From 4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 01:43:35 +0100
Subject: Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to

 LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_String.h | 658 -----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 658 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_String.h

(limited to 'LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_String.h')

diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_String.h b/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_String.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ecef940..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_String.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-PublicHeader:   OVR_Kernel.h
-Filename    :   OVR_String.h
-Content     :   String UTF8 string implementation with copy-on-write semantics
-                (thread-safe for assignment but not modification).
-Created     :   September 19, 2012
-Notes       : 
-Copyright   :   Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); 
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, 
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which 
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK 
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_String_h
-#define OVR_String_h
-#include "OVR_Types.h"
-#include "OVR_Allocator.h"
-#include "OVR_UTF8Util.h"
-#include "OVR_Atomic.h"
-#include "OVR_Std.h"
-#include "OVR_Alg.h"
-namespace OVR {
-// ***** Classes
-class String;
-class StringBuffer;
-// ***** String Class 
-// String is UTF8 based string class with copy-on-write implementation
-// for assignment.
-class String
-    enum FlagConstants
-    {
-        //Flag_GetLength      = 0x7FFFFFFF,
-        // This flag is set if GetLength() == GetSize() for a string.
-        // Avoid extra scanning is Substring and indexing logic.
-        Flag_LengthIsSizeShift   = (sizeof(size_t)*8 - 1)
-    };
-    // Internal structure to hold string data
-    struct DataDesc
-    {
-        // Number of bytes. Will be the same as the number of chars if the characters
-        // are ascii, may not be equal to number of chars in case string data is UTF8.
-        size_t  Size;       
-        volatile int32_t RefCount;
-        char    Data[1];
-        void    AddRef()
-        {
-            AtomicOps<int32_t>::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(&RefCount, 1);
-        }
-        // Decrement ref count. This needs to be thread-safe, since
-        // a different thread could have also decremented the ref count.
-        // For example, if u start off with a ref count = 2. Now if u
-        // decrement the ref count and check against 0 in different
-        // statements, a different thread can also decrement the ref count
-        // in between our decrement and checking against 0 and will find
-        // the ref count = 0 and delete the object. This will lead to a crash
-        // when context switches to our thread and we'll be trying to delete
-        // an already deleted object. Hence decrementing the ref count and
-        // checking against 0 needs to made an atomic operation.
-        void    Release()
-        {
-            if ((AtomicOps<int32_t>::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(&RefCount, -1) - 1) == 0)
-                OVR_FREE(this);
-        }
-        static size_t GetLengthFlagBit()     { return size_t(1) << Flag_LengthIsSizeShift; }
-        size_t      GetSize() const         { return Size & ~GetLengthFlagBit() ; }
-        size_t      GetLengthFlag()  const  { return Size & GetLengthFlagBit(); }
-        bool        LengthIsSize() const    { return GetLengthFlag() != 0; }
-    };
-    // Heap type of the string is encoded in the lower bits.
-    enum HeapType
-    {
-        HT_Global   = 0,    // Heap is global.
-        HT_Local    = 1,    // SF::String_loc: Heap is determined based on string's address.
-        HT_Dynamic  = 2,    // SF::String_temp: Heap is stored as a part of the class.
-        HT_Mask     = 3
-    };
-    union {
-        DataDesc* pData;
-        size_t    HeapTypeBits;
-    };
-    typedef union {
-        DataDesc* pData;
-        size_t    HeapTypeBits;
-    } DataDescUnion;
-    inline HeapType    GetHeapType() const { return (HeapType) (HeapTypeBits & HT_Mask); }
-    inline DataDesc*   GetData() const
-    {
-        DataDescUnion u;
-        u.pData    = pData;
-        u.HeapTypeBits = (u.HeapTypeBits & ~(size_t)HT_Mask);
-        return u.pData;
-    }
-    inline void        SetData(DataDesc* pdesc)
-    {
-        HeapType ht = GetHeapType();
-        pData = pdesc;
-        OVR_ASSERT((HeapTypeBits & HT_Mask) == 0);
-        HeapTypeBits |= ht;        
-    }
-    DataDesc*   AllocData(size_t size, size_t lengthIsSize);
-    DataDesc*   AllocDataCopy1(size_t size, size_t lengthIsSize,
-                               const char* pdata, size_t copySize);
-    DataDesc*   AllocDataCopy2(size_t size, size_t lengthIsSize,
-                               const char* pdata1, size_t copySize1,
-                               const char* pdata2, size_t copySize2);
-    // Special constructor to avoid data initalization when used in derived class.
