package com.sun.opengl.impl.nurbs; /** * Class replacing C language pointer * * @author Tomas Hrasky * */ class CArrayOfQuiltspecs { /** * Underlaying array */ private Quiltspec[] array; /** * Pointer to array member */ private int pointer; /** * Makes new CArray * * @param array * underlaying array * @param pointer * pointer (index) to array */ public CArrayOfQuiltspecs(Quiltspec[] array, int pointer) { this.array = array; this.pointer = pointer; } /** * Makes new CArray from other CArray * * @param carray * reference array */ public CArrayOfQuiltspecs(CArrayOfQuiltspecs carray) { this.array = carray.array; this.pointer = carray.pointer; } /** * Makes new CArray with pointer set to 0 * * @param array * underlaying array */ public CArrayOfQuiltspecs(Quiltspec[] array) { this.array = array; this.pointer = 0; } /** * Returns element at pointer * * @return element at pointer */ public Quiltspec get() { return array[pointer]; } /** * Increases pointer by one (++) */ public void pp() { pointer++; } /** * Sets element at pointer * * @param f * desired value */ public void set(Quiltspec f) { array[pointer] = f; } /** * Returns array element at specified index * * @param i * array index * @return element at index */ public Quiltspec get(int i) { return array[i]; } /** * Lessens pointer by value * * @param i * lessen by */ public void lessenPointerBy(int i) { pointer -= i; } /** * Returns pointer value * * @return pointer value */ public int getPointer() { return pointer; } /** * Sets ponter value * * @param pointer * pointer value to be set */ public void setPointer(int pointer) { this.pointer = pointer; } /** * Raises pointer by value * * @param i * raise by */ public void raisePointerBy(int i) { pointer += i; } /** * Lessens ponter by one (--) */ public void mm() { pointer--; } /** * Returns underlaying array * * @return underlaying array */ public Quiltspec[] getArray() { return array; } /** * Sets underlaying array * * @param array * underlaying array */ public void setArray(Quiltspec[] array) { this.array = array; } }