/** * Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.math; public class Quaternion { protected float x,y,z,w; public Quaternion(){ } public Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.w = w; } /** Constructor to create a rotation based quaternion from two vectors * @param vector1 * @param vector2 */ public Quaternion(float[] vector1, float[] vector2) { float theta = (float)FloatUtil.acos(dot(vector1, vector2)); float[] cross = cross(vector1,vector2); cross = normalizeVec(cross); this.x = (float)FloatUtil.sin(theta/2)*cross[0]; this.y = (float)FloatUtil.sin(theta/2)*cross[1]; this.z = (float)FloatUtil.sin(theta/2)*cross[2]; this.w = (float)FloatUtil.cos(theta/2); this.normalize(); } /** Transform the rotational quaternion to axis based rotation angles * @return new float[4] with ,theta,Rx,Ry,Rz */ public float[] toAxis() { float[] vec = new float[4]; float scale = (float)FloatUtil.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); vec[0] =(float) FloatUtil.acos(w) * 2.0f; vec[1] = x / scale; vec[2] = y / scale; vec[3] = z / scale; return vec; } /** Normalize a vector * @param vector input vector * @return normalized vector */ private float[] normalizeVec(float[] vector) { float[] newVector = new float[3]; float d = FloatUtil.sqrt(vector[0]*vector[0] + vector[1]*vector[1] + vector[2]*vector[2]); if(d> 0.0f) { newVector[0] = vector[0]/d; newVector[1] = vector[1]/d; newVector[2] = vector[2]/d; } return newVector; } /** compute the dot product of two points * @param vec1 vector 1 * @param vec2 vector 2 * @return the dot product as float */ private float dot(float[] vec1, float[] vec2) { return (vec1[0]*vec2[0] + vec1[1]*vec2[1] + vec1[2]*vec2[2]); } /** cross product vec1 x vec2 * @param vec1 vector 1 * @param vec2 vecttor 2 * @return the resulting vector */ private float[] cross(float[] vec1, float[] vec2) { float[] out = new float[3]; out[0] = vec2[2]*vec1[1] - vec2[1]*vec1[2]; out[1] = vec2[0]*vec1[2] - vec2[2]*vec1[0]; out[2] = vec2[1]*vec1[0] - vec2[0]*vec1[1]; return out; } public float getW() { return w; } public void setW(float w) { this.w = w; } public float getX() { return x; } public void setX(float x) { this.x = x; } public float getY() { return y; } public void setY(float y) { this.y = y; } public float getZ() { return z; } public void setZ(float z) { this.z = z; } /** Add a quaternion * @param q quaternion */ public void add(Quaternion q) { x+=q.x; y+=q.y; z+=q.z; } /** Subtract a quaternion * @param q quaternion */ public void subtract(Quaternion q) { x-=q.x; y-=q.y; z-=q.z; } /** Divide a quaternion by a constant * @param n a float to divide by */ public void divide(float n) { x/=n; y/=n; z/=n; } /** Multiply this quaternion by * the param quaternion * @param q a quaternion to multiply with */ public void mult(Quaternion q) { float w1 = w*q.w - x*q.x - y*q.y - z*q.z; float x1 = w*q.x + x*q.w + y*q.z - z*q.y; float y1 = w*q.y - x*q.z + y*q.w + x*q.x; float z1 = w*q.z + x*q.y - y*q.x + y*q.w; w = w1; x = x1; y = y1; z = z1; } /** Multiply a quaternion by a constant * @param n a float constant */ public void mult(float n) { x*=n; y*=n; z*=n; } /** Normalize a quaternion required if * to be used as a rotational quaternion */ public void normalize() { float norme = (float)FloatUtil.sqrt(w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z); if (norme == 0.0f) { w = 1.0f; x = y = z = 0.0f; } else { float recip = 1.0f/norme; w *= recip; x *= recip; y *= recip; z *= recip; } } /** Invert the quaternion If rotational, * will produce a the inverse rotation */ public void inverse() { float norm = w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z; float recip = 1.0f/norm; w *= recip; x = -1*x*recip; y = -1*y*recip; z = -1*z*recip; } /** Transform this quaternion to a * 4x4 column matrix