From 605053cfa6696ebf5850f62480e37f960a91d127 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kenneth Russel <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 08:17:17 +0000
Subject: Incorporated TextureIO texture loader (and, eventually, writer) and
 associated classes for being able to easily read in and display textures with
 OpenGL. Collaboration with Chris Campbell from the Java2D team. Supports
 multiple file formats both through ImageIO as well as custom texture loaders
 for DDS, SGI and TGA files. Writing of textures back to disk is not yet
 implemented. Reading of mipmaps from files which support it as well as
 autogeneration of mipmaps are not yet well supported and usage of mipmap
 arguments in the API still need to be rethought. Added TestTexture demo to
 jogl-demos workspace to show simple usage.

git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/svn-server-sync/jogl/trunk@519 232f8b59-042b-4e1e-8c03-345bb8c30851
 src/classes/com/sun/opengl/utils/ | 794 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 794 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/classes/com/sun/opengl/utils/

(limited to 'src/classes/com/sun/opengl/utils/')

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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/src/classes/com/sun/opengl/utils/
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+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ * 
+ * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 
+ * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 
+ * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ * 
+ * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
+ * 
+ * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
+ * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
+ * facility.
+ * 
+ * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
+ * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
+ */
+package com.sun.opengl.utils;
+import java.awt.image.*;
+import java.nio.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.imageio.*;
+/** <P> Provides input and output facilities for both loading OpenGL
+    textures from disk and streams as well as writing textures already
+    in memory back to disk. </P>
+    <P> The TextureIO class supports an arbitrary number of plug-in
+    TextureProviders which know how to produce TextureData objects
+    from files, InputStreams and URLs. The TextureData class
+    represents the raw data of the texture before it has been
+    converted to an OpenGL texture object. The Texture class
+    represents the OpenGL texture object and provides easy facilities
+    for using the texture. </P>
+    <P> There are several built-in TextureProviders supplied with the
+    TextureIO implementation. The most basic provider uses the
+    platform's Image I/O facilities to read in a BufferedImage and
+    convert it to a texture. This is the baseline provider and is
+    registered so that it is the last one consulted. All others are
+    asked first to open a given file. </P>
+    <P> There are three other providers registered by default as of
+    the time of this writing. One handles SGI RGB (".sgi", ".rgb")
+    images from both files and streams. One handles DirectDraw Surface
+    (".dds") images read from files, though can not read these images
+    from streams. One handles Targa (".tga") images read from both
+    files and streams. These providers are executed in an arbitrary
+    order. Some of these providers require the file's suffix to either
+    be specified via the newTextureData methods or for the file to be
+    named with the appropriate suffix. In general a file suffix should
+    be provided to the newTexture and newTextureData methods if at all
+    possible. </P>
+    <P> Note that additional TextureProviders, if reading images from
+    InputStreams, must use the mark()/reset() methods on InputStream
+    when probing for e.g. magic numbers at the head of the file to
+    make sure not to disturb the state of the InputStream for
+    downstream TextureProviders. </P>
+public class TextureIO {
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate a
+      DirectDraw Surface file. */
+  public static final String DDS     = "dds";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate an SGI
+      RGB file. */
+  public static final String SGI     = "sgi";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate an SGI
+      RGB file. */
+  public static final String SGI_RGB = "rgb";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate a GIF
+      file. */
+  public static final String GIF     = "gif";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate a JPEG
+      file. */
+  public static final String JPG     = "jpg";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate a PNG
+      file. */
+  public static final String PNG     = "png";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate a Targa
+      file. */
+  public static final String TGA     = "tga";
+  /** Constant which can be used as a file suffix to indicate a TIFF
+      file. */
+  public static final String TIFF    = "tiff";
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // methods that *do not* require a current context
+  // These methods assume RGB or RGBA textures.
+  // Some texture providers may not recognize the file format unless
+  // the fileSuffix is specified, so it is strongly recommended to
+  // specify it wherever it is known.
+  // Some texture providers may also only support one kind of input,
+  // i.e., reading from a file as opposed to a stream.
