diff options
22 files changed, 364 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo00.java b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo00.java
index b23f33d36..c97292b4b 100644
--- a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo00.java
+++ b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo00.java
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Rectangle;
import com.jogamp.math.FloatUtil;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Cube;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.plane.AffineTransform;
import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f;
import com.jogamp.newt.Window;
@@ -291,22 +293,19 @@ public class UIShapeClippingDemo00 implements GLEventListener {
drawShape(gl, renderer, clipRect);
final AABBox sbox = shape.getBounds(gl.getGLProfile());
- final AABBox clipBBox; // Mv pre-multiplied AABBox
+ final Frustum clipFrustumMv;
final PMVMatrix4f pmv = renderer.getMatrix();
- final AABBox cb = new AABBox(clipRect.getBounds());
- cb.getLow().setZ(sbox.getLow().z());
- cb.getHigh().setZ(sbox.getHigh().z());
- clipBBox = cb.transform(pmv.getMv(), new AABBox());
+ clipFrustumMv = new Cube( clipRect.getBounds() ).transform( pmv.getMv() ).updateFrustumPlanes(new Frustum());
- renderer.setClipBBox( clipBBox );
+ renderer.setClipFrustum( clipFrustumMv );
// System.err.println("Clipping "+renderer.getClipBBox());
drawShape(gl, renderer, shape);
// System.err.println("draw.0: "+shape);
- renderer.setClipBBox(null);
+ renderer.setClipFrustum(null);
renderer.enable(gl, false);
diff --git a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo01.java b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo01.java
index f80b1a87f..887284f99 100644
--- a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo01.java
+++ b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/UIShapeClippingDemo01.java
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import com.jogamp.common.util.InterruptSource;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
+import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer;
import com.jogamp.graph.font.Font;
import com.jogamp.graph.font.FontFactory;
import com.jogamp.graph.font.FontSet;
@@ -38,12 +39,13 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.ui.GraphShape;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Group;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Shape;
-import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Button;
+import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Rectangle;
import com.jogamp.math.FloatUtil;
-import com.jogamp.math.Recti;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Cube;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f;
import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyAdapter;
import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyEvent;
@@ -52,20 +54,35 @@ import com.jogamp.newt.event.WindowAdapter;
import com.jogamp.newt.event.WindowEvent;
import com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilities;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile;
import com.jogamp.opengl.demos.util.CommandlineOptions;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.demos.util.MiscUtils;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator;
- * Basic UIShape Clipping demo using a Scene and and Shape within a clipping Group
+ * Basic UIShape Clipping demo using a Scene and Shape within a clipping Group
public class UIShapeClippingDemo01 {
static CommandlineOptions options = new CommandlineOptions(1280, 720, Region.VBAA_RENDERING_BIT);
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
- options.parse(args);
+ boolean _useFixedSize = true;
+ if( 0 != args.length ) {
+ final int[] idx = { 0 };
+ for (idx[0] = 0; idx[0] < args.length; ++idx[0]) {
+ if( options.parse(args, idx) ) {
+ continue;
+ } else if(args[idx[0]].equals("-NoFixedSize")) {
+ _useFixedSize = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ final boolean useFixedSize = _useFixedSize;
+ System.err.println("useFixedSize "+useFixedSize);
final GLProfile reqGLP = GLProfile.get(options.glProfileName);
System.err.println("GLProfile: "+reqGLP);
@@ -74,33 +91,10 @@ public class UIShapeClippingDemo01 {
final Font font = FontFactory.get(FontFactory.UBUNTU).get(FontSet.FAMILY_LIGHT, FontSet.STYLE_SERIF);
System.err.println("Font: "+font.getFullFamilyName());
- final GraphShape shape = new Button(options.renderModes, font, "Hello JogAmp", 0.20f, 0.20f/2.5f); // normalized: 1 is 100% surface size (width and/or height)
- final Group contentBox = new Group();
- contentBox.setBorder(0.005f);
- contentBox.setInteractive(true);
- contentBox.setClipOnBounds(true);
- contentBox.setFixedSize(new Vec2f(0.6f, 0.4f));
- contentBox.move(-0.6f/2f, -0.4f/2f, 0);
- contentBox.addShape(shape);
- contentBox.addMouseListener( new Shape.MouseGestureAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseEvent e) {
- final Shape.EventInfo shapeEvent = (Shape.EventInfo) e.getAttachment();
- final Vec3f rot = new Vec3f(e.getRotation()).scale( FloatUtil.PI / 180.0f );
- // swap axis for onscreen rotation matching natural feel
- final float tmp = rot.x(); rot.setX( rot.y() ); rot.setY( tmp );
- shapeEvent.shape.getRotation().rotateByEuler( rot.scale( 2f ) );
- }
- });
final Scene scene = new Scene(options.graphAASamples);
- scene.setPMVMatrixSetup(new MyPMVMatrixSetup());
+ scene.setPMVMatrixSetup(new Scene.DefaultPMVMatrixSetup(-1f)); // better distance for perspective action
scene.setClearParams(new float[] { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f}, GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
- scene.addShape(contentBox);
final Animator animator = new Animator(0 /* w/o AWT */);
final GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(reqGLP);
@@ -112,6 +106,87 @@ public class UIShapeClippingDemo01 {
window.setTitle(UIShapeClippingDemo01.class.getSimpleName()+": "+window.getSurfaceWidth()+" x "+window.getSurfaceHeight());
+ window.addGLEventListener(new GLEventListener() {
+ GraphShape shape = null;
+ Group contentBox = null;
+ @Override
+ public void init(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
+ final AABBox sbox = scene.getBounds();
+ System.err.println("Init Scene "+sbox);
+ // shape = new Button(options.renderModes, font, "Hello JogAmp", sbox.getWidth()/8f, sbox.getWidth()/16f);
+ shape = new Rectangle(options.renderModes, sbox.getWidth()/8f, sbox.getWidth()/16f, 0);
