From d5866a5d55f9445c7cedc1df03dc7958d6fd229e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel
+ * If the context was current on this thread, it is being released before switching the drawable
+ * and made current afterwards. However the user shall take extra care that not other thread
+ * attempts to make this context current. Otherwise a race condition may happen.
+ *
+ * Disclaimer: Even though the API may allows this functionality in theory, your mileage may vary
+ * switching the drawable of an already established GLContext, i.e. which is already made current once.
+ * FIXME: Validate functionality!
+ *
+ * If the context was current on this thread, it is being released before switching the drawable
+ * and made current afterwards. However the user shall take extra care that not other thread
+ * attempts to make this context current. Otherwise a race condition may happen.
+ *
+ * If the read-drawable has not been changed manually via {@link #setGLReadDrawable(GLDrawable)},
+ * it equals to the write-drawable (default).
+ * ARB_create_context
related: created via ARB_create_context. Cache key value. */
+ /** ARB_create_context
related: created via ARB_create_context. Cache key value. See {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
protected static final int CTX_IS_ARB_CREATED = 1 << 0;
- /** ARB_create_context
related: compatibility profile. Cache key value. */
+ /** ARB_create_context
related: desktop compatibility profile. Cache key value. See {@link #isGLCompatibilityProfile()}, {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
protected static final int CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT = 1 << 1;
- /** ARB_create_context
related: core profile. Cache key value. */
+ /** ARB_create_context
related: desktop core profile. Cache key value. See {@link #isGLCoreProfile()}, {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
protected static final int CTX_PROFILE_CORE = 1 << 2;
- /** ARB_create_context
related: ES profile. Cache key value. */
+ /** ARB_create_context
related: ES profile. Cache key value. See {@link #isGLES()}, {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
protected static final int CTX_PROFILE_ES = 1 << 3;
- /** ARB_create_context
related: flag forward compatible. Cache key value. */
+ /** ARB_create_context
related: flag forward compatible. Cache key value. See {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
protected static final int CTX_OPTION_FORWARD = 1 << 4;
- /** ARB_create_context
related: flag debug. Not a cache key. */
+ /** ARB_create_context
related: flag debug. Not a cache key. See {@link #setContextCreationFlags(int)}, {@link GLAutoDrawable#setContextCreationFlags(int)}, {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
public static final int CTX_OPTION_DEBUG = 1 << 5;
- /** GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
implementation related: Context is compatible w/ ES2. Not a cache key. */
+ /** GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
implementation related: Context is compatible w/ ES2. Not a cache key. See {@link #isGLES2Compatible()}, {@link #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)}. */
protected static final int CTX_IMPL_ES2_COMPAT = 1 << 8;
- /** Context uses software rasterizer, otherwise hardware rasterizer. Cache key value. */
- protected static final int CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT = 1 << 15;
+ /** Context supports FBO, details see {@link #hasFBO()}.
+ * Not a cache key.
+ * @see #hasFBO()
+ * @see #getAvailableContextProperties(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLProfile)
+ */
+ protected static final int CTX_IMPL_FBO = 1 << 9;
- private static ThreadLocaltrue
and if the current read-drawable differs
+ * from the write-drawable ({@link #setGLReadDrawable(GLDrawable)}),
+ * only change the write-drawable. Otherwise set both drawables.
+ * @return the replaced read/write drawable
+ *
+ * @throws GLException in case null
is being passed or
+ * this context is made current on another thread.
+ *
+ * @see #isGLReadDrawableAvailable()
+ * @see #getGLReadDrawable()
+ * @see #setGLReadDrawable()
+ * @see #getGLDrawable()
+ */
+ public abstract GLDrawable setGLDrawable(GLDrawable readWrite, boolean setWriteOnly);
+ /**
+ * Returns the write-drawable this context uses for framebuffer operations.
public abstract GLDrawable getGLDrawable();
- * Return availability of GL read drawable.
- * @return true if a GL read drawable is supported with your driver, otherwise false.
+ * Query whether using a distinguished read-drawable is supported.
+ * @return true if using a read-drawable is supported with your driver/OS, otherwise false.
public abstract boolean isGLReadDrawableAvailable();
- * Set the read GLDrawable for read framebuffer operations.
