/** * Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLES2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLException; import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.AttributeNames; import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.UniformNames; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLExtensions; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLRendererQuirks; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence; import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region; import com.jogamp.math.Recti; import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f; import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum; import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f; /** * OpenGL {@link Region} renderer * * All {@link Region} rendering operations utilize a RegionRenderer. * * The RegionRenderer owns its {@link RenderState}, a composition. * * The RegionRenderer manages and own all used {@link ShaderProgram}s, a composition. * * At its {@link #destroy(GL2ES2) destruction}, all {@link ShaderProgram}s and its {@link RenderState} * will be destroyed and released. */ public final class RegionRenderer { protected static final boolean DEBUG = Region.DEBUG; protected static final boolean DEBUG_ALL_EVENT = Region.DEBUG_ALL_EVENT; protected static final boolean DEBUG_INSTANCE = Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE; private static final boolean DEBUG_SHADER_MAP = DEBUG; /** * May be passed to * {@link RegionRenderer#create(Vertex.Factory extends Vertex>, RenderState, com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer.GLCallback, com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer.GLCallback) RegionRenderer ctor}, * e.g. *
* Implementation also sets {@link RegionRenderer#getRenderState() RenderState}'s {@link RenderState#BITHINT_BLENDING_ENABLED blending bit-hint}, * which will cause {@link GLRegion#draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer) GLRegion's draw-method} * to set the proper {@link GL#glBlendFuncSeparate(int, int, int, int) blend-function} * and the clear-color to transparent-black in case of {@link Region#isTwoPass(int) multipass} FBO rendering. *
* @see #create(Vertex.Factory extends Vertex>, RenderState, GLCallback, GLCallback) * @see #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) */ public static final GLCallback defaultBlendEnable = new GLCallback() { @Override public void run(final GL gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { if( renderer.isHintMaskSet(RenderState.BITHINT_GLOBAL_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLED) ) { gl.glDepthMask(false); // gl.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); // gl.glDepthFunc(GL.GL_ALWAYS); } gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glBlendEquation(GL.GL_FUNC_ADD); // default renderer.setHintMask(RenderState.BITHINT_BLENDING_ENABLED); } }; /** * Default {@link GL#GL_BLEND} disable {@link GLCallback}, * simply turning-off the {@link GL#GL_BLEND} state * and turning-on depth writing via {@link GL#glDepthMask(boolean)} if {@link RenderState#BITHINT_GLOBAL_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLED} is set. ** Implementation also clears {@link RegionRenderer#getRenderState() RenderState}'s {@link RenderState#BITHINT_BLENDING_ENABLED blending bit-hint}. *
* @see #create(Vertex.Factory extends Vertex>, RenderState, GLCallback, GLCallback) * @see #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) */ public static final GLCallback defaultBlendDisable = new GLCallback() { @Override public void run(final GL gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { renderer.clearHintMask(RenderState.BITHINT_BLENDING_ENABLED); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_BLEND); if( renderer.isHintMaskSet(RenderState.BITHINT_GLOBAL_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLED) ) { // gl.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); // gl.glDepthFunc(GL.GL_LESS); gl.glDepthMask(true); } } }; /** * Create a hardware accelerated RegionRenderer including its {@link RenderState} composition. *
* The optional {@link GLCallback}s enableCallback
and disableCallback
* maybe used to issue certain tasks at {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)}.
* For example, instances {@link #defaultBlendEnable} and {@link #defaultBlendDisable}
* can be utilized to enable and disable {@link GL#GL_BLEND}.
* The optional {@link GLCallback}s enableCallback
and disableCallback
* maybe used to issue certain tasks at {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)}.
* For example, instances {@link #defaultBlendEnable} and {@link #defaultBlendDisable}
* can be utilized to enable and disable {@link GL#GL_BLEND}.
will be issued at
* {@link #init(GL2ES2) init(gl)} and {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) enable(gl, true)}.
* @param disableCallback optional {@link GLCallback}, if not null
will be issued at
* {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) enable(gl, false)}.
* @return an instance of Region Renderer
* @see #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)
public static RegionRenderer create(final GLCallback enableCallback, final GLCallback disableCallback) {
return new RegionRenderer(enableCallback, disableCallback);
* Create a hardware accelerated RegionRenderer including its {@link RenderState} composition.
