 * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
 * met:
 * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
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 * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
 * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
 * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
 * facility.

package com.sun.opengl.util.texture;

import java.nio.*;

import javax.media.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.glu.*;
import com.sun.opengl.impl.*;

 * Represents an OpenGL texture object. Contains convenience routines
 * for enabling/disabling OpenGL texture state, binding this texture,
 * and computing texture coordinates for both the entire image as well
 * as a sub-image. 
 * <p><a name="nonpow2"><b>Non-power-of-two restrictions</b></a>
 * <br> When creating an OpenGL texture object, the Texture class will
 * attempt to leverage the <a
 * href="http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/texture_non_power_of_two.txt">GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two</a>
 * and <a
 * href="http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/texture_rectangle.txt">GL_ARB_texture_rectangle</a>
 * extensions (in that order) whenever possible.  If neither extension
 * is available, the Texture class will simply upload a non-pow2-sized
 * image into a standard pow2-sized texture (without any special
 * scaling).  Since the choice of extension (or whether one is used at
 * all) depends on the user's machine configuration, developers are
 * recommended to use {@link #getImageTexCoords} and {@link
 * #getSubImageTexCoords}, as those methods will calculate the
 * appropriate texture coordinates for the situation.
 * <p>One caveat in this approach is that certain texture wrap modes
 * (e.g.  <code>GL_REPEAT</code>) are not legal when the GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
 * extension is in use.  Another issue to be aware of is that in the
 * default pow2 scenario, if the original image does not have pow2
 * dimensions, then wrapping may not work as one might expect since
 * the image does not extend to the edges of the pow2 texture.  If
 * texture wrapping is important, it is recommended to use only
 * pow2-sized images with the Texture class.
 * <p><a name="perftips"><b>Performance Tips</b></a>
 * <br> For best performance, try to avoid calling {@link #enable} /
 * {@link #bind} / {@link #disable} any more than necessary. For
 * example, applications using many Texture objects in the same scene
 * may want to reduce the number of calls to both {@link #enable} and
 * {@link #disable}. To do this it is necessary to call {@link
 * #getTarget} to make sure the OpenGL texture target is the same for
 * all of the Texture objects in use; non-power-of-two textures using
 * the GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension use a different target than
 * power-of-two textures using the GL_TEXTURE_2D target. Note that
 * when switching between textures it is necessary to call {@link
 * #bind}, but when drawing many triangles all using the same texture,
 * for best performance only one call to {@link #bind} should be made.
 * <p><a name="premult"><b>Alpha premultiplication and blending</b></a>
 * <br> The mathematically correct way to perform blending in OpenGL
 * (with the SrcOver "source over destination" mode, or any other
 * Porter-Duff rule) is to use "premultiplied color components", which
 * means the R/G/ B color components have already been multiplied by
 * the alpha value.  To make things easier for developers, the Texture
 * class will automatically convert non-premultiplied image data into
 * premultiplied data when storing it into an OpenGL texture.  As a
 * result, it is important to use the correct blending function; for
 * example, the SrcOver rule is expressed as:
 * Also, when using a texture function like <code>GL_MODULATE</code> where
 * the current color plays a role, it is important to remember to make
 * sure that the color is specified in a premultiplied form, for
 * example:
    float a = ...;
    float r = r * a;
    float g = g * a;
    float b = b * a;
    gl.glColor4f(r, g, b, a);
 * @author Chris Campbell
 * @author Kenneth Russell
public class Texture {
  /** The GL target type. */
  private int target;
  /** The GL texture ID. */
  private int texID;
  /** The width of the texture. */
  private int texWidth;
  /** The height of the texture. */
  private int texHeight;
  /** The width of the image. */
  private int imgWidth;
  /** The height of the image. */
  private int imgHeight;
  /** Indicates whether the TextureData requires a vertical flip of
      the texture coords. */
  private boolean mustFlipVertically;

  /** The texture coordinates corresponding to the entire image. */
  private TextureCoords coords;

