/************************************************************************** Filename : OVR_File.cpp Content : File wrapper class implementation (Win32) Created : April 5, 1999 Authors : Michael Antonov Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.2 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. **************************************************************************/ #define GFILE_CXX // Standard C library (Captain Obvious guarantees!) #include <stdio.h> #include "OVR_File.h" namespace OVR { // Buffered file adds buffering to an existing file // FILEBUFFER_SIZE defines the size of internal buffer, while // FILEBUFFER_TOLERANCE controls the amount of data we'll effectively try to buffer #define FILEBUFFER_SIZE (8192-8) #define FILEBUFFER_TOLERANCE 4096 // ** Constructor/Destructor // Hidden constructor // Not supposed to be used BufferedFile::BufferedFile() : DelegatedFile(0) { pBuffer = (uint8_t*)OVR_ALLOC(FILEBUFFER_SIZE); BufferMode = NoBuffer; FilePos = 0; Pos = 0; DataSize = 0; } // Takes another file as source BufferedFile::BufferedFile(File *pfile) : DelegatedFile(pfile) { pBuffer = (uint8_t*)OVR_ALLOC(FILEBUFFER_SIZE); BufferMode = NoBuffer; FilePos = pfile->LTell(); Pos = 0; DataSize = 0; } // Destructor BufferedFile::~BufferedFile() { // Flush in case there's data if (pFile) FlushBuffer(); // Get rid of buffer if (pBuffer) OVR_FREE(pBuffer); } /* bool BufferedFile::VCopy(const Object &source) { if (!DelegatedFile::VCopy(source)) return 0; // Data members BufferedFile *psource = (BufferedFile*)&source; // Buffer & the mode it's in pBuffer = psource->pBuffer; BufferMode = psource->BufferMode; Pos = psource->Pos; DataSize = psource->DataSize; return 1; } */ // Initializes buffering to a certain mode bool BufferedFile::SetBufferMode(BufferModeType mode) { if (!pBuffer) return false; if (mode == BufferMode) return true; FlushBuffer(); // Can't set write mode if we can't write if ((mode==WriteBuffer) && (!pFile || !pFile->IsWritable()) ) return 0; // And SetMode BufferMode = mode; Pos = 0; DataSize = 0; return 1; } // Flushes buffer void BufferedFile::FlushBuffer() { switch(BufferMode) { case WriteBuffer: // Write data in buffer FilePos += pFile->Write(pBuffer,Pos); Pos = 0; break; case ReadBuffer: // Seek back & reset buffer data if ((DataSize-Pos)>0) FilePos = pFile->LSeek(-(int)(DataSize-Pos), Seek_Cur); DataSize = 0; Pos = 0; break; default: // not handled! break; } } // Reloads data for ReadBuffer void BufferedFile::LoadBuffer() { if (BufferMode == ReadBuffer) { // We should only reload once all of pre-loaded buffer is consumed. OVR_ASSERT(Pos == DataSize); // WARNING: Right now LoadBuffer() assumes the buffer's empty int sz = pFile->Read(pBuffer,FILEBUFFER_SIZE); DataSize = sz<0 ? 0 : (unsigned)sz; Pos = 0; FilePos += DataSize; } } // ** Overridden functions // We override all the functions that can possibly // require buffer mode switch, flush, or extra calculations // Tell() requires buffer adjustment int BufferedFile::Tell() { if (BufferMode == ReadBuffer) return int (FilePos - DataSize + Pos); int pos = pFile->Tell(); // Adjust position based on buffer mode & data if (pos!=-1) { OVR_ASSERT(BufferMode != ReadBuffer); if (BufferMode == WriteBuffer) pos += Pos; } return pos; } int64_t BufferedFile::LTell() { if (BufferMode == ReadBuffer) return FilePos - DataSize + Pos; int64_t pos = pFile->LTell(); if (pos!=-1) { OVR_ASSERT(BufferMode != ReadBuffer); if (BufferMode == WriteBuffer) pos += Pos; } return pos; } int BufferedFile::GetLength() { int len = pFile->GetLength(); // If writing through buffer, file length may actually be bigger if ((len!