/** * Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.graph.curve; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import jogamp.opengl.Debug; import com.jogamp.graph.geom.Triangle; import com.jogamp.graph.geom.Vertex; import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f; import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f; import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox; import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum; import com.jogamp.math.geom.plane.AffineTransform; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.common.os.Clock; import com.jogamp.common.util.PerfCounterCtrl; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.GLRegion; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilitiesImmutable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence; /** * Abstract Outline shape representation define the method an OutlineShape(s) * is bound and rendered. * * @see GLRegion */ public abstract class Region { public static final boolean DEBUG_ALL_EVENT = Debug.debugExplicit("graph.curve.AllEvent"); public static final boolean DEBUG_INSTANCE = Debug.debugExplicit("graph.curve.Instance"); /** Debug flag for [com.]jogamp.graph.curve.* incl. Region (graph.curve) */ public static final boolean DEBUG = DEBUG_ALL_EVENT || Debug.debug("graph.curve"); /** * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} *

* One pass `norm` rendering either using no AA or underlying full-screen AA (fsaa). *


* This mode-bit is a shader-key. *

*/ public static final int NORM_RENDERING_BIT = 0; /** * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} *

* MSAA based Anti-Aliasing, a two pass region rendering, slower and more * resource hungry (FBO with sample buffer), but providing fast MSAA in case * the whole scene is not rendered with MSAA. *


* In case sample count is 1, no FBO sample buffer is used but a simple bilinear texture filter. *


* This mode-bit is a shader-key. *

*/ public static final int MSAA_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 0; /** * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} *

* View based Anti-Aliasing, a two pass region rendering, slower and more * resource hungry (FBO), but AA is perfect. Otherwise the default fast one * pass MSAA region rendering is being used. *


* In case sample count is 1, no FBO supersampling is performed but a simple bilinear texture filter used. *


* Depending on AA-quality, {@link #MAX_AA_QUALITY} denotes full 4x billinear filtering per sample * and {@code 0} denotes 1x flipquad filtering per sample. *


* This mode-bit is a shader-key. *

*/ public static final int VBAA_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 1; /** 2-pass rendering bit-mask including {@link #MSAA_RENDERING_BIT} and {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int AA_RENDERING_MASK = MSAA_RENDERING_BIT | VBAA_RENDERING_BIT; /** * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} *

* Use non uniform weights [0.0 .. 1.9] for curve region rendering. * Otherwise the default weight 1.0 for uniform curve region rendering is * being applied. *


* This mode-bit is a shader-key. *

*/ public static final int VARWEIGHT_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 8; /** * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} to optionally enable a color-channel per vertex. *

* If set, a color channel attribute per vertex is added to the stream via {@link #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])}, * otherwise {@link com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float) static color} * can being used for a monotonic color. *


* This mode-bit is a shader-key. *

* @see #getRenderModes() * @see #hasColorChannel() * @see #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[]) * @see com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float) */ public static final int COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 9; /** * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} *

* If set, a color texture is used to determine the color via {#link TextureSequence} passed to implementation, e.g. GLRegion. *