  /** An estimate of the amount of texture memory this texture consumes. */
  private int estimatedMemorySize;

  private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("Texture");
  private static final boolean VERBOSE = Debug.verbose();

  // For now make Texture constructor package-private to limit the
  // number of public APIs we commit to
  Texture(TextureData data) throws GLException {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    texID = createTextureID(gl); 


  // Constructor for use when creating e.g. cube maps, where there is
  // no initial texture data
  Texture(int target) throws GLException {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    texID = createTextureID(gl); 
    this.target = target;

   * Enables this texture's target (e.g., GL_TEXTURE_2D) in the
   * current GL context's state. This method is a shorthand equivalent
   * of the following OpenGL code:
   * See the <a href="#perftips">performance tips</a> above for hints
   * on how to maximize performance when using many Texture objects.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void enable() throws GLException {

   * Disables this texture's target (e.g., GL_TEXTURE_2D) in the
   * current GL context's state. This method is a shorthand equivalent
   * of the following OpenGL code:
   * See the <a href="#perftips">performance tips</a> above for hints
   * on how to maximize performance when using many Texture objects.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void disable() throws GLException {

   * Binds this texture to the current GL context. This method is a
   * shorthand equivalent of the following OpenGL code:
    gl.glBindTexture(texture.getTarget(), texture.getTextureObject());
   * See the <a href="#perftips">performance tips</a> above for hints
   * on how to maximize performance when using many Texture objects.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void bind() throws GLException {
    GLU.getCurrentGL().glBindTexture(target, texID); 

   * Disposes the native resources used by this texture object.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void dispose() throws GLException {
    GLU.getCurrentGL().glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {texID}, 0);
    texID = 0;

   * Returns the OpenGL "target" of this texture.
   * @return the OpenGL target of this texture
   * @see javax.media.opengl.GL#GL_TEXTURE_2D
   * @see javax.media.opengl.GL#GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB
  public int getTarget() {
    return target;

   * Returns the width of the allocated OpenGL texture in pixels.
   * Note that the texture width will be greater than or equal to the
   * width of the image contained within.
   * @return the width of the texture
  public int getWidth() {
    return texWidth;
   * Returns the height of the allocated OpenGL texture in pixels.
   * Note that the texture height will be greater than or equal to the
   * height of the image contained within.
   * @return the height of the texture
  public int getHeight() {
    return texHeight;
   * Returns the width of the image contained within this texture.
   * Note that for non-power-of-two textures in particular this may
   * not be equal to the result of {@link #getWidth}. It is
   * recommended that applications call {@link #getImageTexCoords} and
   * {@link #getSubImageTexCoords} rather than using this API
   * directly.
   * @return the width of the image
  public int getImageWidth() {
    return imgWidth;

   * Returns the height of the image contained within this texture.
   * Note that for non-power-of-two textures in particular this may
   * not be equal to the result of {@link #getHeight}. It is
   * recommended that applications call {@link #getImageTexCoords} and
   * {@link #getSubImageTexCoords} rather than using this API
   * directly.
   * @return the height of the image
  public int getImageHeight() {
    return imgHeight;

   * Returns the set of texture coordinates corresponding to the
   * entire image. If the TextureData indicated that the texture
   * coordinates must be flipped vertically, the returned
   * TextureCoords will take that into account.
   * @return the texture coordinates corresponding to the entire image
  public TextureCoords getImageTexCoords() {
    return coords;

