package com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.OutlineShape; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.RegionFactory; import com.jogamp.graph.geom.Triangle; import com.jogamp.graph.geom.Vertex; public abstract class RegionRenderer extends Renderer { /** Create a Hardware accelerated Curve Region Renderer */ public static RegionRenderer create(Vertex.Factory<? extends Vertex> factory, int type) { return new jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRendererImpl01(factory, type); } public RegionRenderer(Vertex.Factory<? extends Vertex> factory, int type) { super(factory, type); } /** Render an array of {@link OutlineShape}s combined in one region * at the position provided the triangles of the * shapes will be generated, if not yet generated * @param outlineShapes array of OutlineShapes to Render. * @param position the initial translation of the outlineShapes. * @param texSize texture size for multipass render * * @throws Exception if HwRegionRenderer not initialized */ public abstract void renderOutlineShapes(GL2ES2 gl, OutlineShape[] outlineShapes, float[] position, int texSize); /** Render an {@link OutlineShape} in 3D space at the position provided * the triangles of the shapes will be generated, if not yet generated * @param outlineShape the OutlineShape to Render. * @param position the initial translation of the outlineShape. * @param texSize texture size for multipass render * @throws Exception if HwRegionRenderer not initialized */ public abstract void renderOutlineShape(GL2ES2 gl, OutlineShape outlineShape, float[] position, int texSize); protected HashMap<Integer, Region> regions = new HashMap<Integer, Region>(); public void flushCache() { Iterator<Region> iterator = regions.values().iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()){ Region region =; region.destroy(); } regions.clear(); } @Override protected void disposeImpl(GL2ES2 gl) { flushCache(); } /** Create an ogl {@link Region} defining this {@link OutlineShape} * @param sharpness parameter for Region generation * @return the resulting Region. */ protected Region createRegion(GL2ES2 gl, OutlineShape outlineShape, float sharpness) { Region region = RegionFactory.create(gl.getContext(), st, renderType); outlineShape.transformOutlines(OutlineShape.QUADRATIC_NURBS); ArrayList<Triangle> triangles = (ArrayList<Triangle>) outlineShape.triangulate(sharpness); ArrayList<Vertex> vertices = (ArrayList<Vertex>) outlineShape.getVertices(); region.addVertices(vertices); region.addTriangles(triangles); region.update(); return region; } /** Create an ogl {@link Region} defining the list of {@link OutlineShape}. * Combining the Shapes into single buffers. * @param sharpness parameter for Region generation * @return the resulting Region inclusive the generated region */ protected Region createRegion(GL2ES2 gl, OutlineShape[] outlineShapes, float sharpness) { Region region = RegionFactory.create(gl.getContext(), st, renderType); int numVertices = region.getNumVertices(); for(OutlineShape outlineShape:outlineShapes){ outlineShape.transformOutlines(OutlineShape.QUADRATIC_NURBS); ArrayList<Triangle> triangles = outlineShape.triangulate(sharpness); region.addTriangles(triangles); ArrayList<Vertex> vertices = outlineShape.getVertices(); for(Vertex vert:vertices){ vert.setId(numVertices++); } region.addVertices(vertices); } region.update(); return region; } protected static int getHashCode(OutlineShape outlineShape){ return outlineShape.hashCode(); } protected static int getHashCode(OutlineShape[] outlineShapes){ int hashcode = 0; for(OutlineShape outlineShape:outlineShapes){ hashcode += getHashCode(outlineShape); } return hashcode; } }