* The optional {@link GLCallback}s enableCallback
and disableCallback
* maybe used to issue certain tasks at {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)}.
* For example, instances {@link #defaultBlendEnable} and {@link #defaultBlendDisable}
* can be utilized to enable and disable {@link GL#GL_BLEND}.
will be issued at
* {@link #init(GL2ES2) init(gl)} and {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) enable(gl, true)}.
* @param disableCallback optional {@link GLCallback}, if not null
will be issued at
* {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) enable(gl, false)}.
* @return an instance of Region Renderer
* @see #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)
public static RegionRenderer create(final PMVMatrix4f sharedPMVMatrix,
final GLCallback enableCallback, final GLCallback disableCallback) {
return new RegionRenderer(sharedPMVMatrix, enableCallback, disableCallback);
private final RenderState rs;
private final GLCallback enableCallback;
private final GLCallback disableCallback;
private final Recti viewport = new Recti();
private boolean initialized;
private boolean vboSupported = false;
public final boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; }
/** Copies the current Rect4i viewport in given target and returns it for chaining. */
public final Recti getViewport(final Recti target) {
return target;
/** Borrows the current Rect4i viewport w/o copying. */
public final Recti getViewport() {
return viewport;
/** Return width of current viewport */
public final int getWidth() { return viewport.width(); }
/** Return height of current viewport */
public final int getHeight() { return viewport.height(); }
protected RegionRenderer(final GLCallback enableCallback, final GLCallback disableCallback) {
this(null, enableCallback, disableCallback);
protected RegionRenderer(final PMVMatrix4f sharedPMVMatrix,
final GLCallback enableCallback, final GLCallback disableCallback)
this.rs = new RenderState(sharedPMVMatrix);
this.enableCallback = enableCallback;
this.disableCallback = disableCallback;
public final boolean isVBOSupported() { return vboSupported; }
* Initialize shader and bindings for GPU based rendering bound to the given GL object's GLContext
* if not initialized yet.
* Disables the renderer via {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)} to remove any side-effects, ie ShaderState incl. shader program.
*Shall be called once before at initialization before a {@code draw()} method, e.g. {@link RegionRenderer#draw(GL2ES2, Region)}
* * @param gl referencing the current GLContext to which the ShaderState is bound to * @throws GLException if initialization failed */ public final void init(final GL2ES2 gl) throws GLException { if(initialized){ return; } vboSupported = gl.isFunctionAvailable("glGenBuffers") && gl.isFunctionAvailable("glBindBuffer") && gl.isFunctionAvailable("glBufferData") && gl.isFunctionAvailable("glDrawElements") && gl.isFunctionAvailable("glVertexAttribPointer") && gl.isFunctionAvailable("glDeleteBuffers"); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("TextRendererImpl01: VBO Supported = " + isVBOSupported()); } if(!vboSupported){ throw new GLException("VBO not supported"); } rs.attachTo(gl); initialized = true; enable(gl, false); } /** Deletes all {@link ShaderProgram}s and nullifies its references including {@link RenderState#destroy(GL2ES2)}. */ public final void destroy(final GL2ES2 gl) { if(!initialized){ if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.println("TextRenderer: Not initialized!"); } return; } for(final Iterator* {@link #useShaderProgram(GL2ES2, int, boolean, TextureSequence)} * generates, selects and caches the desired Curve-Graph {@link ShaderProgram} * and {@link RenderState#setShaderProgram(GL2ES2, ShaderProgram) sets it current} in the {@link RenderState} composition. *
** In case enable and disable {@link GLCallback}s are setup via {@link #create(Vertex.Factory extends Vertex>, RenderState, GLCallback, GLCallback)}, * they will be called before toggling the shader program. *
* @param gl current GL object * @param enable if true enable the current {@link ShaderProgram}, otherwise disable. * @see #create(Vertex.Factory extends Vertex>, RenderState, GLCallback, GLCallback) * @see #useShaderProgram(GL2ES2, int, boolean, TextureSequence) * @see RenderState#setShaderProgram(GL2ES2, ShaderProgram) * @see RenderState#getShaderProgram() */ public final void enable(final GL2ES2 gl, final boolean enable) { enable(gl, enable, enableCallback, disableCallback); } /** * Same as {@link #enable(GL2ES2, boolean)} but allowing to force {@link GLCallback}s off. * @param gl current GL object * @param enable if true enable the current {@link ShaderProgram}, otherwise disable. * @param enableCB explicit {@link GLCallback} for