   * Returns the set of texture coordinates corresponding to the
   * specified sub-image. The (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) points are
   * specified in terms of pixels starting from the lower-left of the
   * image. (x1, y1) should specify the lower-left corner of the
   * sub-image and (x2, y2) the upper-right corner of the sub-image.
   * If the TextureData indicated that the texture coordinates must be
   * flipped vertically, the returned TextureCoords will take that
   * into account; this should not be handled by the end user in the
   * specification of the y1 and y2 coordinates.
   * @return the texture coordinates corresponding to the specified sub-image
  public TextureCoords getSubImageTexCoords(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
    if (target == GL.GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
      if (mustFlipVertically) {
        return new TextureCoords(x1, texHeight - y1, x2, texHeight - y2);
      } else {
        return new TextureCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    } else {
      float tx1 = (float)x1 / (float)texWidth;
      float ty1 = (float)y1 / (float)texHeight;
      float tx2 = (float)x2 / (float)texWidth;
      float ty2 = (float)y2 / (float)texHeight;
      if (mustFlipVertically) {
        return new TextureCoords(tx1, 1.0f - ty1, tx2, 1.0f - ty2);
      } else {
        return new TextureCoords(tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2);

   * Updates the entire content area of this texture using the data in
   * the given image.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void updateImage(TextureData data) throws GLException {
    updateImage(data, 0);

   * Indicates whether this texture's texture coordinates must be
   * flipped vertically in order to properly display the texture. This
   * is handled automatically by {@link #getImageTexCoords} and {@link
   * #getSubImageTexCoords}, but applications may generate or
   * otherwise produce texture coordinates which must be corrected.
  public boolean getMustFlipVertically() {
    return mustFlipVertically;

   * Updates the content area of the specified target of this texture
   * using the data in the given image. In general this is intended
   * for construction of cube maps.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void updateImage(TextureData data, int target) throws GLException {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();

    imgWidth = data.getWidth();
    imgHeight = data.getHeight();
    mustFlipVertically = data.getMustFlipVertically();

    int newTarget = 0;

    if (data.getMipmap()) {
      // GLU always scales the texture's dimensions to be powers of
      // two. It also doesn't really matter exactly what the texture
      // width and height are because the texture coords are always
      // between 0.0 and 1.0.
      imgWidth = nextPowerOfTwo(imgWidth);
      imgHeight = nextPowerOfTwo(imgHeight);
      texWidth = imgWidth;
      texHeight = imgHeight;
      newTarget = GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
    } else if ((isPowerOfTwo(imgWidth) && isPowerOfTwo(imgHeight)) ||
               gl.isExtensionAvailable("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) {
      if (DEBUG) {
        if (isPowerOfTwo(imgWidth) && isPowerOfTwo(imgHeight)) {
          System.err.println("Power-of-two texture");
        } else {
          System.err.println("Using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two");

      texWidth = imgWidth;
      texHeight = imgHeight;
      newTarget = GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
    } else if (gl.isExtensionAvailable("GL_ARB_texture_rectangle")) {
      if (DEBUG) {
        System.err.println("Using GL_ARB_texture_rectangle");

      texWidth = imgWidth;
      texHeight = imgHeight;
    } else {
      if (DEBUG) {
        System.err.println("Expanding texture to power-of-two dimensions");

      if (data.getBorder() != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Scaling up a non-power-of-two texture which has a border won't work");
      texWidth = nextPowerOfTwo(imgWidth);
      texHeight = nextPowerOfTwo(imgHeight);
      newTarget = GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D;

    setImageSize(imgWidth, imgHeight, newTarget);

    if (target != 0) {
      // Allow user to override auto detection and skip bind step (for
      // cubemap construction)
      newTarget = target;
      if (this.target == 0) {
        throw new GLException("Override of target failed; no target specified yet");
      gl.glBindTexture(this.target, texID);
    } else {
      gl.glBindTexture(newTarget, texID);

    int minFilter = (data.getMipmap() ? GL.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL.GL_LINEAR);
    int magFilter = GL.GL_LINEAR;
    int wrapMode = (gl.isExtensionAvailable("GL_VERSION_1_2") ? GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE : GL.GL_CLAMP);

