ) ); } Vector2f TransformScreenNDCToRendertargetTexUV( DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, StereoEyeParams const &eyeParams, Vector2f const &pixel ) { return TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetTexUV ( eyeParams, TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpace ( distortion, pixel ) ); } Vector2f TransformScreenPixelToRendertargetTexUV( Recti const &distortionViewport, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, StereoEyeParams const &eyeParams, Vector2f const &pixel ) { return TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetTexUV ( eyeParams, TransformScreenPixelToTanFovSpace ( distortionViewport, distortion, pixel ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A set of "reverse-mapping" functions, mapping from real-world and/or texture space back to the framebuffer. Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToScreenNDC( DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion, const Vector2f &tanEyeAngle, bool usePolyApprox /*= false*/ ) { float tanEyeAngleRadius = tanEyeAngle.Length(); float tanEyeAngleDistortedRadius = distortion.Lens.DistortionFnInverseApprox ( tanEyeAngleRadius ); if ( !usePolyApprox ) { tanEyeAngleDistortedRadius = distortion.Lens.DistortionFnInverse ( tanEyeAngleRadius ); } Vector2f tanEyeAngleDistorted = tanEyeAngle; if ( tanEyeAngleRadius > 0.0f ) { tanEyeAngleDistorted = tanEyeAngle * ( tanEyeAngleDistortedRadius / tanEyeAngleRadius ); } Vector2f framebufferNDC; framebufferNDC.x = ( tanEyeAngleDistorted.x / distortion.TanEyeAngleScale.x ) + distortion.LensCenter.x; framebufferNDC.y = ( tanEyeAngleDistorted.y / distortion.TanEyeAngleScale.y ) + distortion.LensCenter.y; return framebufferNDC; } Vector2f TransformRendertargetNDCToTanFovSpace( const ScaleAndOffset2D &eyeToSourceNDC, const Vector2f &textureNDC ) { Vector2f tanEyeAngle = (textureNDC - eyeToSourceNDC.Offset) / eyeToSourceNDC.Scale; return tanEyeAngle; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Timewarp Matrix // // These functions provide helper functions to compute the timewarp shader input // matrices needed during the distortion/timewarp/chroma draw call. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalculateOrientationTimewarpMatrix // // For Orientation-only Timewarp, the inputs are quaternions and the output is // a transform matrix. The matrix may need to be transposed depending on which // renderer is used. This function produces one compatible with D3D11. // // eye: Input quaternion of EyeRenderPose.Orientation inverted. // pred: Input quaternion of predicted eye pose at scanout. // M: Output D3D11-compatible transform matrix for the Timewarp shader. void CalculateOrientationTimewarpMatrix(Quatf const & eyeInv, Quatf const & pred, Matrix4f& M) { Posef renderFromEyeInverted = Posef ( eyeInv, Vector3f::Zero() ); Posef hmdPose = Posef ( pred, Vector3f::Zero() ); CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix ( renderFromEyeInverted, hmdPose, Vector3f::Zero(), M ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix // // The matrix may need to be transposed depending on which // renderer is used. This function produces one compatible with D3D11. // // renderFromEyeInverted: Input render transform from eye inverted. // hmdPose: Input predicted head pose from HMD tracking code. // extraQuat: Input extra quaternion rotation applied to calculations. // extraEyeOffset: Input extra eye position offset applied to calculations. // M: Output D3D11-compatible transform matrix for the Timewarp shader. void CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix(Posef const & renderFromEyeInverted, Posef const & hmdPose, Vector3f const & extraEyeOffset, Matrix4f& M) { Posef eyePose = Posef(hmdPose.Rotation, hmdPose.Translation + extraEyeOffset); Matrix4f Mres = Matrix4f(renderFromEyeInverted * eyePose); // The real-world orientations have: X=right, Y=up, Z=backwards. // The vectors inside the mesh are in NDC to keep the shader simple: X=right, Y=down, Z=forwards. // So we need to perform a similarity transform on this delta matrix. // The verbose code would look like this: /* Matrix4f matBasisChange; matBasisChange.SetIdentity(); matBasisChange.M[0][0] = 