| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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in-place variant and use it in PMVMatrix dropping temporary
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instead of float[] and remove unused VectorUtil methods
After Matrix4f consolidation and proving same or better performance on non array types,
this enhances code readability, simplifies API, reduces bugs and may improve performance.
- Have RoundButton as a functional class to make a round or rectangular backdrop,
i.e. impl. addShapeToRegion() via reused addRoundShapeToRegion()
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invPMv null; PMVMatrix: Make Mvi, Mvit optional at ctor, add user PMv and PMvi - used at gluUnProject() ..
Matrix4f.mapWin*() variants w/ invPMv don't need temp matrices,
they also shall handle null invPMv -> return false to streamline usage w/ PMVMatrix if inversion failed.
PMVMatrix adds user space common premultiplies Pmv and Pmvi on demand like Frustum.
These are commonly required for e.g. gluUnProject(..)/mapWinToObj(..)
and might benefit from caching if stack is maintained and no modification occured.
PMVMatrix now has the shader related Mvi and Mvit optional at construction(!), so its backing buffers.
This reduces footprint for other use cases.
The 2nd temp matrix is also on-demand, to reduce footprint for certain use cases.
Removed public access to temporary storage.
While these additional matrices are on demand and/or at request @ ctor,
general memory footprint is reduced per default and hence deemed acceptable
while still having PMVMatrix acting as a core flexible matrix provider.
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Utilize Vec3f, Recti, .. throughout API (Matrix4f, AABBox, .. Graph*)
Big Easter Cleanup
- Net -214 lines of code, despite new classes.
- GLUniformData buffer can be synced w/ underlying data via SyncAction/SyncBuffer, e.g. SyncMatrix4f + SyncMatrices4f
- PMVMatrix rewrite using Matrix4f and providing SyncMatrix4f/Matrices4f to sync w/ GLUniformData
- Additional SyncMatrix4f16 + SyncMatrices4f16 covering Matrix4f sync w/ GLUniformData w/o PMVMatrix
- Utilize Vec3f, Recti, .. throughout API (Matrix4f, AABBox, .. Graph*)
- Moved FloatUtil -> Matrix4f, kept a few basic matrix ops for ProjectFloat
- Most, if not all, float[] and int[] should have been moved to proper classes
- int[] -> Recti for viewport rectangle
- Matrix4f and PMVMatrix is covered by math unit tests (as was FloatUtil before) -> save
Passed all unit tests on AMD64 GNU/Linux
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for fair and realistic numbers - Both mul() ops faster than FloatUtil
Enhanced invert() of Matrix4f* and FloatUtil: Use 1f/det factor for burst scale.
Enhanced Matrix4f.invert(..): Use factored-out mulScale() to deliver the scale,
giving a good 10% advantage on aarch64 and amd64.
Brings Matrix4f.invert(..) on par w/ FloatUtil, on aarch64 even a 14% advantage.
TestMatrix4f02MulNOUI added an additional Matrix4f.load() to the mul(Matrix4f) loop test,
which surely is an extra burden and not realistic as the mul(Matrix4f, Matrix4f) and FloatUtil
pendants also don't count loading a value.
Matrix4f.mul(Matrix4f) shall be used to utilize an already stored value anyways.
Matrix4f.mul(Matrix4f) didn't really exist in FloatUtil.
Same is true for Matrix4f.invert(), re-grouped order, i.e. pushing the non-arg variant last.
Revised performance numbers from commit 15e60161787224e85172685f74dc0ac195969b51
AMD64 + OpenJDK17
- FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, a_off, b, b_off, dest) is considerable slower than all
- Matrix4f.mul(a, b) roughly ~10% faster than FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest)
- Matrix4f.mul(b) roughly ~18% faster than FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest) (*)
- Matrix4f.invert(a) roughly ~ 2% faster than FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..)
- Matrix4f.invert() roughly ~ 4% slower than FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..) (*)
- Launched: nice -19 scripts/tests-x64.sh
RaspberryPi 4b aarch64 + OpenJDK17
- FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, a_off, b, b_off, dest) is considerable slower than all
- Matrix4f.mul(a, b) roughly ~ 9% faster than FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest)
- Matrix4f.mul(b) roughly ~14% faster than FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest) (*)
- Matrix4f.invert(a) roughly ~14% faster than FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..)
- Matrix4f.invert() roughly ~12% faster than FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..) (*)
- Launched: nice -19 scripts/tests-linux-aarch64.sh
(*) not a true comparison in feature, as operating on 'this' matrix values
for one argument, unavailable to FloatUtil.
- Matrix4f.mul(..) is considerable faster!