    // REMIND: figure out what to do for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB
    if (newTarget != GL.GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
      gl.glTexParameteri(newTarget, GL.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, minFilter);
      gl.glTexParameteri(newTarget, GL.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, magFilter);
      gl.glTexParameteri(newTarget, GL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrapMode);
      gl.glTexParameteri(newTarget, GL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrapMode);
      if (newTarget == GL.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) {
        gl.glTexParameteri(newTarget, GL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, wrapMode);

    if (data.getMipmap()) {
      int[] align = new int[1];
      gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, align, 0); // save alignment
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, data.getAlignment());

      if (data.isDataCompressed()) {
        throw new GLException("May not request mipmap generation for compressed textures");

      try {
        GLU glu = new GLU();
        glu.gluBuild2DMipmaps(newTarget, data.getInternalFormat(),
                              data.getWidth(), data.getHeight(),
                              data.getPixelFormat(), data.getPixelType(), data.getBuffer());
      } finally {
        gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, align[0]); // restore alignment
    } else {
      Buffer[] mipmapData = data.getMipmapData();
      if (mipmapData != null) {
        int width = texWidth;
        int height = texHeight;
        for (int i = 0; i < mipmapData.length; i++) {
          if (data.isDataCompressed()) {
            // Need to use glCompressedTexImage2D directly to allocate and fill this image
            gl.glCompressedTexImage2D(newTarget, i, data.getInternalFormat(),
                                      width, height, data.getBorder(),
                                      mipmapData[i].remaining(), mipmapData[i]);
          } else {
            // Allocate texture image at this level
            gl.glTexImage2D(newTarget, i, data.getInternalFormat(),
                            width, height, data.getBorder(),
                            data.getPixelFormat(), data.getPixelType(), null);
            updateSubImageImpl(data, newTarget, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, data.getWidth(), data.getHeight());

          width /= 2;
          height /= 2;
      } else {
        if (data.isDataCompressed()) {
          // Need to use glCompressedTexImage2D directly to allocate and fill this image
          gl.glCompressedTexImage2D(newTarget, 0, data.getInternalFormat(),
                                    texWidth, texHeight, data.getBorder(),
                                    data.getBuffer().capacity(), data.getBuffer());
        } else {
          gl.glTexImage2D(newTarget, 0, data.getInternalFormat(),
                          texWidth, texHeight, data.getBorder(),
                          data.getPixelFormat(), data.getPixelType(), null);
          updateSubImageImpl(data, newTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, data.getWidth(), data.getHeight());

    // Don't overwrite target if we're loading e.g. faces of a cube
    // map
    if ((this.target == 0) ||
        (this.target == GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D) ||
        (this.target == GL.GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB)) {
      this.target = newTarget;

    // This estimate will be wrong for cube maps
    estimatedMemorySize = data.getEstimatedMemorySize();

   * Updates a subregion of the content area of this texture using the
   * given data. Only updates the specified mipmap level and does not
   * re-generate mipmaps if they were originally produced or loaded.
   * @param data the image data to be uploaded to this texture
   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level of the texture to set. If
   * this is non-zero and the TextureData contains mipmap data, the
   * appropriate mipmap level will be selected.
   * @param x the x offset (in pixels) relative to the lower-left corner
   * of this texture
   * @param y the y offset (in pixels) relative to the lower-left corner
   * of this texture
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void updateSubImage(TextureData data, int mipmapLevel, int x, int y) throws GLException {
    updateSubImageImpl(data, target, mipmapLevel, x, y, 0, 0, data.getWidth(), data.getHeight());

   * Updates a subregion of the content area of this texture using the
   * specified sub-region of the given data. Only updates the
   * specified mipmap level and does not re-generate mipmaps if they
   * were originally produced or loaded. This method is only supported
   * for uncompressed TextureData sources.
   * @param data the image data to be uploaded to this texture
   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level of the texture to set. If
   * this is non-zero and the TextureData contains mipmap data, the
   * appropriate mipmap level will be selected.
   * @param dstx the x offset (in pixels) relative to the lower-left corner
   * of this texture where the update will be applied
   * @param dsty the y offset (in pixels) relative to the lower-left corner
   * of this texture where the update will be applied
   * @param srcx the x offset (in pixels) relative to the lower-left corner
   * of the supplied TextureData from which to fetch the update rectangle
   * @param srcy the y offset (in pixels) relative to the lower-left corner
   * of the supplied TextureData from which to fetch the update rectangle
   * @param width the width (in pixels) of the rectangle to be updated
   * @param height the height (in pixels) of the rectangle to be updated
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void updateSubImage(TextureData data, int mipmapLevel,
                             int dstx, int dsty,
                             int srcx, int srcy,
                             int width, int height) throws GLException {
    if (data.isDataCompressed()) {
      throw new GLException("updateSubImage specifying a sub-rectangle is not supported for compressed TextureData");
    updateSubImageImpl(data, target, mipmapLevel, dstx, dsty, srcx, srcy, width, height);