-    struct NoConstructor { };
-    String(const NoConstructor&) { }
-    // For initializing string with dynamic buffer
-    struct InitStruct
-    {
-        virtual ~InitStruct() { }
-        virtual void InitString(char* pbuffer, size_t size) const = 0;
-    };
-    // Constructors / Destructors.
-    String();
-    String(const char* data);
-    String(const char* data1, const char* pdata2, const char* pdata3 = 0);
-    String(const char* data, size_t buflen);
-    String(const String& src);
-    String(const StringBuffer& src);
-    String(const InitStruct& src, size_t size);
-    explicit String(const wchar_t* data);      
-    // Destructor (Captain Obvious guarantees!)
-    ~String()
-    {
-        GetData()->Release();
-    }
-    // Declaration of NullString
-    static DataDesc NullData;
-    // *** General Functions
-    void        Clear();
-    // For casting to a pointer to char.
-    operator const char*() const        { return GetData()->Data; }
-    // Pointer to raw buffer.
-    const char* ToCStr() const          { return GetData()->Data; }
-    // Returns number of bytes
-    size_t      GetSize() const         { return GetData()->GetSize() ; }
-    // Tells whether or not the string is empty
-    bool        IsEmpty() const         { return GetSize() == 0; }
-    // Returns  number of characters
-    size_t      GetLength() const;
-    int         GetLengthI() const      { return (int)GetLength(); }
-    // Returns  character at the specified index
-    uint32_t    GetCharAt(size_t index) const;
-    uint32_t    GetFirstCharAt(size_t index, const char** offset) const;
-    uint32_t    GetNextChar(const char** offset) const;
-    // Appends a character
-    void        AppendChar(uint32_t ch);
-    // Append a string
-    void        AppendString(const wchar_t* pstr, intptr_t len = -1);
-    void        AppendString(const char* putf8str, intptr_t utf8StrSz = -1);
-    // Assigned a string with dynamic data (copied through initializer).
-    void        AssignString(const InitStruct& src, size_t size);
-    // Assigns string with known size.
-    void        AssignString(const char* putf8str, size_t size);
-    //  Resize the string to the new size
-//  void        Resize(size_t _size);
-    // Removes the character at posAt
-    void        Remove(size_t posAt, intptr_t len = 1);
-    // Returns a String that's a substring of this.
-    //  -start is the index of the first UTF8 character you want to include.
-    //  -end is the index one past the last UTF8 character you want to include.
-    String   Substring(size_t start, size_t end) const;
-    // Case-conversion
-    String   ToUpper() const;
-    String   ToLower() const;
-    // Inserts substr at posAt
-    String&    Insert (const char* substr, size_t posAt, intptr_t len = -1);
-    // Inserts character at posAt
-    size_t      InsertCharAt(uint32_t c, size_t posAt);
-    // Inserts substr at posAt, which is an index of a character (not byte).
-    // Of size is specified, it is in bytes.
-//  String&    Insert(const uint32_t* substr, size_t posAt, intptr_t size = -1);
-    // Get Byte index of the character at position = index
-    size_t      GetByteIndex(size_t index) const { return (size_t)UTF8Util::GetByteIndex(index, GetData()->Data); }
-    // Utility: case-insensitive string compare.  stricmp() & strnicmp() are not
-    // ANSI or POSIX, do not seem to appear in Linux.
-    static int OVR_STDCALL   CompareNoCase(const char* a, const char* b);
-    static int OVR_STDCALL   CompareNoCase(const char* a, const char* b, intptr_t len);
-    // Hash function, case-insensitive
-    static size_t OVR_STDCALL BernsteinHashFunctionCIS(const void* pdataIn, size_t size, size_t seed = 5381);
-    // Hash function, case-sensitive
-    static size_t OVR_STDCALL BernsteinHashFunction(const void* pdataIn, size_t size, size_t seed = 5381);
-    // ***** File path parsing helper functions.