enable * @param disableCB explicit {@link GLCallback} for disable * @see #enable(GL2ES2, boolean) */ public final void enable(final GL2ES2 gl, final boolean enable, final GLCallback enableCB, final GLCallback disableCB) { if( enable ) { if( null != enableCB ) { enableCB.run(gl, this); } } else { if( null != disableCB ) { disableCB.run(gl, this); } final ShaderProgram sp = rs.getShaderProgram(); if( null != sp ) { sp.useProgram(gl, false); } } } /** * No PMVMatrix4f operation is performed here. */ public final void reshapeNotify(final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) { viewport.set(x, y, width, height); } /** * Perspective projection, method also calls {@link #reshapeNotify(int, int, int, int)}. * @param angle_rad perspective angle in radians * @param width viewport width * @param height viewport height * @param near projection z-near * @param far projection z-far */ public final void reshapePerspective(final float angle_rad, final int width, final int height, final float near, final float far) { reshapeNotify(0, 0, width, height); final float ratio = (float)width/(float)height; final PMVMatrix4f p = getMatrix(); p.loadPIdentity(); p.perspectiveP(angle_rad, ratio, near, far); } /** * Orthogonal projection, method also calls {@link #reshapeNotify(int, int, int, int)}. * @param width viewport width * @param height viewport height * @param near projection z-near * @param far projection z-far */ public final void reshapeOrtho(final int width, final int height, final float near, final float far) { reshapeNotify(0, 0, width, height); final PMVMatrix4f p = getMatrix(); p.loadPIdentity(); p.orthoP(0, width, 0, height, near, far); } // // Shader Management // private static final String SHADER_SRC_SUB = ""; private static final String SHADER_BIN_SUB = "bin"; private static final String GLSL_PARAM_COMMENT_START = "\n// JogAmp Graph Parameter Start\n"; private static final String GLSL_PARAM_COMMENT_END = "// JogAmp Graph Parameter End\n\n"; private static final String GLSL_USE_COLOR_CHANNEL = "#define USE_COLOR_CHANNEL 1\n"; private static final String GLSL_USE_COLOR_TEXTURE = "#define USE_COLOR_TEXTURE 1\n"; private static final String GLSL_USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING = "#define USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING 1\n"; private static final String GLSL_DEF_SAMPLE_COUNT = "#define SAMPLE_COUNT "; private static final String GLSL_CONST_SAMPLE_COUNT = "const float sample_count = "; private static final String GLSL_MAIN_BEGIN = "void main (void)\n{\n"; private static final String gcuTexture2D = "gcuTexture2D"; private static final String GLSL_USE_DISCARD = "#define USE_DISCARD 1\n"; private String getVersionedShaderName() { return "curverenderer01"; } // FIXME: Really required to have sampler2D def. precision ? If not, we can drop getFragmentShaderPrecision(..) and use default ShaderCode .. private static final String es2_precision_fp = "\nprecision mediump float;\nprecision mediump int;\nprecision mediump sampler2D;\n"; private final String getFragmentShaderPrecision(final GL2ES2 gl) { if( gl.isGLES() ) { return es2_precision_fp; } if( ShaderCode.requiresGL3DefaultPrecision(gl) ) { return ShaderCode.gl3_default_precision_fp; } return null; } private static enum ShaderModeSelector1 { /** Pass-1: Curve Simple */ PASS1_SIMPLE("curve", "_simple", 0), /** Pass-1: Curve Varying Weight */ PASS1_WEIGHT("curve", "_weight", 0), /** Pass-2: MSAA */ PASS2_MSAA("msaa", "", 0), /** Pass-2: VBAA Flipquad3, 1 sample */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES1("vbaa", "_flipquad3", 1), /** Pass-2: VBAA Flipquad3, 2 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES2("vbaa", "_flipquad3", 2), /** Pass-2: VBAA Flipquad3, 4 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES4("vbaa", "_flipquad3", 4), /** Pass-2: VBAA Flipquad3, 8 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES8("vbaa", "_flipquad3", 8), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Odd, 1 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES1("vbaa", "_bforce_odd", 1), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Even, 2 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES2("vbaa", "_bforce_even", 2), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Odd, 3 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES3("vbaa", "_bforce_odd", 3), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Even, 4 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES4("vbaa", "_bforce_even", 4), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Odd, 5 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES5("vbaa", "_bforce_odd", 5), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Even, 6 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES6("vbaa", "_bforce_even", 6), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Odd, 7 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES7("vbaa", "_bforce_odd", 7), /** Pass-2: VBAA Brute-Force, Even, 8 samples */ PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES8("vbaa", "_bforce_even", 8); public final String tech; public final String sub; public final int sampleCount; ShaderModeSelector1(final String tech, final String sub, final int sampleCount) { this.tech = tech; this.sub= sub; this.sampleCount = sampleCount; } public static ShaderModeSelector1 selectPass1(final int renderModes) { return Region.hasVariableWeight(renderModes) ? PASS1_WEIGHT : PASS1_SIMPLE; } public static ShaderModeSelector1 selectPass2(final int renderModes, final int quality, final int sampleCount) { if( Region.isVBAA(renderModes) ) { if( 0 == quality ) { if( sampleCount < 2 ) { return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES1; } else if( sampleCount < 4 ) { return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES2; } else if( sampleCount < 8 ) { return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES4; } else { return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL0_SAMPLES8; } } else { switch( sampleCount ) { case 0: // Fall through intended case 1: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES1; case 2: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES2; case 3: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES3; case 4: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES4; case 5: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES5; case 6: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES6; case 7: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES7; default: return PASS2_VBAA_QUAL1_SAMPLES8; } } } else { return PASS2_MSAA; // Region.isMSAA(renderModes) and default } } } private static class ShaderKey { final boolean isTwoPass; final boolean pass1; final ShaderModeSelector1 sms; final boolean hasFrustumClipping; // pass1 or pass2 final boolean hasColorChannel; // pass1 only final boolean hasColorTexture; // pass1 only final String colorTexSeqID; final int colorTexSeqHash; final String texLookupFuncName; final int hashValue; ShaderKey(final int renderModes, final boolean pass1_, final int pass2Quality, final int sampleCount, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final boolean hasClipFrustum) { isTwoPass = Region.isTwoPass( renderModes ); pass1 = pass1_; sms = pass1 ? ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass1(renderModes) : ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass2(renderModes, pass2Quality, sampleCount); hasFrustumClipping = hasClipFrustum && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) ); hasColorChannel = pass1 && Region.hasColorChannel( renderModes ); hasColorTexture = pass1 && Region.hasColorTexture( renderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq; if( hasColorTexture ) { texLookupFuncName = colorTexSeq.setTextureLookupFunctionName(gcuTexture2D); colorTexSeqID = colorTexSeq.getTextureFragmentShaderHashID(); colorTexSeqHash = colorTexSeq.getTextureFragmentShaderHashCode(); } else { texLookupFuncName = null; colorTexSeqID = ""; colorTexSeqHash = 0; } { // 31 * x == (x << 5) - x int hash = 31 * ( isTwoPass ? 1 : 0 ); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( pass1 ? 1 : 0 ) ; // hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + pass2Quality; // included in sms // hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sampleCount; // included in sms hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sms.ordinal(); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasFrustumClipping ? 1 : 0 ); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorChannel ? 1 : 0 ); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorTexture ? 1 : 0 ); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + colorTexSeqHash; hashValue = hash; } } @Override public final int hashCode() { return hashValue; } @Override public final boolean equals(final Object other) { if( this == other ) { return true; } if( !(other instanceof ShaderKey) ) { return false; } final ShaderKey o = (ShaderKey)other; return isTwoPass == o.isTwoPass && pass1 == o.pass1 && // pass2Quality == o.pass2Quality && // included in sms // sampleCount == o.sampleCount && // included in sms sms.ordinal() == o.sms.ordinal() && hasFrustumClipping == o.hasFrustumClipping && hasColorChannel == o.hasColorChannel && hasColorTexture == o.hasColorTexture && colorTexSeqID.equals(o.colorTexSeqID); } @Override public String toString() { return "ShaderKey[hash 0x"+Integer.toHexString(hashValue)+", is2Pass "+isTwoPass+", pass1 "+pass1+ ", has[clip "+hasFrustumClipping+", colChan "+hasColorChannel+", colTex "+hasColorTexture+"], "+sms+"]"; } } private final HashMap