   * Sets the OpenGL floating-point texture parameter for the
   * texture's target. This gives control over parameters such as
   * GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT. Causes this texture to be bound to
   * the current texture state.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void setTexParameterf(int parameterName,
                               float value) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    gl.glTexParameterf(target, parameterName, value);

   * Sets the OpenGL multi-floating-point texture parameter for the
   * texture's target. Causes this texture to be bound to the current
   * texture state.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void setTexParameterfv(int parameterName,
                                FloatBuffer params) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    gl.glTexParameterfv(target, parameterName, params);

   * Sets the OpenGL multi-floating-point texture parameter for the
   * texture's target. Causes this texture to be bound to the current
   * texture state.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void setTexParameterfv(int parameterName,
                                float[] params, int params_offset) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    gl.glTexParameterfv(target, parameterName, params, params_offset);

   * Sets the OpenGL integer texture parameter for the texture's
   * target. This gives control over parameters such as
   * GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, which by default are set
   * to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE if OpenGL 1.2 is supported on the current
   * platform and GL_CLAMP if not. Causes this texture to be bound to
   * the current texture state.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void setTexParameteri(int parameterName,
                               int value) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    gl.glTexParameteri(target, parameterName, value);

   * Sets the OpenGL multi-integer texture parameter for the texture's
   * target. Causes this texture to be bound to the current texture
   * state.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void setTexParameteriv(int parameterName,
                                IntBuffer params) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    gl.glTexParameteriv(target, parameterName, params);

   * Sets the OpenGL multi-integer texture parameter for the texture's
   * target. Causes this texture to be bound to the current texture
   * state.
   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context was current or if any
   * OpenGL-related errors occurred
  public void setTexParameteriv(int parameterName,
                                int[] params, int params_offset) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    gl.glTexParameteriv(target, parameterName, params, params_offset);

   * Returns the underlying OpenGL texture object for this texture.
   * Most applications will not need to access this, since it is
   * handled automatically by the bind() and dispose() APIs.
  public int getTextureObject() {
    return texID;

  /** Returns an estimate of the amount of texture memory in bytes
      this Texture consumes. It should only be treated as an estimate;
      most applications should not need to query this but instead let
      the OpenGL implementation page textures in and out as
      necessary. */
  public int getEstimatedMemorySize() {
    return estimatedMemorySize;

  // Internals only below this point

   * Returns true if the given value is a power of two.
   * @return true if the given value is a power of two, false otherwise
  private static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int val) {
    return ((val & (val - 1)) == 0);

   * Returns the nearest power of two that is larger than the given value.
   * If the given value is already a power of two, this method will simply
   * return that value.
   * @param val the value
   * @return the next power of two
  private static int nextPowerOfTwo(int val) {
    int ret = 1;
    while (ret < val) {
      ret <<= 1;
    return ret;

   * Updates the actual image dimensions; usually only called from
   * <code>updateImage</code>.
  private void setImageSize(int width, int height, int target) {
    imgWidth = width;
    imgHeight = height;
    if (target == GL.GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
      if (mustFlipVertically) {
        coords = new TextureCoords(0, imgHeight, imgWidth, 0);
      } else {
        coords = new TextureCoords(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight);
    } else {
      if (mustFlipVertically) {
        coords = new TextureCoords(0, (float) imgHeight / (float) texHeight,
                                   (float) imgWidth / (float) texWidth, 0);
      } else {
        coords = new TextureCoords(0, 0,
                                   (float) imgWidth / (float) texWidth,
                                   (float) imgHeight / (float) texHeight);

  private void updateSubImageImpl(TextureData data, int newTarget, int mipmapLevel,
                                  int dstx, int dsty,
                                  int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) throws GLException {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    if (gl.isExtensionAvailable("GL_EXT_abgr")) {