* This mode-bit is a shader-key. *

* @see TextureSequence#useARatioAdjustment() * @see TextureSequence#useARatioLetterbox() */ public static final int COLORTEXTURE_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 10; /** Minimum pass2 AA-quality rendering {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int MIN_AA_QUALITY = 0; /** Maximum pass2 AA-quality rendering {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int MAX_AA_QUALITY = 1; /** Default pass2 AA-quality rendering {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int DEFAULT_AA_QUALITY = MAX_AA_QUALITY; /** Returns clipped AA quality value to [{@link Region#MIN_AA_QUALITY}..{@link Region#MAX_AA_QUALITY}] */ public static final int clipAAQuality(final int v) { return Math.min(Region.MAX_AA_QUALITY, Math.max(v, Region.MIN_AA_QUALITY)); } /** Minimum pass2 AA sample count {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link Region#VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int MIN_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT = 1; /** Maximum pass2 AA sample count {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link Region#VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int MAX_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT = 8; /** Default pass2 AA sample count {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */ public static final int DEFAULT_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT = 4; /** Returns clipped AA sample-count to [{@link Region#MIN_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT}..{@link Region#MAX_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT}] */ public static final int clipAASampleCount(final int v) { return Math.min(Region.MAX_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT, Math.max(v, Region.MIN_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT)); } public static final int DEFAULT_TWO_PASS_TEXTURE_UNIT = 0; protected static final int DIRTY_SHAPE = 1 << 0 ; protected static final int DIRTY_STATE = 1 << 1 ; private final int renderModes; private final boolean use_int32_idx; private final int max_indices; private int dirty = DIRTY_SHAPE | DIRTY_STATE; private int numVertices = 0; protected final AABBox box = new AABBox(); protected Frustum frustum = null; public static final boolean isRenderModeSet(final int renderModes, final int mask) { return mask == ( renderModes & mask ); } public static final int setRenderMode(int renderModes, final int mask, final boolean v) { if( v ) { renderModes |= mask; } else { renderModes &= ~mask; }; return renderModes; } /** Returns true if given {@code renderModes} has {@link Region#VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} set. */ public static boolean isVBAA(final int renderModes) { return 0 != (renderModes & Region.VBAA_RENDERING_BIT); } /** Returns true if given {@code renderModes} has {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT} set. */ public static boolean isMSAA(final int renderModes) { return 0 != (renderModes & Region.MSAA_RENDERING_BIT); } /** Returns true if given {@code renderModes} has any of {@link Region#AA_RENDERING_MASK} set. */ public static boolean isGraphAA(final int renderModes) { return 0 != ( renderModes & Region.AA_RENDERING_MASK ); } /** Returns true if given {@code renderModes} has any of {@link Region#AA_RENDERING_MASK} set. */ public static boolean isTwoPass(final int renderModes) { return 0 != ( renderModes & Region.AA_RENDERING_MASK ); } /** * Returns true if render mode capable of variable weights, * i.e. the bit {@link #VARWEIGHT_RENDERING_BIT} is set, * otherwise false. */ public static boolean hasVariableWeight(final int renderModes) { return 0 != (renderModes & Region.VARWEIGHT_RENDERING_BIT); } /** * Returns true if render mode has a color channel, * i.e. the bit {@link #COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT} is set, * otherwise false. */ public static boolean hasColorChannel(final int renderModes) { return 0 != (renderModes & Region.COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT); } /** * Returns true if render mode has a color texture, * i.e. the bit {@link #COLORTEXTURE_RENDERING_BIT} is set, * otherwise false. */ public static boolean hasColorTexture(final int renderModes) { return 0 != (renderModes & Region.COLORTEXTURE_RENDERING_BIT); } /** * Returns a unique technical description string for renderModes as follows: *
     *    (vbaa|msaa|norm)[-curve][-cols][-ctex]
* @param renderModes Graph renderModes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)} */ public static String getRenderModeString(final int renderModes) { final String curveS = hasVariableWeight(renderModes) ? "-curve" : ""; final String cChanS = hasColorChannel(renderModes) ? "-cols" : ""; final String cTexS; if( hasColorTexture(renderModes) ) { cTexS = "-ctex"; } else { cTexS = ""; } if( Region.isVBAA(renderModes) ) { return "vbaa"+curveS+cChanS+cTexS; } else if( Region.isMSAA(renderModes) ) { return "msaa"+curveS+cChanS+cTexS; } else { return "norm"+curveS+cChanS+cTexS; } } /** * Return a unique technical description string for renderModes and sample counts as follows: *
     *    {@link #getRenderModeString(int)}-q{AA-quality}-s{sampleCount}-fsaa{CapsNumSamples}
* * @param renderModes the used Graph renderModes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)} * @param graphAAQuality Graph AA quality, see {@link #DEFAULT_AA_QUALITY}, set to negative value to mark undefined * @param graphSampleCount Graph sample count for {@link Region#VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT} * @param fsaaSampleCount full-screen AA (fsaa) sample count, retrieved e.g. via {@link GLCapabilitiesImmutable#getNumSamples()} */ public static String getRenderModeString(final int renderModes, final int graphAAQuality, final int graphSampleCount, final int fsaaSampleCount) { if( Region.MIN_AA_QUALITY > graphAAQuality ) { return String.format((Locale)null, "%s-qu-s%02d-fsaa%d", Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), graphSampleCount, fsaaSampleCount); } else { return String.format((Locale)null, "%s-q%01d-s%02d-fsaa%d", Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), graphAAQuality, graphSampleCount, fsaaSampleCount); } } protected Region(final int regionRenderModes, final boolean use_int32_idx) { this.renderModes = regionRenderModes; this.use_int32_idx = use_int32_idx; if( use_int32_idx ) { this.max_indices = GL_INT32_MAX / Buffers.SIZEOF_INT; // byte-size int32_t limit } else { this.max_indices = GL_UINT16_MAX; } } /** Print implementation buffer stats like detailed and total size and capacity in bytes etc */ public abstract void printBufferStats(PrintStream out); /** * Returns true if implementation uses `int32_t` sized indices implying at least a {@link GLProfile#isGL2ES3()} alike context. * Otherwise method returns false on {@link GLProfile#isGLES2()} using `uint16_t` sized indices. */ public final boolean usesI32Idx() { return this.use_int32_idx; } /** * Increase the renderer buffers if necessary to add given counts of vertices- and index elements. *

