path: root/src/jogl/classes/com
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/com')
11 files changed, 668 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/OutlineShape.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/OutlineShape.java
index fb0ff6a7e..fc8d41660 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/OutlineShape.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/OutlineShape.java
@@ -140,6 +140,17 @@ public final class OutlineShape implements Comparable<OutlineShape> {
public void visit(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t);
+ /**
+ * Constrained {@link OutlineShape} visitor w/o {@link AffineTransform}.
+ */
+ public static interface Visitor2 {
+ /**
+ * Visiting the given {@link OutlineShape}.
+ * @param shape may be used as is, otherwise a copy shall be made if intended to be modified.
+ */
+ public void visit(final OutlineShape shape);
+ }
/** Initial {@link #getSharpness()} value, which can be modified via {@link #setSharpness(float)}. */
public static final float DEFAULT_SHARPNESS = 0.5f;
@@ -968,20 +979,20 @@ public final class OutlineShape implements Comparable<OutlineShape> {
* </p>
public final ArrayList<Vertex> getVertices() {
- final boolean updated;
+ // final boolean updated;
if( 0 != ( DIRTY_VERTICES & dirtyBits ) ) {
for(int i=0; i<outlines.size(); i++) {
dirtyBits &= ~DIRTY_VERTICES;
- updated = true;
- } else {
- updated = false;
- }
- if(Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
- System.err.println("OutlineShape.getVertices(): o "+outlines.size()+", v "+vertices.size()+", updated "+updated);
+ // updated = true;
+ // } else {
+ // updated = false;
+ // if(Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
+ // System.err.println("OutlineShape.getVertices(): o "+outlines.size()+", v "+vertices.size()+", updated "+updated);
+ // }
return vertices;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
index 068e0aabd..0ffcad2c1 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/Region.java
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
package com.jogamp.graph.curve;
import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.time.Duration;
-import java.time.Instant;
+import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
+import java.nio.IntBuffer;
+import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@@ -91,13 +92,16 @@ public abstract class Region {
public static final int VARWEIGHT_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 8;
- * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region}
+ * Rendering-Mode bit for {@link #getRenderModes() Region} to optionally enable a color-channel per vertex.
* <p>
- * If set, a color channel attribute per vertex is added to the stream,
- * otherwise only the
- * {@link com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float) static color}
- * is being used.
+ * If set, a color channel attribute per vertex is added to the stream via {@link #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])},
+ * otherwise {@link com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float) static color}
+ * can being used for a monotonic color.
* </p>
+ * @see #getRenderModes()
+ * @see #hasColorChannel()
+ * @see #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])
+ * @see com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float)
public static final int COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT = 1 << 9;
@@ -200,10 +204,26 @@ public abstract class Region {
* Allow the renderer buffers to pre-emptively grow for given vertices- and index counts.
- * @param verticeCount number of vertices to hold
- * @param indexCount number of indices to hold
+ * @param verticesCount number of vertices to hold
+ * @param indicesCount number of indices to hold
+ * @see #setBufferCapacity(int, int)
+ * @see #countOutlineShape(OutlineShape, int[])
+ * @see #countOutlineShapes(List, int[])
+ */
+ public abstract void growBuffer(int verticesCount, int indicesCount);
+ /**
+ * Set the renderer buffers pre-emptively for given vertices- and index counts.
+ * <p>
+ * If the buffers already exceeds given numbers, the buffers are unchanged.
+ * </p>
+ * @param verticesCount number of vertices to hold
+ * @param indicesCount number of indices to hold
+ * @see #growBuffer(int, int)
+ * @see #countOutlineShape(OutlineShape, int[])
+ * @see #countOutlineShapes(List, int[])
- public abstract void growBufferSize(int verticeCount, int indexCount);
+ public abstract void setBufferCapacity(int verticesCount, int indicesCount);
protected abstract void pushVertex(final float[] coords, final float[] texParams, float[] rgba);
protected abstract void pushVertices(final float[] coords1, final float[] coords2, final float[] coords3,
@@ -230,6 +250,7 @@ public abstract class Region {
* Returns true if capable of two pass rendering - VBAA, otherwise false.
+ * @see #getRenderModes()
public final boolean isVBAA() {
return Region.isVBAA(renderModes);
@@ -237,6 +258,7 @@ public abstract class Region {
* Returns true if capable of two pass rendering - MSAA, otherwise false.
+ * @see #getRenderModes()
public final boolean isMSAA() {
return Region.isMSAA(renderModes);
@@ -244,15 +266,19 @@ public abstract class Region {
* Returns true if capable of variable weights, otherwise false.
+ * @see #getRenderModes()
public final boolean hasVariableWeight() {
return Region.hasVariableWeight(renderModes);
- * Returns true if render mode has a color channel,
- * i.e. the bit {@link #COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT} is set,
- * otherwise false.
+ * Returns true if {@link #getRenderModes()} has a color channel, i.e. {@link #COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT} is set.
+ * Otherwise returns false.
+ * @see #getRenderModes()
+ * @see #addOutlineShape(OutlineShape, AffineTransform, float[])
+ * @see com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer#setColorStatic(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2, float, float, float, float)
public boolean hasColorChannel() {
return Region.hasColorChannel(renderModes);
@@ -262,6 +288,7 @@ public abstract class Region {
* Returns true if render mode has a color texture,
* i.e. the bit {@link #COLORTEXTURE_RENDERING_BIT} is set,
* otherwise false.
+ * @see #getRenderModes()
public boolean hasColorTexture() {
return Region.hasColorTexture(renderModes);
@@ -332,13 +359,25 @@ public abstract class Region {
pushNewVerticesImpl(vertIn1, vertIn2, vertIn3, transform, rgba);
+ protected static void put3i(final IntBuffer b, final int v1, final int v2, final int v3) {
+ b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3);
+ }
+ protected static void put3s(final ShortBuffer b, final short v1, final short v2, final short v3) {
+ b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3);
+ }
+ protected static void put3f(final FloatBuffer b, final float v1, final float v2, final float v3) {
+ b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3);
+ }
+ protected static void put4f(final FloatBuffer b, final float v1, final float v2, final float v3, final float v4) {
+ b.put(v1); b.put(v2); b.put(v3); b.put(v4);
+ }
private final AABBox tmpBox = new AABBox();
protected static final int GL_UINT16_MAX = 0xffff; // 65,535
protected static final int GL_INT32_MAX = 0x7fffffff; // 2,147,483,647
static class Perf {
- Instant t0 = null, t1 = null, t2 = null;
// all td_ values are in [ns]
long td_vertices = 0;
long td_tri_push_idx = 0;
@@ -362,7 +401,6 @@ public abstract class Region {
public void clear() {
- t0 = null; t1 = null; t2 = null;
td_vertices = 0;
td_tri_push_idx = 0;
td_tri_push_vertidx = 0;
@@ -396,11 +434,11 @@ public abstract class Region {
- public Duration getTotalDuration() {
+ public long getTotalDuration() {
if( null != perf ) {
- return Duration.ofNanos(perf.td_total);
+ return perf.td_total;
} else {
- return Duration.ZERO;
+ return 0;
@@ -413,19 +451,54 @@ public abstract class Region {
public PerfCounterCtrl perfCounter() { return perfCounterCtrl; }
+ * Count required number of vertices and indices adding to given int[2] `vertIndexCount` array.