=-1) && (BufferMode==WriteBuffer)) { int currPos = pFile->Tell() + Pos; if (currPos>len) len = currPos; } return len; } int64_t BufferedFile::LGetLength() { int64_t len = pFile->LGetLength(); // If writing through buffer, file length may actually be bigger if ((len!=-1) && (BufferMode==WriteBuffer)) { int64_t currPos = pFile->LTell() + Pos; if (currPos>len) len = currPos; } return len; } /* bool BufferedFile::Stat(FileStats *pfs) { // Have to fix up length is stat if (pFile->Stat(pfs)) { if (BufferMode==WriteBuffer) { int64_t currPos = pFile->LTell() + Pos; if (currPos > pfs->Size) { pfs->Size = currPos; // ?? pfs->Blocks = (pfs->Size+511) >> 9; } } return 1; } return 0; } */ int BufferedFile::Write(const uint8_t *psourceBuffer, int numBytes) { if ( (BufferMode==WriteBuffer) || SetBufferMode(WriteBuffer)) { // If not data space in buffer, flush if ((FILEBUFFER_SIZE-(int)Pos)<numBytes) { FlushBuffer(); // If bigger then tolerance, just write directly if (numBytes>FILEBUFFER_TOLERANCE) { int sz = pFile->Write(psourceBuffer,numBytes); if (sz > 0) FilePos += sz; return sz; } } // Enough space in buffer.. so copy to it memcpy(pBuffer+Pos, psourceBuffer, numBytes); Pos += numBytes; return numBytes; } int sz = pFile->Write(psourceBuffer,numBytes); if (sz > 0) FilePos += sz; return sz; } int BufferedFile::Read(uint8_t *pdestBuffer, int numBytes) { if ( (BufferMode==ReadBuffer) || SetBufferMode(ReadBuffer)) { // Data in buffer... copy it if ((int)(DataSize-Pos) >= numBytes) { memcpy(pdestBuffer, pBuffer+Pos, numBytes); Pos += numBytes; return numBytes; } // Not enough data in buffer, copy buffer int readBytes = DataSize-Pos; memcpy(pdestBuffer, pBuffer+Pos, readBytes); numBytes -= readBytes; pdestBuffer += readBytes; Pos = DataSize; // Don't reload buffer if more then tolerance // (No major advantage, and we don't want to write a loop) if (numBytes>FILEBUFFER_TOLERANCE) { numBytes = pFile->Read(pdestBuffer,numBytes); if (numBytes > 0) { FilePos += numBytes; Pos = DataSize = 0; } return readBytes + ((numBytes==-1) ? 0 : numBytes); } // Reload the buffer // WARNING: Right now LoadBuffer() assumes the buffer's empty LoadBuffer(); if ((int)(DataSize-Pos) < numBytes) numBytes = (int)DataSize-Pos; memcpy(pdestBuffer, pBuffer+Pos, numBytes); Pos += numBytes; return numBytes + readBytes; /* // Alternative Read implementation. The one above is probably better // due to FILEBUFFER_TOLERANCE. int total = 0; do { int bufferBytes = (int)(DataSize-Pos); int copyBytes = (bufferBytes > numBytes) ? numBytes : bufferBytes; memcpy(pdestBuffer, pBuffer+Pos, copyBytes); numBytes -= copyBytes; pdestBuffer += copyBytes; Pos += copyBytes; total += copyBytes; if (numBytes == 0) break; LoadBuffer(); } while (DataSize > 0); return total; */ } int sz = pFile->Read(pdestBuffer,numBytes); if (sz > 0) FilePos += sz; return sz; } int BufferedFile::SkipBytes(int numBytes) { int skippedBytes = 0; // Special case for skipping a little data in read buffer if (BufferMode==ReadBuffer) { skippedBytes = (((int)DataSize-(int)Pos) >= numBytes) ? numBytes : (DataSize-Pos); Pos += skippedBytes; numBytes -= skippedBytes; } if (numBytes) { numBytes = pFile->SkipBytes(numBytes); // Make sure we return the actual number skipped, or error if (numBytes!