Release 20080311:
- Added some JavaDoc documentation
- Added RaycastVehicle and VehicleDemo
- Refactored accessing of vertex data
- Added CylinderShape
- Implemented ray/trimesh hit detection
- Added applet demo
- Added binaries and dependant libraries into package

Release 20080303:
- Refactored enums
- Fixed bug that caused occasional jitter
- Added ConvexConcaveCollisionAlgorithm
- Memory optimalizations
- Implemented quantized BVH nodes
- Made ConcaveDemo working

Release 20080206:
- Memory optimalizations
- Added heap info
- Implemented HeapSort
- Added optional support for GNU Trove
- Added BspDemo and fixed ConvexHullShape
- Added ConcaveDemo and it's supporting classes
- Abstracted OpenGL rendering

Release 20080122:
- Fixed convex/plane collision detection
- Added GLDebugDrawer and fixed some bugs
- Added CapsuleShape
- Added ConeTwistConstraint, HingeConstraint and Generic6DofConstraint
- Added GenericJointDemo
- Optimized drawing of spheres and cylinders using display lists
- Fixed collision of boxes
- Added text overlay

Release 20080116:
- Moved all push/popProfile to try/finally blocks
- Added final for Vectors/Transforms/etc fields where applicable, and fixed some discovered bugs
- Fixed bug with non-functional removeOverlappingPair
- Enabled ground BoxShape in BasicDemo
- Implemented drawing of BoxShape
- Fixed VectorUtil.maxAxis

Release 20080111:
- Initial release based on Bullet 2.66