+ * <p>
+ * The region's buffer can be either set using {@link Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)} or grown using {@link Region#growBuffer(int, int)}.
+ * </p>
+ * @param shape the {@link OutlineShape} to count
+ * @param vertIndexCount the int[2] storage where the counted vertices and indices are added, vertices at [0] and indices at [1]
+ * @see #setBufferCapacity(int, int)
+ * @see #growBuffer(int, int)
+ */
+ public final void countOutlineShape(final OutlineShape shape, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) {
+ final List<Triangle> trisIn = shape.getTriangles(OutlineShape.VerticesState.QUADRATIC_NURBS);
+ final ArrayList<Vertex> vertsIn = shape.getVertices();
+ {
+ final int verticeCount = vertsIn.size() + shape.getAddedVerticeCount();
+ final int indexCount = trisIn.size() * 3;
+ vertIndexCount[0] += verticeCount;
+ vertIndexCount[1] += Math.min( Math.ceil(verticeCount * 0.6), indexCount );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Count required number of vertices and indices adding to given int[2] `vertIndexCount` array.
+ * <p>
+ * The region's buffer can be either set using {@link Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)} or grown using {@link Region#growBuffer(int, int)}.
+ * </p>
+ * @param shapes list of {@link OutlineShape} to count
+ * @param vertIndexCount the int[2] storage where the counted vertices and indices are added, vertices at [0] and indices at [1]
+ * @see #setBufferCapacity(int, int)
+ * @see #growBuffer(int, int)
+ */
+ public final void countOutlineShapes(final List<OutlineShape> shapes, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) {
+ countOutlineShape(shapes.get(i), vertIndexCount);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* Add the given {@link OutlineShape} to this region with the given optional {@link AffineTransform}.
* <p>
* In case {@link #setFrustum(Frustum) frustum culling is set}, the {@link OutlineShape}
* is dropped if it's {@link OutlineShape#getBounds() bounding-box} is fully outside of the frustum.
* The optional {@link AffineTransform} is applied to the bounding-box beforehand.
* </p>
- * @param rgbaColor TODO
+ * @param shape the {@link OutlineShape} to add
+ * @param t the optional {@link AffineTransform} to be applied on each vertex
+ * @param rgbaColor if {@link #hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored.
public final void addOutlineShape(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final float[] rgbaColor) {
- if( null != perf ) {
- ++perf.count;
- perf.t0 = Clock.getMonotonicTime();
- }
if( null != frustum ) {
final AABBox shapeBox = shape.getBounds();
final AABBox shapeBoxT;
@@ -436,12 +509,56 @@ public abstract class Region {
shapeBoxT = shapeBox;
if( frustum.isAABBoxOutside(shapeBoxT) ) {
- System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Dropping outside shapeBoxT: "+shapeBoxT);
- }
+ if( null == perf && !DEBUG_INSTANCE ) {
+ addOutlineShape0(shape, t, rgbaColor);
+ } else {
+ addOutlineShape1(shape, t, rgbaColor);
+ }
+ markShapeDirty();
+ }
+ private final void addOutlineShape0(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final float[] rgbaColor) {
+ final List<Triangle> trisIn = shape.getTriangles(OutlineShape.VerticesState.QUADRATIC_NURBS);
+ final ArrayList<Vertex> vertsIn = shape.getVertices();
+ {
+ final int verticeCount = vertsIn.size() + shape.getAddedVerticeCount();
+ final int indexCount = trisIn.size() * 3;
+ growBuffer(verticeCount, indexCount);
+ }
+ final int idxOffset = numVertices;
+ if( vertsIn.size() >= 3 ) {
+ //
+ // Processing Vertices
+ //
+ for(int i=0; i<vertsIn.size(); i++) {
+ pushNewVertexImpl(vertsIn.get(i), t, rgbaColor);
+ }
+ final int trisIn_sz = trisIn.size();
+ for(int i=0; i < trisIn_sz; ++i) {
+ final Triangle triIn = trisIn.get(i);
+ // triEx.addVertexIndicesOffset(idxOffset);
+ // triangles.add( triEx );
+ final Vertex[] triInVertices = triIn.getVertices();
+ final int tv0Idx = triInVertices[0].getId();
+ if ( max_indices - idxOffset > tv0Idx ) {
+ // valid 'known' idx - move by offset
+ pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: If exceeding max_indices, we would need to generate a new buffer w/ indices
+ pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private final void addOutlineShape1(final OutlineShape shape, final AffineTransform t, final float[] rgbaColor) {
+ ++perf.count;
+ final long t0 = Clock.currentNanos();
final List<Triangle> trisIn = shape.getTriangles(OutlineShape.VerticesState.QUADRATIC_NURBS);
final ArrayList<Vertex> vertsIn = shape.getVertices();
@@ -453,31 +570,29 @@ public abstract class Region {
System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().0: VerticeCount "+vertsIn.size()+" + "+addedVerticeCount+" = "+verticeCount);
System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().0: IndexCount "+indexCount);
- growBufferSize(verticeCount, indexCount);
+ growBuffer(verticeCount, indexCount);
final int idxOffset = numVertices;
int vertsVNewIdxCount = 0, vertsTMovIdxCount = 0, vertsTNewIdxCount = 0, tris = 0;
final int vertsDupCountV = 0, vertsDupCountT = 0, vertsKnownMovedT = 0;
if( vertsIn.size() >= 3 ) {
- System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Processing Vertices");
- }
+ // System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Processing Vertices");
+ // }
for(int i=0; i<vertsIn.size(); i++) {
pushNewVertexImpl(vertsIn.get(i), t, rgbaColor);
- if( null != perf ) {
- perf.t1 = Clock.getMonotonicTime();
- perf.td_vertices += Duration.between(perf.t0, perf.t1).toNanos();
- }
- System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Processing Triangles");
- }
- for(final Triangle triIn : trisIn) {
- if( null != perf ) {
- perf.t2 = Clock.getMonotonicTime();
- }
+ final long t1 = Clock.currentNanos();
+ perf.td_vertices += t1 - t0;
+ // System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape(): Processing Triangles");
+ // }
+ final int trisIn_sz = trisIn.size();
+ for(int i=0; i < trisIn_sz; ++i) {
+ final Triangle triIn = trisIn.get(i);
+ final long t2 = Clock.currentNanos();
// if(Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
// System.err.println("T["+i+"]: "+triIn);
// }
@@ -486,47 +601,33 @@ public abstract class Region {
final Vertex[] triInVertices = triIn.getVertices();
final int tv0Idx = triInVertices[0].getId();
- if( null != perf ) {
- perf.td_tri_misc += Duration.between(perf.t2, Clock.getMonotonicTime()).toNanos();
- }
+ perf.td_tri_misc += Clock.currentNanos() - t2;
if ( max_indices - idxOffset > tv0Idx ) {
// valid 'known' idx - move by offset
// if(Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
// System.err.println("T["+i+"]: Moved "+tv0Idx+" + "+idxOffset+" -> "+(tv0Idx+idxOffset));
// }
- if( null != perf ) {
- final Instant tpi = Clock.getMonotonicTime();
- pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset,
- triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset,
- triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
- perf.td_tri_push_idx += Duration.between(tpi, Clock.getMonotonicTime()).toNanos();
- } else {
- pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset,
- triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset,
- triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
- }
+ final long tpi = Clock.currentNanos();
+ pushIndices(tv0Idx+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[1].getId()+idxOffset,
+ triInVertices[2].getId()+idxOffset);
+ perf.td_tri_push_idx += Clock.currentNanos() - tpi;
} else {
- // FIXME: Invalid idx - generate new one
+ // FIXME: If exceeding max_indices, we would need to generate a new buffer w/ indices
// if( Region.DEBUG_INSTANCE) {
// System.err.println("T["+i+"]: New Idx "+numVertices);
// }
- if( null != perf ) {
- final Instant tpvi = Clock.getMonotonicTime();
- pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
- perf.td_tri_push_vertidx += Duration.between(tpvi, Clock.getMonotonicTime()).toNanos();
- } else {
- pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
- }
+ final long tpvi = Clock.currentNanos();
+ pushNewVerticesIdxImpl(triInVertices[0], triInVertices[1], triInVertices[2], t, rgbaColor);
+ perf.td_tri_push_vertidx += Clock.currentNanos() - tpvi;
- if( null != perf ) {
- final Instant ttriX = Clock.getMonotonicTime();
- perf.td_tri_total += Duration.between(perf.t1, ttriX).toNanos();
- perf.td_total += Duration.between(perf.t0, ttriX).toNanos();
- }
+ final long ttriX = Clock.currentNanos();
+ perf.td_tri_total += ttriX - t1;
+ perf.td_total += ttriX - t0;
System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: idx[ui32 "+usesI32Idx()+", offset "+idxOffset+"], tris: "+tris+", verts [idx "+vertsTNewIdxCount+", add "+vertsTNewIdxCount+" = "+(vertsVNewIdxCount+vertsTNewIdxCount)+"]");
@@ -537,9 +638,19 @@ public abstract class Region {
System.err.println("Region.addOutlineShape().X: box "+box);
- markShapeDirty();
+ /**
+ * Add the given list of {@link OutlineShape}s to this region with the given optional {@link AffineTransform}.
