/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN * MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE * DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear * facility. * * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.util.packrect; import java.util.*; public class Level { private int width; private int height; private int yPos; private LevelSet holder; private List/**/ rects = new ArrayList/**/(); private List/**/ freeList; private int nextAddX; static class RectXComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Rect r1 = (Rect) o1; Rect r2 = (Rect) o2; return r1.x() - r2.x(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return this == obj; } } private static final Comparator rectXComparator = new RectXComparator(); public Level(int width, int height, int yPos, LevelSet holder) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.yPos = yPos; this.holder = holder; } public int w() { return width; } public int h() { return height; } public int yPos() { return yPos; } /** Tries to add the given rectangle to this level only allowing non-disruptive changes like trivial expansion of the last level in the RectanglePacker and allocation from the free list. More disruptive changes like compaction of the level must be requested explicitly. */ public boolean add(Rect rect) { if (rect.h() > height) { // See whether it's worth trying to expand vertically if (nextAddX + rect.w() > width) { return false; } // See whether we're the last level and can expand if (!holder.canExpand(this, rect.h())) { return false; } // Trivially expand and try the allocation holder.expand(this, height, rect.h()); height = rect.h(); } // See whether we can add at the end if (nextAddX + rect.w() <= width) { rect.setPosition(nextAddX, yPos); rects.add(rect); nextAddX += rect.w(); return true; } // See whether we can add from the free list if (freeList != null) { Rect candidate = null; for (Iterator iter = freeList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Rect cur = (Rect) iter.next(); if (cur.canContain(rect)) { candidate = cur; break; } } if (candidate != null) { // Remove the candidate from the free list freeList.remove(candidate); // Set up and add the real rect rect.setPosition(candidate.x(), candidate.y()); rects.add(rect); // Re-add any remaining free space if (candidate.w() > rect.w()) { candidate.setPosition(candidate.x() + rect.w(), candidate.y()); candidate.setSize(candidate.w() - rect.w(), height); freeList.add(candidate); } coalesceFreeList(); return true; } } return false; } /** Removes the given Rect from this Level. */ public boolean remove(Rect rect) { if (!rects.remove(rect)) return false; // If this is the rightmost rectangle, instead of adding its space // to the free list, we can just decrease the nextAddX if (rect.maxX() + 1 == nextAddX) { nextAddX -= rect.w(); } else { if (freeList == null) { freeList = new ArrayList/**/(); } freeList.add(new Rect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.w(), height, null)); coalesceFreeList(); } return true; } /** Indicates whether this Level contains no rectangles. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return rects.isEmpty(); } /** Indicates whether this Level could satisfy an allocation request if it were compacted. */ public boolean couldAllocateIfCompacted(Rect rect) { if (rect.h() > height) return false; if (freeList == null) return false; int freeListWidth = 0; for (Iterator iter = freeList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Rect cur = (Rect) iter.next(); freeListWidth += cur.w(); } // Add on the remaining space at the end freeListWidth += (width - nextAddX); return (freeListWidth >= rect.w()); } public void compact(Object backingStore, BackingStoreManager manager) { Collections.sort(rects, rectXComparator); int nextCompactionDest = 0; manager.beginMovement(backingStore, backingStore); for (Iterator iter = rects.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Rect cur = (Rect) iter.next(); if (cur.x() != nextCompactionDest) { manager.move(backingStore, cur, backingStore, new Rect(nextCompactionDest, cur.y(), cur.w(), cur.h(), null)); cur.setPosition(nextCompactionDest, cur.y()); } nextCompactionDest += cur.w(); } nextAddX = nextCompactionDest; freeList.clear(); manager.endMovement(backingStore, backingStore); } public Iterator iterator() { return rects.iterator(); } /** Visits all Rects contained in this Level. */ public void visit(RectVisitor visitor) { for (Iterator iter = rects.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Rect rect = (Rect) iter.next(); visitor.visit(rect); } } /** Updates the references to the Rect objects in this Level with the "next locations" of those Rects. This is actually used to update the new Rects in a newly laid-out LevelSet with the original Rects. */ public void updateRectangleReferences() { for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); i++) { Rect cur = (Rect) rects.get(i); Rect next = cur.getNextLocation(); next.setPosition(cur.x(), cur.y()); if (cur.w() != next.w() || cur.h() != next.h()) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected disparity in rectangle sizes during updateRectangleReferences"); rects.set(i, next); } } private void coalesceFreeList() { if (freeList == null) return; if (freeList.isEmpty()) return; // Try to coalesce adjacent free blocks in the free list Collections.sort(freeList, rectXComparator); int i = 0; while (i < freeList.size() - 1) { Rect r1 = (Rect) freeList.get(i); Rect r2 = (Rect) freeList.get(i+1); if (r1.maxX() + 1 == r2.x()) { // Coalesce r1 and r2 into one block freeList.remove(i+1); r1.setSize(r1.w() + r2.w(), r1.h()); } else { ++i; } } // See whether the last block bumps up against the addition point Rect last = (Rect) freeList.get(freeList.size() - 1); if (last.maxX() + 1 == nextAddX) { nextAddX -= last.w(); freeList.remove(freeList.size() - 1); } if (freeList.isEmpty()) { freeList = null; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debugging functionality // public void dumpFreeSpace() { int freeListWidth = 0; for (Iterator iter = freeList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Rect cur = (Rect) iter.next(); System.err.println(" Free rectangle at " + cur); freeListWidth += cur.w(); } // Add on the remaining space at the end System.err.println(" Remaining free space " + (width - nextAddX)); freeListWidth += (width - nextAddX); System.err.println(" Total free space " + freeListWidth); } }