+ contentBox = new Group();
+ contentBox.setBorder(0.005f);
+ contentBox.setInteractive(true);
+ contentBox.setClipOnBounds(true);
+ contentBox.addShape(shape);
+ {
+ final float w = sbox.getWidth()*0.6f;
+ final float h = sbox.getHeight()*0.6f;
+ if( useFixedSize ) {
+ contentBox.setFixedSize(new Vec2f(w, h));
+ }
+ contentBox.move(-w/2f, -h/2f, 0);
+ System.err.println("XXX contentBox "+contentBox.getBounds(drawable.getGLProfile()));
+ System.err.println("XXX shape "+shape.getBounds());
+ }
+ contentBox.addMouseListener( new Shape.MouseGestureAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseEvent e) {
+ final Shape.EventInfo shapeEvent = (Shape.EventInfo) e.getAttachment();
+ final Vec3f rot = new Vec3f(e.getRotation()).scale( FloatUtil.PI / 180.0f );
+ // swap axis for onscreen rotation matching natural feel
+ final float tmp = rot.x(); rot.setX( rot.y() ); rot.setY( tmp );
+ shapeEvent.shape.getRotation().rotateByEuler( rot.scale( 2f ) );
+ }
+ });
+ scene.addShape(contentBox);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void dispose(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { }
+ @Override
+ public void display(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
+ final RegionRenderer renderer = scene.getRenderer();
+ final PMVMatrix4f pmv = renderer.getMatrix();
+ pmv.pushMv();
+ contentBox.setTransformMv(pmv);
+ {
+ final AABBox box = contentBox.getBounds();
+ final Cube cube = tempC00.set(box);
+ final Frustum frustumCbMv = tempC01.set(cube).transform(pmv.getMv()).updateFrustumPlanes(new Frustum());
+ pmv.pushMv();
+ shape.setTransformMv(pmv);
+ {
+ final AABBox shapeBox = shape.getBounds();
+ final Cube shapedMv = tempC10.set(shapeBox).transform(pmv.getMv());
+ final boolean isOutMv = frustumCbMv.isOutside( shapedMv );
+ final Frustum frustumPMv = pmv.getPMv().updateFrustumPlanes(new Frustum());
+ final boolean isOutPMv = frustumPMv.isOutside( shapeBox );
+ System.err.println("ClipBox "+box);
+ System.err.println("ShapeBox "+shapeBox);
+ System.err.println("FrusPMv "+isOutPMv+", "+frustumPMv);
+ System.err.println("FsCbMv 1 "+isOutMv+", "+frustumCbMv);
+ }
+ pmv.popMv();
+ }
+ pmv.popMv();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void reshape(final GLAutoDrawable drawable, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) { }
+ private final Cube tempC00 = new Cube(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Cube tempC01 = new Cube(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Cube tempC10 = new Cube(); // OK, synchronized
+ });
window.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowResized(final WindowEvent e) {
@@ -143,20 +218,4 @@ public class UIShapeClippingDemo01 {
- static class MyPMVMatrixSetup extends Scene.DefaultPMVMatrixSetup {
- @Override
- public void set(final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport) {
- super.set(pmv, viewport);
- // Scale (back) to have normalized plane dimensions, 1 for the greater of width and height.
- final AABBox planeBox0 = new AABBox();
- setPlaneBox(planeBox0, pmv, viewport);
- final float sx = planeBox0.getWidth();
- final float sy = planeBox0.getHeight();
- final float sxy = sx > sy ? sx : sy;
- pmv.scaleP(sxy, sxy, 1f);
- }
- };
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Group.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Group.java
index 1202752b1..d1156120a 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Group.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Group.java
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Cube;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile;
@@ -77,14 +79,15 @@ public class Group extends Shape implements Container {
private final List<Shape> shapes = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Shape>();
- private final Vec2f fixedSize = new Vec2f();
+ /** Enforced fixed size. In case z-axis is NaN, its 3D z-axis will be adjusted. */
+ private final Vec3f fixedSize = new Vec3f();
private Layout layouter;
private Rectangle border = null;
private boolean relayoutOnDirtyShapes = true;
private boolean widgetMode = false;
private boolean clipOnBounds = false;
- private AABBox clipBBox = null;
+ private Frustum clipFrustum = null;
* Create a group of {@link Shape}s w/o {@link Group.Layout}.
@@ -118,43 +121,65 @@ public class Group extends Shape implements Container {
/** Set {@link Group.Layout}. */
public Group setLayout(final Layout l) { layouter = l; return this; }
- /** Enforce size of this group to given dimension. */
- public Group setFixedSize(final Vec2f v) { fixedSize.set(v); return this; }
- public Vec2f getFixedSize() { return fixedSize; }
+ /** Enforce size of this group for all given 3 dimensions {@link #getBounds()} without adjusting 3D z-axis like {@link #setFixedSize(Vec2f)}. */
+ public Group setFixedSize(final Vec3f v) { fixedSize.set(v); return this; }
+ /**
+ * Enforce size of this group to given 2 dimensions,
+ * adjusting the 3D z-axis {@link #getBounds()} giving room for potential clipping via {@link #setClipOnBounds(boolean)} or {@link #setClipFrustum(Frustum)}.
+ * @see #setFixedSize(Vec3f)
+ */
+ public Group setFixedSize(final Vec2f v) { fixedSize.set(v.x(), v.y(), Float.NaN); return this; }
+ /** Returns borrowed fixed size instance, see {@link #setFixedSize(Vec3f)} and {@link #setFixedSize(Vec2f)}. */
+ public Vec3f getFixedSize() { return fixedSize; }
+ /** Returns given {@link Vec2f} instance set with 2 dimensions, see {@link #setFixedSize(Vec2f)}. */
+ public Vec2f getFixedSize(final Vec2f out) { out.set(fixedSize.x(), fixedSize.y()); return out; }
- * Enable {@link AABBox} clipping on {@link #getBounds()} for this group and its shapes as follows
+ * Enable {@link Frustum} clipping on {@link #getBounds()} for this group and its shapes as follows
* <ul>
* <li>Discard {@link Shape} {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer) rendering} if not intersecting {@code clip-box}.</li>
* <li>Otherwise perform pixel-accurate clipping inside the shader to {@code clip-box}.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
- * {@link #setClipBBox(AABBox)} takes precedence over {@link #setClipOnBounds(boolean)}.
+ * {@link #setClipFrustum(Frustum)} takes precedence over {@link #setClipOnBounds(boolean)}.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * With clipping enabled, the 3D z-axis {@link #getBounds()} depth
+ * will be slightly increased for functional {@link Frustum} operation.
