/* * Portions Copyright (C) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. */ /* * * COPYRIGHT NVIDIA CORPORATION 2003. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * BY ACCESSING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO: * * 1) ACKNOWLEDGE NVIDIA'S EXCLUSIVE OWNERSHIP OF ALL RIGHTS * IN AND TO THE SOFTWARE; * * 2) NOT MAKE OR DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT * INCLUDING THIS NOTICE AND AGREEMENT; * * 3) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY * APPLICABLE LAW, THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* AND * THAT NVIDIA AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS * OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS * INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS), INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' * FEES, RELATING TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * */ package demos.vertexProgWarp; import demos.common.Demo; import demos.common.DemoListener; import demos.util.DurationTimer; import demos.util.SystemTime; import demos.util.Time; import demos.util.Triceratops; import gleem.BSphere; import gleem.BSphereProvider; import gleem.ExaminerViewer; import gleem.ManipManager; import gleem.linalg.Vec3f; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.io.IOException; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES1; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable; import com.jogamp.opengl.awt.AWTGLAutoDrawable; import com.jogamp.opengl.awt.GLCanvas; import com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLU; import com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLUquadric; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** Simple space-warp/distortion vertex program demo
(Press the space bar to switch through programs)

sgreen@nvidia.com 9/2000, based on Cass's vtxprog_silhouette

Ported to Java by Kenneth Russell */ public class VertexProgWarp extends Demo { private GLAutoDrawable drawable; private DurationTimer timer = new DurationTimer(); private boolean firstRender = true; private int frameCount; public static void main(String[] args) { new VertexProgWarp().run(args); } public void run(String[] args) { VertexProgWarp demo = new VertexProgWarp(); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(); canvas.addGLEventListener(demo); canvas.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { dispatchKey(e.getKeyCode(), e.getKeyChar()); } }); final Animator animator = new Animator(canvas); demo.setDemoListener(new DemoListener() { public void shutdownDemo() { runExit(animator); } public void repaint() {} }); final Frame frame = new Frame(); demo.setTitleSetter(new VertexProgWarp.TitleSetter() { public void setTitle(String title) { frame.setTitle(title); } }); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); canvas.setSize(512, 512); frame.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); canvas.requestFocus(); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { runExit(animator); } }); animator.start(); } public static abstract class TitleSetter { public abstract void setTitle(String title); } public void setTitleSetter(TitleSetter setter) { titleSetter = setter; } private TitleSetter titleSetter; private boolean initComplete; // period of 4-term Taylor approximation to sin isn't quite 2*M_PI private static final float SIN_PERIOD = 3.079f; private static final int NUM_OBJS = 5; private static final int NUM_PROGS = 7; private int[] programs = new int[NUM_PROGS]; private float zNear = 0.1f; private float zFar = 10.0f; private int program = 2; private int obj = 2; private boolean[] b = new boolean[256]; private boolean wire = false; private boolean toggleWire = false; private boolean animating = true; private boolean doViewAll = true; private Time time = new SystemTime(); private float anim = 0.0f; private float animScale = 7.0f; private float amp = 0.05f; private float freq = 8.0f; private float d = 4.0f; private GLU glu = new GLU(); private ExaminerViewer viewer; public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { initComplete = false; GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); float cc = 0.0f; gl.glClearColor(cc, cc, cc, 1); gl.glColor3f(1,1,1); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE); try { initExtension(gl, "GL_ARB_vertex_program"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { shutdownDemo(); throw(e); } for(int i=0; i