-    // Implemented in OVR_String_FilePath.cpp.
-    // Absolute paths can star with:
-    //  - protocols:        'file://', 'http://'
-    //  - windows drive:    'c:\'
-    //  - UNC share name:   '\\share'
-    //  - unix root         '/'
-    static bool HasAbsolutePath(const char* path);
-    static bool HasExtension(const char* path);
-    static bool HasProtocol(const char* path);
-    bool    HasAbsolutePath() const { return HasAbsolutePath(ToCStr()); }
-    bool    HasExtension() const    { return HasExtension(ToCStr()); }
-    bool    HasProtocol() const     { return HasProtocol(ToCStr()); }
-    String  GetProtocol() const;    // Returns protocol, if any, with trailing '://'.
-    String  GetPath() const;        // Returns path with trailing '/'.
-    String  GetFilename() const;    // Returns filename, including extension.
-    String  GetExtension() const;   // Returns extension with a dot.
-    void    StripProtocol();        // Strips front protocol, if any, from the string.
-    void    StripExtension();       // Strips off trailing extension.
-    // Operators
-    // Assignment
-    void        operator =  (const char* str);
-    void        operator =  (const wchar_t* str);
-    void        operator =  (const String& src);
-    void        operator =  (const StringBuffer& src);
-    // Addition
-    void        operator += (const String& src);
-    void        operator += (const char* psrc)       { AppendString(psrc); }
-    void        operator += (const wchar_t* psrc)    { AppendString(psrc); }
-    void        operator += (char  ch)               { AppendChar(ch); }
-    String      operator +  (const char* str) const;
-    String      operator +  (const String& src)  const;
-    // Comparison
-    bool        operator == (const String& str) const
-    {
-        return (OVR_strcmp(GetData()->Data, str.GetData()->Data)== 0);
-    }
-    bool        operator != (const String& str) const
-    {
-        return !operator == (str);
-    }
-    bool        operator == (const char* str) const
-    {
-        return OVR_strcmp(GetData()->Data, str) == 0;
-    }
-    bool        operator != (const char* str) const
-    {
-        return !operator == (str);
-    }
-    bool        operator <  (const char* pstr) const
-    {
-        return OVR_strcmp(GetData()->Data, pstr) < 0;
-    }
-    bool        operator <  (const String& str) const
-    {
-        return *this < str.GetData()->Data;
-    }
-    bool        operator >  (const char* pstr) const
-    {
-        return OVR_strcmp(GetData()->Data, pstr) > 0;
-    }
-    bool        operator >  (const String& str) const
-    {
-        return *this > str.GetData()->Data;
-    }
-    int CompareNoCase(const char* pstr) const
-    {
-        return CompareNoCase(GetData()->Data, pstr);
-    }
-    int CompareNoCase(const String& str) const
-    {
-        return CompareNoCase(GetData()->Data, str.ToCStr());
-    }
-    // Accesses raw bytes
-    const char&     operator [] (int index) const
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(index >= 0 && (size_t)index < GetSize());
-        return GetData()->Data[index];
-    }
-    const char&     operator [] (size_t index) const
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(index < GetSize());
-        return GetData()->Data[index];
-    }
-    // Case insensitive keys are used to look up insensitive string in hash tables
-    // for SWF files with version before SWF 7.
-    struct NoCaseKey
-    {   
-        const String* pStr;
-        NoCaseKey(const String &str) : pStr(&str){};
-    };
-    bool    operator == (const NoCaseKey& strKey) const
-    {
-        return (CompareNoCase(ToCStr(), strKey.pStr->ToCStr()) == 0);
-    }
-    bool    operator != (const NoCaseKey& strKey) const
-    {
-        return !(CompareNoCase(ToCStr(), strKey.pStr->ToCStr()) == 0);
-    }
-    // Hash functor used for strings.
-    struct HashFunctor
-    {    
-        size_t operator()(const String& data) const
-        {
-            size_t size = data.GetSize();
-            return String::BernsteinHashFunction((const char*)data, size);
-        }        
-    };
-    // Case-insensitive hash functor used for strings. Supports additional
-    // lookup based on NoCaseKey.
