/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVR_ThreadsPthread.cpp Content : Created : Notes : Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.2 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ #include "OVR_Threads.h" #include "OVR_Hash.h" #ifdef OVR_ENABLE_THREADS #include "OVR_Timer.h" #include "OVR_Log.h" #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <errno.h> #if defined(OVR_OS_MAC) || defined(OVR_OS_BSD) #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/param.h> #if !defined(OVR_OS_MAC) #include <pthread_np.h> #endif #endif namespace OVR { // ***** Mutex implementation // *** Internal Mutex implementation structure class MutexImpl : public NewOverrideBase { // System mutex or semaphore pthread_mutex_t SMutex; bool Recursive; unsigned LockCount; pthread_t LockedBy; friend class WaitConditionImpl; public: // Constructor/destructor MutexImpl(Mutex* pmutex, bool recursive = 1); ~MutexImpl(); // Locking functions void DoLock(); bool TryLock(); void Unlock(Mutex* pmutex); // Returns 1 if the mutes is currently locked bool IsLockedByAnotherThread(Mutex* pmutex); bool IsSignaled() const; }; pthread_mutexattr_t Lock::RecursiveAttr; bool Lock::RecursiveAttrInit = 0; // *** Constructor/destructor MutexImpl::MutexImpl(Mutex* pmutex, bool recursive) { OVR_UNUSED(pmutex); Recursive = recursive; LockCount = 0; if (Recursive) { if (!Lock::RecursiveAttrInit) { pthread_mutexattr_init(&Lock::RecursiveAttr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&Lock::RecursiveAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); Lock::RecursiveAttrInit = 1; } pthread_mutex_init(&SMutex, &Lock::RecursiveAttr); } else pthread_mutex_init(&SMutex, 0); } MutexImpl::~MutexImpl() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&SMutex); } // Lock and try lock void MutexImpl::DoLock() { while (pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex)) ; LockCount++; LockedBy = pthread_self(); } bool MutexImpl::TryLock() { if (!pthread_mutex_trylock(&SMutex)) { LockCount++; LockedBy = pthread_self(); return 1; } return 0; } void MutexImpl::Unlock(Mutex* pmutex) { OVR_UNUSED(pmutex); OVR_ASSERT(pthread_self() == LockedBy && LockCount > 0); //unsigned lockCount; LockCount--; //lockCount = LockCount; pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex); } bool MutexImpl::IsLockedByAnotherThread(Mutex* pmutex) { OVR_UNUSED(pmutex); // There could be multiple interpretations of IsLocked with respect to current thread if (LockCount == 0) return 0; if (pthread_self() != LockedBy) return 1; return 0; } bool MutexImpl::IsSignaled() const { // An mutex is signaled if it is not locked ANYWHERE // Note that this is different from IsLockedByAnotherThread function, // that takes current thread into account return LockCount == 0; } // *** Actual Mutex class implementation Mutex::Mutex(bool recursive) { // NOTE: RefCount mode already thread-safe for all waitables. pImpl = new MutexImpl(this, recursive); } Mutex::~Mutex() { delete pImpl; } // Lock and try lock void Mutex::DoLock() { pImpl->DoLock(); } bool Mutex::TryLock() { return pImpl->TryLock(); } void Mutex::Unlock() { pImpl->Unlock(this); } bool Mutex::IsLockedByAnotherThread() { return pImpl->IsLockedByAnotherThread(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** Event bool Event::Wait(unsigned delay) { Mutex::Locker lock(&StateMutex); // Do the correct amount of waiting if (delay == OVR_WAIT_INFINITE) { while(!State) StateWaitCondition.Wait(&StateMutex); } else if (delay) { if (!State) StateWaitCondition.Wait(&StateMutex, delay); } bool state = State; // Take care of temporary 'pulsing' of a state if (Temporary) { Temporary = false; State = false; } return state; } void Event::updateState(bool newState, bool newTemp, bool mustNotify) { Mutex::Locker lock(&StateMutex); State = newState; Temporary = newTemp; if (mustNotify) StateWaitCondition.NotifyAll(); } // ***** Wait Condition Implementation // Internal