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given file. Does no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param file the file from which to read the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param fileSuffix the suffix of the file name to be used as a
+   *                   hint of the file format to the underlying
+   *                   texture provider, or null if none and should be
+   *                   auto-detected (some texture providers do not
+   *                   support this)
+   * @return the texture data from the file, or null if none of the
+   *         registered texture providers could read the file
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the file
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(File file,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+    return newTextureDataImpl(file, mipmapLevel, 0, 0, fileSuffix);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given stream. Does no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param stream the stream from which to read the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param fileSuffix the suffix of the file name to be used as a
+   *                   hint of the file format to the underlying
+   *                   texture provider, or null if none and should be
+   *                   auto-detected (some texture providers do not
+   *                   support this)
+   * @return the texture data from the stream, or null if none of the
+   *         registered texture providers could read the stream
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the stream
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(InputStream stream,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+    return newTextureDataImpl(stream, mipmapLevel, 0, 0, fileSuffix);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given URL. Does no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param url the URL from which to read the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param fileSuffix the suffix of the file name to be used as a
+   *                   hint of the file format to the underlying
+   *                   texture provider, or null if none and should be
+   *                   auto-detected (some texture providers do not
+   *                   support this)
+   * @return the texture data from the URL, or null if none of the
+   *         registered texture providers could read the URL
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the URL
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(URL url,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+    return newTextureDataImpl(url, mipmapLevel, 0, 0, fileSuffix);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given BufferedImage. Does no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param image the BufferedImage containing the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @return the texture data from the image
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(BufferedImage image,
+                                           int mipmapLevel) {
+    return newTextureDataImpl(image, mipmapLevel, 0, 0);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // These methods make no assumption about the OpenGL internal format
+  // or pixel format of the texture; they must be specified by the
+  // user. It is not allowed to supply 0 (indicating no preference)
+  // for either the internalFormat or the pixelFormat;
+  // IllegalArgumentException will be thrown in this case.
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given file, using the specified OpenGL
+   * internal format and pixel format for the texture which will
+   * eventually result. The internalFormat and pixelFormat must be
+   * specified and may not be zero; to use default values, use the
+   * variant of this method which does not take these arguments. Does
+   * no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param file the file from which to read the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param internalFormat the OpenGL internal format of the texture
+   *                   which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param pixelFormat the OpenGL pixel format of the texture
+   *                    which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param fileSuffix the suffix of the file name to be used as a
+   *                   hint of the file format to the underlying
+   *                   texture provider, or null if none and should be
+   *                   auto-detected (some texture providers do not
+   *                   support this)
+   * @return the texture data from the file, or null if none of the
+   *         registered texture providers could read the file
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either internalFormat or
+   *                                  pixelFormat was 0
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the file
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(File file,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           int internalFormat,
+                                           int pixelFormat,
+                                           String fileSuffix) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+    if ((internalFormat == 0) || (pixelFormat == 0)) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("internalFormat and pixelFormat must be non-zero");
+    }
+    return newTextureDataImpl(file, mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, fileSuffix);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given stream, using the specified OpenGL
+   * internal format and pixel format for the texture which will
+   * eventually result. The internalFormat and pixelFormat must be
+   * specified and may not be zero; to use default values, use the
+   * variant of this method which does not take these arguments. Does
+   * no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param stream the stream from which to read the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param internalFormat the OpenGL internal format of the texture
+   *                   which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param pixelFormat the OpenGL pixel format of the texture
+   *                    which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param fileSuffix the suffix of the file name to be used as a
+   *                   hint of the file format to the underlying
+   *                   texture provider, or null if none and should be
+   *                   auto-detected (some texture providers do not
+   *                   support this)
+   * @return the texture data from the stream, or null if none of the
+   *         registered texture providers could read the stream
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either internalFormat or
+   *                                  pixelFormat was 0
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the stream
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(InputStream stream,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           int internalFormat,
+                                           int pixelFormat,
+                                           String fileSuffix) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+    if ((internalFormat == 0) || (pixelFormat == 0)) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("internalFormat and pixelFormat must be non-zero");
+    }
+    return newTextureDataImpl(stream, mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, fileSuffix);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given URL, using the specified OpenGL
+   * internal format and pixel format for the texture which will
+   * eventually result. The internalFormat and pixelFormat must be
+   * specified and may not be zero; to use default values, use the
+   * variant of this method which does not take these arguments. Does
+   * no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param url the URL from which to read the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param internalFormat the OpenGL internal format of the texture
+   *                   which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param pixelFormat the OpenGL pixel format of the texture
+   *                    which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param fileSuffix the suffix of the file name to be used as a
+   *                   hint of the file format to the underlying
+   *                   texture provider, or null if none and should be
+   *                   auto-detected (some texture providers do not
+   *                   support this)
+   * @return the texture data from the URL, or null if none of the
+   *         registered texture providers could read the URL
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either internalFormat or
+   *                                  pixelFormat was 0
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the URL
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(URL url,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           int internalFormat,
+                                           int pixelFormat,
+                                           String fileSuffix) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+    if ((internalFormat == 0) || (pixelFormat == 0)) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("internalFormat and pixelFormat must be non-zero");
+    }
+    return newTextureDataImpl(url, mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, fileSuffix);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a TextureData representing the specified mipmap level of
+   * a texture from the given BufferedImage, using the specified
+   * OpenGL internal format and pixel format for the texture which
+   * will eventually result. The internalFormat and pixelFormat must
+   * be specified and may not be zero; to use default values, use the
+   * variant of this method which does not take these arguments. Does
+   * no OpenGL work.