* Buffers will not change if remaining free slots, capacity less position, satisfy count elements. *

* @param verticesCount number of vertex elements to add if necessary * @param indicesCount number of index elements to add if necessary * @return true if buffer size has changed, i.e. grown. Otherwise false. * @see #setBufferCapacity(int, int) * @see #countOutlineShape(OutlineShape, int[]) * @see #countOutlineShapes(List, int[]) */ public abstract boolean growBuffer(int verticesCount, int indicesCount); /** * Set the renderer buffers pre-emptively for given vertices- and index counts. *

* Buffers will not change if given count elements is lower or equal current capacity. *

* @param verticesCount number of vertices to hold * @param indicesCount number of indices to hold * @return true if buffer size has changed, i.e. grown. Otherwise false. * @see #growBuffer(int, int) * @see #countOutlineShape(OutlineShape, int[]) * @see #countOutlineShapes(List, int[]) */ public abstract boolean setBufferCapacity(int verticesCount, int indicesCount); protected abstract void pushVertex(final Vec3f coords, final Vec3f texParams, Vec4f rgba); protected abstract void pushVertices(final Vec3f coords1, final Vec3f coords2, final Vec3f coords3, final Vec3f texParams1, final Vec3f texParams2, final Vec3f texParams3, Vec4f rgba); protected abstract void pushIndex(int idx); protected abstract void pushIndices(int idx1, int idx2, int idx3); /** * Returns bit-field of render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}. */ public final int getRenderModes() { return renderModes; } protected final void clearImpl() { dirty = DIRTY_SHAPE | DIRTY_STATE; numVertices = 0; box.reset(); } public final boolean isRenderModeSet(final int mask) { return mask == ( renderModes & mask ); } /** * Returns true if capable of two pass rendering - VBAA, otherwise false. * @see #getRenderModes() */ public final boolean isVBAA() { return Region.isVBAA(renderModes); } /** * Returns true if capable of two pass rendering - MSAA, otherwise false. * @see #getRenderModes() */ public final boolean isMSAA() { return Region.isMSAA(renderModes); } /** * Returns true if capable of variable weights, otherwise false. * @see #getRenderModes() */ public final boolean hasVariableWeight() { return Region.hasVariableWeight(renderModes); } /** * Returns true if {@link #getRenderModes()} has a color channel, i.e. {@link #COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT} is set. * Otherwise returns false. * @see #COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT * @see #getRenderModes() * @see #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[]) * @see com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float) */ public final boolean hasColorChannel() { return Region.hasColorChannel(renderModes); } /** * Returns true if render mode has a color texture, * i.e. the bit {@link #COLORTEXTURE_RENDERING_BIT} is set, * otherwise false. * @see #getRenderModes() * @see #isColorTextureLetterbox() */ public final boolean hasColorTexture() { return Region.hasColorTexture(renderModes); } /** See {@link #setFrustum(Frustum)} */ public final Frustum getFrustum() { return frustum; } /** * Set {@link Frustum} culling for {@link #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])}. */ public final void setFrustum(final Frustum frustum) { this.frustum = frustum; } private void pushNewVertexImpl(final Vertex vertIn, final AffineTransform transform, final Vec4f rgba) { if( null != transform ) { final Vec3f coordsEx1 = transform.transform(vertIn.getCoord(), new Vec3f()); box.resize(coordsEx1); pushVertex(coordsEx1, vertIn.getTexCoord(), rgba); } else { box.resize(vertIn.getCoord()); pushVertex(vertIn.getCoord(), vertIn.getTexCoord(), rgba); } numVertices++; } private void pushNewVerticesImpl(final Vertex vertIn1, final Vertex vertIn2, final Vertex vertIn3, final AffineTransform transform, final Vec4f rgba) { if( null != transform ) { final Vec3f coordsEx1 = transform.transform(vertIn1.getCoord(), new Vec3f()); final Vec3f coordsEx2 = transform.transform(vertIn2.getCoord(), new Vec3f()); final Vec3f coordsEx3 = transform.transform(vertIn3.getCoord(), new Vec3f()); box.resize(coordsEx1); box.resize(coordsEx2); box.resize(coordsEx3); pushVertices(coordsEx1, coordsEx2, coordsEx3, vertIn1.getTexCoord(), vertIn2.getTexCoord(), vertIn3.getTexCoord(), rgba); } else { box.resize(vertIn1.getCoord()); box.resize(vertIn2.getCoord()); box.resize(vertIn3.getCoord()); pushVertices(vertIn1.getCoord(), vertIn2.getCoord(), vertIn3.getCoord(), vertIn1.getTexCoord(), vertIn2.getTexCoord(), vertIn3.getTexCoord(), rgba); } numVertices+=3; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void pushNewVertexIdxImpl(final Vertex vertIn, final AffineTransform transform, final Vec4f rgba) { pushIndex(numVertices); pushNewVertexImpl(vertIn, transform, rgba); } private void pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(final Vertex vertIn1, final Vertex vertIn2, final Vertex vertIn3, final AffineTransform transform, final Vec4f rgba) { pushIndices(numVertices, numVertices+1, numVertices+2); pushNewVerticesImpl(vertIn1, vertIn2, vertIn3, transform, rgba); } protected static void put3i(final IntBuffer b, final int v1, final int v2, final int v3) { b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3); } protected static void put3s(final ShortBuffer b, final short v1, final short v2, final short v3) { b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3); } protected static void put3f(final FloatBuffer b, final Vec3f v) { b.put(v.x()); b.put(v.y()); b.put(v.z()); } protected static void put4f(final FloatBuffer b, final float v1, final float v2, final float v3, final float v4) { b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3); b.put(v4); } protected static void put4f(final FloatBuffer b, final Vec4f v) { b.put(v.x()); b.put(v.y()); b.put(v.z()); b.put(v.w()); } private final AABBox tmpBox = new AABBox(); protected static final int GL_UINT16_MAX = 0xffff; // 65,535 protected static final int GL_INT32_MAX = 0x7fffffff; // 2,147,483,647 static class Perf { // all td_ values are in [ns] long td_vertices = 0; long td_tri_push_idx = 0; long td_tri_push_vertidx = 0; long td_tri_misc = 0; long td_tri_total = 0; // incl tac_ns_tri_push_vertidx + tac_ns_tri_push_idx + tac_ns_tri_misc long td_total = 0; // incl tac_ns_triangles + tac_ns_vertices long count = 0; public void print(final PrintStream out) { final long tac_ns_triangles_self = td_tri_total - td_tri_push_vertidx - td_tri_push_idx - td_tri_misc; final long tac_ns_total_self = td_total - td_tri_total - td_vertices; out.printf("Region.add(): count %,3d, total %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", count, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(td_total), ((double)td_total/count)); out.printf(" total self %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_total_self), ((double)tac_ns_total_self/count)); out.printf(" vertices %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(td_vertices), ((double)td_vertices/count)); out.printf(" triangles total %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(td_tri_total), ((double)td_tri_total/count)); out.printf(" triangles self %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(tac_ns_triangles_self), ((double)tac_ns_triangles_self/count)); out.printf(" tri misc %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(td_tri_misc), ((double)td_tri_misc/count)); out.printf(" tri p-idx %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(td_tri_push_idx), ((double)td_tri_push_idx/count)); out.printf(" tri p-vertidx %,5d [ms], per-add %,4.2f [ns]%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(td_tri_push_vertidx), ((double)td_tri_push_vertidx/count)); } public void clear() { td_vertices = 0; td_tri_push_idx = 0; td_tri_push_vertidx = 0; td_tri_misc = 0; td_tri_total = 0; td_total = 0; count = 0; } } private Perf perf = null; private final PerfCounterCtrl perfCounterCtrl = new PerfCounterCtrl() { @Override public void enable(final boolean enable) { if( enable ) { if( null != perf ) { perf.clear(); } else { perf = new Perf(); } } else { perf = null; } } @Override public void clear() { if( null != perf ) { perf.clear(); } } @Override public long getTotalDuration() { if( null != perf ) { return perf.td_total; } else { return 0; } } @Override public void print(final PrintStream out) { if( null != perf ) { perf.print(out); } } }; public PerfCounterCtrl perfCounter() { return perfCounterCtrl; } /** * Count required number of vertices and indices adding to given int[2] `vertIndexCount` array. *

