| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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images]; Fix GLReadBufferUtil GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH
AWTGLPixelBuffer is being reused when used via AWTGLPixelBufferProvider
even when resized.
AWTGLPixelBufferProvider uses GLPixelBufferProvider's requiresNewBuffer(..)
which returns true if
- allowRowStride==true and pixel-buffer size < required-size, or
- allowRowStride==false and pixel-buffer size < required _or_ width doesn't match
otherwise it returns true, i.e. the AWTGLPixelBuffer is reused.
Hence the used BufferedImage might need to be aligned,
i.e. using AWTGLPixelBuffer's getAlignedImage(..).
GLReadBufferUtil shall use current texture-data width for GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH,
not the static GLPixelBuffer's width, which may not reflect image dimension (resize)
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PNGPixelRect and PixelFormatUtil)
TextureData IntBuffer could be caused by AWT read-pixels
but is not seamlessly supported via PNGPixelRect since the latter
uses a hardcoded ByteBuffer.
Add static PNGPixelRect.write(..) supporting IntBuffer
to support this case for now.
PNGPixelRect instances do not support any Buffer type to avoid
a bloated implementation.
PixelFormatUtil adds support for int32 pixel format conversion.
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GLMediaEventListener impl. to access GLMediaPlayer associated objects
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Refines commit fbe00e6f5dca8043b40dd96f096fecc9424e0cc3
Instead of querying driver artifacts (vendor, platform, version ..)
we simply can autodetect this quirk by trying to get a second egl-display handle
when initializing the EGLDrawablFactory's default device:
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Display via eglGetDisplay(..)
NVIDIA 331.38 (Linux X11) EGL impl. only supports _one_ EGL Display via eglGetDisplay.
- Subsequent eglGetDisplay(..) calls fail.
- Using the same 'global' egl-display does work though
Remedy: Add 'GLRendererQuirks.SingletonEGLDisplayOnly'
Detection of quirk is done as usual in GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..),
and EGLDrawableFactory passes the quirk, if detected, down to EGLDisplayUtil.
The latter implements the singleton eglDisplay handle.
EGLDisplayUtil: Cleaned up ..
- EGLDisplayRef employs the reference handling incl. eglInitialize(..) and eglTerminate(),
as well as the new singleton quirk.
- Mark all internal methods 'private',
to remove possible [untested] sideffects.
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[GLContext|GL].hasFullFBOSupport() == true
OpenGL ES 3.0 supports full framebuffer operations, incl. multiple color-attachments and multisample.
Hence [GLContext|GL].hasFullFBOSupport() shall returns true w/ a ES 3.0 context.
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block until all master's GLEventListener.init(..) methods have been called
Better shared GLAutoDrawable synchronization.
Block slave instances to also block until all master's GLEventListener.init(..) methods have been called
- GLSharedContextSetter: Add areAllGLEventListenerInitialized()
- GLCanvas (SWT, AWT)
- GLJPanel
- GLAutoDrawableBase (GLWindow, ..)
- GLDrawableHelper's isSharedGLContextPending(..)
takes 'areAllGLEventListenerInitialized()' into consideration
allowing to block the slave creation until master is completed.
This solves teh use case, where the master creates resources in it's
GLEventListener initialization (buffers), which are shared with
it's slaves.
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capabilities to GLArrayDataServer and add unit tests
- Add create*Mapped(..) variants for GPU mapped buffer usage
w/o client buffers.
- Fix API documentation (arguments)
- Fix 'addGLSLSubArray(..)'
- properly compute and pass 'subStrideB' in bytes to GLArrayDataWrapper ctor.
- Add 'mapStorage(..)' and 'unmapStorage(..)'
allowing to map the GPU buffer.
- Fix getElementCount(): Consider stride in bytes and consider 'mappedElementCount'
- getSizeInBytes(): Consider 'mappedElementCount'
- Use new GLBase methods, e.g. getBoundBuffer(..) instead of glGetBoundBuffer(..)
