From 5e9c02bce7b241a0bf95c8abca9a91cd25e51ed3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harvey Harrison
public static final String SUFFIX_VERTEX_SOURCE = "vp" ;
/** Unique resource suffix for {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER} in binary: bvp
public static final String SUFFIX_VERTEX_BINARY = "bvp" ;
/** Unique resource suffix for {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER} in source code: gp
public static final String SUFFIX_GEOMETRY_SOURCE = "gp" ;
/** Unique resource suffix for {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER} in binary: bgp
public static final String SUFFIX_GEOMETRY_BINARY = "bgp" ;
/** Unique resource suffix for {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} in source code: fp
public static final String SUFFIX_FRAGMENT_SOURCE = "fp" ;
/** Unique resource suffix for {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} in binary: bfp
public static final String SUFFIX_FRAGMENT_BINARY = "bfp" ;
/** Unique relative path for binary shader resources for {@link GLES2#GL_NVIDIA_PLATFORM_BINARY_NV NVIDIA}: nvidia
public static final String SUB_PATH_NVIDIA = "nvidia" ;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* @param count number of shaders
* @param source CharSequence array containing the shader sources, organized as source[count][strings-per-shader]
* May be either an immutable String
- or mutable StringBuilder
- *
+ *
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if count and source.length
do not match
public ShaderCode(int type, int count, CharSequence[][] source) {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* @param type either {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER}, {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER}
* @param count number of shaders
- * @param binary binary buffer containing the shader binaries,
+ * @param binary binary buffer containing the shader binaries,
public ShaderCode(int type, int count, int binFormat, Buffer binary) {
switch (type) {
@@ -147,19 +147,19 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* Creates a complete {@link ShaderCode} object while reading all shader source of sourceFiles
* which location is resolved using the context
class, see {@link #readShaderSource(Class, String)}.
- *
+ *
* @param gl current GL object to determine whether a shader compiler is available. If null, no validation is performed.
* @param type either {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER}, {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER}
* @param count number of shaders
* @param context class used to help resolving the source location
* @param sourceFiles array of source locations, organized as sourceFiles[count]
* @param mutableStringBuilder if true
method returns a mutable StringBuilder
- * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
+ * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
* {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}.
* If false
method returns an immutable String
* which can be passed to {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}
* at no additional costs.
- *
+ *
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if count and sourceFiles.length
do not match
* @see #readShaderSource(Class, String)
@@ -192,16 +192,16 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* Creates a complete {@link ShaderCode} object while reading the shader binary of binaryFile
* which location is resolved using the context
class, see {@link #readShaderBinary(Class, String)}.
- *
+ *
* @param type either {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER}, {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER}
* @param count number of shaders
* @param context class used to help resolving the source location
* @param binFormat a valid native binary format as they can be queried by {@link ShaderUtil#getShaderBinaryFormats(GL)}.
* @param sourceFiles array of source locations, organized as sourceFiles[count]
- *
+ *
* @see #readShaderBinary(Class, String)
* @see ShaderUtil#getShaderBinaryFormats(GL)
- */
+ */
public static ShaderCode create(int type, int count, Class> context, int binFormat, String binaryFile) {
ByteBuffer shaderBinary = null;
if(null!=binaryFile && 0<=binFormat) {
@@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ public class ShaderCode {
- *
- * @param binary true for a binary resource, false for a source resource
+ *
+ * @param binary true for a binary resource, false for a source resource
* @param type either {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER}, {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER}
- *
+ *
* @throws GLException if type
is not supported
- *
+ *
* @see #create(GL2ES2, int, Class, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String getFileSuffix(boolean binary, int type) {
@@ -252,16 +252,16 @@ public class ShaderCode {
- /**
+ /**
* Returns a unique relative path for binary shader resources as follows:
- *
+ *
* @throws GLException if binFormat
is not supported
- *
+ *
* @see #create(GL2ES2, int, Class, String, String, String, boolean)
- */
+ */
public static String getBinarySubPath(int binFormat) {
switch (binFormat) {
@@ -272,42 +272,42 @@ public class ShaderCode {
- * Convenient creation method for instantiating a complete {@link ShaderCode} object
- * either from source code using {@link #create(GL2ES2, int, int, Class, String[])},
+ * Convenient creation method for instantiating a complete {@link ShaderCode} object
+ * either from source code using {@link #create(GL2ES2, int, int, Class, String[])},
* or from a binary code using {@link #create(int, int, Class, int, String)},
* whatever is available first.
- * The source and binary location names are expected w/o suffixes which are
+ * The source and binary location names are expected w/o suffixes which are
* resolved and appended using {@link #getFileSuffix(boolean, int)}.
