/** * Copyright 2009-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.SyncAction; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.SyncBuffer; /** * GLSL uniform data wrapper encapsulating data to be uploaded to the GPU as a uniform. */ public final class GLUniformData { /** * int atom * * Number of objects is 1 * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final int val) { initScalar(name, 1, Integer.valueOf(val)); } /** * float atom * * Number of objects is 1 * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final float val) { initScalar(name, 1, Float.valueOf(val)); } /** * Multiple IntBuffer Vector * * Number of objects is calculated by data.limit()/components * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader * @param components number of elements of one object, ie 4 for GL_FLOAT_VEC4, * @param data the data */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final int components, final IntBuffer data) { initBuffer(name, components, data, null); } /** * Multiple FloatBuffer Vector * * Number of objects is calculated by data.limit()/components * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader * @param components number of elements of one object, ie 4 for GL_FLOAT_VEC4, * @param data the underlying data */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final int components, final FloatBuffer data) { initBuffer(name, components, data, null); } /** * Multiple IntBuffer or FloatBuffer Vector * * Number of objects is calculated by data.limit()/components * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader * @param components number of elements of one object, ie 4 for GL_FLOAT_VEC4, * @param syncBuffer {@link SyncBuffer} providing {@link SyncAction} and {@link Buffer}, allowing to sync the buffer with the underlying data, see {@link #getBuffer()} */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final int components, final SyncBuffer syncBuffer) { initBuffer(name, components, syncBuffer.getBuffer(), syncBuffer.getAction()); } private GLUniformData(final int components, final String name) { initBuffer(name, components, null, null); } public static GLUniformData creatEmptyVector(final String name, final int components) { return new GLUniformData(components, name); } public static GLUniformData creatEmptyMatrix(final String name, final int rows, final int columns) { return new GLUniformData(name, rows, columns, (FloatBuffer)null); } /** * Multiple FloatBuffer Matrix * * Number of objects is calculated by data.limit()/(rows*columns) * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader * @param rows the matrix rows * @param column the matrix column * @param data the underlying data */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final int rows, final int columns, final FloatBuffer data) { initBuffer(name, rows, columns, data, null); } /** * Multiple FloatBuffer Matrix * * Number of objects is calculated by data.limit()/(rows*columns) * * @param name the uniform name as used in the shader * @param rows the matrix rows * @param column the matrix column * @param syncBuffer {@link SyncBuffer} providing {@link SyncAction} and {@link Buffer}, allowing to sync the buffer with the underlying data, see {@link #getBuffer()} */ public GLUniformData(final String name, final int rows, final int columns, final SyncBuffer syncBuffer) { initBuffer(name, rows, columns, syncBuffer.getBuffer(), syncBuffer.getAction()); } public GLUniformData setData(final int data) { initScalar(Integer.valueOf(data)); return this; } public GLUniformData setData(final float data) { initScalar(Float.valueOf(data)); return this; } public GLUniformData setData(final IntBuffer data) { initBuffer(data, null); return this; } public GLUniformData setData(final FloatBuffer data) { initBuffer(data, null); return this; } public GLUniformData setData(final SyncBuffer syncedBuffer) { initBuffer(syncedBuffer.getBuffer(), syncedBuffer.getAction()); return this; } public int intValue() { return ((Integer)data).intValue(); }; public float floatValue() { return ((Float)data).floatValue(); }; public IntBuffer intBufferValue() { return (IntBuffer)data; }; public FloatBuffer floatBufferValue() { return (FloatBuffer)data; }; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) { if(null == sb) { sb = new StringBuilder(); } sb.append("GLUniformData[name ").append(name). append(", location ").append(location). append(", size ").append(rows).append("x").append(columns). append(", count ").append(count). append(", data "); if(isMatrix() && data instanceof FloatBuffer) { sb.append("\n"); final FloatBuffer fb = (FloatBuffer)getBuffer(); for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { FloatUtil.matrixToString(sb, i+": ", "%10.5f", fb, i*rows*columns, rows, columns, false); sb.append(",\n"); } } else if(isBuffer()) { Buffers.toString(sb, null, getBuffer()); } else { sb.append(data); } sb.append("]"); return sb; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(null).toString(); } private void initBuffer(final String name, final int rows, final int columns, final Buffer buffer, final SyncAction syncAction) { if( 2>rows || rows>4 || 2>columns || columns>4 ) { throw new GLException("rowsXcolumns must be within [2..4]X[2..4], is: "+rows+"X"+columns); } this.name=name; this.rows=rows; this.columns=columns; this.bits=BIT_MATRIX; this.location=-1; initBuffer(buffer, syncAction); } private void initScalar(final String name, final int components, final Object data) { if( 1>components || components>4 ) { throw new GLException("components must be within [1..4], is: "+components); } this.name=name; this.columns=components; this.rows=1; this.bits=0; this.location=-1; initScalar(data); } private void initBuffer(final String name, final int components, final Buffer buffer, final SyncAction syncAction) { if( 1>components || components>4 ) { throw new GLException("components must be within [1..4], is: "+components); } this.name=name; this.columns=components; this.rows=1; this.bits=0; this.location=-1; initBuffer(buffer, syncAction); } private void initScalar(final Object data) { if(data instanceof Buffer) { initBuffer((Buffer)data, null); } else if( null != data ) { if( isMatrix() ) { throw new GLException("Atom type not allowed for matrix : "+this); } this.count=1; this.data=data; } else { this.count=0; this.data=data; } } private void initBuffer(final Buffer buffer, final SyncAction syncAction) { if( null != buffer ) { this.bits |= BIT_BUFFER; final int sz = rows*columns; if(buffer.remaining()<sz || 0!=buffer.remaining()%sz) { throw new GLException("remaining data buffer size invalid: buffer: "+buffer.toString()+"\n\t"+this); } this.count=buffer.remaining()/sz; this.data=buffer; } else { this.count=0; this.data=null; } this.syncAction = syncAction; } /** Return the uniform name as used in the shader */ public String getName() { return name; } public int getLocation() { return location; } /** * Sets the given location of the shader uniform. * @return the given location */ public int setLocation(final int location) { this.location=location; return location; } /** * Retrieves the location of the shader uniform with {@link #getName()} from the linked shader program. * <p> * No validation is performed within the implementation. * </p> * @param gl * @param program * @return ≥0 denotes a valid uniform location as found and used in the given shader program. * <0 denotes an invalid location, i.e. not found or used in the given shader program. */ public int setLocation(final GL2ES2 gl, final int program) { location = gl.glGetUniformLocation(program, name); return location; } /** * Returns the data object. * <p> * In case a {@link SyncAction} has been set, * it is invoked to {@link SyncAction#sync() synchronize} the object with the underlying data before returning the object. * </p> * @return the data object. * @see SyncAction#sync() */ public Object getObject() { if( null != syncAction ) { syncAction.sync(); } return data; } /** * Returns the data buffer. * <p> * In case a {@link SyncAction} has been set, * it is invoked to {@link SyncAction#sync() synchronize} the buffer with the underlying data before returning the buffer. * </p> * @return the data buffer. * @see SyncAction#sync() */ public Buffer getBuffer() { if( null != syncAction ) { syncAction.sync(); } return (data instanceof Buffer)?(Buffer)data:null; } public boolean isMatrix() { return 0 != ( BIT_MATRIX & bits ); } public boolean isBuffer() { return 0 != ( BIT_BUFFER & bits ); } public int count() { return count; } public int components() { return rows*columns; } public int rows() { return rows; } public int columns() { return columns; } private static final short BIT_MATRIX = 0b0000000000000001; private static final short BIT_BUFFER = 0b0000000000000010; private String name; private int location; private int rows, columns; private int count; private Object data; private short bits; private SyncAction syncAction; }