- Matrix4f.invert(..) faster, esp on aarch64
And additional Matrix4fb tests using float[16] similar to FloatUtil
also demonstrates less performance compared to Matrix4f using
dedicated float fields.
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Ray, AABBox, Frustum, Stereo*, ... adding hook to PMVMatrix
Motivation was to simplify matrix + vector math usage, ease review and avoid usage bugs.
Matrix4f implementation uses dedicated float fields instead of an array.
Performance didn't increase much,
as JVM >= 11(?) has some optimizations to drop the array bounds check.
AMD64 + OpenJDK17
- Matrix4f.mul(a, b) got a roughly ~10% enhancement over FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest)
- Matrix4f.mul(b) roughly ~3% slower than FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest)
- FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, a_off, b, b_off, dest) is considerable slower than all
- Matrix4f.invert(..) roughly ~3% slower than FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..)
RaspberryPi 4b aarch64 + OpenJDK17
- Matrix4f.mul(a, b) got a roughly ~10% enhancement over FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b, dest)
- Matrix4f.mul(b) roughly ~20% slower than FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, b)
- FloatUtil.multMatrix(a, a_off, b, b_off, dest) is considerable slower than all
- Matrix4f.invert(..) roughly ~4% slower than FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..)
- Matrix4f.mul(b) needs to be revised (esp for aarch64)
- Matrix4f.invert(..) should also not be slower ..
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animation etc
Implementation borrowed my 'gfxbox2' C++ project
and its layout from OpenAL's Vec3f.
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OutlineShape.Visitor, allowing to use the Glyph (information).
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API doc
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infinite dimension
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rules for OutlineShape and add get/setWinding in Outline
Loop.initFromPolyline()'s Winding determination used a 3-point triangle-area method,
which is insufficent for complex shapes like serif 'g' or 'æ'.
Solved by using the whole area over the Outline shape.
Note: Loop.initFromPolyline()'s Winding determination is used to convert
the inner shape or holes to CW only.
Therefor the outter bondary shapes must be CCW.
This details has been documented within OutlineShape, anchor 'windingrules'.
Since the conversion of 'CCW -> CW' for inner shapes or holes is covered,
a safe user path would be to completely create CCW shapes.
However, this has not been hardcoded and is left to the user.
Impact: Fixes rendering serif 'g' or 'æ'.
The enhanced unit test TestTextRendererNEWT01 produces snapshots for all fonts within FontSet01.
While it shows proper rendering of the single Glyphs it exposes another Region/Curve Renderer bug,
i.e. sort-of a Region overflow crossing over from the box-end to the start.
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- All pixelSize metrics methods are dropped in Font*
- TypecastGlyph.Advance dropped, i.e. dropping prescales glyph advance based on pixelSize
- TextRegionUtil produces OutlineShape in font em-size [0..1] added to GLRegion
- Adjusted demos
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Add Path2F addPath(..), emphasize required Winding.CW
GPURegionGLListener01 used by TestRegionRendererNEWT01 covers Path2F CCW and CW (reverse add) methods.
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for System related Operations
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(adding dummy methods)
Commits deff49c901915e007f43a1df1a0d217a786e9f06 and 6ab634654f58afcf4549fcd1a796a0f9fd13298c
changed/removed a few protected methods of public classes ..
Re-added dummy methods .. shall be removed for next 2.4.* version
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argument constraints -> Exceptions
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sed -i 's/javax\.media\.opengl/com\.jogamp\.opengl/g' `grep -Rl "javax\.media\.opengl" src`
sed -i 's/javax\.media\.nativewindow/com\.jogamp\.nativewindow/g' `grep -Rl "javax\.media\.nativewindow" src`
sed -i 's/javax\/media\//com\/jogamp\//g' `grep -Rl "javax/media/" src`
sed -i 's/javax\/media\//com\/jogamp\//g' `grep -Rl "javax/media/" doc`
Manually edited all occurences within make/**
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if zNear == zFar
throws GLException with GL_INVALID_VALUE if zNear is <= 0, or zFar < 0,
or if left == right, or bottom == top, or zNear == zFar
Add note on callers:
- FloatUtil.makePerspective(..)
- Matrix4.*
- PMVMatrix.*
- ProjectFloat.*
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InternalError("hashCode not designed")
As long we don't use Object.hashCode() to idenitify the memory address, we can safeguard the code.
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oculusvr-sdk java distortion-mesh calculation if available
StereoDeviceFactory support new GenericStereoDeviceFactory, with it's GenericStereoDevice and GenericStereoDeviceRenderer.