* </p>
* @param v boolean to toggle clipping
* @return this instance for chaining
- * @see #setClipBBox(AABBox)
+ * @see #setClipFrustum(Frustum)
+ * @see #setFixedSize(Vec2f)
+ * @see #setFixedSize(Vec3f)
public Group setClipOnBounds(final boolean v) { clipOnBounds = v; return this; }
/** Returns {@link #setClipOnBounds(boolean)} value */
public boolean getClipOnBounds() { return clipOnBounds; }
- * Enable {@link AABBox} clipping on explicit given pre-multiplied Mv-matrix {@code clip-box} as follows
+ * Enable {@link Frustum} clipping on explicit given pre-multiplied w/ Mv-matrix {@code clip-box}
+ * for this group and its shapes as follows
* <ul>
* <li>Discard {@link Shape} {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer) rendering} if not intersecting {@code clip-box}.</li>
* <li>Otherwise perform pixel-accurate clipping inside the shader to {@code clip-box}.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
- * {@link #setClipBBox(AABBox)} takes precedence over {@link #setClipOnBounds(boolean)}.
+ * {@link #setClipFrustum(Frustum)} takes precedence over {@link #setClipOnBounds(boolean)}.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * With clipping enabled, the 3D z-axis {@link #getBounds()} depth
+ * will be slightly increased for functional {@link Frustum} operation.
* </p>
- * @param v {@link AABBox} pre-multiplied Mv-matrix
+ * @param v {@link Frustum} pre-multiplied w/ Mv-matrix
* @return this instance for chaining
* @see #setClipOnBounds(boolean)
+ * @see #setFixedSize(Vec2f)
+ * @see #setFixedSize(Vec3f)
- public Group setClipBBox(final AABBox v) { clipBBox = v; return this; }
- /** Returns {@link #setClipBBox(AABBox)} value */
- public AABBox getClipBBox() { return clipBBox; }
+ public Group setClipFrustum(final Frustum v) { clipFrustum = v; return this; }
+ /** Returns {@link #setClipFrustum(Frustum)} value */
+ public Frustum getClipFrustum() { return clipFrustum; }
public int getShapeCount() { return shapes.size(); }
@@ -281,12 +306,12 @@ public class Group extends Shape implements Container {
final Object[] shapesS = shapes.toArray();
Arrays.sort(shapesS, (Comparator)Shape.ZAscendingComparator);
- final boolean useClipBBox = null != clipBBox;
- if( useClipBBox || clipOnBounds ) {
- final AABBox origClipBox = renderer.getClipBBox();
+ final boolean useClipFrustum = null != clipFrustum;
+ if( useClipFrustum || clipOnBounds ) {
+ final Frustum origClipFrustum = renderer.getClipFrustum();
- final AABBox clipBox = useClipBBox ? clipBBox : box.transform(pmv.getMv(), tempBB0);
- renderer.setClipBBox( tempBB1.set(clipBox) ); // Mv pre-multiplied AABBox
+ final Frustum frustumMv = useClipFrustum ? clipFrustum : tempC00.set( box ).transform( pmv.getMv() ).updateFrustumPlanes(tempF00);
+ renderer.setClipFrustum( frustumMv );
final int shapeCount = shapesS.length;
for(int i=0; i<shapeCount; i++) {
@@ -295,16 +320,18 @@ public class Group extends Shape implements Container {
- final AABBox childBox = shape.getBounds();
- if( clipBox.intersects( childBox.transform(pmv.getMv(), tempBB0) ) &&
- ( !doFrustumCulling || !pmv.getFrustum().isAABBoxOutside( childBox ) ) )
+ final AABBox shapeBox = shape.getBounds();
+ final Cube shapeMv = tempC01.set( shapeBox ).transform( pmv.getMv() );
+ if( ( !frustumMv.isOutside( shapeMv ) ) &&
+ ( !doFrustumCulling || !pmv.getFrustum().isOutside( shapeBox ) ) )
shape.draw(gl, renderer);
- renderer.setClipBBox(origClipBox);
+ renderer.setClipFrustum(origClipFrustum);
} else {
final int shapeCount = shapesS.length;
for(int i=0; i<shapeCount; i++) {
@@ -323,8 +350,9 @@ public class Group extends Shape implements Container {
border.draw(gl, renderer);
- private final AABBox tempBB0 = new AABBox(); // OK, synchronized
- private final AABBox tempBB1 = new AABBox(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Frustum tempF00 = new Frustum(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Cube tempC00 = new Cube(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Cube tempC01 = new Cube(); // OK, synchronized
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
@@ -489,12 +517,35 @@ public class Group extends Shape implements Container {
box.resize(h.x() + p.right, h.y() + p.top, l.z());
setRotationPivot( box.getCenter() );
- if( !FloatUtil.isZero(fixedSize.x()) && !FloatUtil.isZero(fixedSize.y()) ) {
- final Vec3f low = box.getLow();
- final Vec3f high = new Vec3f(low);
- high.add(fixedSize.x(), fixedSize.y(), 0);
- box.setSize(low, high);
+ final boolean useFixedSize = !FloatUtil.isZero(fixedSize.x()) && !FloatUtil.isZero(fixedSize.y());
+ final boolean useClipping = null != clipFrustum || clipOnBounds;
+ if( useFixedSize || useClipping ) {
+ // final AABBox old = new AABBox(box);
+ final boolean adjustZ = useClipping || ( useFixedSize && Float.isNaN(fixedSize.z()) );
+ final Vec3f lo = box.getLow();
+ if( adjustZ ) {
+ final float oldDepth = box.getDepth();
+ final Vec3f hi;
+ final float zAdjustment = 10f*Scene.DEFAULT_ACTIVE_ZOFFSET_SCALE*Scene.DEFAULT_Z16_EPSILON;
+ lo.add( 0, 0, -(1f*zAdjustment));
+ if( useFixedSize ) {
+ hi = new Vec3f(lo);
+ hi.add(fixedSize.x(), fixedSize.y(), oldDepth+(2f*zAdjustment));
+ } else {
+ hi = box.getHigh();
+ hi.add( 0, 0, oldDepth+(1f*zAdjustment));
+ }
+ box.setSize(lo, hi);
+ } else if( useFixedSize ) {
+ final Vec3f hi = useFixedSize ? new Vec3f(lo) : box.getHigh();
+ hi.add(fixedSize.x(), fixedSize.y(), fixedSize.z());
+ box.setSize(lo, hi);
+ }
+ // System.err.println("- was "+old);
+ // System.err.println("- has "+box);
if( hasBorder() ) {
if( null == border ) {
final int firstRMs = null != firstGS ? firstGS.getRenderModes() : 0;
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Scene.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Scene.java
index 189c75c9d..03cc29097 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Scene.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/Scene.java
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ public final class Scene implements Container, GLEventListener {
public static final float DEFAULT_ZFAR = 7000.0f;
/** Default Z precision on 16-bit depth buffer using {@link #DEFAULT_SCENE_DIST} z-position and {@link #DEFAULT_ZNEAR}. Value is {@code 6.1033297E-6}. */
public static final float DEFAULT_Z16_EPSILON = FloatUtil.getZBufferEpsilon(16 /* zBits */, DEFAULT_SCENE_DIST, DEFAULT_ZNEAR);
+ /** Default Z precision scale, i.e. multiple of {@link #DEFAULT_Z16_EPSILON} for {@link #setActiveShapeZOffsetScale(float)}. Value is {@value}. */
+ public static final float DEFAULT_ACTIVE_ZOFFSET_SCALE = 10f;
/** Default Z precision on 16-bit depth buffer using {@code -1} z-position and {@link #DEFAULT_ZNEAR}. Value is {@code 1.5256461E-4}. */
// public static final float DIST1_Z16_EPSILON = FloatUtil.getZBufferEpsilon(16 /* zBits */, -1, DEFAULT_ZNEAR);
@@ -1033,7 +1035,7 @@ public final class Scene implements Container, GLEventListener {
activeShape = shape;
- private float activeZOffsetScale = 10f;
+ private float activeZOffsetScale = DEFAULT_ACTIVE_ZOFFSET_SCALE;
/** Returns the active {@link Shape} Z-Offset scale, defaults to {@code 10.0}. */
public float getActiveShapeZOffsetScale() { return activeZOffsetScale; }
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java
