| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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InternalError("hashCode not designed")
As long we don't use Object.hashCode() to idenitify the memory address, we can safeguard the code.
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oculusvr-sdk java distortion-mesh calculation if available
StereoDeviceFactory support new GenericStereoDeviceFactory, with it's GenericStereoDevice and GenericStereoDeviceRenderer.
GenericStereoDevice maintains different configurations, triggered either by passing a GenericStereoDevice.Config
instance directly or by the device-index parameter:
- 0: monoscopi device: No post-processing
- 1: stereoscopic device SBS: No post-processing
- 2: stereoscopic device SBS + Lenses: Distortion post-processing
(only available w/ oculusvr-sdk sub-module)
Producing a 'GenericStereoDevice.Config' instance is self containing
and may extend if supporting more device types like top-bottom, interlaced etc.
StereoDemo01 handles all use-cases and may be used as a test-bed
to add and experiment with stereoscopy, devices and settings.
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tan(fovy), fix callers; Simplify FloatUtil.makePerspective(..FovHVHalves..)
Fix FloatUtil.makePerspective(..): The tan(fovy/2) shall be used, not tan(fovy), fix callers
- This bug didn't hit (yet), since callers already performed the division (degree -> radian)
by falsly claiming the passed value is in radian - where it was actually fov/2 in radians.
Simplify FloatUtil.makePerspective(..FovHVHalves..)
- Due to the fix above, it became pretty clear that the makeFrustum(..)
method can be utilized.
Simply apply all our tan-half-fov values on zNear.
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- Change non static accesses to static members using declaring type
- Change indirect accesses to static members to direct accesses (accesses through subtypes)
- Add final modifier to private fields
- Add final modifier to method parameters
- Add final modifier to local variables
- Remove unnecessary casts
- Remove unnecessary '$NON-NLS$' tags
- Remove trailing white spaces on all lines
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Refine API in regards to proper package names, interface
and high-level access to eye specific constant parameter
and variable eye movement.
Commit 36327e24cf586b50bf18e87d7d13d53eb41cf1d9 introduced 'GLEventListener2'
Move javax.media.opengl.GLEventListener2
-> com.jogamp.opengl.util.CustomRendererListener
-> com.jogamp.opengl.util.stereo.StereoRendererListener
StereoRendererListener adds stereoscopic specific:
public void reshapeEye(final GLAutoDrawable drawable, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height,
final EyeParameter eyeParam, final EyePose eyePose);
.. see below.
Add com.jogamp.opengl.util.stereo:
- EyeParameter (Constant eye parameters, like IPD and FOV)
- EyePose (Current eye position and orientation)
Add com.jogamp.opengl.math.FovHVHalves to support
non-centered bi-directional FOV for lenses.
Add respective FloatUtil.makePerspective(.. FovHVHalves fovhv ) variant.
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GLEventListener2 (WIP); Refine FloatUtil
- GLEventListener2 extends GLEventListener adds refined control:
- display w/ flags, i.e. repeat, don't clear
- setProjectionModelview(..)
- FloatUtil.* Add return value for chaining, where missing
- jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRDistortion
- Handles all OVR related data and maps it to shader + GL buffers
- display method
- com.jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRSBSRendererSingleFBO implements GLEventListener
- Simple OVRDistortion renderer using single FBO
- Using upstream GLEventListener2 (the content)
- com.jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRSBSRendererDualFBO implements GLEventListener
- Simple OVRDistortion renderer using two FBOs
- Using upstream GLEventListener2 (the content)
Manual Test: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.stereo.ovr.OVRDemo01
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FloatUtil optimizations (unroll and linear memeory access):
- transposeMatrix
- invertMatrix (diff algo as well - 50% speed bump)
- multMatrix
- multMatrixVec
FloatUtil added
- matrixDeterminant(..)
FloatUtil removed
- Certain FloatBuffer variants are removed
or at least marked deprecated.
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variations; PMVMatrix: Remove NIO buffer path, use backing-array only and FloatUtil direct.
- FloatUtil pptimized variants:
- mapObjToWinCoords (gluProject) passing 'P x Mv' for batch operations
- mapWinToObjCoords (gluUnProject) passing 'Inv(P x Mv)' for batch operations
- mapWinToObjCoords (gluUnProject) passing 'Inv(P x Mv)' and two winz values
for two ray picking resulting in two obj positions. (-> mapWinToRay)
- PMVMatrix
- dropped low performance NIO mode
- simply use common backing-array and fixed offsets directly
- drop ProjectFloat usage in favor of FloatUtil
- reduce number of temporary arrays
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clarity and unique method naming
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incl. getNormal*(..) and getPlane*(..)
AABBox.getRayIntersection(..) provides the intersecting coordinates,
where the fast alternative AABBox.intersectsRay(..) does not.