-    struct NoCaseHashFunctor
-    {    
-        size_t operator()(const String& data) const
-        {
-            size_t size = data.GetSize();
-            return String::BernsteinHashFunctionCIS((const char*)data, size);
-        }
-        size_t operator()(const NoCaseKey& data) const
-        {       
-            size_t size = data.pStr->GetSize();
-            return String::BernsteinHashFunctionCIS((const char*)data.pStr->ToCStr(), size);
-        }
-    };
-// ***** String Buffer used for Building Strings
-class StringBuffer
-    char*           pData;
-    size_t          Size;
-    size_t          BufferSize;
-    size_t          GrowSize;    
-    mutable bool    LengthIsSize;    
-    // Constructors / Destructor.    
-    StringBuffer();
-    explicit StringBuffer(size_t growSize);
-    StringBuffer(const char* data);
-    StringBuffer(const char* data, size_t buflen);
-    StringBuffer(const String& src);
-    StringBuffer(const StringBuffer& src);
-    explicit StringBuffer(const wchar_t* data);
-    ~StringBuffer();
-    // Modify grow size used for growing/shrinking the buffer.
-    size_t      GetGrowSize() const         { return GrowSize; }
-    void        SetGrowSize(size_t growSize);
-    // *** General Functions
-    // Does not release memory, just sets Size to 0
-    void        Clear();
-    // For casting to a pointer to char.
-    operator const char*() const        { return (pData) ? pData : ""; }
-    // Pointer to raw buffer.
-    const char* ToCStr() const          { return (pData) ? pData : ""; }
-    // Returns number of bytes.
-    size_t      GetSize() const         { return Size ; }
-    // Tells whether or not the string is empty.
-    bool        IsEmpty() const         { return GetSize() == 0; }
-    // Returns  number of characters
-    size_t      GetLength() const;
-    // Returns  character at the specified index
-    uint32_t    GetCharAt(size_t index) const;
-    uint32_t    GetFirstCharAt(size_t index, const char** offset) const;
-    uint32_t    GetNextChar(const char** offset) const;
-    //  Resize the string to the new size
-    void        Resize(size_t _size);
-    void        Reserve(size_t _size);
-    // Appends a character
-    void        AppendChar(uint32_t ch);
-    // Append a string
-    void        AppendString(const wchar_t* pstr, intptr_t len = -1);
-    void        AppendString(const char* putf8str, intptr_t utf8StrSz = -1);
-    void        AppendFormat(const char* format, ...);
-    // Assigned a string with dynamic data (copied through initializer).
-    //void        AssignString(const InitStruct& src, size_t size);
-    // Inserts substr at posAt
-    void        Insert (const char* substr, size_t posAt, intptr_t len = -1);
-    // Inserts character at posAt
-    size_t      InsertCharAt(uint32_t c, size_t posAt);
-    // Assignment
-    void        operator =  (const char* str);
-    void        operator =  (const wchar_t* str);
-    void        operator =  (const String& src);
-    void        operator =  (const StringBuffer& src);
-    // Addition
-    void        operator += (const String& src)      { AppendString(src.ToCStr(),src.GetSize()); }
-    void        operator += (const char* psrc)       { AppendString(psrc); }
-    void        operator += (const wchar_t* psrc)    { AppendString(psrc); }
-    void        operator += (char  ch)               { AppendChar(ch); }
-    //String   operator +  (const char* str) const ;
-    //String   operator +  (const String& src)  const ;
-    // Accesses raw bytes
-    char&       operator [] (int index)
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(((size_t)index) < GetSize());
-        return pData[index];
-    }
-    char&       operator [] (size_t index)
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(index < GetSize());
-        return pData[index];
-    }
-    const char&     operator [] (int index) const 
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(((size_t)index) < GetSize());
-        return pData[index];
-    }
-    const char&     operator [] (size_t index) const
-    {
-        OVR_ASSERT(index < GetSize());
-        return pData[index];
-    }
-// Wrapper for string data. The data must have a guaranteed 
-// lifespan throughout the usage of the wrapper. Not intended for 
-// cached usage. Not thread safe.
