From e490c3c7f7bb5461cfa78a214827aa534fb43a3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel <>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2015 21:19:34 +0100
Subject: Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to 0.4.4

 LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp | 354 -----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 354 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp

(limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp')

diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94fbb27..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-Filename    :   OVR_SensorCalibration.cpp
-Content     :   Calibration data implementation for the IMU messages 
-Created     :   January 28, 2014
-Authors     :   Max Katsev
-Copyright   :   Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License"); 
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, 
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which 
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK 
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "OVR_SensorCalibration.h"
-#include "Kernel/OVR_Log.h"
-#include "Kernel/OVR_Threads.h"
-#include <time.h>
-namespace OVR {
-using namespace Alg;
-const UByte VERSION = 2;
-const UByte MAX_COMPAT_VERSION = 15;
-SensorCalibration::SensorCalibration(SensorDevice* pSensor)
-    : MagCalibrated(false), GyroFilter(6000), GyroAutoTemperature(0)
-    this->pSensor = pSensor;
-void SensorCalibration::Initialize()
-    // read factory calibration
-    pSensor->GetFactoryCalibration(&AccelOffset, &GyroAutoOffset, &AccelMatrix, &GyroMatrix, &GyroAutoTemperature);
-    // if the headset has an autocalibrated offset, prefer it over the factory defaults
-    GyroOffsetReport gyroReport;
-    bool result = pSensor->GetGyroOffsetReport(&gyroReport);
-    if (result && gyroReport.Version != GyroOffsetReport::Version_NoOffset)
-    {
-        GyroAutoOffset = (Vector3f) gyroReport.Offset;
-        GyroAutoTemperature = (float) gyroReport.Temperature;
-    }
-    // read the temperature tables and prepare the interpolation structures
-    result = pSensor->GetAllTemperatureReports(&TemperatureReports);
-    OVR_ASSERT(result);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-        Interpolators[i].Initialize(TemperatureReports, i);
-    // read the mag calibration
-    MagCalibrationReport report;
-    result = pSensor->GetMagCalibrationReport(&report);
-    MagCalibrated = result && report.Version > 0;
-    MagMatrix = report.Calibration;
-    if (!MagCalibrated)
-    {
-        // OVR_ASSERT(false);
-        LogError("Magnetometer calibration not found!\n");
-    }
-void SensorCalibration::DebugPrintLocalTemperatureTable()
-	LogText("TemperatureReports:\n");
-	for (int i = 0; i < (int)TemperatureReports.GetSize(); i++)
-	{
-		for (int j = 0; j < (int)TemperatureReports[i].GetSize(); j++)
-		{
-			TemperatureReport& tr = TemperatureReports[i][j];
-			LogText("[%d][%d]: Version=%3d, Bin=%d/%d, "
-					"Sample=%d/%d, TargetTemp=%3.1lf, "
-					"ActualTemp=%4.1lf, "
-					"Offset=(%7.2lf, %7.2lf, %7.2lf), "
-					"Time=%d\n",	i, j, tr.Version,
-									tr.Bin, tr.NumBins,
-									tr.Sample, tr.NumSamples,
-									tr.TargetTemperature,
-									tr.ActualTemperature,
-									tr.Offset.x, tr.Offset.y, tr.Offset.z,
-									tr.Time);
-		}
-	}
-void SensorCalibration::DebugClearHeadsetTemperatureReports()
-    OVR_ASSERT(pSensor != NULL);
-    bool result;
-	Array<Array<TemperatureReport> > temperatureReports;
-	pSensor->GetAllTemperatureReports(&temperatureReports);
-	OVR_ASSERT(temperatureReports.GetSize() > 0);
-	OVR_ASSERT(temperatureReports[0].GetSize() > 0);
-	TemperatureReport& tr = TemperatureReports[0][0];
-	tr.ActualTemperature = 0.0;
-	tr.Time = 0;
-	tr.Version = 0;
-	tr.Offset.x = tr.Offset.y = tr.Offset.z = 0.0;
-	for (UByte i = 0; i < tr.NumBins; i++)
-	{
-		tr.Bin = i;
-		for (UByte j = 0; j < tr.NumSamples; j++)
-		{
-			tr.Sample = j;
-			result = pSensor->SetTemperatureReport(tr);
-			OVR_ASSERT(result);
-			// Need to wait for the tracker board to finish writing to eeprom.
