/** * Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom; import jogamp.graph.geom.plane.AffineTransform; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Ray; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.VectorUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix; /** * Axis Aligned Bounding Box. Defined by two 3D coordinates (low and high) * The low being the the lower left corner of the box, and the high being the upper * right corner of the box. *
* A few references for collision detection, intersections: *
* http://www.realtimerendering.com/intersections.html * http://www.codercorner.com/RayAABB.cpp * http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/raytrace/rtinter0.htm * http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/files/levine_swept_sat.txt ** * */ public class AABBox implements Cloneable { private static final boolean DEBUG = FloatUtil.DEBUG; private final float[] low = new float[3]; private final float[] high = new float[3]; private final float[] center = new float[3]; /** Create a Axis Aligned bounding box (AABBox) * where the low and and high MAX float Values. */ public AABBox() { reset(); } /** Create an AABBox specifying the coordinates * of the low and high * @param lx min x-coordinate * @param ly min y-coordnate * @param lz min z-coordinate * @param hx max x-coordinate * @param hy max y-coordinate * @param hz max z-coordinate */ public AABBox(final float lx, final float ly, final float lz, final float hx, final float hy, final float hz) { setSize(lx, ly, lz, hx, hy, hz); } /** Create a AABBox defining the low and high * @param low min xyz-coordinates * @param high max xyz-coordinates */ public AABBox(final float[] low, final float[] high) { setSize(low[0],low[1],low[2], high[0],high[1],high[2]); } /** resets this box to the inverse low/high, allowing the next {@link #resize(float, float, float)} command to hit. */ public final void reset() { setLow(Float.MAX_VALUE,Float.MAX_VALUE,Float.MAX_VALUE); setHigh(-1*Float.MAX_VALUE,-1*Float.MAX_VALUE,-1*Float.MAX_VALUE); center[0] = 0f; center[1] = 0f; center[2] = 0f; } /** Get the max xyz-coordinates * @return a float array containing the max xyz coordinates */ public final float[] getHigh() { return high; } private final void setHigh(final float hx, final float hy, final float hz) { this.high[0] = hx; this.high[1] = hy; this.high[2] = hz; } /** Get the min xyz-coordinates * @return a float array containing the min xyz coordinates */ public final float[] getLow() { return low; } private final void setLow(final float lx, final float ly, final float lz) { this.low[0] = lx; this.low[1] = ly; this.low[2] = lz; } private final void computeCenter() { center[0] = (high[0] + low[0])/2; center[1] = (high[1] + low[1])/2; center[2] = (high[2] + low[2])/2; } /** * Set size of the AABBox specifying the coordinates * of the low and high. * * @param lx min x-coordinate * @param ly min y-coordnate * @param lz min z-coordinate * @param hx max x-coordinate * @param hy max y-coordinate * @param hz max z-coordinate */ public final void setSize(final float lx, final float ly, final float lz, final float hx, final float hy, final float hz) { this.low[0] = lx; this.low[1] = ly; this.low[2] = lz; this.high[0] = hx; this.high[1] = hy; this.high[2] = hz; computeCenter(); } /** Resize the AABBox to encapsulate another AABox * @param newBox AABBox to be encapsulated in */ public final void resize(final AABBox newBox) { float[] newLow = newBox.getLow(); float[] newHigh = newBox.getHigh(); /** test low */ if (newLow[0] < low[0]) low[0] = newLow[0]; if (newLow[1] < low[1]) low[1] = newLow[1]; if (newLow[2] < low[2]) low[2] = newLow[2]; /** test high */ if (newHigh[0] > high[0]) high[0] = newHigh[0]; if (newHigh[1] > high[1]) high[1] = newHigh[1]; if (newHigh[2] > high[2]) high[2] = newHigh[2]; computeCenter(); } public final void resize(final AABBox newBox, final AffineTransform t, final float[] tmpV3) { /** test low */ { final float[] newBoxLow = newBox.getLow(); t.transform(newBoxLow, tmpV3); tmpV3[2] = newBoxLow[2]; if (tmpV3[0] < low[0]) low[0] = tmpV3[0]; if (tmpV3[1] < low[1]) low[1] = tmpV3[1]; if (tmpV3[2] < low[2]) low[2] = tmpV3[2]; } /** test high */ { final float[] newBoxHigh = newBox.getHigh(); t.transform(newBoxHigh, tmpV3); tmpV3[2] = newBoxHigh[2]; if (tmpV3[0] > high[0]) high[0] = tmpV3[0]; if (tmpV3[1] > high[1]) high[1] = tmpV3[1]; if (tmpV3[2] > high[2]) high[2] = tmpV3[2]; } computeCenter(); } /** Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed * xyz-coordinates. * @param x x-axis coordinate value * @param y y-axis coordinate value * @param z z-axis coordinate value */ public final void resize(final float x, final float y, final float z) { /** test low */ if (x < low[0]) { low[0] = x; } if (y < low[1]) { low[1] = y; } if (z < low[2]) { low[2] = z; } /** test high */ if (x > high[0]) { high[0] = x; } if (y > high[1]) { high[1] = y; } if (z > high[2]) { high[2] = z; } computeCenter(); } /** * Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed * xyz-coordinates. * @param xyz xyz-axis coordinate values * @param offset of the array */ public final void resize(final float[] xyz, final int offset) { resize(xyz[0+offset], xyz[1+offset], xyz[2+offset]); } /** * Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed * xyz-coordinates. * @param xyz xyz-axis coordinate values */ public final void resize(final float[] xyz) { resize(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); } /** * Check if the x & y coordinates are bounded/contained * by this AABBox * @param x x-axis coordinate value * @param y y-axis coordinate value * @return true if x belong to (low.x, high.x) and * y belong to (low.y, high.y) */ public final boolean contains(final float x, final float y) { if(x
* Versions uses the SAT[1], testing 6 axes. * Original code for OBBs from MAGIC. * Rewritten for AABBs and reorganized for early exits[2]. *
** [1] SAT = Separating Axis Theorem * [2] http://www.codercorner.com/RayAABB.cpp ** @param ray * @return */ public final boolean intersectsRay(final Ray ray) { // diff[XYZ] -> VectorUtil.subVec3(diff, ray.orig, center); // ext[XYZ] -> extend VectorUtil.subVec3(ext, high, center); final float dirX = ray.dir[0]; final float diffX = ray.orig[0] - center[0]; final float extX = high[0] - center[0]; if( Math.abs(diffX) > extX && diffX*dirX >= 0f ) return false; final float dirY = ray.dir[1]; final float diffY = ray.orig[1] - center[1]; final float extY = high[1] - center[1]; if( Math.abs(diffY) > extY && diffY*dirY >= 0f ) return false; final float dirZ = ray.dir[2]; final float diffZ = ray.orig[2] - center[2]; final float extZ = high[2] - center[2]; if( Math.abs(diffZ) > extZ && diffZ*dirZ >= 0f ) return false; final float absDirY = Math.abs(dirY); final float absDirZ = Math.abs(dirZ); float f = dirY * diffZ - dirZ * diffY; if( Math.abs(f) > extY*absDirZ + extZ*absDirY ) return false; final float absDirX = Math.abs(dirX); f = dirZ * diffX - dirX * diffZ; if( Math.abs(f) > extX*absDirZ + extZ*absDirX ) return false; f = dirX * diffY - dirY * diffX; if( Math.abs(f) > extX*absDirY + extY*absDirX ) return false; return true; } /** Get the size of the Box where the size is represented by the * length of the vector between low and high. * @return a float representing the size of the AABBox */ public final float getSize() { return VectorUtil.vec3Distance(low, high); } /**Get the Center of the AABBox * @return the xyz-coordinates of the center of the AABBox */ public final float[] getCenter() { return center; } /** * Scale the AABBox by a constant * @param size a constant float value * @param tmpV3 caller provided temporary 3-component vector */ public final void scale(final float size, final float[] tmpV3) { tmpV3[0] = high[0] - center[0]; tmpV3[1] = high[1] - center[1]; tmpV3[2] = high[2] - center[2]; VectorUtil.scaleVec3(tmpV3, tmpV3, size); // in-place scale VectorUtil.addVec3(high, center, tmpV3); tmpV3[0] = low[0] - center[0]; tmpV3[1] = low[1] - center[1]; tmpV3[2] = low[2] - center[2]; VectorUtil.scaleVec3(tmpV3, tmpV3, size); // in-place