/** * Copyright 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom; import jogamp.common.os.PlatformPropsImpl; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FovHVHalves; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Matrix4f; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Vec3f; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.Frustum.FovDesc; /** * Providing frustum {@link #getPlanes() planes} derived by different inputs * ({@link #updateFrustumPlanes(float[], int) P*MV}, ..) used to classify objects * <ul> * <li> {@link #classifyPoint(float[]) point} </li> * <li> {@link #classifySphere(float[], float) sphere} </li> * </ul> * and to test whether they are outside * <ul> * <li> {@link #isPointOutside(float[]) point} </li> * <li> {@link #isSphereOutside(float[], float) sphere} </li> * <li> {@link #isAABBoxOutside(AABBox) bounding-box} </li> * </ul> * * <p> * Extracting the world-frustum planes from the P*Mv: * <pre> * Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix * Gil Gribb <ggribb@ravensoft.com> * Klaus Hartmann <k_hartmann@osnabrueck.netsurf.de> * http://graphics.cs.ucf.edu/cap4720/fall2008/plane_extraction.pdf * </pre> * Classifying Point, Sphere and AABBox: * <pre> * Efficient View Frustum Culling * Daniel Sýkora <sykorad@fel.cvut.cz> * Josef Jelínek <jelinej1@fel.cvut.cz> * http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/hostings/cescg/CESCG-2002/DSykoraJJelinek/index.html * </pre> * <pre> * Lighthouse3d.com * http://www.lighthouse3d.com/tutorials/view-frustum-culling/ * </pre> * * Fundamentals about Planes, Half-Spaces and Frustum-Culling:<br/> * <pre> * Planes and Half-Spaces, Max Wagner <mwagner@digipen.edu> * http://www.emeyex.com/site/tuts/PlanesHalfSpaces.pdf * </pre> * <pre> * Frustum Culling, Max Wagner <mwagner@digipen.edu> * http://www.emeyex.com/site/tuts/FrustumCulling.pdf * </pre> * </p> */ public class Frustum { /** * {@link Frustum} description by {@link #fovhv} and {@link #zNear}, {@link #zFar}. */ public static class FovDesc { /** Field of view in both directions, may not be centered, either {@link FovHVHalves#inTangents} or radians. */ public final FovHVHalves fovhv; /** Near Z */ public final float zNear; /** Far Z */ public final float zFar; /** * @param fovhv field of view in both directions, may not be centered, either {@link FovHVHalves#inTangents} or radians * @param zNear * @param zFar * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code zNear <= 0} or {@code zFar <= zNear}. */ public FovDesc(final FovHVHalves fovhv, final float zNear, final float zFar) throws IllegalArgumentException { if( zNear <= 0.0f || zFar <= zNear ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requirements zNear > 0 and zFar > zNear, but zNear "+zNear+", zFar "+zFar); } this.fovhv = fovhv; this.zNear = zNear; this.zFar = zFar; } @Override public final String toString() { return "FrustumFovDesc["+fovhv.toStringInDegrees()+", Z["+zNear+" - "+zFar+"]]"; } } /** Normalized planes[l, r, b, t, n, f] */ protected final Plane[] planes = new Plane[6]; /** * Creates an undefined instance w/o calculating the frustum. * <p> * Use one of the <code>update(..)</code> methods to set the {@link #getPlanes() planes}. * </p> * @see #updateByPlanes(Plane[]) * @see #updateFrustumPlanes(float[], int) */ public Frustum() { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { planes[i] = new Plane(); } } /** * Plane equation := dot(n, x - p) = 0 -> ax + bc + cx + d == 0 * <p> * In order to work w/ {@link Frustum#isOutside(AABBox) isOutside(..)} methods, * the normals have to point to the inside of the frustum. * </p> */ public static class Plane { /** Normal of the plane */ public final Vec3f n = new Vec3f(); /** Distance to origin */ public float d; /** * Return signed distance of plane to given point. * <ul> * <li>If dist < 0 , then the point p lies in the negative halfspace.</li> * <li>If dist = 0 , then the point p lies in the plane.</li> * <li>If dist > 0 , then the point p lies in the positive halfspace.</li> * </ul> * A plane cuts 3D space into 2 half spaces. * <p> * Positive halfspace is where the plane’s normals vector points into. * </p> * <p> * Negative halfspace is the <i>other side</i> of the plane, i.e. *-1 * </p> **/ public final float distanceTo(final float x, final float y, final float z) { return n.x() * x + n.y() * y + n.z() * z + d; } /** Return distance of plane to given point, see {@link #distanceTo(float, float, float)}. */ public final float distanceTo(final Vec3f p) { return n.x() * p.x() + n.y() * p.y() + n.z() * p.z() + d; } @Override public String toString() { return "Plane[ [ " + n + " ], " + d + "]"; } } /** Index for left plane: {@value} */ public static final int LEFT = 0; /** Index for right plane: {@value} */ public static final int RIGHT = 1; /** Index for bottom plane: {@value} */ public static final int BOTTOM = 2; /** Index for top plane: {@value} */ public static final int TOP = 3; /** Index for near plane: {@value} */ public static final int NEAR = 4; /** Index for far plane: {@value} */ public static final int FAR = 5; /** * {@link Plane}s are ordered in the returned array as follows: * <ul> * <li>{@link #LEFT}</li> * <li>{@link #RIGHT}</li> * <li>{@link #BOTTOM}</li> * <li>{@link #TOP}</li> * <li>{@link #NEAR}</li> * <li>{@link #FAR}</li> * </ul> * <p> * {@link Plane}'s normals are pointing to the inside of the frustum * in order to work w/ {@link #isOutside(AABBox) isOutside(..)