- TestMapBufferRead01NEWT: Validate GLBufferStorage (i.e. GLBufferObjectTracker)
- Add RedSquareMappedES2 using GPU mapped buffer
- Test w/ TestRedSquareES2NEWT, cmd-line 'mappedBuffers'
- GearsES1 and GearsES2: Add GPU buffer mapping mode for all test cases
- Add buffer validation mode, i.e. test whether GLBufferObjectTracker
works properly.
- Test w/ TestGearsES2NEWT, cmd-line 'mappedBuffers'
- TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT0, TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT3:
- Add GPU mapped buffers tests to validate GLBufferObjectTracker
code path with shared GLContext across multiple threads.
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synchronized and secure [1/2]
GLBufferSizeTracker becomes GLBufferObjectTracker
and tracks the buffer's data store, GLBufferStorage, accurately, synchronized and secure.
Synchronization is required, since the GLBufferStorage can be
shared across many GLContext on multiple threads.
This requires all GLBufferStorage lifecycle affecting GL functions
to utilize synchronized GLBufferObjectTracker methods
while passing a native GL-func callback.
These GL functions are:
- glBufferData, glBufferStorage (GL 4.4), glNamedBufferDataEXT
Creating the GLBufferStorage object
- glMapBuffer, glMapBufferRange, and their *Named*EXT variants
- glUnmapBuffer, glUnmapNamedBufferEXT
'glDeleteBuffers' can simply notify the GLBufferObjectTracker
No more HashMap is required to associate the mapped buffer address
to the mapped ByteBuffer.
GLBufferObjectTracker simply utilizes a
buffer-name (int) -> GLBufferStorage
The security aspect shall be implemented by validating all arguments
whether they match the required GL constraints,
as well as validating tracked states like 'size'.
The following functions will throw an GLException accordingly:
- glBufferData, glNamedBufferDataEXT
* @throws GLException if size is less-than zero
* @throws GLException if a native GL-Error occurs
- glBufferStorage (GL 4.4)
* @throws GLException if size is less-or-eqaul zero
* @throws GLException if a native GL-Error occurs
- glMapBuffer, and it's *Named*EXT variant
* @throws GLException if buffer is not bound to target
* @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked
* @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped
* @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero
- glMapBufferRange, and it's *Named*EXT variant
* @throws GLException if buffer is not bound to target
* @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked
* @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped
* @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero
* @throws GLException if buffer mapping range does not fit, incl. offset
- glMapBufferRange, and it's *Named*EXT variant
Only clear mapped buffer reference of GLBufferStorage
if native unmap was successful.
Further more special error handling shall be applied to:
- glMapBuffer, and it's *Named*EXT variant,
glMapBuffer, and it's *Named*EXT variant
- A zero GLBufferStorage size will avoid a native call and
returns null
- A null native mapping result indicating an error will
not cause a GLException but returns null
This allows the user to handle this case.
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Conversion Utilities (Allowing 'arbitrary' PointerIcon data input)
Commit fe28bc125429b38cdcd016746081f4a6d521c6fd added the notion of toolkit agnostic PixelFormat and conversion utilities,
utilized and further tested by this patch.
- PointerIcon is a PixelRectangle
and hence holds the decoded data.
This allows on-the-fly conversion if required
as well as recreation w/o PNG re-decoding.
- Using array-backed PointerIcon data where possible,
allowing better performance when converting PixelFormat etc.
- NEWT Display adds 'createPointerIcon(final IOUtil.ClassResources pngResource...'
method to support agnostic PointerIcon creation.
- NEWT Display adds methods to allow users to avoid PixelFormat and
Buffer NIO type forced conversion:
- PixelFormat getNativePointerIconPixelFormat()
- boolean getNativePointerIconForceDirectNIO()
PNGImage -> PNGPixelRect
Deleted: com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.spi.PNGImage
Added: com.jogamp.opengl.util.PNGPixelRect
(We hope nobody was using PNGImage directly since it was a service-plugin for TextureIO)
PNGPixelRect is a PixelRectangle
PNGPixelRect actually is implemented OpenGL agnostic,
however - since our PNGJ support lives under package 'jogamp.opengl.util.pngj'
it cannot be moved up (yet).