index f84c3cf5a..838a39254 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Cube;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
+import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence;
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
public Group getContent() { return content; }
- public Vec2f getContentSize() { return clippedContent.getFixedSize(); }
+ public Vec2f getContentSize(final Vec2f out) { return clippedContent.getFixedSize(out); }
public Group getClippedContent() { return clippedContent; }
public RangeSlider getHorizSlider() { return horizSlider; }
public RangeSlider getVertSlider() { return vertSlider; }
@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
super.validateImpl(gl, glp);
final AABBox b = content.getBounds();
- final Vec2f contentSize = getContentSize();
+ final Vec3f contentSize = clippedContent.getFixedSize();
contentPosZero.set(0, 0);
if( null != horizSlider ) {
horizSlider.setMinMax(new Vec2f(0, content.getBounds().getWidth()), 0);
@@ -164,12 +167,15 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
protected void drawImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final Vec4f rgba) {
if( content.isVisible() ) {
- // Mv pre-multiplied AABBox, clippedContent is on same PMV
- final AABBox clipBBox = clippedContent.getBounds().transform(renderer.getMatrix().getMv(), tempBB);
- content.setClipBBox(clipBBox);
+ final PMVMatrix4f pmv = renderer.getMatrix();
+ // Mv pre-multiplied Frustum, clippedContent is on same PMV
+ final Frustum clipFrustum = tempC00.set( clippedContent.getBounds() ).transform( pmv.getMv() ).updateFrustumPlanes(tempF00);
+ content.setClipFrustum(clipFrustum);
super.drawImpl0(gl, renderer, rgba);
- content.setClipBBox(null);
+ content.setClipFrustum(null);
- private final AABBox tempBB = new AABBox(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Frustum tempF00 = new Frustum(); // OK, synchronized
+ private final Cube tempC00 = new Cube(); // OK, synchronized
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java
index 50fae4907..e9c185753 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
import com.jogamp.math.Recti;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f;
-import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f;
@@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
/** Returns pass2 AA sample count for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */
public final int getSampleCount() { return rs.getSampleCount(); }
- /** Set the optional clipping {@link AABBox}, which shall be pre-multiplied with the Mv-matrix or null to disable. */
- public final void setClipBBox(final AABBox clipBBox) { rs.setClipBBox(clipBBox); }
- /** Returns the optional Mv-premultiplied clipping {@link AABBox} or null if unused. */
- public final AABBox getClipBBox() { return rs.getClipBBox(); }
+ /** Set the optional clipping {@link Frustum}, which shall be pre-multiplied with the Mv-matrix or null to disable. */
+ public final void setClipFrustum(final Frustum clipFrustum) { rs.setClipFrustum(clipFrustum); }
+ /** Returns the optional Mv-premultiplied clipping {@link Frustum} or null if unused. */
+ public final Frustum getClipFrustum() { return rs.getClipFrustum(); }
public final boolean isHintMaskSet(final int mask) { return rs.isHintMaskSet(mask); }
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
private static final String GLSL_PARAM_COMMENT_END = "// JogAmp Graph Parameter End\n\n";
private static final String GLSL_USE_COLOR_CHANNEL = "#define USE_COLOR_CHANNEL 1\n";
private static final String GLSL_USE_COLOR_TEXTURE = "#define USE_COLOR_TEXTURE 1\n";
- private static final String GLSL_USE_AABBOX_CLIPPING = "#define USE_AABBOX_CLIPPING 1\n";
+ private static final String GLSL_USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING = "#define USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING 1\n";
private static final String GLSL_DEF_SAMPLE_COUNT = "#define SAMPLE_COUNT ";
private static final String GLSL_CONST_SAMPLE_COUNT = "const float sample_count = ";
private static final String GLSL_MAIN_BEGIN = "void main (void)\n{\n";
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
final boolean isTwoPass;
final boolean pass1;
final ShaderModeSelector1 sms;
- final boolean hasAABBoxClipping; // pass1 or pass2
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping; // pass1 or pass2
final boolean hasColorChannel; // pass1 only
final boolean hasColorTexture; // pass1 only
final String colorTexSeqID;
@@ -534,12 +534,12 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
final String texLookupFuncName;
final int hashValue;
- ShaderKey(final int renderModes, final boolean pass1_, final int pass2Quality, final int sampleCount, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final boolean hasClipBBox) {
+ ShaderKey(final int renderModes, final boolean pass1_, final int pass2Quality, final int sampleCount, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final boolean hasClipFrustum) {
isTwoPass = Region.isTwoPass( renderModes );
pass1 = pass1_;
sms = pass1 ? ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass1(renderModes) :
ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass2(renderModes, pass2Quality, sampleCount);
- hasAABBoxClipping = hasClipBBox && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
+ hasFrustumClipping = hasClipFrustum && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
hasColorChannel = pass1 && Region.hasColorChannel( renderModes );
hasColorTexture = pass1 && Region.hasColorTexture( renderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq;
if( hasColorTexture ) {
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
// hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + pass2Quality; // included in sms
// hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sampleCount; // included in sms
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sms.ordinal();
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasAABBoxClipping ? 1 : 0 );
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasFrustumClipping ? 1 : 0 );
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorChannel ? 1 : 0 );
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorTexture ? 1 : 0 );
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + colorTexSeqHash;
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
// pass2Quality == o.pass2Quality && // included in sms
// sampleCount == o.sampleCount && // included in sms
sms.ordinal() == o.sms.ordinal() &&
- hasAABBoxClipping == o.hasAABBoxClipping &&
+ hasFrustumClipping == o.hasFrustumClipping &&
hasColorChannel == o.hasColorChannel &&
hasColorTexture == o.hasColorTexture &&
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
public String toString() {
return "ShaderKey[hash 0x"+Integer.toHexString(hashValue)+", is2Pass "+isTwoPass+", pass1 "+pass1+
- ", has[clip "+hasAABBoxClipping+", colChan "+hasColorChannel+", colTex "+hasColorTexture+"], "+sms+"]";
+ ", has[clip "+hasFrustumClipping+", colChan "+hasColorChannel+", colTex "+hasColorTexture+"], "+sms+"]";
private final HashMap<ShaderKey, ShaderProgram> shaderPrograms = new HashMap<ShaderKey, ShaderProgram>();
