From 4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 01:43:35 +0100
Subject: Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to

 LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_File.h | 530 -------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 530 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_File.h

(limited to 'LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_File.h')

diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_File.h b/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_File.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d3b0f..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_File.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-PublicHeader:   Kernel
-Filename    :   OVR_File.h
-Content     :   Header for all internal file management - functions and structures
-                to be inherited by OS specific subclasses.
-Created     :   September 19, 2012
-Notes       : 
-Notes       :   errno may not be preserved across use of BaseFile member functions
-            :   Directories cannot be deleted while files opened from them are in use
-                (For the GetFullName function)
-Copyright   :   Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); 
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, 
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which 
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK 
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_File_h
-#define OVR_File_h
-#include "OVR_RefCount.h"
-#include "OVR_Std.h"
-#include "OVR_Alg.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "OVR_String.h"
-namespace OVR {
-// ***** Declared classes
-class   FileConstants;
-class   File;
-class   DelegatedFile;
-class   BufferedFile;
-// ***** Flags for File & Directory accesses
-class FileConstants
-    // *** File open flags
-    enum OpenFlags
-    {
-        Open_Read       = 1,
-        Open_Write      = 2,
-        Open_ReadWrite  = 3,
-        // Opens file and truncates it to zero length
-        // - file must have write permission
-        // - when used with Create, it opens an existing 
-        //   file and empties it or creates a new file
-        Open_Truncate   = 4,
-        // Creates and opens new file 
-        // - does not erase contents if file already
-        //   exists unless combined with Truncate
-        Open_Create     = 8,
-         // Returns an error value if the file already exists
-        Open_CreateOnly = 24,
-        // Open file with buffering
-        Open_Buffered    = 32
-    };
-    // *** File Mode flags
-    enum Modes
-    {
-        Mode_Read       = 0444,
-        Mode_Write      = 0222,
-        Mode_Execute    = 0111,
-        Mode_ReadWrite  = 0666
-    };
-    // *** Seek operations
-    enum SeekOps
-    {
-        Seek_Set        = 0,
-        Seek_Cur        = 1,
-        Seek_End        = 2
-    };
-    // *** Errors
-    enum Errors
-    {
-        Error_FileNotFound  = 0x1001,
-        Error_Access        = 0x1002,
-        Error_IOError       = 0x1003,
-        Error_DiskFull      = 0x1004
-    };
-// ***** File Class
-// The pure virtual base random-access file
-// This is a base class to all files
-class File : public RefCountBase<File>, public FileConstants
-    File() { }
-    // ** Location Information
-    // Returns a file name path relative to the 'reference' directory
-    // This is often a path that was used to create a file
-    // (this is not a global path, global path can be obtained with help of directory)
-    virtual const char* GetFilePath() = 0;
-    // ** File Information
-    // Return 1 if file's usable (open)
-    virtual bool        IsValid() = 0;
-    // Return 1 if file's writable, otherwise 0                                         
-    virtual bool        IsWritable() = 0;
-    // Return position
-    virtual int         Tell() = 0;
-    virtual int64_t     LTell() = 0;
-    // File size                                                                        
-    virtual int         GetLength() = 0;
-    virtual int64_t     LGetLength() = 0;
-    // Returns file stats                                                               
-    // 0 for failure                                                                    
-    //virtual bool      Stat(FileStats *pfs) = 0;
-    // Return errno-based error code                                                    
-    // Useful if any other function failed                                              
-    virtual int         GetErrorCode() = 0;
-    // ** Stream implementation & I/O
-    // Blocking write, will write in the given number of bytes to the stream
-    // Returns : -1 for error
-    //           Otherwise number of bytes read 
-    virtual int         Write(const uint8_t *pbufer, int numBytes) = 0;
-    // Blocking read, will read in the given number of bytes or less from the stream
-    // Returns : -1 for error
-    //           Otherwise number of bytes read,
-    //           if 0 or < numBytes, no more bytes available; end of file or the other side of stream is closed
-    virtual int         Read(uint8_t *pbufer, int numBytes) = 0;
-    // Skips (ignores) a given # of bytes
-    // Same return values as Read