+ * <p>
+ * In case {@link #setFrustum(Frustum) frustum culling is set}, the {@link OutlineShape}s
+ * are dropped if it's {@link OutlineShape#getBounds() bounding-box} is fully outside of the frustum.
+ * The optional {@link AffineTransform} is applied to the bounding-box beforehand.
+ * </p>
+ * @param shapes list of {@link OutlineShape} to add
+ * @param t the optional {@link AffineTransform} to be applied on each vertex
+ * @param rgbaColor if {@link #hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored.
+ */
public final void addOutlineShapes(final List<OutlineShape> shapes, final AffineTransform transform, final float[] rgbaColor) {
for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) {
addOutlineShape(shapes.get(i), transform, rgbaColor);
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/GLRegion.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/GLRegion.java
index 9baa99420..e02752f73 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/GLRegion.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/GLRegion.java
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ package com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLArrayData;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataClient;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataEditable;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile;
@@ -77,6 +78,9 @@ public abstract class GLRegion extends Region {
public static final int defaultIndicesCount = 10*33;
+ // private static final float growthFactor = 1.2f; // avg +5% size but 15% more overhead (34% total)
+ protected static final float growthFactor = GLArrayDataClient.DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR; // avg +20% size, but 15% less CPU overhead compared to 1.2 (19% total)
* Create a GLRegion using the passed render mode
@@ -142,9 +146,9 @@ public abstract class GLRegion extends Region {
protected static void printAndCount(final PrintStream out, final String name, final GLArrayData data, final int[] size, final int[] capacity) {
if( null != data ) {
- data.printStats(out);
- size[0] += data.getSizeInBytes();
- capacity[0] += data.getCapacityInBytes();
+ out.print(data.fillStatsToString());
+ size[0] += data.getByteCount();
+ capacity[0] += data.getByteCapacity();
} else {
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
index 547a07fba..8d55c6136 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
@@ -115,6 +115,27 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
+ * Count required number of vertices and indices adding to given int[2] `vertIndexCount` array.
+ * <p>
+ * The region's buffer can be either set using {@link Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)} or grown using {@link Region#growBuffer(int, int)}.
+ * </p>
+ * @param region the {@link GLRegion} sink
+ * @param font the target {@link Font}
+ * @param str string text
+ * @param vertIndexCount the int[2] storage where the counted vertices and indices are added, vertices at [0] and indices at [1]
+ * @see Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)
+ * @see Region#growBuffer(int, int)
+ */
+ public static void countStringRegion(final Region region, final Font font, final CharSequence str, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) {
+ final OutlineShape.Visitor2 visitor = new OutlineShape.Visitor2() {
+ @Override
+ public final void visit(final OutlineShape shape) {
+ region.countOutlineShape(shape, vertIndexCount);
+ } };
+ font.processString(visitor, str);
+ }
+ /**
* Render the string in 3D space w.r.t. the font int font em-size [0..1] at the end of an internally cached {@link GLRegion}.
* <p>
* The shapes added to the GLRegion are in font em-size [0..1].
@@ -156,6 +177,15 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
+ * Try using {@link #drawString3D(GL2ES2, int, RegionRenderer, Font, CharSequence, float[], int[], AffineTransform, AffineTransform)} to reuse {@link AffineTransform} instances.
+ */
+ public static AABBox drawString3D(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes,
+ final RegionRenderer renderer, final Font font, final CharSequence str,
+ final float[] rgbaColor, final int[/*1*/] sampleCount) {
+ return drawString3D(gl, renderModes, renderer, font, str, rgbaColor, sampleCount, new AffineTransform(), new AffineTransform());
+ }
+ /**
* Render the string in 3D space w.r.t. the font in font em-size [0..1] at the end of an internally temporary {@link GLRegion}.
* <p>
* The shapes added to the GLRegion are in font em-size [0..1].
@@ -166,7 +196,7 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* <p>
* In case of a multisampling region renderer, i.e. {@link Region#VBAA_RENDERING_BIT}, recreating the {@link GLRegion}
* is a huge performance impact.
- * In such case better use {@link #drawString3D(GL2ES2, GLRegion, RegionRenderer, Font, CharSequence, float[], int[])}
+ * In such case better use {@link #drawString3D(GL2ES2, GLRegion, RegionRenderer, Font, CharSequence, float[], int[], AffineTransform, AffineTransform)}
* instead.
* </p>
* @param gl the current GL state
@@ -176,23 +206,33 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* @param rgbaColor if {@link Region#hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored.
* @param sampleCount desired multisampling sample count for msaa-rendering.
* The actual used scample-count is written back when msaa-rendering is enabled, otherwise the store is untouched.
+ * @param tmp1 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
+ * @param tmp2 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
* @throws Exception if TextRenderer not initialized
* @return the bounding box of the given string from the produced and rendered GLRegion
public static AABBox drawString3D(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes,
final RegionRenderer renderer, final Font font, final CharSequence str,
- final float[] rgbaColor, final int[/*1*/] sampleCount) {
+ final float[] rgbaColor, final int[/*1*/] sampleCount, final AffineTransform tmp1, final AffineTransform tmp2) {
throw new GLException("TextRendererImpl01: not initialized!");
final GLRegion region = GLRegion.create(gl.getGLProfile(), renderModes, null);
- final AABBox res = addStringToRegion(region, font, null, str, rgbaColor);
+ final AABBox res = addStringToRegion(region, font, null, str, rgbaColor, tmp1, tmp2);
region.draw(gl, renderer, sampleCount);
return res;
+ * Try using {@link #drawString3D(GL2ES2, GLRegion, RegionRenderer, Font, CharSequence, float[], int[], AffineTransform, AffineTransform)} to reuse {@link AffineTransform} instances.