+ * Set the read-Drawable for read framebuffer operations.
* The caller should query if this feature is supported via {@link #isGLReadDrawableAvailable()}.
+ *
* This method is blocking, i.e. waits until another thread has - * released the context. + * released the context. *
* The drawable's surface is being locked at entry
@@ -547,6 +602,28 @@ public abstract class GLContext {
return 0 != ( ctxOptions & CTX_IMPL_ES2_COMPAT ) ;
+ /**
+ * @return true if impl. is a hardware rasterizer, otherwise false.
+ * @see GLProfile#isHardwareRasterizer()
+ */
+ public final boolean isHardwareRasterizer() {
+ return 0 == ( ctxOptions & CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT ) ;
+ }
+ /** Returns whether the context supports FBO, hence is either GL-ES >= 2.0, >= core GL 3.0 or implements the extensions
+ * GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
, ARB_framebuffer_object
or all of
+ * EXT_framebuffer_object
, EXT_framebuffer_multisample
+ * EXT_framebuffer_blit
, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
+ * @see #CTX_IMPL_FBO
+ */
+ public final boolean hasFBO() {
+ return 0 != ( ctxOptions & CTX_IMPL_FBO ) ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true if context supports GLSL
+ * @see GLProfile#hasGLSL()
+ */
public final boolean hasGLSL() {
return isGL2ES2() ;
@@ -555,60 +632,70 @@ public abstract class GLContext {
public boolean isNPOTTextureAvailable() {
return isGL3() || isGLES2Compatible() || isExtensionAvailable(GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two);
- private static final String GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two = "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two";
public boolean isTextureFormatBGRA8888Available() {
return isGL2GL3() ||
- isExtensionAvailable("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888") ||
- isExtensionAvailable("GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888") ;
+ isExtensionAvailable(GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888) ||
+ isExtensionAvailable(GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888) ;
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL4bc() */
public final boolean isGL4bc() {
return ctxMajorVersion>=4 && 0 != (ctxOptions & CTX_IS_ARB_CREATED)
&& 0 != (ctxOptions & CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT);
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL4() */
public final boolean isGL4() {
return ctxMajorVersion>=4 && 0 != (ctxOptions & CTX_IS_ARB_CREATED)
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL3bc() */
public final boolean isGL3bc() {
return ( ctxMajorVersion>3 || ctxMajorVersion==3 && ctxMinorVersion>=1 )
&& 0 != (ctxOptions & CTX_IS_ARB_CREATED)
&& 0 != (ctxOptions & CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT);
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL3() */
public final boolean isGL3() {
return ( ctxMajorVersion>3 || ctxMajorVersion==3 && ctxMinorVersion>=1 )
&& 0 != (ctxOptions & CTX_IS_ARB_CREATED)
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL2() */
public final boolean isGL2() {
return ctxMajorVersion>=1 && 0!=(ctxOptions & CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT);
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL2GL3() */
public final boolean isGL2GL3() {
return isGL2() || isGL3();
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGLES1() */
public final boolean isGLES1() {
return ctxMajorVersion==1 && 0 != ( ctxOptions & CTX_PROFILE_ES ) ;
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGLES2() */
public final boolean isGLES2() {
return ctxMajorVersion==2 && 0 != ( ctxOptions & CTX_PROFILE_ES ) ;
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGLES() */
public final boolean isGLES() {
return 0 != ( CTX_PROFILE_ES & ctxOptions ) ;
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL2ES1() */
public final boolean isGL2ES1() {
return isGL2() || isGLES1() ;
+ /** @see GLProfile#isGL2ES2() */
public final boolean isGL2ES2() {
return isGL2GL3() || isGLES2() ;
@@ -846,8 +933,11 @@ public abstract class GLContext {
private static /*final*/ HashSet0
+ */
+ protected static final int getAvailableContextProperties(final AbstractGraphicsDevice device, final GLProfile glp) {
+ final int[] reqMajorCTP = new int[] { 0, 0 };
+ getRequestMajorAndCompat(glp, reqMajorCTP);
+ int _major[] = { 0 };
+ int _minor[] = { 0 };
+ int _ctp[] = { 0 };
+ if( GLContext.getAvailableGLVersion(device, reqMajorCTP[0], reqMajorCTP[1],
+ _major, _minor, _ctp)) {
+ return _ctp[0];
+ }
+ return 0; // n/a
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param device the device the profile is being requested
* @param major Key Value either 1, 2, 3 or 4
* @param profile Key Value either {@link #CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT}, {@link #CTX_PROFILE_CORE} or {@link #CTX_PROFILE_ES}
- * @return the highest GLProfile string regarding the version and profile bits.
