package com.jogamp.opengl.util.av; /** * Generic subtitle event *

* It is mandatory that the receiver {@link #release()} this instance * after processing, allowing the resource owner to free or reuse it. *

*/ public abstract class SubtitleEvent { /** {@link CodecID} of this subtitle event. */ public final CodecID codec; /** PTS start time to start showing this subtitle event. */ public final int pts_start; /** * PTS start time to end showing this subtitle event. *

* {@link SubBitmapEvent} often (e.g. {@link CodecID#HDMV_PGS}) have an infinite end-time, i.e. ({@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, * and shall be overwritten by the next one or {@link SubEmptyEvent}. *

* @see #isEndDefined() */ public final int pts_end; public SubtitleEvent(final CodecID codec, final int pts_start, final int pts_end) { this.codec = codec; this.pts_start = pts_start; this.pts_end = pts_end; } /** Release the resources, if any, back to the owner. */ public abstract void release(); public final int getDuration() { return pts_end - pts_start + 1; } /** See {@link #pts_end}. */ public final boolean isEndDefined() { return pts_end < Integer.MAX_VALUE; } /** Returns {@code true} if Text/ASS/SAA subtitle type, o.e. {@link SubTextEvent}. */ public abstract boolean isTextASS(); /** Returns {@code true} if bitmap subtitle type, o.e. {@link SubBitmapEvent}. */ public abstract boolean isBitmap(); /** Returns {@code true} if empty subtitle type, o.e. {@link SubEmptyEvent}. */ public abstract boolean isEmpty(); public final String getStartString() { final boolean ied = isEndDefined(); return "Sub["+codec+", ["+pts_start+".."+(ied?pts_end:"undef")+"] "+(ied?getDuration():"undef")+" ms"; } }