PNGPixelRect now handles all PixelFormat for the target format
and also added support for grayscale+alpha (2 channels).
The latter is force-converted to RGB* - similar to paletted.
Further more, PNGPixelRect allows simply passing an OutputStream to write the PNG data.
Used by: TextureIO and NEWT
- OffscreenSurfaceLayer's setCursor(..) uses the agnostic PixelRectangle
instead of a PNG resource.
- AWTMisc uses the PixelRectangle to produce the AWT Cursor
and converts it to the required format.
Hence same pixels are used for NEWT and AWT pointer/cursor icon.
- TestGearsES2Newt and NewtAWTReparentingKeyAdapter 'tests'
iterate over 3 custom PointerIcon when pressed 'c'.
- JOGLNewtAppletBase uses the new custom PointerIcon
'newt/data/crosshair-lumina-trans-32x32.png', which is included in NEWT (213 bytes only).
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Utilities (Allowing 'arbitrary' PointerIcon data input)
To allowing 'arbitrary' PointerIcon data input, i.e. via raw pixels
we need to define an agnostic PixelFormat and required conversion utilities.
The latter is not hw accelereated (toolkit agnostic), but this shall be expected
and satisfying for small amount of 'pixels'.
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Add Quirk 'GLES3ViaEGLES2Config': ES3 Context is used via EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT and 'version 2' for create context attributes.
- GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(..)'s ES version validation
only fails if requested major version == 1 and doesn't match.
Hence requesting major==2 and having version 3 is tolerated.
- GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(..)'s Quirks:
requested-major < has-major -> Adding GLES3ViaEGLES2Config
- EGLDrawableFactory.mapAvailableEGLESConfig(..):
Reflects has-major version, i.e. GLES3ViaEGLES2Config situation where
an ES2 request leads to an ES3 version.
Note: All workarounds can be found via lookup of GLES3ViaEGLES2Config (as usual when using quirks).
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Fix Bug 362: calculated dimensions for MipMaps smaller than 16x16
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Added method to calculate mipmap blocksize for uncompressed and DXTn
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; Fallback for EOS Detection ; MovieSimple uses full GLEventListener for 'Audio Only' as well to test seek
Determine StreamWorker usage after init
- To support audio only files, we need to determine to use StreamWorker
after completion of stream-init.
Fix seek(..)
- FFMPeg: pos0 needs to use aPTS for audio-only
- Clip target time [0..duration[
Fallback for EOS Detection
In case the backend does not report proper EOS:
- Utilize 'nullFramesCount >= MAX' -> EOS,
where MAX is number of frames for 3s play duraction
and where 'nullFramesCount' is increased if no valid packet is available
and no decoded-video or -audio in the queue.
- Utilize pts > duration -> EOS
MovieSimple uses full GLEventListener for 'Audio Only' as well to test seek
- Matroska seek for audio-only leads to EOS ..
- MP4 audio-only seek works
- Use audio-pts in audio-only to calc target time
- A, V and A+V
- Pause, Stop and Seek
- GNU/Linux
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'in place' variant w/ passing result float[] ; TODO: Replace all variations with 'in place' version to be more memory efficient.
Make scale(..) creating new float[] deprecated, adding 'in place' variant w/ passing result float[]
TODO: Replace all variations with 'in place' version to be more memory efficient.
See Bug747: Validate memory footprint and usage / General performance
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GLJPanel must validate whether it's local BufferedImage's DataBuffer is sourced
by the current singleton AWTGLPixelBuffer.
GLJPanel-B has created a new singleton AWTGLPixelBuffer w/ increased size.
Previous created GLJPanel-A's local BufferedImage's DataBuffer is no more sourced
by the singleton AWTGLPixelBuffer and hence must be re-created.
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GLSharedContextSetter (remove <> in links, more details on Immersion.16.
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simple 'synchronized' on Animator for field-get, which is already used in most methods
Utilizing a 2nd synchronization object 'stateSync' besides the main sync object, Animator itself,
is hard to maintain. It's performance advantages for querying states ae questionable and may even
introduce bugs.
