/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVR_OSX_Display.cpp Content : OSX-specific Display declarations Created : July 2, 2014 Authors : James Hughes Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.2 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *************************************************************************************/ #include "OVR_OSX_Display.h" #include "../Kernel/OVR_Log.h" #include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h> #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> #include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h> #include <IOKit/graphics/IOGraphicsLib.h> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** Display enumeration Helpers namespace OVR { // FIXME Code duplication with windows. #define EDID_LENGTH 0x80 #define EDID_HEADER 0x00 #define EDID_HEADER_END 0x07 #define ID_MANUFACTURER_NAME 0x08 #define ID_MANUFACTURER_NAME_END 0x09 #define EDID_STRUCT_VERSION 0x12 #define EDID_STRUCT_REVISION 0x13 #define ESTABLISHED_TIMING_1 0x23 #define ESTABLISHED_TIMING_2 0x24 #define MANUFACTURERS_TIMINGS 0x25 #define DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START 0x36 #define DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 18 #define NO_DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS 4 #define DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_1 0x36 #define DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_2 0x48 #define DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_3 0x5a #define DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_4 0x6c #define MONITOR_NAME 0xfc #define MONITOR_LIMITS 0xfd #define MONITOR_SERIAL 0xff #define UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR -1 #define DETAILED_TIMING_BLOCK -2 #define DESCRIPTOR_DATA 5 const UByte edid_v1_header[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 }; const UByte edid_v1_descriptor_flag[] = { 0x00, 0x00 }; // FIXME Code duplication with windows. Refactor. static int blockType( UByte* block ) { if ( !strncmp( (const char*)edid_v1_descriptor_flag, (const char*)block, 2 ) ) { // descriptor if ( block[ 2 ] != 0 ) return UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR; return block[ 3 ]; } else { return DETAILED_TIMING_BLOCK; } } static char* getMonitorName( UByte const* block ) { static char name[ 13 ]; unsigned i; UByte const* ptr = block + DESCRIPTOR_DATA; for( i = 0; i < 13; i++, ptr++ ) { if ( *ptr == 0xa ) { name[ i ] = 0; return name; } name[ i ] = *ptr; } return name; } // FIXME Code duplication with windows. Refactor. static bool parseEdid( UByte* edid, OVR::OSX::DisplayEDID& edidResult ) { unsigned i; UByte* block; const char* monitor_name = "Unknown"; UByte checksum = 0; for( i = 0; i < EDID_LENGTH; i++ ) checksum += edid[ i ]; // Bad checksum, fail EDID if ( checksum != 0 ) return false; if ( strncmp( (const char*)edid+EDID_HEADER, (const char*)edid_v1_header, EDID_HEADER_END+1 ) ) { // First bytes don't match EDID version 1 header return false; } // OVR_DEBUG_LOG_TEXT(( "\n# EDID version %d revision %d\n", // (int)edid[EDID_STRUCT_VERSION],(int)edid[EDID_STRUCT_REVISION] )); // Monitor name and timings char serialNumber[14]; memset( serialNumber, 0, 14 ); block = edid + DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS_START; for( i = 0; i < NO_DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTIONS; i++, block += DETAILED_TIMING_DESCRIPTION_SIZE ) { if ( blockType( block ) == MONITOR_NAME ) { monitor_name = getMonitorName( block ); } if( blockType( block ) == MONITOR_SERIAL ) { memcpy( serialNumber, block + 5, 13 ); break; } } UByte vendorString[4] = {0}; vendorString[0] = (edid[8] >> 2 & 31) + 64; vendorString[1] = ((edid[8] & 3) << 3) | (edid[9] >> 5) + 64; vendorString[2] = (edid[9] & 31) + 64; edidResult.ModelNumber = *(UInt16*)&edid[10]; edidResult.MonitorName = OVR::String(monitor_name); edidResult.VendorName = OVR::String((const char*)vendorString); edidResult.SerialNumber = OVR::String(serialNumber); // printf( "\tIdentifier \"%s\"\n", monitor_name ); // printf( "\tVendorName \"%s\"\n", vendorString ); // printf( "\tModelName \"%s\"\n", monitor_name ); // printf( "\tModelNumber %d\n", edidResult.ModelNumber ); // printf( "\tSerialNumber \"%s\"\n", edidResult.SerialNumber.ToCStr() ); // FIXME: Get timings as well, though they aren't very useful here // except for the vertical refresh rate, presumably return true; } static int discoverExtendedRifts(OVR::OSX::DisplayDesc* descriptorArray, int inputArraySize, bool edidInfo) { OVR_UNUSED(edidInfo); int result = 0; static bool reportDiscovery = true; OVR_UNUSED(reportDiscovery); CGDirectDisplayID Displays[32]; uint32_t NDisplays = 