* The region's buffer can be either set using {@link Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)}, * {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence, int, int) GLRegion ctor w/ initial capacities} * or grown using {@link Region#growBuffer(int, int)}. *


* Method is utilized in {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence, com.jogamp.graph.font.Font, CharSequence) GLRegion ctor w/ font + text}, * computing the initial capacity. *

* @param shape the {@link OutlineShape} to count * @param vertIndexCount the int[2] storage where the counted vertices and indices are added, vertices at [0] and indices at [1] * @return the given int[2] storage for chaining * @see #setBufferCapacity(int, int) * @see #growBuffer(int, int) */ public static final int[] countOutlineShape(final OutlineShape shape, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) { if( null == shape ) { return vertIndexCount; } final List trisIn = shape.getTriangles(OutlineShape.VerticesState.QUADRATIC_NURBS); final ArrayList vertsIn = shape.getVertices(); { vertIndexCount[0] += vertsIn.size() + shape.getAddedVerticeCount(); // verticesCount vertIndexCount[1] += trisIn.size() * 3; // indicesCount } return vertIndexCount; } /** * Count required number of vertices and indices adding to given int[2] `vertIndexCount` array. *

* The region's buffer can be either set using {@link Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)}, * {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence, int, int) GLRegion ctor w/ initial capacities} * or grown using {@link Region#growBuffer(int, int)}. *

* @param shapes list of {@link OutlineShape} to count * @param vertIndexCount the int[2] storage where the counted vertices and indices are added, vertices at [0] and indices at [1] * @return the given int[2] storage for chaining * @see #setBufferCapacity(int, int) * @see #growBuffer(int, int) */ public static final int[] countOutlineShapes(final List shapes, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) { for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { countOutlineShape(shapes.get(i), vertIndexCount); } return vertIndexCount; } /** * Add the given {@link OutlineShape} to this region with the given optional {@link AffineTransform}. *

* In case {@link #setFrustum(Frustum) frustum culling is set}, the {@link OutlineShape} * is dropped if it's {@link OutlineShape#getBounds() bounding-box} is fully outside of the frustum. * The optional {@link AffineTransform} is applied to the bounding-box beforehand. *