-    virtual int         SkipBytes(int numBytes) = 0;
-    // Returns the number of bytes available to read from a stream without blocking
-    // For a file, this should generally be number of bytes to the end
-    virtual int         BytesAvailable() = 0;
-    // Causes any implementation's buffered data to be delivered to destination
-    // Return 0 for error
-    virtual bool        Flush() = 0;
-    // Need to provide a more optimized implementation that doe snot necessarily involve a lot of seeking
-    inline bool         IsEOF() { return !BytesAvailable(); }
-    // Seeking                                                                              
-    // Returns new position, -1 for error                                                   
-    virtual int         Seek(int offset, int origin=Seek_Set) = 0;
-    virtual int64_t     LSeek(int64_t offset, int origin=Seek_Set) = 0;
-    // Seek simplification
-    int                 SeekToBegin()           {return Seek(0); }
-    int                 SeekToEnd()             {return Seek(0,Seek_End); }
-    int                 Skip(int numBytes)     {return Seek(numBytes,Seek_Cur); }
-    // Appends other file data from a stream
-    // Return -1 for error, else # of bytes written
-    virtual int         CopyFromStream(File *pstream, int byteSize) = 0;
-    // Closes the file
-    // After close, file cannot be accessed 
-    virtual bool        Close() = 0;
-    // ***** Inlines for convenient primitive type serialization
-    // Read/Write helpers
-    uint64_t  PRead64()           { uint64_t v = 0; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 8); return v; }
-    uint32_t  PRead32()           { uint32_t v = 0; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 4); return v; }
-    uint16_t  PRead16()           { uint16_t v = 0; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 2); return v; }
-    uint8_t PRead8()            { uint8_t  v = 0; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 1); return v; }
-    void    PWrite64(uint64_t v)  { Write((uint8_t*)&v, 8); }
-    void    PWrite32(uint32_t v)  { Write((uint8_t*)&v, 4); }
-    void    PWrite16(uint16_t v)  { Write((uint8_t*)&v, 2); }
-    void    PWrite8(uint8_t v)  { Write((uint8_t*)&v, 1); }
-    // Writing primitive types - Little Endian
-    inline void    WriteUByte(uint8_t v)       { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteSByte(int8_t v)        { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteUInt8(uint8_t v)       { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteSInt8(int8_t v)        { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteUInt16(uint16_t v)       { PWrite16((uint16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteSInt16(int16_t v)       { PWrite16((uint16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteUInt32(uint32_t v)       { PWrite32((uint32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteSInt32(int32_t v)       { PWrite32((uint32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteUInt64(uint64_t v)       { PWrite64((uint64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteSInt64(int64_t v)       { PWrite64((uint64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteFloat(float v)         { v = Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v); Write((uint8_t*)&v, 4); } 
-    inline void    WriteDouble(double v)       { v = Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToLE(v); Write((uint8_t*)&v, 8); }
-    // Writing primitive types - Big Endian
-    inline void    WriteUByteBE(uint8_t v)     { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteSByteBE(int8_t v)      { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteUInt8BE(uint16_t v)      { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteSInt8BE(int16_t v)      { PWrite8((uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));     }
-    inline void    WriteUInt16BE(uint16_t v)     { PWrite16((uint16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteSInt16BE(uint16_t v)     { PWrite16((uint16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteUInt32BE(uint32_t v)     { PWrite32((uint32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteSInt32BE(uint32_t v)     { PWrite32((uint32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteUInt64BE(uint64_t v)     { PWrite64((uint64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteSInt64BE(uint64_t v)     { PWrite64((uint64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v));   }
-    inline void    WriteFloatBE(float v)       { v = Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v); Write((uint8_t*)&v, 4); }
-    inline void    WriteDoubleBE(double v)     { v = Alg::ByteUtil::SystemToBE(v); Write((uint8_t*)&v, 8); }
-    // Reading primitive types - Little Endian
-    inline uint8_t ReadUByte()                 { return (uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline int8_t  ReadSByte()                 { return (int8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline uint8_t ReadUInt8()                 { return (uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline int8_t  ReadSInt8()                 { return (int8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline uint16_t  ReadUInt16()                { return (uint16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead16());  }