0; CGGetOnlineDisplayList(32, Displays, &NDisplays); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NDisplays; i++) { io_service_t port = CGDisplayIOServicePort(Displays[i]); CFDictionaryRef DispInfo = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(port, kNilOptions); // Display[i] uint32_t vendor = CGDisplayVendorNumber(Displays[i]); uint32_t product = CGDisplayModelNumber(Displays[i]); CGRect desktop = CGDisplayBounds(Displays[i]); Vector2i desktopOffset(desktop.origin.x, desktop.origin.y); if (vendor == 16082 && ( (product == 1)||(product == 2)||(product == 3) ) ) // 7" or HD { if( result >= inputArraySize ) { CFRelease(DispInfo); return result; } Sizei monitorResolution(1280, 800); // Obtain and parse EDID data. CFDataRef data = (CFDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(DispInfo, CFSTR(kIODisplayEDIDKey)); if (!data) { CFRelease(DispInfo); OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] Unable to obtain EDID for Oculus product %d", product); continue; } UByte* edid = (UByte*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data); OSX::DisplayEDID edidResult; parseEdid( edid, edidResult ); OVR::OSX::DisplayDesc& desc = descriptorArray[result++]; desc.DisplayID = Displays[i]; desc.ModelName = edidResult.MonitorName; // User friendly string. desc.EdidSerialNumber = edidResult.SerialNumber; desc.LogicalResolutionInPixels = monitorResolution; desc.DesktopDisplayOffset = desktopOffset; switch (product) { case 3: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_DK2; break; case 2: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_DKHDProto; break; case 1: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_DK1; break; default: case 0: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_Unknown; break; } // Hard-coded defaults in case the device doesn't have the data itself. // DK2 prototypes (0003) or DK HD Prototypes (0002) if (product == 3 || product == 2) { desc.LogicalResolutionInPixels = Sizei(1920, 1080); desc.NativeResolutionInPixels = Sizei(1080, 1920); } else { desc.LogicalResolutionInPixels = monitorResolution; desc.NativeResolutionInPixels = monitorResolution; } //OVR_DEBUG_LOG_TEXT(("Display Found %x:%x\n", vendor, product)); } CFRelease(DispInfo); } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** Display bool Display::Initialize() { // Nothing to initialize. OS X only supports compatibility mode. return true; } bool Display::GetDriverMode(bool& driverInstalled, bool& compatMode, bool& hideDK1Mode) { driverInstalled = false; compatMode = true; hideDK1Mode = false; return true; } bool Display::SetDriverMode(bool /*compatMode*/, bool /*hideDK1Mode*/) { return false; } DisplaySearchHandle* Display::GetDisplaySearchHandle() { return new OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle(); } bool Display::InCompatibilityMode( bool displaySearch ) { OVR_UNUSED( displaySearch ); return true; } int Display::GetDisplayCount( DisplaySearchHandle* handle, bool extended, bool applicationOnly, bool edidInfo ) { OVR_UNUSED(applicationOnly); static int extendedCount = -1; OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle* localHandle = (OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle*)handle; if (localHandle == NULL) { OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] No search handle passed into GetDisplayCount. Return 0 rifts."); return 0; } if (extendedCount == -1 || extended) { extendedCount = discoverExtendedRifts(localHandle->cachedDescriptorArray, OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle::DescArraySize, edidInfo); } localHandle->extended = true; localHandle->extendedDisplayCount = extendedCount; int totalCount = extendedCount; /// FIXME: Implement application mode for OS X. localHandle->application = false; localHandle->applicationDisplayCount = 0; localHandle->displayCount = totalCount; return totalCount; } Ptr<Display> Display::GetDisplay( int index, DisplaySearchHandle* handle ) { Ptr<Display> result = NULL; if (index < 0) { OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] Invalid index given to GetDisplay."); return NULL; } OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle* localHandle = (OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle*)handle; if (localHandle == NULL) { OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] No search handle passed into GetDisplay. Return 0 rifts."); return NULL; } if (localHandle->extended) { if (index >= 0 && index < (int)localHandle->extendedDisplayCount) { return *new OSX::OSXDisplayGeneric(localHandle->cachedDescriptorArray[index]); } // index -= localHandle->extendedDisplayCount; } if (localHandle->application) { OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] Mac does not support application displays."); } return result; } } // namespace OVR