+   *
+   * @param image the BufferedImage containing the texture data
+   * @param mipmapLevel the mipmap level this data represents (FIXME:
+   *                    not currently used, needs to be rethought)
+   * @param internalFormat the OpenGL internal format of the texture
+   *                   which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @param pixelFormat the OpenGL pixel format of the texture
+   *                    which will eventually result from the TextureData
+   * @return the texture data from the image
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either internalFormat or
+   *                                  pixelFormat was 0
+   */
+  public static TextureData newTextureData(BufferedImage image,
+                                           int mipmapLevel,
+                                           int internalFormat,
+                                           int pixelFormat) throws IllegalArgumentException {
+    if ((internalFormat == 0) || (pixelFormat == 0)) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("internalFormat and pixelFormat must be non-zero");
+    }
+    return newTextureDataImpl(image, mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // methods that *do* require a current context
+  //
+  /** 
+   * Creates an OpenGL texture object from the specified TextureData
+   * using the current OpenGL context.
+   *
+   * @param data the texture data to turn into an OpenGL texture
+   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context is current or if an
+   *                     OpenGL error occurred
+   */
+  public static Texture newTexture(TextureData data) throws GLException {
+    if (data == null) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    return new Texture(data);
+  }
+  /** 
+   * Creates an OpenGL texture object from the specified file using
+   * the current OpenGL context.
+   *
+   * @param file the file from which to read the texture data
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the file
+   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context is current or if an
+   *                     OpenGL error occurred
+   */
+  public static Texture newTexture(File file) throws IOException, GLException {
+    TextureData data = newTextureData(file, 0, getFileSuffix(file));
+    Texture texture = newTexture(data);
+    data.flush();
+    return texture;
+  }
+  /** 
+   * Creates an OpenGL texture object from the specified stream using
+   * the current OpenGL context.
+   *
+   * @param stream the stream from which to read the texture data
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the stream
+   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context is current or if an
+   *                     OpenGL error occurred
+   */
+  public static Texture newTexture(InputStream stream) throws IOException, GLException {
+    TextureData data = newTextureData(stream, 0, null);
+    Texture texture = newTexture(data);
+    data.flush();
+    return texture;
+  }
+  /** 
+   * Creates an OpenGL texture object from the specified URL using
+   * the current OpenGL context.
+   *
+   * @param url the URL from which to read the texture data
+   * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the URL
+   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context is current or if an
+   *                     OpenGL error occurred
+   */
+  public static Texture newTexture(URL url) throws IOException, GLException {
+    TextureData data = newTextureData(url, 0, null);
+    Texture texture = newTexture(data);
+    data.flush();
+    return texture;
+  }
+  /** 
+   * Creates an OpenGL texture object from the specified BufferedImage
+   * using the current OpenGL context.