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setting identity
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in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- Due to shader-switching,
'renderModes' are now local to Region, e.g. UIShape etc
- Remove RegionRenderer.renderModes
- VBORegion2P*:
- Use simple 2x float matrix for orthogonal P+Mv
- Cleanup shader
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in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- ShaderCode
- add int insertShaderSource(int shaderIdx, int position, Class<?> context, String path)
- insertShaderSource(..): pos==-1 -> append code
- VectorUtil
- add isVec3InTriangle3(..., float epsilon)
- add testSeg2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon)
- add testTri2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon)
- AffineTransform: Return result for chaining
- Font
- Add pixel precise 'getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, CharSequence string, float pixelSize)'
- Rename getString*() -> getMetric*()
- OTGlyph: Release _points field, no more used
- Graph Triangulation
- Count additional vertices in: Triangulator, CDTriangulator2D
- OutlineShape:
- Allow skipping of 'transformOutlines2Quadratic', i.e. allow tagging
OutlineShape to be quadratic_nurbs via 'setIsQuadraticNurbs()'
- Clarify cleanup ot outlines in same method 'cleanupOutlines()'
- Count additional vertices ..
- Graph Shader:
- Start splitting and segmenting shader code for:
- pass1 / pass2
- features, i.e. sampleCont, color-channel, ..
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incl. FXAA2) ; Test exp. LineAA ; Misc Changes
- Revise VBAA
- Add border to FBO dropping MSAA
- This automatically gives AA for edges on FBO boundary
- Correcting ceil-diff, use object-diff instead of win-diff (diff := ceil(a)-a, w/ float a)
- Reorg shader - using includes to test diff. AA modes:
- [poles, wholeedge] * [equalweight, propweight]
- fxaa2
- Exp. LineAA (disabled)
- Test ROESSLER-2012-OGLES for detected rectangles only
- Test boundary line detection
See screenshots: <http://jogamp.org/files/screenshots/graphui/20140322/>
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- New simple type Ray, denominating a .. ray
- Added PMVMatrix.gluUnProjectRay(..) similar to gluUnproject(..)
however, result is a Ray.
- Added AABBox.intersectsRay(Ray) ..
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tests - Cleanup VectorUtil (vec2/3 naming, remove dedundant functions)
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and document the same. ; Minor edits ..
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muls in rotateVector
- rotateVector(..): Reduce multiplication count by 17
- Outline
- add: transform
- fix compareTo .. use EPSILON
- OutlineShape
- add transform
- fix compareTo .. use EPSILON
- use Comparator<Outline> in sortOutlines
to avoid reversal of list
- Extract OutlineShapeXForm, pairing { OutlineShape, AffineTransform }
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- Add documentation incl references (Matrix-FAQ, Euclideanspace, ..)
- Compared w/ other impl., i.e. WildMagic, Ardor3D, ..
and added missing functionality incl unit tests.
- PMVMatrix: Added convenient Quaternion 'hooks'
- glRotate(Quaternion)
- glLoadMatrix(Quaternion)
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- Added final qualifier where possible
- Refined API doc
- FloatUtil:
- Add machine EPSILON
- fixed value and runtime computed (real machEps)
- incl. isZero(..), isEqual(..)
- Add makeRotationAxis(..)
- Moved from PMVMatrix for reusage
- Add makeRotationEuler(..)
- New, not recommended due to Gimbal-Lock
- Add copyMatrix[Column|Row](..)
- Add more PI variations and trigo-func float mappings
- Removed cross and normalize, use VectorUtil!
- Add copyVec*
- Add equals and isZero w/ and w/o EPSILON
- Add distance[Square]
- Add length[Square]
- Removed 'destroy' method in favor of making most fields 'final'.
- Added AABBox transform
- Public multiply
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FloatUtil: Add DEBUG and description about Row-Major and Column-Major Order. AABBOX: Use FloatUtil.DEBUG for mapToWindow(..)
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Commit 183e1bc1868699b99eb9f9c8bf18d646d1120a48 only mapped object's bbox max/min points
to window space, which is wrong due to possible rotation in 3d space.
This commit adds AABBox.mapToWindow(..) method,
which correctly either uses 4 points of the bbox in 3d space (using center-z)
or all 8-points and creating a new bounding box.
The resulting width and height of this window bbox gives the
maximum amount of rectangular pixels for AA.
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(performance, reduce temp objects)
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'in place' variant w/ passing result float[] ; TODO: Replace all variations with 'in place' version to be more memory efficient.
Make scale(..) creating new float[] deprecated, adding 'in place' variant w/ passing result float[]
TODO: Replace all variations with 'in place' version to be more memory efficient.
See Bug747: Validate memory footprint and usage / General performance
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point values. Derived from http://mvn.io7m.com/ieee754b16, of which I am the original author.
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For this case && and & work equivalently, but using && allows the second comparison
to be omitted if the first comparison is false. Likely just a typo.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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- Quaternion.isEmpty()
- Texture.dispose(GL)
- GLContext.getGLVersionMajor() / ..Minor()
- GLContextImpl.bindPbufferToTexture() / releasePbufferFromTexture()
- MouseEvent.getWheelRotation()
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like to compare float values - remove 64bit conversion.
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such a property + method do same thing as isIdentity), new setIdentity method, default constructor sets this quaternion to identity, new fromAxis method/costructor
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operations changed to VectorUtil instead
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multiply in place). Will be used by PMVMatrix.
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
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Clarify method names:
- update(..) -> updateByPMV(..), updateByPlanes(..)
- isOutside(AABBox) -> isAABBoxOutside(AABBox)
- .. same for point/sphere, while adding 'Location classifyType(..)'
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