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
* @see RenderState#getShaderProgram()
public final boolean useShaderProgram(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes, final boolean pass1, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq) {
- final ShaderKey shaderKey = new ShaderKey(renderModes, pass1, getAAQuality(), getSampleCount(), colorTexSeq, null != getClipBBox());
+ final ShaderKey shaderKey = new ShaderKey(renderModes, pass1, getAAQuality(), getSampleCount(), colorTexSeq, null != getClipFrustum());
if(DEBUG) {
@@ -686,9 +686,9 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_DISCARD);
- if( shaderKey.hasAABBoxClipping ) {
- posVp = rsVp.insertShaderSource(0, posVp, GLSL_USE_AABBOX_CLIPPING);
- posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_AABBOX_CLIPPING);
+ if( shaderKey.hasFrustumClipping ) {
+ posVp = rsVp.insertShaderSource(0, posVp, GLSL_USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING);
+ posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING);
if( shaderKey.hasColorChannel ) {
@@ -708,11 +708,11 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_PARAM_COMMENT_END);
try {
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture || shaderKey.hasAABBoxClipping ) {
- posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "functions.glsl");
- }
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "uniforms.glsl");
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "varyings.glsl");
+ if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture || shaderKey.hasFrustumClipping ) {
+ posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "functions.glsl");
+ }
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read: includes", ioe);
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RenderState.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RenderState.java
index ed5bcb110..d6be9e07b 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RenderState.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RenderState.java
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.UniformNames;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f;
-import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataWrapper;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram;
@@ -102,8 +102,9 @@ public class RenderState {
private int aaQuality;
/** Default pass2 AA sample count {@value} for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link Region#VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */
private int sampleCount;
- /** Optional clipping {@link AABBox}, which shall be pre-multiplied with the Mv-matrix. Null if unused. */
- private AABBox clipBBox;
+ /** Optional clipping {@link Frustum}, which shall be pre-multiplied with the Mv-matrix. Null if unused. */
+ private final Frustum clipFrustum;
+ private boolean useClipFrustum;
private int hintBitfield;
private ShaderProgram sp;
@@ -205,7 +206,9 @@ public class RenderState {
this.colorStaticBuffer = FloatBuffer.wrap(colorStatic);
this.aaQuality = Region.DEFAULT_AA_QUALITY;
this.sampleCount = Region.DEFAULT_AA_SAMPLE_COUNT;
- this.clipBBox = null;
+ this.clipFrustum = new Frustum();
+ this.useClipFrustum = false;
this.hintBitfield = 0;
this.sp = null;
@@ -281,10 +284,17 @@ public class RenderState {
/** Returns pass2 AA sample count for Graph Region AA {@link Region#getRenderModes() render-modes}: {@link #VBAA_RENDERING_BIT} or {@link Region#MSAA_RENDERING_BIT}. */
public final int getSampleCount() { return this.sampleCount; }
- /** Set the optional clipping {@link AABBox}, which shall be pre-multiplied with the Mv-matrix or null to disable. */
- public final void setClipBBox(final AABBox clipBBox) { this.clipBBox = clipBBox; }
- /** Returns the optional Mv-premultiplied clipping {@link AABBox} or null if unused. */
- public final AABBox getClipBBox() { return this.clipBBox; }
+ /** Set the optional clipping {@link Frustum}, which shall be pre-multiplied with the Mv-matrix or null to disable. */
+ public final void setClipFrustum(final Frustum clipFrustum) {
+ if( null != clipFrustum ) {
+ this.clipFrustum.set(clipFrustum);
+ this.useClipFrustum=true;
+ } else {
+ this.useClipFrustum=false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the optional Mv-premultiplied clipping {@link Frustum} or null if unused. */
+ public final Frustum getClipFrustum() { return useClipFrustum ? this.clipFrustum : null; }
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PMSAAES2.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PMSAAES2.java
index ae4a734be..a6ba0e810 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PMSAAES2.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PMSAAES2.java
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RenderState;
import com.jogamp.math.Matrix4f;
import com.jogamp.math.Recti;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.util.SyncMatrices4f16;
import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject;
import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject.Attachment;
@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@ public final class VBORegion2PMSAAES2 extends GLRegion {
private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexUnit;
private final float[] colorTexBBox; // minX/minY, maxX/maxY, texW/texH
private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexBBox; // vec2 gcu_ColorTexBBox[3] -> boxMin[2], boxMax[2] and texSize[2]
- private final float[] clipBBox; // minX/minY/minZ, maxX/maxY/maxZ
- private final GLUniformData gcu_ClipBBox; // uniform vec3 gcu_ClipBBox[2]; // box-min[3], box-max[3]
+ private final float[/* 4*6 */] clipFrustum; // 6 frustum planes, each [n.x, n.y. n.z, d]
+ private final GLUniformData gcu_ClipFrustum; // uniform vec4 gcu_ClipFrustum[6]; // L, R, B, T, N, F
private ShaderProgram spPass1 = null;
// Pass-2:
@@ -111,8 +112,8 @@ public final class VBORegion2PMSAAES2 extends GLRegion {
colorTexBBox = null;
gcu_ColorTexBBox = null;
- clipBBox = new float[6];
- gcu_ClipBBox = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ClipBBox, 3, FloatBuffer.wrap(clipBBox));
+ clipFrustum = new float[4*6];
+ gcu_ClipFrustum = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ClipFrustum, 4, FloatBuffer.wrap(clipFrustum));
gcu_PMVMatrix02 = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_PMVMatrix02, 4, 4, new SyncMatrices4f16( new Matrix4f[] { matP, matMv } ));
// Pass 2:
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ public final class VBORegion2PMSAAES2 extends GLRegion {
final boolean hasColorTexture = Region.hasColorTexture( curRenderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq;
final RenderState rs = renderer.getRenderState();
- final boolean hasAABBoxClipping = null != rs.getClipBBox() && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping = null != rs.getClipFrustum() && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
final boolean updateLocGlobal = renderer.useShaderProgram(gl, curRenderModes, pass1, colorTexSeq);
final ShaderProgram sp = renderer.getRenderState().getShaderProgram();
@@ -230,8 +231,8 @@ public final class VBORegion2PMSAAES2 extends GLRegion {
rsLocal.update(gl, rs, updateLocLocal, curRenderModes, true, false, true);