-			Thread::MSleep(50);
-		}
-	}
-void SensorCalibration::Apply(MessageBodyFrame& msg)
-    AutocalibrateGyro(msg);
-    // compute the interpolated offset
-    Vector3f gyroOffset;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-        gyroOffset[i] = (float) Interpolators[i].GetOffset(msg.Temperature, GyroAutoTemperature, GyroAutoOffset[i]);
-    // apply calibration
-    msg.RotationRate = GyroMatrix.Transform(msg.RotationRate - gyroOffset);
-    msg.Acceleration = AccelMatrix.Transform(msg.Acceleration - AccelOffset);
-    if (MagCalibrated)
-        msg.MagneticField = MagMatrix.Transform(msg.MagneticField);
-void SensorCalibration::AutocalibrateGyro(MessageBodyFrame const& msg)
-    const float alpha = 0.4f;
-    // 1.25f is a scaling factor related to conversion from per-axis comparison to length comparison
-    const float absLimit = 1.25f * 0.349066f;
-    const float noiseLimit = 1.25f * 0.03f;
-    Vector3f gyro = msg.RotationRate;
-    // do a moving average to reject short term noise
-    Vector3f avg = (GyroFilter.IsEmpty()) ? gyro : gyro * alpha + GyroFilter.PeekBack() * (1 - alpha);
-    // Make sure the absolute value is below what is likely motion
-    // Make sure it is close enough to the current average that it is probably noise and not motion
-    if (avg.Length() >= absLimit || (avg - GyroFilter.Mean()).Length() >= noiseLimit)
-        GyroFilter.Clear();
-    GyroFilter.PushBack(avg);
-    // if had a reasonable number of samples already use it for the current offset
-    if (GyroFilter.GetSize() > GyroFilter.GetCapacity() / 2)
-    {
-        GyroAutoOffset = GyroFilter.Mean();
-        GyroAutoTemperature = msg.Temperature;
-        // After ~6 seconds of no motion, use the average as the new zero rate offset
-        if (GyroFilter.IsFull())
-            StoreAutoOffset();
-    }
-void SensorCalibration::StoreAutoOffset()
-    const double maxDeltaT = 2.5;
-    const double minExtraDeltaT = 0.5;
-    const UInt32 minDelay = 24 * 3600; // 1 day in seconds
-    // find the best bin
-    UPInt binIdx = 0;
-    for (UPInt i = 1; i < TemperatureReports.GetSize(); i++) 
-        if (Abs(GyroAutoTemperature - TemperatureReports[i][0].TargetTemperature) < 
-            Abs(GyroAutoTemperature - TemperatureReports[binIdx][0].TargetTemperature))
-            binIdx = i;
-    // find the oldest and newest samples
-    // NB: uninitialized samples have Time == 0, so they will get picked as the oldest
-    UPInt newestIdx = 0, oldestIdx = 0;
-    for (UPInt i = 1; i < TemperatureReports[binIdx].GetSize(); i++)
-    {
-        // if the version is newer - do nothing
-        if (TemperatureReports[binIdx][i].Version > VERSION)
-            return;
-        if (TemperatureReports[binIdx][i].Time > TemperatureReports[binIdx][newestIdx].Time)
-            newestIdx = i;
-        if (TemperatureReports[binIdx][i].Time < TemperatureReports[binIdx][oldestIdx].Time)
-            oldestIdx = i;
-    }
-    TemperatureReport& oldestReport = TemperatureReports[binIdx][oldestIdx];
-    TemperatureReport& newestReport = TemperatureReports[binIdx][newestIdx];
-    OVR_ASSERT((oldestReport.Sample == 0 && newestReport.Sample == 0 && newestReport.Version == 0) || 
-                oldestReport.Sample == (newestReport.Sample + 1) % newestReport.NumSamples);
-    bool writeSuccess = false;
-    UInt32 now = (UInt32) time(0);
-    if (now - newestReport.Time > minDelay)
-    {
-        // only write a new sample if the temperature is close enough
-        if (Abs(GyroAutoTemperature - oldestReport.TargetTemperature) < maxDeltaT)
-        {
-            oldestReport.Time = now;
-            oldestReport.ActualTemperature = GyroAutoTemperature;
-            oldestReport.Offset = (Vector3d) GyroAutoOffset;
-            oldestReport.Version = VERSION;
-            writeSuccess = pSensor->SetTemperatureReport(oldestReport);
-            OVR_ASSERT(writeSuccess);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // if the newest sample is too recent - _update_ it if significantly closer to the target temp
-        if (Abs(GyroAutoTemperature - newestReport.TargetTemperature) + minExtraDeltaT
-            < Abs(newestReport.ActualTemperature - newestReport.TargetTemperature))
-        {
-            // (do not update the time!)