+ */
+ public static AABBox drawString3D(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLRegion region, final RegionRenderer renderer,
+ final Font font, final CharSequence str, final float[] rgbaColor, final int[/*1*/] sampleCount) {
+ return drawString3D(gl, region, renderer, font, str, rgbaColor, sampleCount, new AffineTransform(), new AffineTransform());
+ }
+ /**
* Render the string in 3D space w.r.t. the font in font em-size [0..1] at the end of the given {@link GLRegion}.
* <p>
* User might want to {@link GLRegion#clear(GL2ES2)} the region before calling this method.
@@ -211,16 +251,18 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* @param rgbaColor if {@link Region#hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored.
* @param sampleCount desired multisampling sample count for msaa-rendering.
* The actual used scample-count is written back when msaa-rendering is enabled, otherwise the store is untouched.
+ * @param tmp1 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
+ * @param tmp2 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
* @return the bounding box of the given string from the produced and rendered GLRegion
* @throws Exception if TextRenderer not initialized
public static AABBox drawString3D(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLRegion region, final RegionRenderer renderer,
final Font font, final CharSequence str, final float[] rgbaColor,
- final int[/*1*/] sampleCount) {
+ final int[/*1*/] sampleCount, final AffineTransform tmp1, final AffineTransform tmp2) {
throw new GLException("TextRendererImpl01: not initialized!");
- final AABBox res = addStringToRegion(region, font, null, str, rgbaColor);
+ final AABBox res = addStringToRegion(region, font, null, str, rgbaColor, tmp1, tmp2);
region.draw(gl, renderer, sampleCount);
return res;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
index 907bbde8a..1b5452a45 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@
package com.jogamp.graph.font;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import com.jogamp.common.util.PerfCounterCtrl;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.OutlineShape;
import com.jogamp.graph.geom.plane.AffineTransform;
import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox;
@@ -259,6 +256,24 @@ public interface Font {
StringBuilder getAllNames(final StringBuilder string, final String separator);
+ * Returns the hash code based on {@link #NAME_UNIQUNAME}.
+ * <p>
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ * </p>
+ */
+ @Override
+ int hashCode();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if other instance is of same type and {@link #NAME_UNIQUNAME} is equal.
+ * <p>
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ * </p>
+ */
+ @Override
+ boolean equals(final Object o);
+ /**
* Return advance-width of given glyphID in font-units, sourced from `hmtx` table.
* @param glyphID
@@ -329,17 +344,29 @@ public interface Font {
AABBox getMetricBounds(final CharSequence string);
+ * Try using {@link #getGlyphBounds(CharSequence, AffineTransform, AffineTransform)} to reuse {@link AffineTransform} instances.
+ */
+ AABBox getGlyphBounds(final CharSequence string);
+ /**
* Returns accurate bounding box by taking each glyph's font em-sized bounding box into account.
* <p>
* Glyph bounds is based on each glyph's bounding box and `hhea' composed line height.
* </p>
* @param string string text
+ * @param tmp1 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
+ * @param tmp2 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
* @return the bounding box of the given string in font em-size [0..1]
* @see #getGlyphBoundsFU(CharSequence)
* @see #getGlyphShapeBounds(CharSequence)
* @see #getMetricBounds(CharSequence)
- AABBox getGlyphBounds(final CharSequence string);
+ AABBox getGlyphBounds(final CharSequence string, final AffineTransform tmp1, final AffineTransform tmp2);
+ /**
+ * Try using {@link #getGlyphBoundsFU(CharSequence, AffineTransform, AffineTransform)} to reuse {@link AffineTransform} instances.
+ */
+ AABBox getGlyphBoundsFU(final CharSequence string);
* Returns accurate bounding box by taking each glyph's font-units sized bounding box into account.
@@ -347,10 +374,12 @@ public interface Font {
* Glyph bounds is based on each glyph's bounding box and `hhea' composed line height.
* </p>
* @param string string text
+ * @param tmp1 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
+ * @param tmp2 temp {@link AffineTransform} to be reused
* @return the bounding box of the given string in font-units [0..1]
* @see #getGlyphBounds(CharSequence)
- AABBox getGlyphBoundsFU(final CharSequence string);
+ AABBox getGlyphBoundsFU(final CharSequence string, final AffineTransform tmp1, final AffineTransform tmp2);
* Returns accurate bounding box by taking each glyph's font em-sized {@link OutlineShape} into account.
@@ -388,16 +417,8 @@ public interface Font {
boolean isPrintableChar(final char c);
- * Visit each {@link Glyph}'s {@link OutlineShape} of the string with the {@link OutlineShape.Visitor}
- * while passing the progressed {@link AffineTransform}.
- * <p>
- * The produced shapes are in font em-size [0..1], but can be adjusted with the given transform, progressed and passed to the visitor.
- * </p>
- * @param visitor handling each glyph's outline shape in font em-size [0..1] and the given {@link AffineTransform}
- * @param transform optional given transform
- * @param font the target {@link Font}
- * @param string string text
- * @return the bounding box of the given string by taking each glyph's font em-sized [0..1] {@link OutlineShape} into account.
+ * Try using {@link #processString(com.jogamp.graph.curve.OutlineShape.Visitor, AffineTransform, CharSequence, AffineTransform, AffineTransform)}
+ * to reuse {@link AffineTransform} instances.
AABBox processString(final OutlineShape.Visitor visitor, final AffineTransform transform,
final CharSequence string);
@@ -406,7 +427,7 @@ public interface Font {
* Visit each {@link Glyph}'s {@link OutlineShape} of the string with the {@link OutlineShape.Visitor}
* while passing the progressed {@link AffineTransform}.
* <p>
- * The produced shapes are in font em-size [0..1], but can be adjusted with the given transform, progressed and passed to the visitor.
+ * The processed shapes are in font em-size [0..1], but can be adjusted with the given transform, progressed and passed to the visitor.
* </p>
* @param visitor handling each glyph's outline shape in font em-size [0..1] and the given {@link AffineTransform}
* @param transform optional given transform
@@ -420,7 +441,15 @@ public interface Font {
final CharSequence string,
final AffineTransform temp1, final AffineTransform temp2);
- PerfCounterCtrl perfCounter();
+ /**
+ * Visit each {@link Glyph}'s {@link OutlineShape} of the string with the constrained {@link OutlineShape.Visitor2}.
+ * <p>
+ * The processed shapes are in font em-size [0..1].
+ * </p>
+ * @param visitor handling each glyph's outline shape in font em-size [0..1]
+ * @param string string text
+ */
+ void processString(final OutlineShape.Visitor2 visitor, final CharSequence string);
/** Returns {@link #getFullFamilyName()} */
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/GLArrayData.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/GLArrayData.java
index d209addbb..17ffd57e9 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/GLArrayData.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/GLArrayData.java
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
package com.jogamp.opengl;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import com.jogamp.opengl.fixedfunc.GLPointerFunc;
@@ -173,26 +172,109 @@ public interface GLArrayData {
public int getBytesPerComp();
- * The current number of used elements.