+   *
+   * @param image the BufferedImage from which to read the texture data
+   * @throws GLException if no OpenGL context is current or if an
+   *                     OpenGL error occurred
+   */
+  public static Texture newTexture(BufferedImage image) throws GLException {
+    TextureData data = newTextureData(image, 0);
+    Texture texture = newTexture(data);
+    data.flush();
+    return texture;
+  }
+  // FIXME: add texture writing capabilities
+  //  public void writeTextureToFile(Texture texture, File file, boolean saveUncompressed) throws IOException, GLException;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SPI support
+  //
+  /** Adds a TextureProvider to support reading of a new file
+      format. */
+  public static void addTextureProvider(TextureProvider provider) {
+    // Must always add at the front so the ImageIO provider is last,
+    // so we don't accidentally use it instead of a user's possibly
+    // more optimal provider
+    textureProviders.add(0, provider);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Internals only below this point
+  //
+  private static List/*<TextureProvider>*/ textureProviders = new ArrayList/*<TextureProvider>*/();
+  static {
+    // ImageIO provider, the fall-back, must be the first one added
+    addTextureProvider(new IIOTextureProvider());
+    // Other special-case providers
+    addTextureProvider(new DDSTextureProvider());
+    addTextureProvider(new SGITextureProvider());
+    addTextureProvider(new TGATextureProvider());
+  }
+  // Implementation methods
+  private static TextureData newTextureDataImpl(File file,
+                                                int mipmapLevel,
+                                                int internalFormat,
+                                                int pixelFormat,
+                                                String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+    for (Iterator iter = textureProviders.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
+      TextureProvider provider = (TextureProvider);
+      TextureData data = provider.newTextureData(file,
+                                                 mipmapLevel,
+                                                 internalFormat,
+                                                 pixelFormat,
+                                                 fileSuffix);
+      if (data != null) {
+        return data;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  private static TextureData newTextureDataImpl(InputStream stream,
+                                                int mipmapLevel,
+                                                int internalFormat,
+                                                int pixelFormat,
+                                                String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+    for (Iterator iter = textureProviders.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
+      TextureProvider provider = (TextureProvider);
+      TextureData data = provider.newTextureData(stream,
+                                                 mipmapLevel,
+                                                 internalFormat,
+                                                 pixelFormat,
+                                                 fileSuffix);
+      if (data != null) {
+        return data;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  private static TextureData newTextureDataImpl(URL url,
+                                                int mipmapLevel,
+                                                int internalFormat,
+                                                int pixelFormat,
+                                                String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+    for (Iterator iter = textureProviders.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
+      TextureProvider provider = (TextureProvider);
+      TextureData data = provider.newTextureData(url,
+                                                 mipmapLevel,
+                                                 internalFormat,
+                                                 pixelFormat,
+                                                 fileSuffix);
+      if (data != null) {
+        return data;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  private static TextureData newTextureDataImpl(BufferedImage image,
+                                                int mipmapLevel,
+                                                int internalFormat,
+                                                int pixelFormat) {
+    return new TextureData(mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, image);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Base provider - used last
+  static class IIOTextureProvider implements TextureProvider {
+    public TextureData newTextureData(File file,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      BufferedImage img =;
+      if (img == null) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      return new TextureData(mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, img);
+    }
+    public TextureData newTextureData(InputStream stream,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      BufferedImage img =;
+      if (img == null) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      return new TextureData(mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, img);
+    }
+    public TextureData newTextureData(URL url,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      InputStream stream = url.openStream();
+      try {
+        return newTextureData(stream, mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, fileSuffix);
+      } finally {
+        stream.close();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // DDS provider -- supports files only for now
+  static class DDSTextureProvider implements TextureProvider {
+    public TextureData newTextureData(File file,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      if (DDS.equals(fileSuffix) ||
+          DDS.equals(getFileSuffix(file))) {
+        final DDSReader reader = new DDSReader();
+        reader.loadFile(file);
+        // FIXME: handle case where all mipmaps are requested -- this
+        // will require API changes
+        DDSReader.ImageInfo info = reader.getMipMap(mipmapLevel);
+        if (pixelFormat == 0) {
+          switch (reader.getPixelFormat()) {