Use synchronization on Animator instance for all field read/write access.
Fix unsynchronized write access of 'animThread' in Animator.MainLoop.run().
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'GL_OES_EGL_image_external' not supported
+ // Bug on Nexus 10, ES3 - Android 4.3, where
+ // GL_OES_EGL_image_external extension directive leads to a failure _with_ '#version 300 es' !
+ // P0003: Extension 'GL_OES_EGL_image_external' not supported
+ preludeGLSLVersion = false;
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in !blocking mode, i.e. notifyAll() if waitCondition holds and test again
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Validate isGLES*() usage and definition ; Add and use ShaderCode.createExtensionDirective(..)
- Fix GLES3 Profile Mapping, i.e. GL2ES2 queries and mappings
- GLProfile: Add GL2ES2 -> ES3 mapping
- EGLContext: Reuqest major '3' for ES3
- EGLGLCapabilities/EGLGraphicsConfiguration: Consider EGLExt.EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR
- Validate isGLES*() usage and definition
- Fix BuildComposablePipeline's isGLES() code
- For GLSL related queries use isGLES() instead of isGLES2(),
which would exclude ES3
- Add and use ShaderCode.createExtensionDirective(..)
- Supporting creating GLSL extension directives while reusing strings from GLExtensions
- Minor cleanup of GLContextImpl.setGLFuncAvail(..)
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'Hisilicon Immersion.16')
Note: Even though Mesa Intel driver crashes w/ heavy multithreading (Bug 873),
it works well w/ our multithreaded GLMediaPlayer.
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multiple media textures (Android) or shared GL context are not usable.
- GLMediaPlayer:
- TEXTURE_COUNT_MIN is the new minimum: '1' - i.e. no multithreading, single threaded player
- TEXTURE_COUNT_DEFAULT is '4' - multithreaded
- GLMediaPlayerImpl:
- Add Single threaded mode, but perform initStreamImpl(..) off-thread.
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point values. Derived from http://mvn.io7m.com/ieee754b16, of which I am the original author.
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instance of GLArrayHandler of same type; Simplify GLArrayHandler inheritance.
Refines commit 9f2a9df0a4b7093925c8854b37fba053469a4b35
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field usage; GLDrawableImpl: Make read-only fields final.
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Refine GearsObject* GLArrayDataServer copying; GearsES*: Init VBO eagerly
Add copy-ctor to GLArrayData* w/ sliced Buffer to allow general sharing of VBO via these high-level types.
Refine GearsObject* GLArrayDataServer copying (commit bcfaa149b9803ce33c5a356cbcb45f7dfd3e4361):
Utilize new GLArrayData* copy-ctor.
GearsES*: Init VBO eagerly, allowing VBO usage after init(..).
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downstream.getGL*() [TraceGL* / DebugGL*] ; Simplify GLContextImpl's set Debug/Trace Pipeline
Regression of commit 0002fccdcd6383874b2813dc6bbe3e33f5f00924:
"Trace/Debug shall utilize downstream identification for isGL*() and getGL*() methods."
Using the downstream identification commit is right for the isGL*() case,
however, getGL*() returned the downstream object which makes the caller loosing the pipeline!
Instead, we shall produce !GEN_GL_IDENTITY_BY_ASSIGNABLE_CLASS:
"if( isGL<type>() ) { return this; }
throw new GLException("Not a <type> implementation");"
"return this;"
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order) ; Fix unit tests (Shared Gears, wait for created context and destruction order)
- Add note about driver stability (destruction order)
- See GLSharedContextSetter: Don't destroy master context before slaves!
- Fix spec-overview.html#SHARED links, add link to GLSharedContextSetter in SHARED subsection.
- Fix unit tests (Shared Gears, wait for created context and destruction order)
- The GearsObject sharing was completly bogus!
It simply used the _same_ GLArrayDataServer instance for sharing,
but it should use a _copy_ of the shared GLArrayDataServer while
only preserving the VBO object!
Fixed, while adding required methods to GLArrayDataServer.