+ * Returns true if data has been {@link com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataEditable#seal(boolean) sealed} (flipped to read), otherwise false (writing mode).
+ *
+ * @see com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataEditable#seal(boolean)
+ * @see com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataEditable#seal(GL, boolean)
+ */
+ public boolean sealed();
+ /**
+ * Returns the element position (written elements) if not {@link #sealed()} or
+ * the element limit (available to read) after {@link #sealed()} (flip).
* <p>
* On element consist out of {@link #getCompsPerElem()} components.
* </p>
- * In case the buffer's position is 0 (sealed, flipped), it's based on it's limit instead of it's position.
+ * @see #sealed()
+ * @see #getByteCount()
+ * @see #elemPosition()
+ * @see #remainingElems()
+ * @see #getElemCapacity()
public int getElemCount();
- * The currently used size in bytes.<br>
- * In case the buffer's position is 0 (sealed, flipped), it's based on it's limit instead of it's position.
+ * Returns the element position.
+ * <p>
+ * On element consist out of {@link #getCompsPerElem()} components.
+ * </p>
+ * @see #bytePosition()
+ * @see #getElemCount()
+ * @see #remainingElems()
+ * @see #getElemCapacity()
+ */
+ public int elemPosition();
+ /**
+ * The current number of remaining elements.
+ * <p>
+ * On element consist out of {@link #getCompsPerElem()} components.
+ * </p>
+ * Returns the number of elements between the current position and the limit, i.e. remaining elements to write in this buffer.
+ * @see #remainingBytes()
+ * @see #getElemCount()
+ * @see #elemPosition()
+ * @see #getElemCapacity()
+ */
+ public int remainingElems();
+ /**
+ * Return the element capacity.
+ * <p>
+ * On element consist out of {@link #getCompsPerElem()} components.
+ * </p>
+ * @see #getByteCapacity()
+ * @see #getElemCount()
+ * @see #elemPosition()
+ * @see #remainingElems()
+ */
+ public int getElemCapacity();
+ /**
+ * Returns the byte position (written elements) if not {@link #sealed()} or
+ * the byte limit (available to read) after {@link #sealed()} (flip).
+ * @see #sealed()
+ * @see #getElemCount()
+ * @see #bytePosition()
+ * @see #remainingBytes()
+ * @see #getByteCapacity()
+ */
+ public int getByteCount();
+ /**
+ * Returns the bytes position.
+ * @see #elemPosition()
+ * @see #getByteCount()
+ * @see #remainingElems()
+ * @see #getElemCapacity()
+ */
+ public int bytePosition();
+ /**
+ * The current number of remaining bytes.
+ * <p>
+ * Returns the number of bytes between the current position and the limit, i.e. remaining bytes to write in this buffer.
+ * </p>
+ * @see #remainingElems()
+ * @see #getByteCount()
+ * @see #bytePosition()
+ * @see #getByteCapacity()
- public int getSizeInBytes();
+ public int remainingBytes();
- * The current capacity in bytes.
+ * Return the capacity in bytes.
+ * @see #getElemCapacity()
+ * @see #getByteCount()
+ * @see #bytePosition()
+ * @see #remainingBytes()
- public int getCapacityInBytes();
+ public int getByteCapacity();
- public void printStats(final PrintStream out);
+ /** Returns a string with detailed buffer fill stats. */
+ public String fillStatsToString();
+ /** Returns a string with detailed buffer element stats, i.e. sealed, count, position, remaining, limit and capacity. */
+ public String elemStatsToString();
* True, if GL shall normalize fixed point data while converting
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java
index 792d2c474..e5f9e5336 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java
@@ -161,9 +161,6 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
public final boolean isVBOWritten() { return bufferWritten; }
- public final boolean sealed() { return sealed; }
- @Override
public final boolean enabled() { return bufferEnabled; }
@@ -172,7 +169,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
public final void setVBOWritten(final boolean written) {
- bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElementCount ) ? written : true;
+ bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElemCount ) ? written : true;
@@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
sealed = false;
bufferEnabled = false;
- bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElementCount ) ? false : true;
+ bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElemCount ) ? false : true;
@@ -240,7 +237,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
if( sealed == seal ) return;
sealed = seal;
- bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElementCount ) ? false : true;
+ bufferWritten = ( 0 == mappedElemCount ) ? false : true;
if( seal ) {
if ( null != buffer ) {
@@ -407,17 +404,16 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
return "GLArrayDataClient["+name+
", index "+index+
", location "+location+
- ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttribute+
+ ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttr+
", usesGLSL "+usesGLSL+
", usesShaderState "+(null!=shaderState)+
- ", dataType 0x"+Integer.toHexString(componentType)+
- ", bufferClazz "+componentClazz+
- ", elements "+getElemCount()+
- ", compsPerElem "+componentsPerElement+
+ ", dataType 0x"+Integer.toHexString(compType)+
+ ", bufferClazz "+compClazz+
+ ", compsPerElem "+compsPerElement+
", stride "+strideB+"b "+strideL+"c"+
- ", mappedElementCount "+mappedElementCount+
- ", initialElementCount "+initialElementCount+
- ", sealed "+sealed+
+ ", initElemCount "+initElemCount+
+ ", mappedElemCount "+mappedElemCount+
+ ", "+elemStatsToString()+
", bufferEnabled "+bufferEnabled+
", bufferWritten "+bufferWritten+
", buffer "+buffer+
@@ -429,7 +425,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
* Returning element-count from given componentCount, rounding up to componentsPerElement.
public int compsToElemCount(final int componentCount) {
- return ( componentCount + componentsPerElement - 1 ) / componentsPerElement;
+ return ( componentCount + compsPerElement - 1 ) / compsPerElement;
@@ -441,15 +437,31 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
* @return true if buffer size has changed, i.e. grown. Otherwise false.