implementation class class WaitConditionImpl : public NewOverrideBase { pthread_mutex_t SMutex; pthread_cond_t Condv; public: // Constructor/destructor WaitConditionImpl(); ~WaitConditionImpl(); // Release mutex and wait for condition. The mutex is re-aqured after the wait. bool Wait(Mutex *pmutex, unsigned delay = OVR_WAIT_INFINITE); // Notify a condition, releasing at one object waiting void Notify(); // Notify a condition, releasing all objects waiting void NotifyAll(); }; WaitConditionImpl::WaitConditionImpl() { pthread_mutex_init(&SMutex, 0); pthread_cond_init(&Condv, 0); } WaitConditionImpl::~WaitConditionImpl() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&SMutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&Condv); } bool WaitConditionImpl::Wait(Mutex *pmutex, unsigned delay) { bool result = 1; unsigned lockCount = pmutex->pImpl->LockCount; // Mutex must have been locked if (lockCount == 0) return 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex); // Finally, release a mutex or semaphore if (pmutex->pImpl->Recursive) { // Release the recursive mutex N times pmutex->pImpl->LockCount = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i<lockCount; i++) pthread_mutex_unlock(&pmutex->pImpl->SMutex); } else { pmutex->pImpl->LockCount = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pmutex->pImpl->SMutex); } // Note that there is a gap here between mutex.Unlock() and Wait(). // The other mutex protects this gap. if (delay == OVR_WAIT_INFINITE) pthread_cond_wait(&Condv,&SMutex); else { timespec ts; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + (delay / 1000); ts.tv_nsec = (tv.tv_usec + (delay % 1000) * 1000) * 1000; if (ts.tv_nsec > 999999999) { ts.tv_sec++; ts.tv_nsec -= 1000000000; } int r = pthread_cond_timedwait(&Condv,&SMutex, &ts); OVR_ASSERT(r == 0 || r == ETIMEDOUT); if (r) result = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex); // Re-aquire the mutex for(unsigned i=0; i<lockCount; i++) pmutex->DoLock(); // Return the result return result; } // Notify a condition, releasing the least object in a queue void WaitConditionImpl::Notify() { pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex); pthread_cond_signal(&Condv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex); } // Notify a condition, releasing all objects waiting void WaitConditionImpl::NotifyAll() { pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex); pthread_cond_broadcast(&Condv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex); } // *** Actual implementation of WaitCondition WaitCondition::WaitCondition() { pImpl = new WaitConditionImpl; } WaitCondition::~WaitCondition() { delete pImpl; } bool WaitCondition::Wait(Mutex *pmutex, unsigned delay) { return pImpl->Wait(pmutex, delay); } // Notification void WaitCondition::Notify() { pImpl->Notify(); } void WaitCondition::NotifyAll() { pImpl->NotifyAll(); } // ***** Current thread // Per-thread variable /* static __thread Thread* pCurrentThread = 0; // Static function to return a pointer to the current thread void Thread::InitCurrentThread(Thread *pthread) { pCurrentThread = pthread; } // Static function to return a pointer to the current thread Thread* Thread::GetThread() { return pCurrentThread; } */ // *** Thread constructors. Thread::Thread(UPInt stackSize, int processor) { // NOTE: RefCount mode already thread-safe for all Waitable objects. CreateParams params; params.stackSize = stackSize; params.processor = processor; Init(params); } Thread::Thread(Thread::ThreadFn threadFunction, void* userHandle, UPInt stackSize, int processor, Thread::ThreadState initialState) { CreateParams params(threadFunction, userHandle, stackSize, processor, initialState); Init(params); } Thread::Thread(const CreateParams& params) { Init(params); } void Thread::Init(const CreateParams& params) { // Clear the variables ThreadFlags = 0; ThreadHandle = 0; ExitCode = 0; SuspendCount = 0; StackSize = params.stackSize; Processor = params.processor; Priority = params.priority; // Clear Function pointers ThreadFunction = params.threadFunction; UserHandle = params.userHandle; if (params.initialState != NotRunning) Start(params.initialState); } Thread::~Thread() { // Thread should not running while object is being destroyed, // this would indicate ref-counting issue. //OVR_ASSERT(IsRunning() == 0); // Clean up thread. ThreadHandle = 0; } // *** Overridable User functions. // Default Run implementation int Thread::Run() { // Call pointer to function, if available. return (ThreadFunction) ? ThreadFunction(this, UserHandle) : 0; } void Thread::OnExit() { } // Finishes the thread and releases internal reference to it. void Thread::FinishAndRelease() { // Note: thread must be US. ThreadFlags &= (UInt32)~(OVR_THREAD_STARTED); ThreadFlags |= OVR_THREAD_FINISHED; // Release our reference; this is equivalent to 'delete this' // from the point of view of our thread. Release(); } // *** ThreadList - used to track all created threads class ThreadList : public NewOverrideBase { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct ThreadHashOp { size_t operator()(const Thread* ptr) { return (((size_t)ptr) >> 6) ^ (size_t)ptr; } }; HashSet<Thread*, ThreadHashOp> ThreadSet; Mutex ThreadMutex; WaitCondition ThreadsEmpty; // Track the root thread that created us. pthread_t RootThreadId; static ThreadList* volatile pRunningThreads; void addThread(Thread *pthread) { Mutex::Locker lock(&ThreadMutex); ThreadSet.Add(pthread); } void removeThread(Thread *pthread) { Mutex::Locker lock(&ThreadMutex); ThreadSet.Remove(pthread); if (ThreadSet.GetSize() == 0) ThreadsEmpty.Notify(); } void finishAllThreads() { // Only original root thread can call this. OVR_ASSERT(pthread_self() == RootThreadId); Mutex::Locker lock(&ThreadMutex); while (ThreadSet.GetSize() != 0) ThreadsEmpty.Wait(&ThreadMutex); } public: ThreadList() { RootThreadId = pthread_self(); } ~ThreadList() { } static void AddRunningThread(Thread *pthread) { // Non-atomic creation ok since only the root thread if (!pRunningThreads) { pRunningThreads = new ThreadList; OVR_ASSERT(pRunningThreads); } pRunningThreads->addThread(pthread); } // NOTE: 'pthread' might be a dead pointer when this is // called so it should not be accessed; it is only used // for removal. static void RemoveRunningThread(Thread *pthread) { OVR_ASSERT(pRunningThreads); pRunningThreads->removeThread(pthread); } static void FinishAllThreads() { // This is ok because only root thread can wait for other thread finish. if (pRunningThreads) { pRunningThreads->finishAllThreads(); delete pRunningThreads; pRunningThreads = 0; } } }; // By default, we have no thread list. ThreadList* volatile ThreadList::pRunningThreads = 0; // FinishAllThreads - exposed publicly in Thread. void Thread::FinishAllThreads() { ThreadList::FinishAllThreads(); } // *** Run override int Thread::PRun() { // Suspend us on start, if requested if (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_START_SUSPENDED) { Suspend(); ThreadFlags &= (UInt32)~OVR_THREAD_START_SUSPENDED; } // Call the virtual run function ExitCode = Run(); return ExitCode; } // *** User overridables bool Thread::GetExitFlag() const { return (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_EXIT) != 0; } void Thread::SetExitFlag(bool exitFlag) { // The below is atomic since ThreadFlags is AtomicInt. if (exitFlag) ThreadFlags |= OVR_THREAD_EXIT; else ThreadFlags &= (UInt32) ~OVR_THREAD_EXIT; } // Determines whether the thread was running and is now finished bool Thread::IsFinished() const { return (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_FINISHED) != 0; } // Determines whether the thread is suspended bool Thread::IsSuspended() const { return SuspendCount > 0; } // Returns current thread state Thread::ThreadState Thread::GetThreadState() const { if (IsSuspended()) return Suspended; if (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_STARTED) return