} methods. * </p> * * @return array of normalized {@link Plane}s, order see above. */ public final Plane[] getPlanes() { return planes; } /** * Copy the given <code>src</code> planes into this this instance's planes. * @param src the 6 source planes */ public final void updateByPlanes(final Plane[] src) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { final Plane pD = planes[i]; final Plane pS = src[i]; pD.d = pS.d; System.arraycopy(pS.n, 0, pD.n, 0, 3); } } /** * Calculate the frustum planes in world coordinates * using the passed {@link FovDesc}. * <p> * Operation Details: * <ul> * <li>The given {@link FovDesc} will be transformed * into the given perspective matrix (column major order) first, * see {@link Matrix4f#setToPerspective(FovHVHalves, float, float)}.</li> * <li>Then the perspective matrix is used to {@link Matrix4f#updateFrustumPlanes(Frustum)} this instance.</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * Frustum plane's normals will point to the inside of the viewing frustum, * as required by this class. * </p> * * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result) * @param fovDesc {@link Frustum} {@link FovDesc} * @return given matrix for chaining * @see Matrix4f#setToPerspective(FovHVHalves, float, float) * @see Matrix4f#updateFrustumPlanes(Frustum) * @see Matrix4f#getFrustum(Frustum, FovDesc) */ public Matrix4f updateByFovDesc(final Matrix4f m, final FovDesc fovDesc) { m.setToPerspective(fovDesc.fovhv, fovDesc.zNear, fovDesc.zFar); m.updateFrustumPlanes(this); return m; } /** * Calculate the frustum planes in world coordinates * using the passed premultiplied P*MV (column major order) matrix. * <p> * Frustum plane's normals will point to the inside of the viewing frustum, * as required by this class. * </p> */ public void updateFrustumPlanes(final Matrix4f pmv) { pmv.updateFrustumPlanes(this); } private static final boolean isOutsideImpl(final Plane p, final AABBox box) { final Vec3f lo = box.getLow(); final Vec3f hi = box.getHigh(); if ( p.distanceTo(lo.x(), lo.y(), lo.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(hi.x(), lo.y(), lo.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(lo.x(), hi.y(), lo.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(hi.x(), hi.y(), lo.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(lo.x(), lo.y(), hi.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(hi.x(), lo.y(), hi.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(lo.x(), hi.y(), hi.z()) > 0.0f || p.distanceTo(hi.x(), hi.y(), hi.z()) > 0.0f ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check to see if an axis aligned bounding box is completely outside of the frustum. * <p> * Note: If method returns false, the box may only be partially inside. * </p> */ public final boolean isAABBoxOutside(final AABBox box) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if ( isOutsideImpl(planes[i], box) ) { // fully outside return true; } } // We make no attempt to determine whether it's fully inside or not. return false; } public static enum Location { OUTSIDE, INSIDE, INTERSECT }; /** * Check to see if a point is outside, inside or on a plane of the frustum. * * @param p the point * @return {@link Location} of point related to frustum planes */ public final Location classifyPoint(final Vec3f p) { Location res = Location.INSIDE; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { final float d = planes[i].distanceTo(p); if ( d < 0.0f ) { return Location.OUTSIDE; } else if ( d == 0.0f ) { res = Location.INTERSECT; } } return res; } /** * Check to see if a point is outside of the frustum. * * @param p the point * @return true if outside of the frustum, otherwise inside or on a plane */ public final boolean isPointOutside(final Vec3f p) { return Location.OUTSIDE == classifyPoint(p); } /** * Check to see if a sphere is outside, intersecting or inside of the frustum. * * @param p center of the sphere * @param radius radius of the sphere * @return {@link Location} of point related to frustum planes */ public final Location classifySphere(final Vec3f p, final float radius) { Location res = Location.INSIDE; // fully inside for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { final float d = planes[i].distanceTo(p); if ( d < -radius ) { // fully outside return Location.OUTSIDE; } else if (d < radius ) { // intersecting res = Location.INTERSECT; } } return res; } /** * Check to see if a sphere is outside of the frustum. * * @param p center of the sphere * @param radius radius of the sphere * @return true if outside of the frustum, otherwise inside or intersecting */ public final boolean isSphereOutside(final Vec3f p, final float radius) { return Location.OUTSIDE == classifySphere(p, radius); } public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) { if( null == sb ) { sb = new StringBuilder(); } sb.append("Frustum[ Planes[ ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append(" L: ").append(planes[0]).append(", ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append(" R: ").append(planes[1]).append(", ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append(" B: ").append(planes[2]).append(", ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append(" T: ").append(planes[3]).append(", ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append(" N: ").append(planes[4]).append(", ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append(" F: ").append(planes[5]).append("], ").append(PlatformPropsImpl.NEWLINE) .append("]"); return sb; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(null).toString(); } }