* @param shape the {@link OutlineShape} to add * @param t the optional {@link AffineTransform} to be applied on each vertex * @param rgbaColor if {@link #hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored. */ public final void addOutlineShape(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final Vec4f rgbaColor) { if( null != frustum ) { final AABBox shapeBox = shape.getBounds(); final AABBox shapeBoxT; if( null != t ) { t.transform(shapeBox, tmpBox); shapeBoxT = tmpBox; } else { shapeBoxT = shapeBox; } if( frustum.isOutside(shapeBoxT) ) { return; } } if( null == perf && !DEBUG_INSTANCE ) { addOutlineShape0(shape, t, rgbaColor); } else { if( null == perf ) { perfCounter().enable(true); } addOutlineShape1(shape, t, rgbaColor); } markShapeDirty(); } private final void addOutlineShape0(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final Vec4f rgbaColor) { final List trisIn = shape.getTriangles(OutlineShape.VerticesState.QUADRATIC_NURBS); final ArrayList vertsIn = shape.getVertices(); { final int verticeCount = vertsIn.size() + shape.getAddedVerticeCount(); final int indexCount = trisIn.size() * 3; growBuffer(verticeCount, indexCount); } final int idxOffset = numVertices; if( vertsIn.size() >= 3 ) { // // Processing Vertices // for(int i=0; i tv0Idx ) { // valid 'known' idx - move by offset pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset, triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset, triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset); } else { // FIXME: If exceeding max_indices, we would need to generate a new buffer w/ indices pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor); } } } } private final void addOutlineShape1(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final Vec4f rgbaColor) { ++perf.count; final long t0 = Clock.currentNanos(); final List trisIn = shape.getTriangles(OutlineShape.VerticesState.QUADRATIC_NURBS); final ArrayList vertsIn = shape.getVertices(); { final int addedVerticeCount = shape.getAddedVerticeCount(); final int verticeCount = vertsIn.size() + addedVerticeCount; final int indexCount = trisIn.size() * 3; if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().0: tris: "+trisIn.size()+", verts "+vertsIn.size()+", transform "+t); System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().0: VerticeCount "+vertsIn.size()+" + "+addedVerticeCount+" = "+verticeCount); System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().0: IndexCount "+indexCount); } growBuffer(verticeCount, indexCount); } final int idxOffset = numVertices; int vertsVNewIdxCount = 0, vertsTMovIdxCount = 0, vertsTNewIdxCount = 0, tris = 0; final int vertsDupCountV = 0, vertsDupCountT = 0, vertsKnownMovedT = 0; if( vertsIn.size() >= 3 ) { // if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { // System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Processing Vertices"); // } for(int i=0; i tv0Idx ) { // valid 'known' idx - move by offset // if(Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) { // System.err.println("T["+i+"]: Moved "+tv0Idx+" + "+idxOffset+" -> "+(tv0Idx+idxOffset)); // } final long tpi = Clock.currentNanos(); pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset, triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset, triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset); perf.td_tri_push_idx += Clock.currentNanos() - tpi; vertsTMovIdxCount+=3; } else { // FIXME: If exceeding max_indices, we would need to generate a new buffer w/ indices // if( Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) { // System.err.println("T["+i+"]: New Idx "+numVertices); // } final long tpvi = Clock.currentNanos(); pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor); perf.td_tri_push_vertidx += Clock.currentNanos() - tpvi; vertsTNewIdxCount+=3; } tris++; } final long ttriX = Clock.currentNanos(); perf.td_tri_total += ttriX - t1; perf.td_total += ttriX - t0; } if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: idx[ui32 "+usesI32Idx()+", offset "+idxOffset+"], tris: "+tris+", verts [idx "+vertsTNewIdxCount+", add "+vertsTNewIdxCount+" = "+(vertsVNewIdxCount+vertsTNewIdxCount)+"]"); System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: verts: idx[v-new "+vertsVNewIdxCount+", t-new "+vertsTNewIdxCount+" = "+(vertsVNewIdxCount+vertsTNewIdxCount)+"]"); System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: verts: idx t-moved "+vertsTMovIdxCount+", numVertices "+numVertices); System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: verts: v-dups "+vertsDupCountV+", t-dups "+vertsDupCountT+", t-known "+vertsKnownMovedT); // int vertsDupCountV = 0, vertsDupCountT = 0; System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: box "+box); printBufferStats(System.err); } } /** * Add the given list of {@link OutlineShape}s to this region with the given optional {@link AffineTransform}. *

* In case {@link #setFrustum(Frustum) frustum culling is set}, the {@link OutlineShape}s * are dropped if it's {@link OutlineShape#getBounds() bounding-box} is fully outside of the frustum. * The optional {@link AffineTransform} is applied to the bounding-box beforehand. *

* @param shapes list of {@link OutlineShape} to add * @param t the optional {@link AffineTransform} to be applied on each vertex * @param rgbaColor if {@link #hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored. */ public final void addOutlineShapes(final List shapes, final AffineTransform transform, final Vec4f rgbaColor) { for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { addOutlineShape(shapes.get(i), transform, rgbaColor); } } /** @return the AxisAligned bounding box of current region */ public final AABBox getBounds() { return box; } /** * Mark this region's shape dirty, * i.e. its vertices, triangles, lines and/or color-texture coordinates changed. *

* The data will be re-uploaded to the GPU at next {@link GLRegion#draw(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer) draw(..)}. *


* In 2-pass mode, this implies updating the FBO itself as well. *

*/ public final void markShapeDirty() { dirty |= DIRTY_SHAPE; } /** Returns true if this region's shape are dirty, see {@link #markShapeDirty()}. */ public final boolean isShapeDirty() { return 0 != ( dirty & DIRTY_SHAPE ) ; } /** * Mark this region's render-state dirty, i.e. re-selecting a shader program regarding color-texture and -channel, * and rendering the region into the FBO in 2-pass mode. *

* In 1-pass mode, re-selection of the shader-program is based on color-texture and -channel only. *

*/ public final void markStateDirty() { dirty |= DIRTY_STATE; } /** Returns true if this region's state is dirty, see {@link #markStateDirty()}. */ public final boolean isStateDirty() { return 0 != ( dirty & DIRTY_STATE ) ; } /** * See {@link #markShapeDirty()} and {@link #markStateDirty()}. */ protected final void clearDirtyBits(final int v) { dirty &= ~v; } protected final int getDirtyBits() { return dirty; } @Override public String toString() { return "Region[0x"+Integer.toHexString(hashCode())+", "+getRenderModeString(this.renderModes)+", dirty "+dirty+", vertices "+numVertices+", box "+box+"]"; } }