rs.updateUniformDataLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, false /* updateData */, gcu_FboTexUnit, true); // FIXME always update if changing tex-unit
- if( hasAABBoxClipping && updateLocLocal ) {
- rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, true, gcu_ClipBBox, true);
+ if( hasFrustumClipping && updateLocLocal ) {
+ rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, true, gcu_ClipFrustum, true);
@@ -381,11 +382,10 @@ public final class VBORegion2PMSAAES2 extends GLRegion {
- final AABBox cb = rs.getClipBBox();
- if( null != cb ) {
- clipBBox[0] = cb.getMinX(); clipBBox[1] = cb.getMinY(); clipBBox[2] = cb.getMinZ();
- clipBBox[3] = cb.getMaxX(); clipBBox[4] = cb.getMaxY(); clipBBox[5] = cb.getMaxZ();
- gl.glUniform(gcu_ClipBBox); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions
+ final Frustum f = rs.getClipFrustum();
+ if( null != f ) {
+ f.getPlanes(clipFrustum, 0);
+ gl.glUniform(gcu_ClipFrustum); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
index bf23f33e9..4585c4cab 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RenderState;
import com.jogamp.math.Matrix4f;
import com.jogamp.math.Recti;
import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.math.util.SyncMatrices4f16;
import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject;
import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject.Attachment;
@@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ public final class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexUnit;
private final float[] colorTexBBox; // minX/minY, maxX/maxY, texW/texH
private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexBBox; // vec2 gcu_ColorTexBBox[3] -> boxMin[2], boxMax[2] and texSize[2]
- private final float[] clipBBox; // minX/minY/minZ, maxX/maxY/maxZ
- private final GLUniformData gcu_ClipBBox; // uniform vec3 gcu_ClipBBox[2]; // box-min[3], box-max[3]
+ private final float[/* 4*6 */] clipFrustum; // 6 frustum planes, each [n.x, n.y. n.z, d]
+ private final GLUniformData gcu_ClipFrustum; // uniform vec4 gcu_ClipFrustum[6]; // L, R, B, T, N, F
private ShaderProgram spPass1 = null;
// Pass-2:
@@ -96,6 +97,50 @@ public final class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
final int[] maxTexSize = new int[] { -1 } ;
+ public VBORegion2PVBAAES2(final GLProfile glp, final int renderModes, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final int pass2TexUnit,
+ final int initialVerticesCount, final int initialIndicesCount)
+ {
+ super(glp, renderModes, colorTexSeq);
+ rsLocal = new RenderState.ProgramLocal();
+ // Pass 1:
+ initBuffer(initialVerticesCount, initialIndicesCount);
+ if( hasColorTexture() ) {
+ gcu_ColorTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexUnit, colorTexSeq.getTextureUnit());
+ colorTexBBox = new float[6];
+ gcu_ColorTexBBox = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexBBox, 2, FloatBuffer.wrap(colorTexBBox));
+ } else {
+ gcu_ColorTexUnit = null;
+ colorTexBBox = null;
+ gcu_ColorTexBBox = null;
+ }
+ clipFrustum = new float[4*6];
+ gcu_ClipFrustum = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ClipFrustum, 4, FloatBuffer.wrap(clipFrustum));
+ gcu_PMVMatrix02 = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_PMVMatrix02, 4, 4, new SyncMatrices4f16( new Matrix4f[] { matP, matMv } ));
+ // Pass 2:
+ gcu_FboTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexUnit, pass2TexUnit);
+ gcu_FboTexSize = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexSize, 2, FloatBuffer.wrap(new float[2]));
+ indicesFbo.puts((short) 0); indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
+ indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 2); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
+ indicesFbo.seal(true);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_TEXCOORDS_ATTR_NAME, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT,
+ false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.seal(true);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT,
+ false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ }
* <p>
* Since multiple {@link Region}s may share one
@@ -113,7 +158,7 @@ public final class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
final boolean hasColorTexture = Region.hasColorTexture( curRenderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq;
final RenderState rs = renderer.getRenderState();
- final boolean hasAABBoxClipping = null != rs.getClipBBox() && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping = null != rs.getClipFrustum() && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
final boolean updateLocGlobal = renderer.useShaderProgram(gl, curRenderModes, pass1, colorTexSeq);
final ShaderProgram sp = renderer.getRenderState().getShaderProgram();
@@ -159,55 +204,11 @@ public final class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
rs.updateUniformDataLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, false /* updateData */, gcu_FboTexUnit, true); // FIXME always update if changing tex-unit
rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, gcu_FboTexSize, rs.getSampleCount() > 1); // maybe optimized away for sampleCount <= 1
- if( hasAABBoxClipping && updateLocLocal ) {
- rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, true, gcu_ClipBBox, true);
+ if( hasFrustumClipping && updateLocLocal ) {
+ rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, true, gcu_ClipFrustum, true);
- public VBORegion2PVBAAES2(final GLProfile glp, final int renderModes, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final int pass2TexUnit,
- final int initialVerticesCount, final int initialIndicesCount)
- {
- super(glp, renderModes, colorTexSeq);
- rsLocal = new RenderState.ProgramLocal();
- // Pass 1:
- initBuffer(initialVerticesCount, initialIndicesCount);
- if( hasColorTexture() ) {
- gcu_ColorTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexUnit, colorTexSeq.getTextureUnit());
- colorTexBBox = new float[6];
- gcu_ColorTexBBox = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexBBox, 2, FloatBuffer.wrap(colorTexBBox));
- } else {
- gcu_ColorTexUnit = null;
- colorTexBBox = null;
- gcu_ColorTexBBox = null;
- }
- clipBBox = new float[6];
- gcu_ClipBBox = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ClipBBox, 3, FloatBuffer.wrap(clipBBox));
- gcu_PMVMatrix02 = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_PMVMatrix02, 4, 4, new SyncMatrices4f16( new Matrix4f[] { matP, matMv } ));
- // Pass 2:
- gcu_FboTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexUnit, pass2TexUnit);
- gcu_FboTexSize = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexSize, 2, FloatBuffer.wrap(new float[2]));
- indicesFbo.puts((short) 0); indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
- indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 2); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
- indicesFbo.seal(true);
- gca_FboTexCoordsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_TEXCOORDS_ATTR_NAME, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT,
- false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
- gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0);
- gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1);
- gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1);
- gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0);
- gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.seal(true);
- gca_FboVerticesAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT,
- false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
- }
public void setTextureUnit(final int pass2TexUnit) {
@@ -420,11 +421,10 @@ public final class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
- final AABBox cb = rs.getClipBBox();
- if( null != cb ) {
- clipBBox[0] = cb.getMinX(); clipBBox[1] = cb.getMinY(); clipBBox[2] = cb.getMinZ();
- clipBBox[3] = cb.getMaxX(); clipBBox[4] = cb.getMaxY(); clipBBox[5] = cb.getMaxZ();
- gl.glUniform(gcu_ClipBBox); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions
+ final Frustum f = rs.getClipFrustum();
+ if( null != f ) {
+ f.getPlanes(clipFrustum, 0);
+ gl.glUniform(gcu_ClipFrustum); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegionSPES2.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegionSPES2.java
index 3a568758c..c4e842791 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegionSPES2.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegionSPES2.java
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.GLRegion;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RenderState;
-import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox;
+import com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.Texture;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence;
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ public final class VBORegionSPES2 extends GLRegion {
private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexUnit;
private final float[] colorTexBBox; // minX/minY, maxX/maxY, texW/texH
private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexBBox; // vec2 gcu_ColorTexBBox[3] -> boxMin[2], boxMax[2] and texSize[2]
- private final float[] clipBBox; // minX/minY/minZ, maxX/maxY/maxZ
- private final GLUniformData gcu_ClipBBox; // uniform vec3 gcu_ClipBBox[2]; // box-min[3], box-max[3]
+ private final float[/* 4*6 */] clipFrustum; // 6 frustum planes, each [n.x, n.y. n.z, d]
+ private final GLUniformData gcu_ClipFrustum; // uniform vec4 gcu_ClipFrustum[6]; // L, R, B, T, N, F
private ShaderProgram spPass1 = null;
public VBORegionSPES2(final GLProfile glp, final int renderModes, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq,
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ public final class VBORegionSPES2 extends GLRegion {
colorTexBBox = null;
gcu_ColorTexBBox = null;
- clipBBox = new float[6];
- gcu_ClipBBox = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ClipBBox, 3, FloatBuffer.wrap(clipBBox));
+ clipFrustum = new float[4*6];
+ gcu_ClipFrustum = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ClipFrustum, 4, FloatBuffer.wrap(clipFrustum));
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public final class VBORegionSPES2 extends GLRegion {
final boolean hasColorTexture = Region.hasColorTexture( curRenderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq;
final RenderState rs = renderer.getRenderState();
- final boolean hasAABBoxClipping = null != rs.getClipBBox();
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping = null != rs.getClipFrustum();
final boolean updateLocGlobal = renderer.useShaderProgram(gl, curRenderModes, true, colorTexSeq);
final ShaderProgram sp = renderer.getRenderState().getShaderProgram();
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ public final class VBORegionSPES2 extends GLRegion {
if( hasColorChannel && null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, true, gca_ColorsAttr, throwOnError);
- if( hasAABBoxClipping ) {
- rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, true, gcu_ClipBBox, throwOnError);
+ if( hasFrustumClipping ) {
+ rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, true, gcu_ClipFrustum, throwOnError);
rsLocal.update(gl, rs, updateLocLocal, curRenderModes, true, true, throwOnError);
@@ -158,11 +158,10 @@ public final class VBORegionSPES2 extends GLRegion {
useShaderProgram(gl, renderer, curRenderModes);
- final AABBox cb = renderer.getClipBBox();
- if( null != cb ) {
- clipBBox[0] = cb.getMinX(); clipBBox[1] = cb.getMinY(); clipBBox[2] = cb.getMinZ();
- clipBBox[3] = cb.getMaxX(); clipBBox[4] = cb.getMaxY(); clipBBox[5] = cb.getMaxZ();
- gl.glUniform(gcu_ClipBBox); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions
+ final Frustum f = renderer.getClipFrustum();
+ if( null != f ) {
+ f.getPlanes(clipFrustum, 0);
+ gl.glUniform(gcu_ClipFrustum); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/UniformNames.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/UniformNames.java
index 4a66295f2..7a20fc2da 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/UniformNames.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/UniformNames.java
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public class UniformNames {
public static final String gcu_Weight = "gcu_Weight";
public static final String gcu_ColorTexUnit = "gcu_ColorTexUnit";
public static final String gcu_ColorTexBBox = "gcu_ColorTexBBox";
- public static final String gcu_ClipBBox = "gcu_ClipBBox";
+ public static final String gcu_ClipFrustum = "gcu_ClipFrustum";
public static final String gcu_PMVMatrix02 = "gcu_PMVMatrix02"; // gcu_PMVMatrix[3]; // P, Mv, and Mvi
public static final String gcu_FboTexUnit = "gcu_FboTexUnit";
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_simple.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_simple.glsl
index c5850f5fa..edb3b553b 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_simple.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_simple.glsl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
- if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) {
+ if( isOutsideMvFrustum(gcv_ClipCoord) ) {
discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_weight.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_weight.glsl
index e7172d834..9c8b6a4a5 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_weight.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass1-curve_weight.glsl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
- if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) {
+ if( isOutsideMvFrustum(gcv_ClipCoord) ) {
discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-msaa.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-msaa.glsl
index 3d4cdc887..3b7291446 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-msaa.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-msaa.glsl
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// Pass-2: Dump Texture
- if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) {
+ if( isOutsideMvFrustum(gcv_ClipCoord) ) {
discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_even.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_even.glsl
index 5e14a1a23..c71267be4 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_even.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_even.glsl
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
// Pass-2: AA on Texture
// Note: gcv_FboTexCoord is in center of sample pixels.