1.0f; matBasisChange.M[1][1] = -1.0f; matBasisChange.M[2][2] = -1.0f; Matrix4f matBasisChangeInv = matBasisChange.Inverted(); matRenderFromNow = matBasisChangeInv * matRenderFromNow * matBasisChange; */ // ...but of course all the above is a constant transform and much more easily done. // We flip the signs of the Y&Z row, then flip the signs of the Y&Z column, // and of course most of the flips cancel: // +++ +-- +-- // +++ -> flip Y&Z columns -> +-- -> flip Y&Z rows -> -++ // +++ +-- -++ Mres.M[0][1] = -Mres.M[0][1]; Mres.M[0][2] = -Mres.M[0][2]; Mres.M[1][0] = -Mres.M[1][0]; Mres.M[2][0] = -Mres.M[2][0]; Mres.M[1][3] = -Mres.M[1][3]; Mres.M[2][3] = -Mres.M[2][3]; M = Mres; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalculateTimewarpFromSensors // // Read current pose from sensors and construct timewarp matrices for start/end // predicted poses. // // hmdPose: RenderPose eye quaternion, *not* inverted. // reader: the tracking state // poseInFaceSpace: true if the pose supplied is stuck-to-your-face rather than fixed-in-space // calcPosition: true if the position part of the result is actually used (false = orientation only) // hmdToEyeViewOffset: offset from the HMD "middle eye" to actual eye. // startEndTimes: start and end times of the screen - typically fed direct from Timing->GetTimewarpTiming()->EyeStartEndTimes[eyeNum] // // Results: // startEndMatrices: Timewarp matrices for the start and end times respectively. // timewarpIMUTime: On success it contains the raw IMU sample time for the pose. // Returns false on failure to read state. bool CalculateTimewarpFromSensors(Posef const & hmdPose, Vision::TrackingStateReader* reader, bool poseInFaceSpace, bool calcPosition, ovrVector3f const &hmdToEyeViewOffset, const double startEndTimes[2], Matrix4f startEndMatrices[2], double& timewarpIMUTime) { Vision::TrackingState startState, endState; if (!reader->GetTrackingStateAtTime(startEndTimes[0], startState) || !reader->GetTrackingStateAtTime(startEndTimes[1], endState)) { // No data is available so do not do timewarp. startEndMatrices[0] = Matrix4f::Identity(); startEndMatrices[1] = Matrix4f::Identity(); timewarpIMUTime = 0.; return false; } ovrPosef startHmdPose; ovrPosef endHmdPose; if ( poseInFaceSpace ) { startHmdPose.Position = Vector3f::Zero(); startHmdPose.Orientation = Quatf::Identity(); endHmdPose = startHmdPose; } else { startHmdPose = startState.HeadPose.ThePose; endHmdPose = endState.HeadPose.ThePose; } Posef renderPose = hmdPose; Vector3f eyeOffset = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if(calcPosition) { if(hmdToEyeViewOffset.x >= MATH_FLOAT_MAXVALUE) { OVR_ASSERT(false); LogError("{ERR-103} [FrameTime] Invalid hmdToEyeViewOffset provided by client."); renderPose.Translation = Vector3f::Zero(); // disable position to avoid positional issues } else { // Currently HmdToEyeViewOffset is only a 3D vector // (Negate HmdToEyeViewOffset because offset is a view matrix offset and not a camera offset) eyeOffset = ((Posef)startHmdPose).Apply(-((Vector3f)hmdToEyeViewOffset)); } } else { // Orientation only. renderPose.Translation = Vector3f::Zero(); } if(calcPosition) { Posef hmdPoseInv = hmdPose.Inverted(); CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix ( hmdPoseInv, startHmdPose, eyeOffset, startEndMatrices[0] ); CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix ( hmdPoseInv, endHmdPose, eyeOffset, startEndMatrices[1] ); } else { // Orientation-only. Quatf quatFromEye = hmdPose.Rotation.Inverted(); CalculateOrientationTimewarpMatrix(quatFromEye, startHmdPose.Orientation, startEndMatrices[0]); CalculateOrientationTimewarpMatrix(quatFromEye, endHmdPose.Orientation, startEndMatrices[1]); } // Store off the IMU sample time. timewarpIMUTime = startState.RawSensorData.AbsoluteTimeSeconds; return true; } // Only handles orientation, not translation. bool CalculateOrientationTimewarpFromSensors(Quatf const & eyeQuat, Vision::TrackingStateReader* reader, const double startEndTimes[2], Matrix4f startEndMatrices[2], double& timewarpIMUTime) { Posef hmdPose = Posef ( eyeQuat, Vector3f::Zero() ); return CalculateTimewarpFromSensors ( hmdPose, reader, false, false, Vector3f::Zero(), startEndTimes, startEndMatrices, timewarpIMUTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalculateEyeTimewarpTimes // // Given the scanout start time, duration of scanout, and shutter type, this // function returns the timewarp left/right eye start and end prediction times. void CalculateEyeTimewarpTimes(double scanoutStartTime, double scanoutDuration, HmdShutterTypeEnum shutterType, double leftEyeStartEndTime[2], double rightEyeStartEndTime[2]) { // Calculate absolute points in time when eye rendering or corresponding time-warp // screen edges will become visible. // This only matters with VSync. switch (shutterType) { case HmdShutter_RollingTopToBottom: case HmdShutter_RollingLeftToRight: case HmdShutter_RollingRightToLeft: // This is *Correct* with Tom's distortion mesh organization. leftEyeStartEndTime[0] = scanoutStartTime; leftEyeStartEndTime[1] = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration; rightEyeStartEndTime[0] = scanoutStartTime; rightEyeStartEndTime[1] = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration; break; case HmdShutter_Global: // TBD { double midpoint = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.5; leftEyeStartEndTime[0] = midpoint; leftEyeStartEndTime[1] = midpoint; rightEyeStartEndTime[0] = midpoint; rightEyeStartEndTime[1] = midpoint; } break; default: OVR_ASSERT(false); break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalculateEyeRenderTimes // // Given the scanout start time, duration of scanout, and shutter type, this // function returns the left/right eye render times. void CalculateEyeRenderTimes(double scanoutStartTime, double scanoutDuration, HmdShutterTypeEnum shutterType, double& leftEyeRenderTime, double& rightEyeRenderTime) { switch(shutterType) { case HmdShutter_RollingTopToBottom: case HmdShutter_Global: leftEyeRenderTime = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.5; rightEyeRenderTime = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.5; break; case HmdShutter_RollingLeftToRight: leftEyeRenderTime = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.25; rightEyeRenderTime = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.75; break; case HmdShutter_RollingRightToLeft: leftEyeRenderTime = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.75; rightEyeRenderTime = scanoutStartTime + scanoutDuration * 0.25; break; default: OVR_ASSERT(false); break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CalculateDistortionMeshFromFOV // // This function fills in the target meshData object given the provided // parameters, for a single specified eye. // // Returns false on failure. bool CalculateDistortionMeshFromFOV(HmdRenderInfo const & renderInfo, DistortionRenderDesc const & distortionDesc, StereoEye stereoEye, FovPort fov, unsigned distortionCaps, ovrDistortionMesh *meshData) { if (!meshData) { return false; } // Not used now, but Chromatic flag or others could possibly be checked for in the future. OVR_UNUSED1(distortionCaps); // *** Calculate a part of "StereoParams" needed for mesh generation // Note that mesh distortion generation is invariant of RenderTarget UVs, allowing // render target size and location to be changed after the fact dynamically. // eyeToSourceUV is computed here for convenience, so that users don't need // to call ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset unless changing RT dynamically. // Find the mapping from TanAngle space to target NDC space. ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceNDC = CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(fov); int triangleCount = 0; int vertexCount = 0; OVR::Util::Render::DistortionMeshCreate( (OVR::Util::Render::DistortionMeshVertexData**)&meshData->pVertexData, (uint16_t**)&meshData->pIndexData, &vertexCount, &triangleCount, (stereoEye == StereoEye_Right), renderInfo, distortionDesc, eyeToSourceNDC); if (meshData->pVertexData) { // Convert to index meshData->IndexCount = triangleCount * 3; meshData->VertexCount = vertexCount; return true; } return false; } } //namespace OVR //Just want to make a copy disentangled from all these namespaces! float ExtEvalCatmullRom10Spline ( float const *K, float scaledVal ) { return(OVR::EvalCatmullRom10Spline ( K, scaledVal )); }