Running; return NotRunning; } // Join thread bool Thread::Join(int maxWaitMs) const { // If polling, if (maxWaitMs == 0) { // Just return if finished return IsFinished(); } // If waiting forever, else if (maxWaitMs > 0) { UInt32 t0 = Timer::GetTicksMs(); while (!IsFinished()) { UInt32 t1 = Timer::GetTicksMs(); // If the wait has expired, int delta = (int)(t1 - t0); if (delta >= maxWaitMs) { return false; } Thread::MSleep(10); } return true; } else { while (!IsFinished()) { pthread_join(ThreadHandle, NULL); } } return true; } /* static const char* mapsched_policy(int policy) { switch(policy) { case SCHED_OTHER: return "SCHED_OTHER"; case SCHED_RR: return "SCHED_RR"; case SCHED_FIFO: return "SCHED_FIFO"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } int policy; sched_param sparam; pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &sparam); int max_prior = sched_get_priority_max(policy); int min_prior = sched_get_priority_min(policy); printf(" !!!! policy: %s, priority: %d, max priority: %d, min priority: %d\n", mapsched_policy(policy), sparam.sched_priority, max_prior, min_prior); #include <stdio.h> */ // ***** Thread management // The actual first function called on thread start void* Thread_PthreadStartFn(void* phandle) { Thread* pthread = (Thread*)phandle; int result = pthread->PRun(); // Signal the thread as done and release it atomically. pthread->FinishAndRelease(); // At this point Thread object might be dead; however we can still pass // it to RemoveRunningThread since it is only used as a key there. ThreadList::RemoveRunningThread(pthread); return reinterpret_cast<void*>(result); } int Thread::InitAttr = 0; pthread_attr_t Thread::Attr; /* static */ int Thread::GetOSPriority(ThreadPriority p) { OVR_UNUSED(p); return -1; } /* static */ Thread::ThreadPriority Thread::GetOVRPriority(int osPriority) { #if defined(OVR_OS_LINUX) return (ThreadPriority)(Thread::NormalPriority - osPriority); // This works for both SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_RR, and SCHED_FIFO. #else // Apple priorities are such that the min is a value less than the max. static int minPriority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO); // We don't have a means to pass a policy type to this function. static int maxPriority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); return (ThreadPriority)(Thread::NormalPriority - (osPriority - ((minPriority + maxPriority) / 2))); #endif } Thread::ThreadPriority Thread::GetPriority() { int policy; sched_param param; int result = pthread_getschedparam(ThreadHandle, &policy, ¶m); if(result == 0) { #if !defined(OVR_OS_LINUX) if(policy == SCHED_OTHER) { return Thread::NormalPriority; //SCHED_OTHER allows only normal priority on BSD-style Unix and Mac OS X. } #endif return GetOVRPriority(param.sched_priority); } return Thread::NormalPriority; } /* static */ Thread::ThreadPriority Thread::GetCurrentPriority() { int policy; sched_param param; pthread_t currentThreadId = pthread_self(); int result = pthread_getschedparam(currentThreadId, &policy, ¶m); if(result == 0) { #if !defined(OVR_OS_LINUX) if(policy == SCHED_OTHER) { return Thread::NormalPriority; //SCHED_OTHER allows only normal priority on BSD-style Unix and Mac OS X. } #endif return GetOVRPriority(param.sched_priority); } return Thread::NormalPriority; } bool Thread::SetPriority(ThreadPriority) { // We currently fail. To do: add code to support this via pthread_getschedparam/pthread_attr_setschedparam // This won't work unless using SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR anyway, which require root privileges. return false; } /* static */ bool Thread::SetCurrentPriority(ThreadPriority) { // We currently fail. To do: add code to support this via pthread_getschedparam/pthread_attr_setschedparam // This won't work unless using SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR anyway, which require root privileges. return