- * @throws GLException if version and context profile bits could not be mapped to a GLProfile
+ * @return the highest GLProfile regarding availability, version and profile bits.
- public static String getAvailableGLProfile(AbstractGraphicsDevice device, int reqMajor, int reqProfile)
+ protected static GLProfile getAvailableGLProfile(AbstractGraphicsDevice device, int reqMajor, int reqProfile)
throws GLException {
int major[] = { 0 };
int minor[] = { 0 };
int ctp[] = { 0 };
if(GLContext.getAvailableGLVersion(device, reqMajor, reqProfile, major, minor, ctp)) {
- return GLContext.getGLProfile(major[0], minor[0], ctp[0]);
+ return GLProfile.get(GLContext.getGLProfile(major[0], minor[0], ctp[0]));
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param device the device the profile is being requested
+ * @param major Key Value either 1, 2, 3 or 4
+ * @param profile Key Value either {@link #CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT}, {@link #CTX_PROFILE_CORE} or {@link #CTX_PROFILE_ES}
+ */
+ protected static String getAvailableGLVersionAsString(AbstractGraphicsDevice device, int major, int profile) {
+ int _major[] = { 0 };
+ int _minor[] = { 0 };
+ int _ctp[] = { 0 };
+ if(getAvailableGLVersion(device, major, profile, _major, _minor, _ctp)) {
+ return getGLVersion(_major[0], _minor[0], _ctp[0], null);
return null;
@@ -990,7 +1130,7 @@ public abstract class GLContext {
* @param isHardware return value of one boolean, whether the profile is a hardware rasterizer or not
* @return true if the requested GL version is available regardless of a software or hardware rasterizer, otherwise false.
- public static boolean isGLVersionAvailable(AbstractGraphicsDevice device, int reqMajor, int reqProfile, boolean isHardware[]) {
+ protected static boolean isGLVersionAvailable(AbstractGraphicsDevice device, int reqMajor, int reqProfile, boolean isHardware[]) {
Integer valI = getAvailableGLVersion(device, reqMajor, reqProfile);
if(null==valI) {
return false;
@@ -1027,21 +1167,7 @@ public abstract class GLContext {
return isGLVersionAvailable(device, 2, CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT, isHardware);
- /**
- * @param major Key Value either 1, 2, 3 or 4
- * @param profile Key Value either {@link #CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT}, {@link #CTX_PROFILE_CORE} or {@link #CTX_PROFILE_ES}
- */
- public static String getAvailableGLVersionAsString(AbstractGraphicsDevice device, int major, int profile) {
- int _major[] = { 0 };
- int _minor[] = { 0 };
- int _ctp[] = { 0 };
- if(getAvailableGLVersion(device, major, profile, _major, _minor, _ctp)) {
- return getGLVersion(_major[0], _minor[0], _ctp[0], null);
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static String getGLVersion(int major, int minor, int ctp, String gl_version) {
+ protected static String getGLVersion(int major, int minor, int ctp, String gl_version) {
boolean needColon = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
@@ -1055,6 +1181,7 @@ public abstract class GLContext {
needColon = appendString(sb, "arb", needColon, 0 != ( CTX_IS_ARB_CREATED & ctp ));
needColon = appendString(sb, "debug", needColon, 0 != ( CTX_OPTION_DEBUG & ctp ));
needColon = appendString(sb, "ES2 compatible", needColon, 0 != ( CTX_IMPL_ES2_COMPAT & ctp ));
+ needColon = appendString(sb, "FBO", needColon, 0 != ( CTX_IMPL_FBO & ctp ));
if( 0 != ( CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT & ctp ) ) {
needColon = appendString(sb, "software", needColon, true);
} else {
cgit v1.2.3