scale VectorUtil.addVec3(low, center, tmpV3); } public final float getMinX() { return low[0]; } public final float getMinY() { return low[1]; } public final float getMinZ() { return low[2]; } public final float getMaxX() { return high[0]; } public final float getMaxY() { return high[1]; } public final float getMaxZ() { return high[2]; } public final float getWidth(){ return high[0] - low[0]; } public final float getHeight() { return high[1] - low[1]; } public final float getDepth() { return high[2] - low[2]; } @Override public final AABBox clone() { return new AABBox(this.low, this.high); } @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if( obj == this ) { return true; } if( null == obj || !(obj instanceof AABBox) ) { return false; } final AABBox other = (AABBox) obj; return VectorUtil.isVec2Equal(low, 0, other.low, 0, FloatUtil.EPSILON) && VectorUtil.isVec3Equal(high, 0, other.high, 0, FloatUtil.EPSILON) ; } /** * Assume this bounding box as being in object space and * compute the window bounding box. *
* If useCenterZ
is true
* only 4 {@link PMVMatrix#gluProject(float, float, float, int[], int, float[], int) gluProject}
* operations are made on points [1..4] using {@link #getCenter()}'s z-value.
* Otherwise 8 {@link PMVMatrix#gluProject(float, float, float, int[], int, float[], int) gluProject}
* operation on all 8 points are performed.
* [2] ------ [4] * | | * | | * [1] ------ [3] ** @param pmv * @param view * @param useCenterZ * @param tmpV3 TODO * @return */ public AABBox mapToWindow(final AABBox result, final PMVMatrix pmv, final int[] view, final boolean useCenterZ, float[] tmpV3) { // System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow.0: view[%d, %d, %d, %d], this %s%n", view[0], view[1], view[2], view[3], toString()); float objZ = useCenterZ ? center[2] : getMinZ(); pmv.gluProject(getMinX(), getMinY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); // System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow.p1: %f, %f, %f -> %f, %f, %f%n", getMinX(), getMinY(), objZ, tmpV3[0], tmpV3[1], tmpV3[2]); // System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow.p1: %s%n", pmv.toString()); result.reset(); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); pmv.gluProject(getMinX(), getMaxY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); // System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow.p2: %f, %f, %f -> %f, %f, %f%n", getMinX(), getMaxY(), objZ, tmpV3[0], tmpV3[1], tmpV3[2]); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); pmv.gluProject(getMaxX(), getMinY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); // System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow.p3: %f, %f, %f -> %f, %f, %f%n", getMaxX(), getMinY(), objZ, tmpV3[0], tmpV3[1], tmpV3[2]); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); pmv.gluProject(getMaxX(), getMaxY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); // System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow.p4: %f, %f, %f -> %f, %f, %f%n", getMaxX(), getMaxY(), objZ, tmpV3[0], tmpV3[1], tmpV3[2]); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); if( !useCenterZ ) { objZ = getMaxZ(); pmv.gluProject(getMinX(), getMinY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); pmv.gluProject(getMinX(), getMaxY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); pmv.gluProject(getMaxX(), getMinY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); pmv.gluProject(getMaxX(), getMaxY(), objZ, view, 0, tmpV3, 0); result.resize(tmpV3, 0); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("AABBox.mapToWindow: view[%d, %d], this %s -> %s%n", view[0], view[1], toString(), result.toString()); } return result; } @Override public final String toString() { return "[ dim "+getWidth()+" x "+getHeight()+" x "+getDepth()+ ", box "+low[0]+" / "+low[1]+" / "+low[2]+" .. "+high[0]+" / "+high[1]+" / "+high[2]+ ", ctr "+center[0]+" / "+center[1]+" / "+center[2]+" ]"; } }