    Buffer buffer = data.getBuffer();
    if (buffer == null && data.getMipmapData() == null) {
      // Assume user just wanted to get the Texture object allocated

    gl.glBindTexture(newTarget, texID); 
    int rowlen = data.getRowLength();
    int dataWidth = data.getWidth();
    int dataHeight = data.getHeight();
    if (data.getMipmapData() != null) {
      // Compute the width, height and row length at the specified mipmap level
      // Note we do not support specification of the row length for
      // mipmapped textures at this point
      for (int i = 0; i < mipmapLevel; i++) {
        width /= 2;
        height /= 2;

        dataWidth /= 2;
        dataHeight /= 2;
      rowlen = 0;
      buffer = data.getMipmapData()[mipmapLevel];

    // Clip incoming rectangles to what is available both on this
    // texture and in the incoming TextureData
    if (srcx < 0) {
      width += srcx;
      srcx = 0;
    if (srcy < 0) {
      height += srcy;
      srcy = 0;
    // NOTE: not sure whether the following two are the correct thing to do
    if (dstx < 0) {
      width += dstx;
      dstx = 0;
    if (dsty < 0) {
      height += dsty;
      dsty = 0;

    if (srcx + width > dataWidth) {
      width = dataWidth - srcx;
    if (srcy + height > dataHeight) {
      height = dataHeight - srcy;
    if (dstx + width > texWidth) {
      width = texWidth - dstx;
    if (dsty + height > texHeight) {
      height = texHeight - dsty;


    if (data.isDataCompressed()) {
      gl.glCompressedTexSubImage2D(newTarget, mipmapLevel,
                                   dstx, dsty, width, height,
                                   buffer.remaining(), buffer);
    } else {
      int[] align = new int[1];
      int[] rowLength = new int[1];
      int[] skipRows = new int[1];
      int[] skipPixels = new int[1];
      gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,   align,      0); // save alignment
      gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,  rowLength,  0); // save row length
      gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS,   skipRows,   0); // save skipped rows
      gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, skipPixels, 0); // save skipped pixels
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, data.getAlignment());
      if (DEBUG && VERBOSE) {
        System.out.println("Row length  = " + rowlen);
        System.out.println("skip pixels = " + srcx);
        System.out.println("skip rows   = " + srcy);
        System.out.println("dstx        = " + dstx);
        System.out.println("dsty        = " + dsty);
        System.out.println("width       = " + width);
        System.out.println("height      = " + height);
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rowlen);
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, srcy);
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, srcx);

      gl.glTexSubImage2D(newTarget, mipmapLevel,
                         dstx, dsty, width, height,
                         data.getPixelFormat(), data.getPixelType(),
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,   align[0]);      // restore alignment
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,  rowLength[0]);  // restore row length
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS,   skipRows[0]);   // restore skipped rows
      gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, skipPixels[0]); // restore skipped pixels

  private void checkCompressedTextureExtensions(TextureData data) {
    GL gl = GLU.getCurrentGL();
    if (data.isDataCompressed()) {
      switch (data.getInternalFormat()) {
          if (!gl.isExtensionAvailable("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") &&
              !gl.isExtensionAvailable("GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc")) {
            throw new GLException("DXTn compressed textures not supported by this graphics card");
          // FIXME: should test availability of more texture
          // compression extensions here

   * Creates a new texture ID.
   * @param gl the GL object associated with the current OpenGL context
   * @return a new texture ID
  private static int createTextureID(GL gl) {
    int[] tmp = new int[1];
    gl.glGenTextures(1, tmp, 0);
    return tmp[0];