-class StringDataPtr
-    StringDataPtr() : pStr(NULL), Size(0) {}
-    StringDataPtr(const StringDataPtr& p)
-        : pStr(p.pStr), Size(p.Size) {}
-    StringDataPtr(const char* pstr, size_t sz)
-        : pStr(pstr), Size(sz) {}
-    StringDataPtr(const char* pstr)
-        : pStr(pstr), Size((pstr != NULL) ? OVR_strlen(pstr) : 0) {}
-    explicit StringDataPtr(const String& str)
-        : pStr(str.ToCStr()), Size(str.GetSize()) {}
-    template <typename T, int N> 
-    StringDataPtr(const T (&v)[N])
-        : pStr(v), Size(N) {}
-    const char* ToCStr() const { return pStr; }
-    size_t      GetSize() const { return Size; }
-    bool        IsEmpty() const { return GetSize() == 0; }
-    // value is a prefix of this string
-    // Character's values are not compared.
-    bool        IsPrefix(const StringDataPtr& value) const
-    {
-        return ToCStr() == value.ToCStr() && GetSize() >= value.GetSize();
-    }
-    // value is a suffix of this string
-    // Character's values are not compared.
-    bool        IsSuffix(const StringDataPtr& value) const
-    {
-        return ToCStr() <= value.ToCStr() && (End()) == (value.End());
-    }
-    // Find first character.
-    // init_ind - initial index.
-    intptr_t    FindChar(char c, size_t init_ind = 0) const 
-    {
-        for (size_t i = init_ind; i < GetSize(); ++i)
-            if (pStr[i] == c)
-                return static_cast<intptr_t>(i);
-        return -1; 
-    }
-    // Find last character.
-    // init_ind - initial index.
-    intptr_t    FindLastChar(char c, size_t init_ind = ~0) const 
-    {
-        if (init_ind == (size_t)~0 || init_ind > GetSize())
-            init_ind = GetSize();
-        else
-            ++init_ind;
-        for (size_t i = init_ind; i > 0; --i)
-            if (pStr[i - 1] == c)
-                return static_cast<intptr_t>(i - 1);
-        return -1; 
-    }
-    // Create new object and trim size bytes from the left.
-    StringDataPtr  GetTrimLeft(size_t size) const
-    {
-        // Limit trim size to the size of the string.
-        size = Alg::PMin(GetSize(), size);
-        return StringDataPtr(ToCStr() + size, GetSize() - size);
-    }
-    // Create new object and trim size bytes from the right.
-    StringDataPtr  GetTrimRight(size_t size) const
-    {
-        // Limit trim to the size of the string.
-        size = Alg::PMin(GetSize(), size);
-        return StringDataPtr(ToCStr(), GetSize() - size);
-    }
-    // Create new object, which contains next token.
-    // Useful for parsing.
-    StringDataPtr GetNextToken(char separator = ':') const
-    {
-        size_t cur_pos = 0;
-        const char* cur_str = ToCStr();
-        for (; cur_pos < GetSize() && cur_str[cur_pos]; ++cur_pos)
-        {
-            if (cur_str[cur_pos] == separator)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return StringDataPtr(ToCStr(), cur_pos);
-    }
-    // Trim size bytes from the left.
-    StringDataPtr& TrimLeft(size_t size)
-    {
-        // Limit trim size to the size of the string.
-        size = Alg::PMin(GetSize(), size);
-        pStr += size;
-        Size -= size;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    // Trim size bytes from the right.
-    StringDataPtr& TrimRight(size_t size)
-    {
-        // Limit trim to the size of the string.
-        size = Alg::PMin(GetSize(), size);
-        Size -= size;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    const char* Begin() const { return ToCStr(); }
-    const char* End() const { return ToCStr() + GetSize(); }
-    // Hash functor used string data pointers
-    struct HashFunctor
-    {    
-        size_t operator()(const StringDataPtr& data) const
-        {
-            return String::BernsteinHashFunction(data.ToCStr(), data.GetSize());
-        }        
-    };
-    bool operator== (const StringDataPtr& data) const 
-    {
-        return (OVR_strncmp(pStr, data.pStr, data.Size) == 0);
-    }
-    const char* pStr;
-    size_t      Size;
-} // OVR
cgit v1.2.3