false; } bool Thread::Start(ThreadState initialState) { if (initialState == NotRunning) return 0; if (GetThreadState() != NotRunning) { OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("Thread::Start failed - thread %p already running", this)); return 0; } if (!InitAttr) { pthread_attr_init(&Attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&Attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&Attr, 128 * 1024); sched_param sparam; sparam.sched_priority = Thread::GetOSPriority(NormalPriority); pthread_attr_setschedparam(&Attr, &sparam); InitAttr = 1; } ExitCode = 0; SuspendCount = 0; ThreadFlags = (initialState == Running) ? 0 : OVR_THREAD_START_SUSPENDED; // AddRef to us until the thread is finished AddRef(); ThreadList::AddRunningThread(this); int result; if (StackSize != 128 * 1024 || Priority != NormalPriority) { pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, StackSize); sched_param sparam; sparam.sched_priority = Thread::GetOSPriority(Priority); pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &sparam); result = pthread_create(&ThreadHandle, &attr, Thread_PthreadStartFn, this); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } else result = pthread_create(&ThreadHandle, &Attr, Thread_PthreadStartFn, this); if (result) { ThreadFlags = 0; Release(); ThreadList::RemoveRunningThread(this); return 0; } return 1; } // Suspend the thread until resumed bool Thread::Suspend() { OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("Thread::Suspend - cannot suspend threads on this system")); return 0; } // Resumes currently suspended thread bool Thread::Resume() { return 0; } // Quits with an exit code void Thread::Exit(int exitCode) { // Can only exist the current thread // if (GetThread() != this) // return; // Call the virtual OnExit function OnExit(); // Signal this thread object as done and release it's references. FinishAndRelease(); ThreadList::RemoveRunningThread(this); pthread_exit(reinterpret_cast<void*>(exitCode)); } ThreadId GetCurrentThreadId() { return (void*)pthread_self(); } // *** Sleep functions /* static */ bool Thread::Sleep(unsigned secs) { sleep(secs); return 1; } /* static */ bool Thread::MSleep(unsigned msecs) { usleep(msecs*1000); return 1; } /* static */ int Thread::GetCPUCount() { #if defined(OVR_OS_MAC) || defined(OVR_OS_BSD) // http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man3/sysctlbyname.3.html int cpuCount = 0; size_t len = sizeof(cpuCount); if(sysctlbyname("hw.logicalcpu", &cpuCount, &len, NULL, 0) != 0) cpuCount = 1; return cpuCount; #else // Linux, Android // Alternative: read /proc/cpuinfo #ifdef _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN return (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); #else return 1; #endif #endif } void Thread::SetThreadName( const char* name ) { #if defined (OVR_OS_APPLE) if(ThreadHandle == pthread_self()) pthread_setname_np(name); // Else there's nothing we can do. #else if(ThreadHandle != 0) pthread_setname_np(ThreadHandle, name); // Else we can possibly save this name and set it later when the thread starts. #endif } void Thread::SetThreadName(const char* name, ThreadId threadId) { #if defined (OVR_OS_APPLE) if(pthread_equal((pthread_t)threadId, pthread_self())) pthread_setname_np(name); // Else there's no way to set the name of another thread. #else pthread_setname_np((pthread_t)threadId, name); #endif } void Thread::SetCurrentThreadName(const char* name) { #if defined (OVR_OS_APPLE) pthread_setname_np(name); #else pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), name); #endif } void Thread::GetThreadName(char* name, size_t nameCapacity, ThreadId threadId) { name[0] = 0; pthread_getname_np((pthread_t)threadId, name, nameCapacity); } void Thread::GetCurrentThreadName(char* name, size_t nameCapacity) { name[0] = 0; pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), name, nameCapacity); } } // namespace OVR #endif // OVR_ENABLE_THREADS