- if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) {
+ if( isOutsideMvFrustum(gcv_ClipCoord) ) {
- discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
+ discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
mgl_FragColor = vec4(0);
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_odd.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_odd.glsl
index b7d2e0e4e..4fa3c601e 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_odd.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_bforce_odd.glsl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// Pass-2: AA on Texture
// Note: gcv_FboTexCoord is in center of sample pixels.
- if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) {
+ if( isOutsideMvFrustum(gcv_ClipCoord) ) {
discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_flipquad3.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_flipquad3.glsl
index da0306425..76b064420 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_flipquad3.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2-vbaa_flipquad3.glsl
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
// Same as flipquad - but w/ rgss coordinates
- if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) {
+ if( isOutsideMvFrustum(gcv_ClipCoord) ) {
discard; // discard freezes NV tegra2 compiler
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2.vp b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2.vp
index dce78b9c8..5ee5fcb46 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2.vp
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-pass2.vp
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ void main(void)
// gl_Position = gcu_PMVMatrix01[0] * gcu_PMVMatrix01[1] * vec4(gca_FboVertices, 1);
gl_Position = gcu_PMVMatrix01[0] * gcu_PMVMatrix01[1] * gca_FboVertices;
- gcv_ClipBBoxCoord = (gcu_PMVMatrix01[1] * gca_FboVertices).xyz; // Mv
+ gcv_ClipCoord = (gcu_PMVMatrix01[1] * gca_FboVertices).xyz; // Mv
gcv_FboTexCoord = gca_FboTexCoords;
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-single.vp b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-single.vp
index 2f07ad7d0..bda10c432 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-single.vp
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/curverenderer01-single.vp
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ void main(void)
- gcv_ClipBBoxCoord = (gcu_PMVMatrix01[1] * gca_Vertices).xyz; // Mv
+ gcv_ClipCoord = (gcu_PMVMatrix01[1] * gca_Vertices).xyz; // Mv
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/functions.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/functions.glsl
index 41e65178e..3b36b021a 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/functions.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/functions.glsl
@@ -75,12 +75,30 @@ vec4 clip_coord(vec4 col_in, vec4 col_ex, vec3 coord, vec3 low, vec3 high) {
* </p>
float is_inside(vec2 coord, vec2 low, vec2 high) {
- return v_mul( step(low, coord) ) * ( 1 - v_or( step(high+EPSILON, coord) ) );
+ return v_mul( step(low-EPSILON, coord) ) * ( 1 - v_or( step(high+EPSILON, coord) ) );
/** Branch-less clipping test using vec3 coordinates and low/high clipping. */
float is_inside(vec3 coord, vec3 low, vec3 high) {
- return v_mul( step(low, coord) ) * ( 1 - v_or( step(high+EPSILON, coord) ) );
+ return v_mul( step(low-EPSILON, coord) ) * ( 1 - v_or( step(high+EPSILON, coord) ) );
+/** Return distance of plane {n, d} to given point p. */
+float planeDistance(vec3 n, float d, vec3 p) {
+ return dot(n, p) + d;
+bool isOutsideMvFrustum(vec3 p) {
+ return planeDistance(gcu_ClipFrustum[0].xyz, gcu_ClipFrustum[0].w, p) < 0 ||
+ planeDistance(gcu_ClipFrustum[1].xyz, gcu_ClipFrustum[1].w, p) < 0 ||
+ planeDistance(gcu_ClipFrustum[2].xyz, gcu_ClipFrustum[2].w, p) < 0 ||
+ planeDistance(gcu_ClipFrustum[3].xyz, gcu_ClipFrustum[3].w, p) < 0 ||
+ planeDistance(gcu_ClipFrustum[4].xyz, gcu_ClipFrustum[4].w, p) < 0 ||
+ planeDistance(gcu_ClipFrustum[5].xyz, gcu_ClipFrustum[5].w, p) < 0;
#endif // functions_glsl
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/uniforms.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/uniforms.glsl
index a9554528c..18c563fbb 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/uniforms.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/uniforms.glsl
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ uniform float gcu_Weight;
uniform vec2 gcu_ColorTexBBox[3]; // box-min[2], box-max[2] and tex-size[2]
- uniform vec3 gcu_ClipBBox[2]; // box-min[3], box-max[3]
+ uniform vec4 gcu_ClipFrustum[6]; // L, R, B, T, N, F each {n.x, n.y, n.z, d}
uniform mat4 gcu_PMVMatrix02[3]; // P, Mv, and Mvi
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/varyings.glsl b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/varyings.glsl
index 0e8d5b843..6139c9d8f 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/varyings.glsl
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/shader/varyings.glsl
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ varying vec2 gcv_FboTexCoord;
varying vec2 gcv_ColorTexCoord;
- varying vec3 gcv_ClipBBoxCoord;
+ varying vec3 gcv_ClipCoord;