=-1) { skippedBytes += numBytes; FilePos += numBytes; Pos = DataSize = 0; } else if (skippedBytes <= 0) skippedBytes = -1; } return skippedBytes; } int BufferedFile::BytesAvailable() { int available = pFile->BytesAvailable(); // Adjust available size based on buffers switch(BufferMode) { case ReadBuffer: available += DataSize-Pos; break; case WriteBuffer: available -= Pos; if (available<0) available= 0; break; default: break; } return available; } bool BufferedFile::Flush() { FlushBuffer(); return pFile->Flush(); } // Seeking could be optimized better.. int BufferedFile::Seek(int offset, int origin) { if (BufferMode == ReadBuffer) { if (origin == Seek_Cur) { // Seek can fall either before or after Pos in the buffer, // but it must be within bounds. if (((unsigned(offset) + Pos)) <= DataSize) { Pos += offset; return int (FilePos - DataSize + Pos); } // Lightweight buffer "Flush". We do this to avoid an extra seek // back operation which would take place if we called FlushBuffer directly. origin = Seek_Set; OVR_ASSERT(((FilePos - DataSize + Pos) + (uint64_t)offset) < ~(uint64_t)0); offset = (int)(FilePos - DataSize + Pos) + offset; Pos = DataSize = 0; } else if (origin == Seek_Set) { if (((unsigned)offset - (FilePos-DataSize)) <= DataSize) { OVR_ASSERT((FilePos-DataSize) < ~(uint64_t)0); Pos = (unsigned)offset - (unsigned)(FilePos-DataSize); return offset; } Pos = DataSize = 0; } else { FlushBuffer(); } } else { FlushBuffer(); } /* // Old Seek Logic if (origin == Seek_Cur && offset + Pos < DataSize) { //OVR_ASSERT((FilePos - DataSize) >= (FilePos - DataSize + Pos + offset)); Pos += offset; OVR_ASSERT(int (Pos) >= 0); return int (FilePos - DataSize + Pos); } else if (origin == Seek_Set && unsigned(offset) >= FilePos - DataSize && unsigned(offset) < FilePos) { Pos = unsigned(offset - FilePos + DataSize); OVR_ASSERT(int (Pos) >= 0); return int (FilePos - DataSize + Pos); } FlushBuffer(); */ FilePos = pFile->Seek(offset,origin); return int (FilePos); } int64_t BufferedFile::LSeek(int64_t offset, int origin) { if (BufferMode == ReadBuffer) { if (origin == Seek_Cur) { // Seek can fall either before or after Pos in the buffer, // but it must be within bounds. if (((unsigned(offset) + Pos)) <= DataSize) { Pos += (unsigned)offset; return int64_t(FilePos - DataSize + Pos); } // Lightweight buffer "Flush". We do this to avoid an extra seek // back operation which would take place if we called FlushBuffer directly. origin = Seek_Set; offset = (int64_t)(FilePos - DataSize + Pos) + offset; Pos = DataSize = 0; } else if (origin == Seek_Set) { if (((uint64_t)offset - (FilePos-DataSize)) <= DataSize) { Pos = (unsigned)((uint64_t)offset - (FilePos-DataSize)); return offset; } Pos = DataSize = 0; } else { FlushBuffer(); } } else { FlushBuffer(); } /* OVR_ASSERT(BufferMode != NoBuffer); if (origin == Seek_Cur && offset + Pos < DataSize) { Pos += int (offset); return FilePos - DataSize + Pos; } else if (origin == Seek_Set && offset >= int64_t(FilePos - DataSize) && offset < int64_t(FilePos)) { Pos = unsigned(offset - FilePos + DataSize); return FilePos - DataSize + Pos; } FlushBuffer(); */ FilePos = pFile->LSeek(offset,origin); return FilePos; } int BufferedFile::CopyFromStream(File *pstream, int byteSize) { // We can't rely on overridden Write() // because delegation doesn't override virtual pointers // So, just re-implement uint8_t* buff = new uint8_t[0x4000]; int count = 0; int szRequest, szRead, szWritten; while(byteSize) { szRequest = (byteSize > int(sizeof(buff))) ? int(sizeof(buff)) : byteSize; szRead = pstream->Read(buff,szRequest); szWritten = 0; if (szRead > 0) szWritten = Write(buff,szRead); count +=szWritten; byteSize-=szWritten; if (szWritten < szRequest) break; } delete[] buff; return count; } // Closing files bool BufferedFile::Close() { switch(BufferMode) { case WriteBuffer: FlushBuffer(); break; case ReadBuffer: // No need to seek back on close BufferMode = NoBuffer; break; default: break; } return pFile->Close(); } // ***** Global path helpers // Find trailing short filename in a path. const char* OVR_CDECL GetShortFilename(const char* purl) { size_t len = OVR_strlen(purl); for (size_t i=len; i>0; i--) if (purl[i]=='\\' || purl[i]=='/') return purl+i+1; return purl; } } // OVR