representing the rotation * @return new float[16] column matrix 4x4 */ public float[] toMatrix() { float[] matrix = new float[16]; matrix[0] = 1.0f - 2*y*y - 2*z*z; matrix[1] = 2*x*y + 2*w*z; matrix[2] = 2*x*z - 2*w*y; matrix[3] = 0; matrix[4] = 2*x*y - 2*w*z; matrix[5] = 1.0f - 2*x*x - 2*z*z; matrix[6] = 2*y*z + 2*w*x; matrix[7] = 0; matrix[8] = 2*x*z + 2*w*y; matrix[9] = 2*y*z - 2*w*x; matrix[10] = 1.0f - 2*x*x - 2*y*y; matrix[11] = 0; matrix[12] = 0; matrix[13] = 0; matrix[14] = 0; matrix[15] = 1; return matrix; } /** Set this quaternion from a Sphereical interpolation * of two param quaternion, used mostly for rotational animation * @param a initial quaternion * @param b target quaternion * @param t float between 0 and 1 representing interp. */ public void slerp(Quaternion a,Quaternion b, float t) { float omega, cosom, sinom, sclp, sclq; cosom = a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z + a.w*b.w; if ((1.0f+cosom) > FloatUtil.E) { if ((1.0f-cosom) > FloatUtil.E) { omega = (float)FloatUtil.acos(cosom); sinom = (float)FloatUtil.sin(omega); sclp = (float)FloatUtil.sin((1.0f-t)*omega) / sinom; sclq = (float)FloatUtil.sin(t*omega) / sinom; } else { sclp = 1.0f - t; sclq = t; } x = sclp*a.x + sclq*b.x; y = sclp*a.y + sclq*b.y; z = sclp*a.z + sclq*b.z; w = sclp*a.w + sclq*b.w; } else { x =-a.y; y = a.x; z =-a.w; w = a.z; sclp = FloatUtil.sin((1.0f-t) * FloatUtil.PI * 0.5f); sclq = FloatUtil.sin(t * FloatUtil.PI * 0.5f); x = sclp*a.x + sclq*b.x; y = sclp*a.y + sclq*b.y; z = sclp*a.z + sclq*b.z; } } /** Check if this quaternion is empty, ie (0,0,0,1) * @return true if empty, false otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { if (w==1 && x==0 && y==0 && z==0) return true; return false; } /** Check if this quaternion represents an identity * matrix, for rotation. * @return true if it is an identity rep., false otherwise */ public boolean isIdentity() { if (w==0 && x==0 && y==0 && z==0) return true; return false; } /** compute the quaternion from a 3x3 column matrix * @param m 3x3 column matrix */ public void setFromMatrix(float[] m) { float T= m[0] + m[4] + m[8] + 1; if (T>0){ float S = 0.5f / (float)FloatUtil.sqrt(T); w = 0.25f / S; x = ( m[5] - m[7]) * S; y = ( m[6] - m[2]) * S; z = ( m[1] - m[3] ) * S; } else{ if ((m[0] > m[4])&(m[0] > m[8])) { float S = FloatUtil.sqrt( 1.0f + m[0] - m[4] - m[8] ) * 2f; // S=4*qx w = (m[7] - m[5]) / S; x = 0.25f * S; y = (m[3] + m[1]) / S; z = (m[6] + m[2]) / S; } else if (m[4] > m[8]) { float S = FloatUtil.sqrt( 1.0f + m[4] - m[0] - m[8] ) * 2f; // S=4*qy w = (m[6] - m[2]) / S; x = (m[3] + m[1]) / S; y = 0.25f * S; z = (m[7] + m[5]) / S; } else { float S = FloatUtil.sqrt( 1.0f + m[8] - m[0] - m[4] ) * 2f; // S=4*qz w = (m[3] - m[1]) / S; x = (m[6] + m[2]) / S; y = (m[7] + m[5]) / S; z = 0.25f * S; } } } /** Check if the the 3x3 matrix (param) is in fact * an affine rotational matrix * @param m 3x3 column matrix * @return true if representing a rotational matrix, false otherwise */ public boolean isRotationMatrix(float[] m) { double epsilon = 0.01; // margin to allow for rounding errors if (FloatUtil.abs(m[0]*m[3] + m[3]*m[4] + m[6]*m[7]) > epsilon) return false; if (FloatUtil.abs(m[0]*m[2] + m[3]*m[5] + m[6]*m[8]) > epsilon) return false; if (FloatUtil.abs(m[1]*m[2] + m[4]*m[5] + m[7]*m[8]) > epsilon) return false; if (FloatUtil.abs(m[0]*m[0] + m[3]*m[3] + m[6]*m[6] - 1) > epsilon) return false; if (FloatUtil.abs(m[1]*m[1] + m[4]*m[4] + m[7]*m[7] - 1) > epsilon) return false; if (FloatUtil.abs(m[2]*m[2] + m[5]*m[5] + m[8]*m[8] - 1) > epsilon) return false; return (FloatUtil.abs(determinant(m)-1) < epsilon); } private float determinant(float[] m) { return m[0]*m[4]*m[8] + m[3]*m[7]*m[2] + m[6]*m[1]*m[5] - m[0]*m[7]*m[5] - m[3]*m[1]*m[8] - m[6]*m[4]*m[2]; } }