public final boolean growIfNeeded(final int spareComponents) {
+ if( buffer.remaining() < spareComponents ) {
+ if( 0 != mappedElemCount ) {
+ throw new GLException("Mapped buffer can't grow. Insufficient storage size: Needed "+spareComponents+" components, "+
+ "mappedElementCount "+mappedElemCount+
+ ", has mapped buffer "+buffer+"; "+this);
+ }
+ final int has_comps = buffer.capacity();
+ final int required_elems = compsToElemCount(has_comps + spareComponents);
+ final int new_elems = compsToElemCount( (int)( has_comps * growthFactor + 0.5f ) );
+ final int elementCount = Math.max( new_elems, required_elems );
+ return reserve( elementCount );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public final boolean growIfNeeded0(final int spareComponents) {
if( buffer==null || buffer.remaining()<spareComponents ) {
- if( 0 != mappedElementCount ) {
+ if( 0 != mappedElemCount ) {
throw new GLException("Mapped buffer can't grow. Insufficient storage size: Needed "+spareComponents+" components, "+
- "mappedElementCount "+mappedElementCount+
+ "mappedElementCount "+mappedElemCount+
", has mapped buffer "+buffer+"; "+this);
if( null == buffer ) {
final int required_elems = compsToElemCount(spareComponents);
- return reserve( Math.max( initialElementCount, required_elems ) );
+ return reserve( Math.max( initElemCount, required_elems ) );
} else {
final int has_comps = buffer.capacity();
final int required_elems = compsToElemCount(has_comps + spareComponents);
@@ -479,37 +491,37 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
// add the stride delta
- elementCount += (elementCount/componentsPerElement)*(strideL-componentsPerElement);
+ elementCount += (elementCount/compsPerElement)*(strideL-compsPerElement);
final int osize = (buffer!=null) ? buffer.capacity() : 0;
- final int nsize = elementCount * componentsPerElement;
+ final int nsize = elementCount * compsPerElement;
if( nsize <= osize ) {
return false;
final Buffer oldBuffer = buffer;
- if(componentClazz==ByteBuffer.class) {
+ if(compClazz==ByteBuffer.class) {
final ByteBuffer newBBuffer = Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer( nsize );
if(oldBuffer!=null) {
buffer = newBBuffer;
- } else if(componentClazz==ShortBuffer.class) {
+ } else if(compClazz==ShortBuffer.class) {
final ShortBuffer newSBuffer = Buffers.newDirectShortBuffer( nsize );
if(oldBuffer!=null) {
buffer = newSBuffer;
- } else if(componentClazz==IntBuffer.class) {
+ } else if(compClazz==IntBuffer.class) {
final IntBuffer newIBuffer = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer( nsize );
if(oldBuffer!=null) {
buffer = newIBuffer;
- } else if(componentClazz==FloatBuffer.class) {
+ } else if(compClazz==FloatBuffer.class) {
final FloatBuffer newFBuffer = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer( nsize );
if(oldBuffer!=null) {
@@ -517,10 +529,10 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
buffer = newFBuffer;
} else {
- throw new GLException("Given Buffer Class not supported: "+componentClazz+":\n\t"+this);
+ throw new GLException("Given Buffer Class not supported: "+compClazz+":\n\t"+this);
if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("*** Size: Reserve: comps: "+componentsPerElement+", "+(osize/componentsPerElement)+"/"+osize+" -> "+(nsize/componentsPerElement)+"/"+nsize+
+ System.err.println("*** Size: Reserve: comps: "+compsPerElement+", "+(osize/compsPerElement)+"/"+osize+" -> "+(nsize/compsPerElement)+"/"+nsize+
"; "+oldBuffer+" -> "+buffer+"; "+this);
return true;
@@ -556,7 +568,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
// immutable types
- this.initialElementCount = initialElementCount;
+ this.initElemCount = initialElementCount;
this.growthFactor = growthFactor;
try {
final Constructor<? extends GLArrayHandler> ctor = handlerClass.getConstructor(GLArrayDataEditable.class);
@@ -597,7 +609,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
// immutable types
- this.initialElementCount = src.initialElementCount;
+ this.initElemCount = src.initElemCount;
if( null != src.glArrayHandler ) {
final Class<? extends GLArrayHandler> clazz = src.glArrayHandler.getClass();
try {
@@ -614,7 +626,6 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
// mutable types
this.growthFactor = src.growthFactor;
this.isValidated = src.isValidated;
- this.sealed = src.sealed;
this.bufferEnabled = src.bufferEnabled;
this.bufferWritten = src.bufferWritten;
this.enableBufferAlways = src.enableBufferAlways;
@@ -644,13 +655,12 @@ public class GLArrayDataClient extends GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData
growthFactor = Math.max(1f, v);
- protected final int initialElementCount;
+ protected final int initElemCount;
protected final GLArrayHandler glArrayHandler;
protected final boolean usesGLSL;
protected float growthFactor;
private boolean isValidated = false;
- protected boolean sealed;
protected boolean bufferEnabled;
protected boolean bufferWritten;
protected boolean enableBufferAlways;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataEditable.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataEditable.java
index 9430f585f..fad217c05 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataEditable.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataEditable.java
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ import java.nio.*;
public interface GLArrayDataEditable extends GLArrayData {
- public boolean sealed();
public boolean enabled();
@@ -176,6 +174,7 @@ public interface GLArrayDataEditable extends GLArrayData {
* ie position:=limit and limit:=capacity.</p>
* @see #seal(boolean)
+ * @see #sealed()
public void seal(boolean seal);
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataServer.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataServer.java
index 9fd35c74f..e530ad627 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataServer.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataServer.java
@@ -321,10 +321,10 @@ public class GLArrayDataServer extends GLArrayDataClient implements GLArrayDataE
final int subStrideB = ( 0 == getStride() ) ? getCompsPerElem() * getBytesPerComp() : getStride();
final GLArrayDataWrapper ad;
- if( 0 < mappedElementCount ) {
+ if( 0 < mappedElemCount ) {
ad = GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(
index, comps, getCompType(),
- getNormalized(), subStrideB, mappedElementCount,
+ getNormalized(), subStrideB, mappedElemCount,
getVBOName(), interleavedOffset, getVBOUsage(), vboTarget);
} else {
ad = GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(
@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ public class GLArrayDataServer extends GLArrayDataClient implements GLArrayDataE
final int subStrideB = ( 0 == getStride() ) ? getCompsPerElem() * getBytesPerComp() : getStride();
final GLArrayDataWrapper ad;
- if( 0 < mappedElementCount ) {
+ if( 0 < mappedElemCount ) {
ad = GLArrayDataWrapper.createGLSL(
name, comps, getCompType(),
- getNormalized(), subStrideB, mappedElementCount,
+ getNormalized(), subStrideB, mappedElemCount,
getVBOName(), interleavedOffset, getVBOUsage(), vboTarget);
} else {
ad = GLArrayDataWrapper.createGLSL(
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataServer extends GLArrayDataClient implements GLArrayDataE
bindBuffer(gl, true);
- gl.glBufferData(getVBOTarget(), getSizeInBytes(), null, getVBOUsage());
+ gl.glBufferData(getVBOTarget(), getByteCount(), null, getVBOUsage());
final GLBufferStorage storage = gl.mapBuffer(getVBOTarget(), access);
bindBuffer(gl, false);
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataServer extends GLArrayDataClient implements GLArrayDataE
bindBuffer(gl, true);
- gl.glBufferData(getVBOTarget(), getSizeInBytes(), null, getVBOUsage());
+ gl.glBufferData(getVBOTarget(), getByteCount(), null, getVBOUsage());
final GLBufferStorage storage = gl.mapBufferRange(getVBOTarget(), offset, length, access);
bindBuffer(gl, false);
@@ -523,16 +523,16 @@ public class GLArrayDataServer extends GLArrayDataClient implements GLArrayDataE
private final void setMappedBuffer(final GLBufferStorage storage) {
mappedStorage = storage;
final ByteBuffer bb = storage.getMappedBuffer();
- if(componentClazz==ByteBuffer.class) {
+ if(compClazz==ByteBuffer.class) {
buffer = bb;
- } else if(componentClazz==ShortBuffer.class) {
+ } else if(compClazz==ShortBuffer.class) {
buffer = bb.asShortBuffer();
- } else if(componentClazz==IntBuffer.class) {
+ } else if(compClazz==IntBuffer.class) {
buffer = bb.asIntBuffer();
- } else if(componentClazz==FloatBuffer.class) {
+ } else if(compClazz==FloatBuffer.class) {
buffer = bb.asFloatBuffer();
} else {
- throw new GLException("Given Buffer Class not supported: "+componentClazz+":\n\t"+this);
+ throw new GLException("Given Buffer Class not supported: "+compClazz+":\n\t"+this);
@@ -553,23 +553,22 @@ public class GLArrayDataServer extends GLArrayDataClient implements GLArrayDataE
return "GLArrayDataServer["+name+
", index "+index+
", location "+location+
- ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttribute+
+ ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttr+
", usesGLSL "+usesGLSL+
", usesShaderState "+(null!=shaderState)+
- ", dataType 0x"+Integer.toHexString(componentType)+
- ", bufferClazz "+componentClazz+
- ", elements "+getElemCount()+
- ", components "+componentsPerElement+
+ ", dataType 0x"+Integer.toHexString(compType)+
+ ", bufferClazz "+compClazz+
+ ", compsPerElem "+compsPerElement+
", stride "+strideB+"b "+strideL+"c"+
- ", initialElementCount "+initialElementCount+
- ", mappedElementCount "+mappedElementCount+
+ ", initElemCount "+initElemCount+
+ ", mappedElemCount "+mappedElemCount+
+ ", "+elemStatsToString()+
", mappedStorage "+mappedStorage+
", vboEnabled "+vboEnabled+
", vboName "+vboName+
", vboUsage 0x"+Integer.toHexString(vboUsage)+
", vboTarget 0x"+Integer.toHexString(vboTarget)+
", vboOffset "+vboOffset+
- ", sealed "+sealed+
", bufferEnabled "+bufferEnabled+
", bufferWritten "+bufferWritten+
", buffer "+buffer+
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java
index 699a0be0d..21d375dbc 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
package com.jogamp.opengl.util;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
@@ -51,7 +50,9 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
* Create a VBO, using a predefined fixed function array index, wrapping the given data.