* Additionally, the binary resource is expected within a subfolder of binRoot
* which reflects the vendor specific binary format, see {@link #getBinarySubPath(int)}.
* All {@link ShaderUtil#getShaderBinaryFormats(GL)} are being iterated
- * using the binary subfolder, the first existing resource is being used.
+ * using the binary subfolder, the first existing resource is being used.
- *
+ *
* Example:
* Your std JVM layout (plain or within a JAR):
- *
+ *
* org/test/glsl/MyShaderTest.class
* org/test/glsl/shader/vertex.vp
* org/test/glsl/shader/fragment.fp
* org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/vertex.bvp
* org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/fragment.bfp
- *
+ *
* Your Android APK layout:
- *
+ *
* classes.dex
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/vertex.vp
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/fragment.fp
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/vertex.bvp
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/fragment.bfp
* ...
- *
+ *
* Your invocation in org/test/glsl/
- *
+ *
* ShaderCode vp0 = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, 1, this.getClass(),
* "shader", new String[] { "vertex" }, "shader/bin", "vertex");
* ShaderCode fp0 = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, 1, this.getClass(),
@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* st.attachShaderProgram(gl, sp0, true);
* A simplified entry point is {@link #create(GL2ES2, int, Class, String, String, String, boolean)}.
- *
+ *
* The location is finally being resolved using the context
class, see {@link #readShaderBinary(Class, String)}.
- *
+ *
* @param gl current GL object to determine whether a shader compiler is available (if source
is used),
* or to determine the shader binary format (if binary
is used).
* @param type either {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER}, {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER}
@@ -333,22 +333,22 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* @param binRoot relative root path for binBasenames
* @param binBasename basename w/o path or suffix relative to binRoot
for the shader's binary code
* @param mutableStringBuilder if true
method returns a mutable StringBuilder
- * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
+ * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
* {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}.
* If false
method returns an immutable String
* which can be passed to {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}
* at no additional costs.
- *
+ *
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if count and srcBasenames.length
do not match
- *
+ *
* @see #create(GL2ES2, int, int, Class, String[])
* @see #create(int, int, Class, int, String)
* @see #readShaderSource(Class, String)
* @see #getFileSuffix(boolean, int)
* @see ShaderUtil#getShaderBinaryFormats(GL)
* @see #getBinarySubPath(int)
- */
- public static ShaderCode create(GL2ES2 gl, int type, int count, Class> context,
+ */
+ public static ShaderCode create(GL2ES2 gl, int type, int count, Class> context,
String srcRoot, String[] srcBasenames, String binRoot, String binBasename,
boolean mutableStringBuilder) {
ShaderCode res = null;
@@ -391,28 +391,28 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* Simplified variation of {@link #create(GL2ES2, int, int, Class, String, String[], String, String)}.
- *
+ *
* Example:
* Your std JVM layout (plain or within a JAR):
- *
+ *
* org/test/glsl/MyShaderTest.class
* org/test/glsl/shader/vertex.vp
* org/test/glsl/shader/fragment.fp
* org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/vertex.bvp
* org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/fragment.bfp
- *
+ *
* Your Android APK layout:
- *
+ *
* classes.dex
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/vertex.vp
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/fragment.fp
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/vertex.bvp
* assets/org/test/glsl/shader/bin/nvidia/fragment.bfp
* ...
- *
+ *
* Your invocation in org/test/glsl/
- *
+ *
* ShaderCode vp0 = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, this.getClass(),
* "shader", "shader/bin", "vertex");
* ShaderCode fp0 = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, this.getClass(),
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* sp0.add(gl, fp0, System.err);
* st.attachShaderProgram(gl, sp0, true);
- *
+ *
* @param gl current GL object to determine whether a shader compiler is available (if source
is used),
* or to determine the shader binary format (if binary
is used).
* @param type either {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER}, {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER}
@@ -433,20 +433,20 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* @param basenames basename w/o path or suffix relative to srcRoot
and binRoot
* for the shader's source and binary code.
* @param mutableStringBuilder if true
method returns a mutable StringBuilder
- * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
+ * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
* {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}.