-            newestReport.ActualTemperature = GyroAutoTemperature;
-            newestReport.Offset = (Vector3d) GyroAutoOffset;
-            newestReport.Version = VERSION;
-            writeSuccess = pSensor->SetTemperatureReport(newestReport);
-            OVR_ASSERT(writeSuccess);
-        }
-    }
-    // update the interpolators with the new data
-    // this is not particularly expensive call and would only happen rarely
-    // but if performance is a problem, it's possible to only recompute the data that has changed
-    if (writeSuccess)
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-            Interpolators[i].Initialize(TemperatureReports, i);
-const TemperatureReport& median(const Array<TemperatureReport>& temperatureReportsBin, int coord)
-    Array<double> values;
-    values.Reserve(temperatureReportsBin.GetSize());
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < temperatureReportsBin.GetSize(); i++)
-        if (temperatureReportsBin[i].ActualTemperature != 0)
-            values.PushBack(temperatureReportsBin[i].Offset[coord]);
-    if (values.GetSize() > 0)
-    {
-        double med = Median(values);
-        // this is kind of a hack
-        for (unsigned i = 0; i < temperatureReportsBin.GetSize(); i++)
-            if (temperatureReportsBin[i].Offset[coord] == med)
-                return temperatureReportsBin[i];
-        // if we haven't found the median in the original array, something is wrong
-    }
-    return temperatureReportsBin[0];
-void OffsetInterpolator::Initialize(Array<Array<TemperatureReport> > const& temperatureReports, int coord)
-    int bins = (int) temperatureReports.GetSize();
-    Temperatures.Clear();
-    Temperatures.Reserve(bins);
-    Values.Clear();
-    Values.Reserve(bins);
-    for (int bin = 0; bin < bins; bin++)
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(temperatureReports[bin].GetSize() == temperatureReports[0].GetSize());
-        const TemperatureReport& report = median(temperatureReports[bin], coord);
-        if (report.Version > 0 && report.Version <= MAX_COMPAT_VERSION)
-        {
-            Temperatures.PushBack(report.ActualTemperature);
-            Values.PushBack(report.Offset[coord]);
-        }
-    }
-double OffsetInterpolator::GetOffset(double targetTemperature, double autoTemperature, double autoValue)
-    const double autoRangeExtra = 1.0;
-    const double minInterpolationDist = 0.5;
-    // difference between current and autocalibrated temperature adjusted for preference over historical data
-    const double adjustedDeltaT = Abs(autoTemperature - targetTemperature) - autoRangeExtra;
-    int count = (int) Temperatures.GetSize();
-    // handle special cases when we don't have enough data for proper interpolation
-    if (count == 0)
-        return autoValue;
-    if (count == 1)
-    {
-        if (adjustedDeltaT < Abs(Temperatures[0] - targetTemperature))
-            return autoValue;
-        else
-            return Values[0];
-    }
-    // first, find the interval that contains targetTemperature
-    // if all points are on the same side of targetTemperature, find the adjacent interval
-    int l;
-    if (targetTemperature < Temperatures[1])
-        l = 0;
-    else if (targetTemperature >= Temperatures[count - 2])
-        l = count - 2;
-    else
-        for (l = 1; l < count - 2; l++)
-            if (Temperatures[l] <= targetTemperature && targetTemperature < Temperatures[l+1])
-                break;
-    int u = l + 1;
-    // extend the interval if it's too small and the interpolation is unreliable
-    if (Temperatures[u] - Temperatures[l] < minInterpolationDist)
-    {
-        if (l > 0 
-            && (u == count - 1 || Temperatures[u] - Temperatures[l - 1] < Temperatures[u + 1] - Temperatures[l]))
-            l--;
-        else if (u < count - 1)
-            u++;
-    }
-    // verify correctness
-    OVR_ASSERT(l >= 0 && u < count);
-    OVR_ASSERT(l == 0 || Temperatures[l] <= targetTemperature);
-    OVR_ASSERT(u == count - 1 || targetTemperature < Temperatures[u]);
-    OVR_ASSERT((l == 0 && u == count - 1) || Temperatures[u] - Temperatures[l] > minInterpolationDist);
-    OVR_ASSERT(Temperatures[l] <= Temperatures[u]);
-    // perform the interpolation
-    double slope;
-    if (Temperatures[u] - Temperatures[l] >= minInterpolationDist)
-        slope = (Values[u] - Values[l]) / (Temperatures[u] - Temperatures[l]);
-    else
-        // avoid a badly conditioned problem
-        slope = 0;
-    if (adjustedDeltaT < Abs(Temperatures[u] - targetTemperature))
-        // use the autocalibrated value, if it's close
-        return autoValue + slope * (targetTemperature - autoTemperature);
-    else
-        return Values[u] + slope * (targetTemperature - Temperatures[u]);
-} // namespace OVR
cgit v1.2.3