- *
+ * <p>
+ * This buffer is always {@link #sealed()}.
+ * </p>
* @param index The GL array index
* @param comps The array component number
* @param dataType The array index GL data type
@@ -76,7 +77,9 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
* Create a VBO, using a predefined fixed function array index, wrapping the mapped data characteristics.
- *
+ * <p>
+ * This buffer is always {@link #sealed()}.
+ * </p>
* @param index The GL array index
* @param comps The array component number
* @param dataType The array index GL data type
@@ -101,7 +104,9 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
* Create a VBO, using a custom GLSL array attribute name, wrapping the given data.
- *
+ * <p>
+ * This buffer is always {@link #sealed()}.
+ * </p>
* @param name The custom name for the GL attribute, maybe null if gpuBufferTarget is {@link GL#GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER}
* @param comps The array component number
* @param dataType The array index GL data type
@@ -125,7 +130,9 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
* Create a VBO, using a custom GLSL array attribute name, wrapping the mapped data characteristics.
- *
+ * <p>
+ * This buffer is always {@link #sealed()}.
+ * </p>
* @param name The custom name for the GL attribute, maybe null if gpuBufferTarget is {@link GL#GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER}
* @param comps The array component number
* @param dataType The array index GL data type
@@ -183,7 +190,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
- public final boolean isVertexAttribute() { return isVertexAttribute; }
+ public final boolean isVertexAttribute() { return isVertexAttr; }
public final int getIndex() { return index; }
@@ -229,53 +236,119 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
public Buffer getBuffer() { return buffer; }
- public final int getCompsPerElem() { return componentsPerElement; }
+ public final int getCompsPerElem() { return compsPerElement; }
- public final int getCompType() { return componentType; }
+ public final int getCompType() { return compType; }
- public final int getBytesPerComp() { return bytesPerComponent; }
+ public final int getBytesPerComp() { return bytesPerComp; }
+ @Override
+ public final boolean sealed() { return sealed; }
public final int getElemCount() {
- if( 0 != mappedElementCount ) {
- return mappedElementCount;
+ if( 0 != mappedElemCount ) {
+ return mappedElemCount;
+ } else if( null != buffer ) {
+ if( sealed ) {
+ return ( buffer.limit() * bytesPerComp ) / strideB ;
+ } else {
+ return ( buffer.position() * bytesPerComp ) / strideB ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public final int elemPosition() {
+ if( 0 != mappedElemCount ) {
+ return mappedElemCount;
+ } else if( null != buffer ) {
+ return ( buffer.position() * bytesPerComp ) / strideB ;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int remainingElems() {
+ if( null != buffer ) {
+ return ( buffer.remaining() * bytesPerComp ) / strideB ;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getElemCapacity() {
+ if( null != buffer ) {
+ return ( buffer.capacity() * bytesPerComp ) / strideB ;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public final int getByteCount() {
+ if( 0 != mappedElemCount ) {
+ return mappedElemCount * compsPerElement * bytesPerComp ;
} else if( null != buffer ) {
- final int remainingComponents = ( 0 == buffer.position() ) ? buffer.limit() : buffer.position();
- return ( remainingComponents * bytesPerComponent ) / strideB ;
+ if( sealed ) {
+ return buffer.limit() * bytesPerComp ;
+ } else {
+ return buffer.position() * bytesPerComp ;
+ }
} else {
return 0;
- public final int getSizeInBytes() {
- if( 0 != mappedElementCount ) {
- return mappedElementCount * componentsPerElement * bytesPerComponent ;
+ public final int bytePosition() {
+ if( 0 != mappedElemCount ) {
+ return mappedElemCount * compsPerElement * bytesPerComp ;
} else if( null != buffer ) {
- return ( buffer.position()==0 ) ? ( buffer.limit() * bytesPerComponent ) : ( buffer.position() * bytesPerComponent ) ;
+ return buffer.position() * bytesPerComp;
} else {
return 0;
- public int getCapacityInBytes() {
+ public int remainingBytes() {
+ if( null != buffer ) {
+ return buffer.remaining() * bytesPerComp;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getByteCapacity() {
if( null != buffer ) {
- return buffer.capacity() * bytesPerComponent;
+ return buffer.capacity() * bytesPerComp;
} else {
return 0;
- public void printStats(final PrintStream out) {
- final int sz_bytes = getSizeInBytes();
- final int cap_bytes = getCapacityInBytes();
- final float filled = (float)sz_bytes/(float)cap_bytes;
- out.printf("elements %,d / %,d, bytes %,d / %,d, filled %.1f%%, left %.1f%%",
- getElemCount(), cap_bytes / (componentsPerElement * bytesPerComponent), sz_bytes, cap_bytes, filled*100f, (1f-filled)*100f);
+ public String fillStatsToString() {
+ final int cnt_bytes = getByteCount();
+ final int cap_bytes = getByteCapacity();
+ final float filled = (float)cnt_bytes/(float)cap_bytes;
+ return String.format("elements %,d cnt / %,d cap, bytes %,d cnt / %,d cap, filled %.1f%%, left %.1f%%",
+ getElemCount(), getElemCapacity(), cnt_bytes, cap_bytes, filled*100f, (1f-filled)*100f);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String elemStatsToString() {
+ final int elem_limit = null != buffer ? ( buffer.limit() * bytesPerComp ) / strideB : 0;
+ return String.format("sealed %b, elements %,d cnt, [%,d pos .. %,d rem .. %,d lim .. %,d cap]",
+ sealed(), getElemCount(), elemPosition(), remainingElems(), elem_limit, getElemCapacity());
@@ -284,7 +357,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
public final int getStride() { return strideB; }
- public final Class<?> getBufferClass() { return componentClazz; }
+ public final Class<?> getBufferClass() { return compClazz; }
public void destroy(final GL gl) {
@@ -300,13 +373,13 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
return "GLArrayDataWrapper["+name+
", index "+index+
", location "+location+
- ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttribute+
- ", dataType 0x"+Integer.toHexString(componentType)+
- ", bufferClazz "+componentClazz+
- ", elements "+getElemCount()+
- ", components "+componentsPerElement+
+ ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttr+
+ ", dataType 0x"+Integer.toHexString(compType)+
+ ", bufferClazz "+compClazz+
+ ", compsPerElem "+compsPerElement+
", stride "+strideB+"b "+strideL+"c"+
- ", mappedElementCount "+mappedElementCount+
+ ", mappedElemCount "+mappedElemCount+
+ ", "+elemStatsToString()+
", buffer "+buffer+
", vboEnabled "+vboEnabled+
", vboName "+vboName+
@@ -399,33 +472,33 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
// immutable types
- this.componentType = componentType;