* If false
method returns an immutable String
* which can be passed to {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}
* at no additional costs.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if count is not 1
- *
+ *
* @see #create(GL2ES2, int, int, Class, String, String[], String, String)
- */
- public static ShaderCode create(GL2ES2 gl, int type, Class> context,
+ */
+ public static ShaderCode create(GL2ES2 gl, int type, Class> context,
String srcRoot, String binRoot, String basename, boolean mutableStringBuilder) {
- return create(gl, type, 1, context, srcRoot, new String[] { basename }, binRoot, basename, mutableStringBuilder );
+ return create(gl, type, 1, context, srcRoot, new String[] { basename }, binRoot, basename, mutableStringBuilder );
* returns the uniq shader id as an integer
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
public int shaderType() { return shaderType; }
public String shaderTypeStr() { return shaderTypeStr(shaderType); }
- public static String shaderTypeStr(int type) {
+ public static String shaderTypeStr(int type) {
switch (type) {
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
} else {
CharSequence[] src = shaderSource[i];
int lineno=0;
for(int j=0; jdata
after the line containing tag
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- *
+ *
* @param shaderIdx the shader index to be used.
* @param tag search string
* @param fromIndex start search tag
begininig with this index
* @param data the text to be inserted. Shall end with an EOL '\n' character.
* @return index after the inserted data
- *
+ *
* @throws IllegalStateException if the shader source's CharSequence is immutable, i.e. not of type StringBuilder
public int insertShaderSource(int shaderIdx, String tag, int fromIndex, CharSequence data) {
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
final int sourceCount = (null!=shaderSource)?shaderSource.length:0;
if(shaderIdx>=sourceCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("shaderIdx not within source bounds [0.."+(sourceCount-1)+"]: "+shaderIdx);
- }
+ }
final CharSequence[] src = shaderSource[shaderIdx];
int curEndIndex = 0;
for(int j=0; joldName
with newName
in all shader sources.
* In case oldName
and newName
are equal, no action is performed.
- *
+ *
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- *
+ *
* @param oldName the to be replace string
* @param newName the replacement string
* @return the number of replacements
- *
+ *
* @throws IllegalStateException if the shader source's CharSequence is immutable, i.e. not of type StringBuilder
public int replaceInShaderSource(String oldName, String newName) {
@@ -675,18 +675,18 @@ public class ShaderCode {
return num;
* Adds data
at offset
in shader source for shader shaderIdx
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- *
+ *
* @param shaderIdx the shader index to be used.
* @param position in shader source segments of shader shaderIdx
* @param data the text to be inserted. Shall end with an EOL '\n' character
* @return index after the inserted data
- *
+ *
* @throws IllegalStateException if the shader source's CharSequence is immutable, i.e. not of type StringBuilder
public int insertShaderSource(int shaderIdx, int position, CharSequence data) {
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
final int sourceCount = (null!=shaderSource)?shaderSource.length:0;
if(shaderIdx>=sourceCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("shaderIdx not within source bounds [0.."+(sourceCount-1)+"]: "+shaderIdx);
- }
+ }
final CharSequence[] src = shaderSource[shaderIdx];
int curEndIndex = 0;
for(int j=0; j context, URLConnection conn, StringBuilder result) throws IOException {
readShaderSource(context, conn, result, 0);
* Reads shader source located in path
* either relative to the context
class or absolute as-is.
@@ -774,21 +774,21 @@ public class ShaderCode {
* Final location lookup is performed via {@link ClassLoader#getResource(String)} and {@link ClassLoader#getSystemResource(String)},
* see {@link IOUtil#getResource(Class, String)}.
- *
+ *
* @param context class used to help resolve the source location
* @param path location of shader source
* @param mutableStringBuilder if true
method returns a mutable StringBuilder
- * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
+ * which can be edited later on at the costs of a String conversion when passing to
* {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}.
* If false
method returns an immutable String
* which can be passed to {@link GL2ES2#glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer)}
* at no additional costs.
- * @throws IOException
- *
+ * @throws IOException
+ *
* @see IOUtil#getResource(Class, String)
- */
+ */
public static CharSequence readShaderSource(Class> context, String path, boolean mutableStringBuilder) throws IOException {
- URLConnection conn = IOUtil.getResource(context, path);
+ URLConnection conn = IOUtil.getResource(context, path);
if (conn == null) {
return null;
@@ -798,17 +798,17 @@ public class ShaderCode {
- * Reads shader binary located in path
+ * Reads shader binary located in path
* either relative to the context
class or absolute as-is.
* Final location lookup is perfomed via {@link ClassLoader#getResource(String)} and {@link ClassLoader#getSystemResource(String)},
* see {@link IOUtil#getResource(Class, String)}.
- *
+ *
* @param context class used to help resolve the source location
* @param path location of shader binary
- * @throws IOException
- *
+ * @throws IOException
+ *
* @see IOUtil#getResource(Class, String)
public static ByteBuffer readShaderBinary(Class> context, String path) throws IOException {
@@ -824,41 +824,41 @@ public class ShaderCode {
- // Shall we use: #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH .. #endif for using highp in fragment shader if avail ?
+ // Shall we use: #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH .. #endif for using highp in fragment shader if avail ?