+            case DDSReader.D3DFMT_R8G8B8:
+              pixelFormat = GL.GL_RGB;
+              break;
+            default:
+              pixelFormat = GL.GL_RGBA;
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (info.isCompressed()) {
+          switch (info.getCompressionFormat()) {
+            case DDSReader.D3DFMT_DXT1:
+              internalFormat = GL.GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
+              break;
+            case DDSReader.D3DFMT_DXT3:
+              internalFormat = GL.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
+              break;
+            case DDSReader.D3DFMT_DXT5:
+              internalFormat = GL.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
+              break;
+            default:
+              throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported DDS compression format \"" +
+                                         DDSReader.getCompressionFormatName(info.getCompressionFormat()) + "\"");
+          }
+        }
+        if (internalFormat == 0) {
+          switch (reader.getPixelFormat()) {
+            case DDSReader.D3DFMT_R8G8B8:
+              pixelFormat = GL.GL_RGB;
+              break;
+            default:
+              pixelFormat = GL.GL_RGBA;
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+        TextureData.Flusher flusher = new TextureData.Flusher() {
+            public void flush() {
+              reader.close();
+            }
+          };
+        TextureData data = new TextureData(mipmapLevel,
+                                           internalFormat,
+                                           info.getWidth(),
+                                           info.getHeight(),
+                                           0,
+                                           pixelFormat,
+                                           GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
+                                           info.isCompressed(),
+                                           true,
+                                           info.getData(),
+                                           flusher);
+        return data;
+      }
+      return null;
+    }
+    public TextureData newTextureData(InputStream stream,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      return null;
+    }
+    public TextureData newTextureData(URL url,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      return null;
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Base class for SGI RGB and TGA image providers
+  static abstract class StreamBasedTextureProvider implements TextureProvider {
+    public TextureData newTextureData(File file,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      InputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
+      try {
+        // The SGIImage and TGAImage implementations use InputStreams
+        // anyway so there isn't much point in having a separate code
+        // path for files
+        return newTextureData(inStream,
+                              mipmapLevel,
+                              internalFormat,
+                              pixelFormat,
+                              ((fileSuffix != null) ? fileSuffix : getFileSuffix(file)));
+      } finally {
+        inStream.close();
+      }
+    }
+    public TextureData newTextureData(URL url,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      InputStream stream = url.openStream();
+      try {
+        return newTextureData(stream, mipmapLevel, internalFormat, pixelFormat, fileSuffix);
+      } finally {
+        stream.close();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SGI RGB image provider
+  static class SGITextureProvider extends StreamBasedTextureProvider {
+    public TextureData newTextureData(InputStream stream,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      if (SGI.equals(fileSuffix) ||
+          SGI_RGB.equals(fileSuffix) ||
+          SGIImage.isSGIImage(stream)) {
+        SGIImage image =;
+        if (pixelFormat == 0) {
+          pixelFormat = image.getFormat();
+        }
+        if (internalFormat == 0) {
+          internalFormat = image.getFormat();
+        }
+        return new TextureData(mipmapLevel,
+                               internalFormat,
+                               image.getWidth(),
+                               image.getHeight(),
+                               0,
+                               pixelFormat,
+                               GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
+                               false,
+                               false,
+                               ByteBuffer.wrap(image.getData()),
+                               null);
+      }
+      return null;
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // TGA (Targa) image provider
+  static class TGATextureProvider extends StreamBasedTextureProvider {
+    public TextureData newTextureData(InputStream stream,
+                                      int mipmapLevel,
+                                      int internalFormat,
+                                      int pixelFormat,
+                                      String fileSuffix) throws IOException {
+      if (TGA.equals(fileSuffix)) {
+        TGAImage image =;
+        if (pixelFormat == 0) {
+          pixelFormat = image.getGLFormat();
+        }
+        if (internalFormat == 0) {
+          internalFormat = GL.GL_RGBA8;
+        }
+        return new TextureData(mipmapLevel,
+                               internalFormat,
+                               image.getWidth(),
+                               image.getHeight(),
+                               0,
+                               pixelFormat,
+                               GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
+                               false,
+                               false,
+                               ByteBuffer.wrap(image.getData()),
+                               null);
+      }
+      return null;
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Helper function for above TextureProviders
+  private static String getFileSuffix(File file) {
+    String name = file.getName().toLowerCase();
+    int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
+    if (lastDot < 0) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    return name.substring(lastDot + 1);
+  }
cgit v1.2.3