- componentClazz = getBufferClass(componentType);
- bytesPerComponent = GLBuffers.sizeOfGLType(componentType);
- if(0 > bytesPerComponent) {
+ this.compType = componentType;
+ compClazz = getBufferClass(componentType);
+ bytesPerComp = GLBuffers.sizeOfGLType(componentType);
+ if(0 > bytesPerComp) {
throw new GLException("Given componentType not supported: "+componentType+":\n\t"+this);
if(0 >= componentsPerElement) {
throw new GLException("Invalid number of components: " + componentsPerElement);
- this.componentsPerElement = componentsPerElement;
+ this.compsPerElement = componentsPerElement;
- if(0<stride && stride<componentsPerElement*bytesPerComponent) {
- throw new GLException("stride ("+stride+") lower than component bytes, "+componentsPerElement+" * "+bytesPerComponent);
+ if(0<stride && stride<componentsPerElement*bytesPerComp) {
+ throw new GLException("stride ("+stride+") lower than component bytes, "+componentsPerElement+" * "+bytesPerComp);
- if(0<stride && stride%bytesPerComponent!=0) {
- throw new GLException("stride ("+stride+") not a multiple of bpc "+bytesPerComponent);
+ if(0<stride && stride%bytesPerComp!=0) {
+ throw new GLException("stride ("+stride+") not a multiple of bpc "+bytesPerComp);
- this.strideB=(0==stride)?componentsPerElement*bytesPerComponent:stride;
- this.strideL=strideB/bytesPerComponent;
+ this.strideB=(0==stride)?componentsPerElement*bytesPerComp:stride;
+ this.strideL=strideB/bytesPerComp;
if( GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(componentType) ) {
this.normalized = normalized;
} else {
this.normalized = false;
- this.mappedElementCount = mappedElementCount;
- this.isVertexAttribute = isVertexAttribute;
+ this.mappedElemCount = mappedElementCount;
+ this.isVertexAttr = isVertexAttribute;
// mutable types
this.index = index;
@@ -455,6 +528,7 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
+ this.sealed = true;
@@ -468,15 +542,15 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
public GLArrayDataWrapper(final GLArrayDataWrapper src) {
// immutable types
- this.componentType = src.componentType;
- this.componentClazz = src.componentClazz;
- this.bytesPerComponent = src.bytesPerComponent;
- this.componentsPerElement = src.componentsPerElement;
+ this.compType = src.compType;
+ this.compClazz = src.compClazz;
+ this.bytesPerComp = src.bytesPerComp;
+ this.compsPerElement = src.compsPerElement;
this.strideB = src.strideB;
this.strideL = src.strideL;
this.normalized = src.normalized;
- this.mappedElementCount = src.mappedElementCount;
- this.isVertexAttribute = src.isVertexAttribute;
+ this.mappedElemCount = src.mappedElemCount;
+ this.isVertexAttr = src.isVertexAttr;
// mutable types
this.alive = src.alive;
@@ -497,20 +571,22 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
this.vboEnabled = src.vboEnabled;
this.vboUsage = src.vboUsage;
this.vboTarget = src.vboTarget;
+ this.sealed = src.sealed;
- protected final int componentType;
- protected final Class<?> componentClazz;
- protected final int bytesPerComponent;
- protected final int componentsPerElement;
- /** stride in bytes; strideB >= componentsPerElement * componentByteSize */
+ protected final int compType;
+ protected final Class<?> compClazz;
+ protected final int bytesPerComp;
+ protected final int compsPerElement;
+ /** stride in bytes; strideB >= compsPerElement * bytesPerComp */
protected final int strideB;
/** stride in logical components */
protected final int strideL;
protected final boolean normalized;
- protected final int mappedElementCount;
- protected final boolean isVertexAttribute;
+ protected final int mappedElemCount;
+ protected final boolean isVertexAttr;
+ // mutable types
protected boolean alive;
protected int index;
protected int location;
@@ -521,5 +597,6 @@ public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData {
protected boolean vboEnabled;
protected int vboUsage;
protected int vboTarget;
+ protected boolean sealed;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/caps/NonFSAAGLCapsChooser.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/caps/NonFSAAGLCapsChooser.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dc7d7f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/caps/NonFSAAGLCapsChooser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright 2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
+ * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+ * conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+ * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *
+ * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
+ * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+ * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
+ */
+package com.jogamp.opengl.util.caps;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.jogamp.nativewindow.CapabilitiesImmutable;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilitiesImmutable;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilitiesChooser;
+ * Custom {@link GLCapabilitiesChooser}, filtering out all full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA, multisample) capabilities,
+ * i.e. all matching {@link GLCapabilitiesImmutable} with {@link GLCapabilitiesImmutable#getSampleBuffers()}.
+ */
+public class NonFSAAGLCapsChooser extends DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser {
+ private final boolean verbose;
+ public NonFSAAGLCapsChooser(final boolean verbose) {
+ this.verbose = verbose;
+ }
+ public NonFSAAGLCapsChooser() {
+ this.verbose = false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int chooseCapabilities(final CapabilitiesImmutable desired,
+ final List<? extends CapabilitiesImmutable> available,
+ int recommendedIdx) {
+ final GLCapabilitiesImmutable recommended;
+ if( 0 <= recommendedIdx && recommendedIdx < available.size() ) {
+ recommended = (GLCapabilitiesImmutable) available.get(recommendedIdx);
+ } else {
+ recommended = null;
+ recommendedIdx = -1;
+ }
+ final List<GLCapabilitiesImmutable> clean = new ArrayList<GLCapabilitiesImmutable>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < available.size(); i++) {
+ final GLCapabilitiesImmutable caps = (GLCapabilitiesImmutable) available.get(i);
+ if ( caps.getSampleBuffers() ) {
+ /** if( caps.equals(recommended) ) { // the matching index is enough!
+ System.err.println("Dropping["+i+"] "+caps+", matched recommended["+recommendedIdx+"] = "+recommended);
+ recommendedIdx = -1;
+ } else */
+ if( recommendedIdx == i ) {
+ if( verbose ) {
+ System.err.println("Dropping["+i+"] "+caps+", sameidx recommended["+recommendedIdx+"] = "+recommended);
+ }
+ recommendedIdx = -1;
+ } else if( verbose ) {
+ System.err.println("Dropping "+caps+" != recommended["+recommendedIdx+"]");
+ }
+ } else {
+ clean.add(caps);
+ }
+ }
+ return super.chooseCapabilities(desired, clean, recommendedIdx);
+ }