/** Default precision of {@link GL#isGLES2() ES2} for {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER vertex-shader}: {@value #es2_default_precision_vp} */
public static final String es2_default_precision_vp = "\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n";
/** Default precision of {@link GL#isGLES2() ES2} for {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER fragment-shader}: {@value #es2_default_precision_fp} */
public static final String es2_default_precision_fp = "\nprecision mediump float;\nprecision mediump int;\n/*precision lowp sampler2D;*/\n";
/** Default precision of GLSL ≥ 1.30 as required until < 1.50 for {@link GL2ES2#GL_VERTEX_SHADER vertex-shader} or {@link GL3#GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER geometry-shader}: {@value #gl3_default_precision_vp_gp}. See GLSL Spec 1.30-1.50 Section 4.5.3. */
public static final String gl3_default_precision_vp_gp = "\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n";
/** Default precision of GLSL ≥ 1.30 as required until < 1.50 for {@link GL2ES2#GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER fragment-shader}: {@value #gl3_default_precision_fp}. See GLSL Spec 1.30-1.50 Section 4.5.3. */
public static final String gl3_default_precision_fp = "\nprecision highp float;\nprecision mediump int;\n/*precision mediump sampler2D;*/\n";
/** Prefer enable
over require
, since it won't force a failure. */
public static final String extOESDerivativesEnable = "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n";
* Add GLSL version at the head of this shader source code.
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
+ * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
* @return the index after the inserted data, maybe 0 if nothing has be inserted.
public final int addGLSLVersion(GL2ES2 gl) {
return insertShaderSource(0, 0, gl.getContext().getGLSLVersionString());
* Adds default precision to source code at given position if required, i.e.
- * {@link #es2_default_precision_vp}, {@link #es2_default_precision_fp},
+ * {@link #es2_default_precision_vp}, {@link #es2_default_precision_fp},
* {@link #gl3_default_precision_vp_gp}, {@link #gl3_default_precision_fp} or none,
* depending on the {@link GLContext#getGLSLVersionNumber() GLSL version} being used.
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
+ * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
* @param pos position within this mutable shader source.
* @return the index after the inserted data, maybe 0 if nothing has be inserted.
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
defaultPrecision = es2_default_precision_vp; break;
- defaultPrecision = null;
+ defaultPrecision = null;
} else if( requiresGL3DefaultPrecision(gl) ) {
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
defaultPrecision = gl3_default_precision_fp; break;
- defaultPrecision = null;
+ defaultPrecision = null;
} else {
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
return pos;
/** Returns true, if GLSL version requires default precision, i.e. ES2 or GLSL [1.30 .. 1.50[. */
public static final boolean requiresDefaultPrecision(GL2ES2 gl) {
if( gl.isGLES2() ) {
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ public class ShaderCode {
return requiresGL3DefaultPrecision(gl);
/** Returns true, if GL3 GLSL version requires default precision, i.e. GLSL [1.30 .. 1.50[. */
public static final boolean requiresGL3DefaultPrecision(GL2ES2 gl) {
if( gl.isGL3() ) {
@@ -912,16 +912,16 @@ public class ShaderCode {
return false;
* Default customization of this shader source code.
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
+ * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
* @param preludeVersion if true {@link GLContext#getGLSLVersionString()} is preluded, otherwise not.
- * @param addDefaultPrecision if true
default precision source code line(s) are added, i.e.
- * {@link #es2_default_precision_vp}, {@link #es2_default_precision_fp},
+ * @param addDefaultPrecision if true
default precision source code line(s) are added, i.e.
+ * {@link #es2_default_precision_vp}, {@link #es2_default_precision_fp},
* {@link #gl3_default_precision_vp_gp}, {@link #gl3_default_precision_fp} or none,
* depending on the {@link GLContext#getGLSLVersionNumber() GLSL version} being used.
* @return the index after the inserted data, maybe 0 if nothing has be inserted.
@@ -940,13 +940,13 @@ public class ShaderCode {
return pos;
* Default customization of this shader source code.
* Note: The shader source to be edit must be created using a mutable StringBuilder.
- * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
+ * @param gl a GL context, which must have been made current once
* @param preludeVersion if true {@link GLContext#getGLSLVersionString()} is preluded, otherwise not.
* @param esDefaultPrecision optional default precision source code line(s) preluded if not null and if {@link GL#isGLES()}.
* You may use {@link #es2_default_precision_fp} for fragment shader and {@link #es2_default_precision_vp} for vertex shader.
@@ -967,8 +967,8 @@ public class ShaderCode {
pos = addDefaultShaderPrecision(gl, pos);
return pos;
- }
+ }
// Internals only below this point
cgit v1.2.3