-    inline int16_t ReadSInt16()                { return (int16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead16());  }
-    inline uint32_t  ReadUInt32()                { return (uint32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead32());  }
-    inline int32_t ReadSInt32()                { return (int32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead32());  }
-    inline uint64_t  ReadUInt64()                { return (uint64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead64());  }
-    inline int64_t ReadSInt64()                { return (int64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(PRead64());  }
-    inline float   ReadFloat()                 { float v = 0.0f; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 4); return Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(v); }
-    inline double  ReadDouble()                { double v = 0.0; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 8); return Alg::ByteUtil::LEToSystem(v); }
-    // Reading primitive types - Big Endian
-    inline uint8_t ReadUByteBE()               { return (uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline int8_t  ReadSByteBE()               { return (int8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline uint8_t ReadUInt8BE()               { return (uint8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline int8_t  ReadSInt8BE()               { return (int8_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead8());    }
-    inline uint16_t  ReadUInt16BE()              { return (uint16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead16());  }
-    inline int16_t ReadSInt16BE()              { return (int16_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead16());  }
-    inline uint32_t  ReadUInt32BE()              { return (uint32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead32());  }
-    inline int32_t ReadSInt32BE()              { return (int32_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead32());  }
-    inline uint64_t  ReadUInt64BE()              { return (uint64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead64());  }
-    inline int64_t ReadSInt64BE()              { return (int64_t)Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(PRead64());  }
-    inline float   ReadFloatBE()               { float v = 0.0f; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 4); return Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(v); }
-    inline double  ReadDoubleBE()              { double v = 0.0; Read((uint8_t*)&v, 8); return Alg::ByteUtil::BEToSystem(v); }
-// *** Delegated File
-class DelegatedFile : public File
-    // Delegating file pointer
-    Ptr<File>     pFile;
-    // Hidden default constructor
-    DelegatedFile() : pFile(0)                             { }
-    DelegatedFile(const DelegatedFile &source) : File()    { OVR_UNUSED(source); }
-    // Constructors
-    DelegatedFile(File *pfile) : pFile(pfile)     { }
-    // ** Location Information  
-    virtual const char* GetFilePath()                               { return pFile->GetFilePath(); }    
-    // ** File Information                                                      
-    virtual bool        IsValid()                                   { return pFile && pFile->IsValid(); }   
-    virtual bool        IsWritable()                                { return pFile->IsWritable(); }
-//  virtual bool        IsRecoverable()                             { return pFile->IsRecoverable(); }          
-    virtual int         Tell()                                      { return pFile->Tell(); }
-    virtual int64_t     LTell()                                     { return pFile->LTell(); }
-    virtual int         GetLength()                                 { return pFile->GetLength(); }
-    virtual int64_t     LGetLength()                                { return pFile->LGetLength(); }
-    //virtual bool      Stat(FileStats *pfs)                        { return pFile->Stat(pfs); }
-    virtual int         GetErrorCode()                              { return pFile->GetErrorCode(); }
-    // ** Stream implementation & I/O
-    virtual int         Write(const uint8_t *pbuffer, int numBytes)   { return pFile->Write(pbuffer,numBytes); }  
-    virtual int         Read(uint8_t *pbuffer, int numBytes)          { return pFile->Read(pbuffer,numBytes); }   
-    virtual int         SkipBytes(int numBytes)                     { return pFile->SkipBytes(numBytes); }      
-    virtual int         BytesAvailable()                            { return pFile->BytesAvailable(); } 
-    virtual bool        Flush()                                     { return pFile->Flush(); }
-    // Seeking                                                      
-    virtual int         Seek(int offset, int origin=Seek_Set)       { return pFile->Seek(offset,origin); }
-    virtual int64_t     LSeek(int64_t offset, int origin=Seek_Set)   { return pFile->LSeek(offset,origin); }
-    virtual int         CopyFromStream(File *pstream, int byteSize) { return pFile->CopyFromStream(pstream,byteSize); }
-    // Closing the file 