- Waiting for the created GLContext of a GLAutoDrawable required us
to pass the latter _and_ check whether it's GLContext exists and is natively created.
- Accomodated the destruction order - see above!
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; Fix GLContext memory contract (volatile)
(Unit test remarks see below)
- Add shared GLContext queries
- Refined GLContextShareSet:
- Use IdentityHashMap since GLContext's can only be identical w/ same reference (footprint, performance)
- Add API doc for clarification
- Add methods:
- ArrayList<GLContext> getCreatedShares(final GLContext context)
- ArrayList<GLContext> getDestroyedShares(final GLContext context)
- Use 'final' where possible
- Add GLContext methods:
- boolean isShared()
- List<GLContext> getCreatedShares()
- List<GLContext> getDestroyedShares()
- Add GLSharedContextSetter interface defining setting a shared GLContext
directly (GLContext) or via a GLAutoDrawable:
- setSharedContext(GLContext)
- setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable)
Both cause initialization/creation of GLAutoDrawable's drawable/context to be postponed,
if the shared GLContext is not yet created natively or
the shared GLAutoDrawable's GLContext does not yet exist.
Most of impl. resides in GLDrawableHelper
Implemented in:
- GLAutoDrawableBase, GLOffscreenAutoDrawable
- GLWindow
- AWT GLCanvas
- GLJPanel
- SWT GLCanvas
- GLDrawableFactory:
- Add 'GLOffscreenAutoDrawable createOffscreenAutoDrawable(..)' variant w/o passing the
optional shared GLContext _and_ specifying lazy GLContext
creation. This allows to benefit from GLSharedContextSetter contract.
Lazy GLContext creation is performed at 2st display() call at the latest.
All JOGL code and unit tests use this new method now.
- Mark 'createOffscreenAutoDrawable(..)' w/ shared GLContext argument
and immediate GLContext creation deprecated - shall be removed in 2.2.0
- Make reference to GLContext and it's native handle volatile
Since we rely on the query 'GLContext.isCreated()' to properly allow GLAutoDrawable's to query whether
a shared GLContext is natively created (already), the handle must be volatile
since such query and the actual creation may operate on different threads.
- Add/Refine shared GLContext unit tests demonstrating diff. sharing methods.
All variants of using shared GLContext:
Most convenient way to share via setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable):
AWT use w/ JTabbedPane using setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable):
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GLDrawable (Shared Context)
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- Proper API doc for Version* fields
- getStaticGLSLVersionNumber(): ES3 -> Version300
- hasGLSL(): Add ES3
- addDefaultShaderPrecision():
- ES2 default precision: Don't 'tune up' default precision for fragment shader, use 'mediump'
- Add ES3 default precision (equal to ES2 default precision)
- requiresDefaultPrecision(): Shall returns 'true' for ES3 as well!
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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The indent was being reduced on glEnd/glEndList but was never being incremented.
The intent appeared to be to indent all statements between glBEgin/glEnd pairs to
show the nested context of those calls. Add the increment after printing the glBegin
trace statement.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Make the indentation consistent in each function wrapper.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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This saves us a bit more code size as the String.format is now in the common
helper rather than in every GL wrapper function.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Using a format String and arg list produces smaller class files for the Debug classes
as many of the format strings are identical and shared.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Build the caller string directly and don't wrap it in an extra constructor.
Update the indentation level for the newly added if-block from the previous commit.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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- split the check for a GL error from the output of the error string
- only build the caller String when there is an error to report
- wrap String building in an if() block rather than using an early return as we
don't know the return type in the postDownstreamCallHook
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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This adds the @Override to methods in the GL implementations (debug, trace, etc) for methods
implementing a GL Profile. It also adds @Override for the toString() method.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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These were already here, enable them.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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d75835796900cac602f7e5789601ffba0a27efe2 (Graph: More std. functionality (equals, clone) / Better in-place transformation (cubic -> quadratic))
Added a clone method, but did not implement Cloneable, meaning Object.clone() will
always throw CloneNotSupportedException. This method never returns anythng but null.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>