GenericStereoDevice maintains different configurations, triggered either by passing a GenericStereoDevice.Config
instance directly or by the device-index parameter:
- 0: monoscopi device: No post-processing
- 1: stereoscopic device SBS: No post-processing
- 2: stereoscopic device SBS + Lenses: Distortion post-processing
(only available w/ oculusvr-sdk sub-module)
Producing a 'GenericStereoDevice.Config' instance is self containing
and may extend if supporting more device types like top-bottom, interlaced etc.
StereoDemo01 handles all use-cases and may be used as a test-bed
to add and experiment with stereoscopy, devices and settings.
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tan(fovy), fix callers; Simplify FloatUtil.makePerspective(..FovHVHalves..)
Fix FloatUtil.makePerspective(..): The tan(fovy/2) shall be used, not tan(fovy), fix callers
- This bug didn't hit (yet), since callers already performed the division (degree -> radian)
by falsly claiming the passed value is in radian - where it was actually fov/2 in radians.
Simplify FloatUtil.makePerspective(..FovHVHalves..)
- Due to the fix above, it became pretty clear that the makeFrustum(..)
method can be utilized.
Simply apply all our tan-half-fov values on zNear.
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- Change non static accesses to static members using declaring type
- Change indirect accesses to static members to direct accesses (accesses through subtypes)
- Add final modifier to private fields
- Add final modifier to method parameters
- Add final modifier to local variables
- Remove unnecessary casts
- Remove unnecessary '$NON-NLS$' tags
- Remove trailing white spaces on all lines
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Refine API in regards to proper package names, interface
and high-level access to eye specific constant parameter
and variable eye movement.
Commit 36327e24cf586b50bf18e87d7d13d53eb41cf1d9 introduced 'GLEventListener2'
Move javax.media.opengl.GLEventListener2
-> com.jogamp.opengl.util.CustomRendererListener
-> com.jogamp.opengl.util.stereo.StereoRendererListener
StereoRendererListener adds stereoscopic specific:
public void reshapeEye(final GLAutoDrawable drawable, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height,
final EyeParameter eyeParam, final EyePose eyePose);
.. see below.
Add com.jogamp.opengl.util.stereo:
- EyeParameter (Constant eye parameters, like IPD and FOV)
- EyePose (Current eye position and orientation)
Add com.jogamp.opengl.math.FovHVHalves to support
non-centered bi-directional FOV for lenses.
Add respective FloatUtil.makePerspective(.. FovHVHalves fovhv ) variant.
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GLEventListener2 (WIP); Refine FloatUtil
- GLEventListener2 extends GLEventListener adds refined control:
- display w/ flags, i.e. repeat, don't clear
- setProjectionModelview(..)
- FloatUtil.* Add return value for chaining, where missing
- jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRDistortion
- Handles all OVR related data and maps it to shader + GL buffers
- display method
- com.jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRSBSRendererSingleFBO implements GLEventListener
- Simple OVRDistortion renderer using single FBO
- Using upstream GLEventListener2 (the content)
- com.jogamp.opengl.oculusvr.OVRSBSRendererDualFBO implements GLEventListener
- Simple OVRDistortion renderer using two FBOs
- Using upstream GLEventListener2 (the content)
Manual Test: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.stereo.ovr.OVRDemo01
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FloatUtil optimizations (unroll and linear memeory access):
- transposeMatrix
- invertMatrix (diff algo as well - 50% speed bump)
- multMatrix
- multMatrixVec
FloatUtil added
- matrixDeterminant(..)
FloatUtil removed
- Certain FloatBuffer variants are removed
or at least marked deprecated.
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variations; PMVMatrix: Remove NIO buffer path, use backing-array only and FloatUtil direct.
- FloatUtil pptimized variants:
- mapObjToWinCoords (gluProject) passing 'P x Mv' for batch operations
- mapWinToObjCoords (gluUnProject) passing 'Inv(P x Mv)' for batch operations
- mapWinToObjCoords (gluUnProject) passing 'Inv(P x Mv)' and two winz values
for two ray picking resulting in two obj positions. (-> mapWinToRay)
- PMVMatrix
- dropped low performance NIO mode
- simply use common backing-array and fixed offsets directly
- drop ProjectFloat usage in favor of FloatUtil
- reduce number of temporary arrays
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clarity and unique method naming
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incl. getNormal*(..) and getPlane*(..)
AABBox.getRayIntersection(..) provides the intersecting coordinates,
where the fast alternative AABBox.intersectsRay(..) does not.
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setting identity
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in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- Due to shader-switching,
'renderModes' are now local to Region, e.g. UIShape etc
- Remove RegionRenderer.renderModes
- VBORegion2P*:
- Use simple 2x float matrix for orthogonal P+Mv
- Cleanup shader