-    virtual bool        Close()                                     { return pFile->Close(); }    
-// ***** Buffered File
-// This file class adds buffering to an existing file
-// Buffered file never fails by itself; if there's not
-// enough memory for buffer, no buffer's used
-class BufferedFile : public DelegatedFile
-    enum BufferModeType
-    {
-        NoBuffer,
-        ReadBuffer,
-        WriteBuffer
-    };
-    // Buffer & the mode it's in
-    uint8_t*        pBuffer;
-    BufferModeType  BufferMode;
-    // Position in buffer
-    unsigned        Pos;
-    // Data in buffer if reading
-    unsigned        DataSize;
-    // Underlying file position 
-    uint64_t        FilePos;
-    // Initializes buffering to a certain mode
-    bool    SetBufferMode(BufferModeType mode);
-    // Flushes buffer
-    // WriteBuffer - write data to disk, ReadBuffer - reset buffer & fix file position  
-    void    FlushBuffer();
-    // Loads data into ReadBuffer
-    // WARNING: Right now LoadBuffer() assumes the buffer's empty
-    void    LoadBuffer();
-    // Hidden constructor
-    BufferedFile();
-    BufferedFile(const BufferedFile &) : DelegatedFile(), pBuffer(NULL), BufferMode(NoBuffer), Pos(0), DataSize(0), FilePos(0) { }
-    // Constructor
-    // - takes another file as source
-    BufferedFile(File *pfile);
-    ~BufferedFile();
-    // ** Overridden functions
-    // We override all the functions that can possibly
-    // require buffer mode switch, flush, or extra calculations
-    virtual int         Tell();
-    virtual int64_t     LTell();
-    virtual int         GetLength();
-    virtual int64_t     LGetLength();
-//  virtual bool        Stat(GFileStats *pfs);  
-    virtual int         Write(const uint8_t *pbufer, int numBytes);
-    virtual int         Read(uint8_t *pbufer, int numBytes);
-    virtual int         SkipBytes(int numBytes);
-    virtual int         BytesAvailable();
-    virtual bool        Flush();
-    virtual int         Seek(int offset, int origin=Seek_Set);
-    virtual int64_t     LSeek(int64_t offset, int origin=Seek_Set);
-    virtual int         CopyFromStream(File *pstream, int byteSize);
-    virtual bool        Close();    
-// ***** Memory File
-class MemoryFile : public File
-    const char* GetFilePath()       { return FilePath.ToCStr(); }
-    bool        IsValid()           { return Valid; }
-    bool        IsWritable()        { return false; }
-    bool        Flush()             { return true; }
-    int         GetErrorCode()      { return 0; }
-    int         Tell()              { return FileIndex; }
-    int64_t     LTell()             { return (int64_t) FileIndex; }
-    int         GetLength()         { return FileSize; }
-    int64_t     LGetLength()        { return (int64_t) FileSize; }
-    bool        Close()
-    {
-        Valid = false;
-        return false;
-    }
-    int         CopyFromStream(File *pstream, int byteSize)
-    {   OVR_UNUSED2(pstream, byteSize);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    int         Write(const uint8_t *pbuffer, int numBytes)
-    {   OVR_UNUSED2(pbuffer, numBytes);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    int         Read(uint8_t *pbufer, int numBytes)
-    {
-        if (FileIndex + numBytes > FileSize)
-        {
-            numBytes = FileSize - FileIndex;
-        }
-        if (numBytes > 0)
-        {
-            ::memcpy (pbufer, &FileData [FileIndex], numBytes);
-            FileIndex += numBytes;
-        }
-        return numBytes;
-    }
-    int         SkipBytes(int numBytes)
-    {
-        if (FileIndex + numBytes > FileSize)
-        {
-            numBytes = FileSize - FileIndex;
-        }
-        FileIndex += numBytes;
-        return numBytes;
-    }
-    int         BytesAvailable()
-    {
-        return (FileSize - FileIndex);
-    }
-    int         Seek(int offset, int origin = Seek_Set)
-    {
-        switch (origin)
-        {
-        case Seek_Set : FileIndex  = offset;               break;
-        case Seek_Cur : FileIndex += offset;               break;
-        case Seek_End : FileIndex  = FileSize - offset;  break;
-        }
-        return FileIndex;
-    }
-    int64_t     LSeek(int64_t offset, int origin = Seek_Set)
-    {
-        return (int64_t) Seek((int) offset, origin);
-    }
-    MemoryFile (const String& fileName, const uint8_t *pBuffer, int buffSize)
-        : FilePath(fileName)
-    {
-        FileData  = pBuffer;
-        FileSize  = buffSize;
-        FileIndex = 0;
-        Valid     = (!fileName.IsEmpty() && pBuffer && buffSize > 0) ? true : false;
-    }
-    // pfileName should be encoded as UTF-8 to support international file names.
-    MemoryFile (const char* pfileName, const uint8_t *pBuffer, int buffSize)
-        : FilePath(pfileName)
-    {
-        FileData  = pBuffer;
-        FileSize  = buffSize;
-        FileIndex = 0;
-        Valid     = (pfileName && pBuffer && buffSize > 0) ? true : false;
-    }
-    String       FilePath;
-    const uint8_t *FileData;
-    int          FileSize;
-    int          FileIndex;
-    bool         Valid;
-// ***** Global path helpers
-// Find trailing short filename in a path.
-const char* OVR_CDECL GetShortFilename(const char* purl);
-} // OVR
cgit v1.2.3