clip\n" + "DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], iPos ;\n" + "\n" + "DP3 r1.x, mvit[0], iNorm ; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r1.y, mvit[1], iNorm ;\n" + "DP3 r1.z, mvit[2], iNorm ;\n" + "\n" + "DP3 r0, lightPos, r1 ; # L.N\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r0, diffuseCol ; # col = L.N * diffuse\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "END\n", // // Pulsate // "!!ARBvp1.0\n" + "#Displace geometry along normal based on sine function of distance from origin\n" + "#(in object space)\n" + "#sinFreqAmplitude.x = wave frequency\n" + "#sinFreqAmplitude.y = wave amplitude\n" + "#sinTaylorConst2 = PI constants\n" + "#sinTaylorConst1 = Taylor series constants (see below)\n" + "\n" + programSetup + "MOV r0, iPos; \n" + "\n" + "#calculate distance from (0, 0, 0)\n" + "DP3 r3.x, r0, r0;\n" + "RSQ r3.x, r3.x;\n" + "RCP r3.x, r3.x;\n" + "\n" + "MUL r3.x, r3.x, sinFreqAmplitude.x; # wave frequency\n" + "ADD r3.x, r3.x, phaseAnim.x; # phase animation\n" + "\n" + "#reduce to period of 2*PI\n" + "MUL r2, r3.x, sinTaylorConst2.x;\n" + "EXP r4, r2.x; # r4.y = r2.x - floor(r2.x)\n" + "MUL r3.x, r4.y, sinTaylorConst2.y;\n" + "\n" + "# offset to -PI - PI\n" + "ADD r3.x, r3.x, -sinTaylorConst2.z;\n" + "\n" + "#Sine approximation using Taylor series (accurate between -PI and PI) :\n" + "#sin(x) = x - (x^3)/3! + (x^5)/5! - (x^7)/7! + ...\n" + "#sin(x) ~= x*(1 - (x^2)*(1/3! - (x^2)(1/5! - (x^2)/7! )))\n" + "# = x * (a - y*(b - y*(c - y*d)))\n" + "#where\n" + "#a = 1.0 sinTaylorConst1.x\n" + "#b = 1/3! sinTaylorConst1.y\n" + "#c = 1/5! sinTaylorConst1.z\n" + "#d = 1/7! sinTaylorConst1.w\n" + "#y = x^2 r2\n" + "\n" + "#r1.x = sin(r3.x);\n" + "\n" + "MUL r2, r3.x, r3.x;\n" + "MAD r1, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.w, sinTaylorConst1.z;\n" + "MAD r1, r1, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.y;\n" + "MAD r1, r1, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.x;\n" + "MUL r1, r1, r3.x;\n" + "\n" + "#displace vertex along normal\n" + "MUL r1.x, r1.x, sinFreqAmplitude.y;\n" + "MAX r1.x, r1.x, smoothstep.x; # r1.x = max(r1.x, 0.0);\n" + "MUL r2.xyz, iNorm, r1.x;\n" + "ADD r0.xyz, r0, r2;\n" + "\n" + "#simple lighting\n" + "DP3 r1.x, mvit[0], iNorm ; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r1.y, mvit[1], iNorm ;\n" + "DP3 r1.z, mvit[2], iNorm ;\n" + "\n" + "DP3 r2, lightPos, r1 ; # light position DOT normal\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r2, diffuseCol ; # col = ldotn * diffuse\n" + "\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "\n" + "DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], r0 ; # object x MVP -> clip\n" + "DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], r0 ;\n" + "DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], r0 ;\n" + "DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], r0 ;\n" + "\n" + "END\n", // // Wave // "!!ARBvp1.0\n" + "# Perturb vertices in clip space with sine wave\n" + "# x += sin((y*freq)+anim) * amp\n" + programSetup + "DP4 r0.x, mvp[0], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 r0.y, mvp[1], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 r0.z, mvp[2], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 r0.w, mvp[3], iPos ;\n" + "\n" + "MUL r3.x, r0.y, sinFreqAmplitude.x; # wave frequency\n" + "ADD r3.x, r3.x, phaseAnim.x; # phase animation\n" + "\n" + "# reduce to period of 2*PI\n" + "MUL r2, r3.x, sinTaylorConst2.x;\n" + "EXP r4, r2.x; # r4.y = r2.x - floor(r2.x)\n" + "MUL r3.x, r4.y, sinTaylorConst2.y;\n" + "\n" + "# offset to -PI - PI\n" + "ADD r3.x, r3.x, -sinTaylorConst2.z;\n" + "\n" + "# r1.x = sin(r3.x);\n" + "MUL r2, r3.x, r3.x;\n" + "MAD r1, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.w, sinTaylorConst1.z;\n" + "MAD r1, r1, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.y;\n" + "MAD r1, r1, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.x;\n" + "MUL r1, r1, r3.x;\n" + "\n" + "MAD r0.x, r1.x, sinFreqAmplitude.y, r0.x;\n" + "\n" + "# simple lighting\n" + "DP3 r1.x, mvit[0], iNorm ; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r1.y, mvit[1], iNorm ;\n" + "DP3 r1.z, mvit[2], iNorm ;\n" + "DP3 r2, lightPos, r1 ; # light position DOT normal\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r2, diffuseCol ; # col = ldotn * diffuse\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "\n" + "MOV oPos, r0;\n" + "\n" + "END\n", // // Fisheye // "!!ARBvp1.0\n" + "#Fisheye distortion based on function:\n" + "#f(x)=(d+1)/(d+(1/x))\n" + "#maps the [0,1] interval monotonically onto [0,1]\n" + "\n" + "#sinFreqAmplitude.z = d\n" + "#sinFreqAmplitude.w = d+1\n" + programSetup + "\n" + "DP4 r0.x, mvp[0], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 r0.y, mvp[1], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 r0.z, mvp[2], iPos ;\n" + "DP4 r0.w, mvp[3], iPos ;\n" + "\n" + "# do perspective divide\n" + "RCP r1, r0.w;\n" + "MUL r0, r0, r1.w;\n" + "\n" + "MAX r1, r0, -r0; # r1 = abs(r0)\n" + "\n" + "SLT r2, r0, smoothstep.x; # r2 = (r0 < 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0\n" + "SGE r3, r0, smoothstep.x; # r3 = (r0 >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0\n" + "\n" + "# distort x\n" + "# h(x)=(d+1)/(d+(1/x))\n" + "RCP r1.x, r1.x; # r1 = 1 / r1\n" + "ADD r1.x, r1.x, sinFreqAmplitude.z; # r1 += d\n" + "RCP r1.x, r1.x; # r1 = 1 / r1\n" + "MUL r1.x, r1.x, sinFreqAmplitude.w; # r1 *= d + 1\n" + "\n" + "# distort y\n" + "RCP r1.y, r1.y; # r1 = 1 / r1\n" + "ADD r1.y, r1.y, sinFreqAmplitude.z; # r1 += d\n" + "RCP r1.y, r1.y; # r1 = 1 / r1\n" + "MUL r1.y, r1.y, sinFreqAmplitude.w; # r1 *= d + 1\n" + "\n" + "# handle negative cases\n" + "MUL r4.xy, r1, r3; # r4 = r1 * r3\n" + "MAD r1.xy, r1, -r2, r4; # r1 = r1 * -r2 + r4\n" + "\n" + "# simple lighting\n" + "DP3 r2.x, mvit[0], iNorm ; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r2.y, mvit[1], iNorm ;\n" + "DP3 r2.z, mvit[2], iNorm ;\n" + "DP3 r3, lightPos, r2 ; # light position DOT normal\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r3, diffuseCol ; # col = ldotn * diffuse\n" + "\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "\n" + "MOV oPos, r1;\n" + "\n" + "END\n", // // Spherize // "!!ARBvp1.0\n" + "# Spherical fish-eye distortion\n" + "# in clip space\n" + programSetup + "DP4 r0.x, mvp[0], iPos;\n" + "DP4 r0.y, mvp[1], iPos;\n" + "DP4 r0.z, mvp[2], iPos;\n" + "DP4 r0.w, mvp[3], iPos;\n" + "\n" + "# do perspective divide\n" + "RCP r1.x, r0.w;\n" + "MUL r2, r0, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "# calculate distance from centre\n" + "MUL r1.x, r2.x, r2.x;\n" + "MAD r1.x, r2.y, r2.y, r1.x;\n" + "RSQ r1.x, r1.x; # r1.x = 1 / sqrt(x*x+y*y)\n" + "\n" + "# calculate r3 = normalized direction vector\n" + "MUL r3.xy, r0, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "RCP r1.x, r1.x; # r1.x = actual distance\n" + "MIN r1.x, r1.x, smoothstep.y; # r1.x = min(r1.x, 1.0)\n" + "\n" + "# remap based on: f(x) = sqrt(1-x^2)\n" + "ADD r1.x, smoothstep.y, -r1.x;\n" + "MAD r1.x, -r1.x, r1.x, smoothstep.y;\n" + "RSQ r1.x, r1.x;\n" + "RCP r1.x, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "# move vertex to new distance from centre\n" + "MUL r0.xy, r3, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "# simple lighting\n" + "DP3 r2.x, mvit[0], iNorm; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r2.y, mvit[1], iNorm;\n" + "DP3 r2.z, mvit[2], iNorm;\n" + "DP3 r3, lightPos, r2 ; # light position DOT normal\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r3, diffuseCol ; # col = ldotn * diffuse\n" + "\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "\n" + "MOV oPos, r0;\n" + "\n" + "END\n", // // Ripple // "!!ARBvp1.0\n" + "# Ripple distortion\n" + programSetup + "DP4 r0.x, mvp[0], iPos;\n" + "DP4 r0.y, mvp[1], iPos;\n" + "DP4 r0.z, mvp[2], iPos;\n" + "DP4 r0.w, mvp[3], iPos;\n" + "\n" + "# do perspective divide\n" + "RCP r1.x, r0.w;\n" + "MUL r4, r0, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "# calculate distance from centre\n" + "MUL r1.x, r4.x, r4.x;\n" + "MAD r1.x, r4.y, r4.y, r1.x;\n" + "RSQ r1.x, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "RCP r1.x, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "MUL r1.x, r1.x, sinFreqAmplitude.x; # wave frequency\n" + "ADD r1.x, r1.x, phaseAnim.x; # phase animation\n" + "\n" + "# reduce to period of 2*PI\n" + "MUL r2, r1.x, sinTaylorConst2.x; # r2 = r1 / 2.0 * PI\n" + "EXP r4, r2.x; # r4.y = r2.x - floor(r2.x)\n" + "MUL r1.x, r4.y, sinTaylorConst2.y;\n" + "\n" + "# offset to -PI - PI\n" + "ADD r1.x, r1.x, -sinTaylorConst2.z;\n" + "\n" + "# r3.x = sin(r1.x)\n" + "MUL r2, r1.x, r1.x;\n" + "MAD r3, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.w, sinTaylorConst1.z;\n" + "MAD r3, r3, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.y;\n" + "MAD r3, r3, -r2, sinTaylorConst1.x;\n" + "MUL r3, r3, r1.x;\n" + "\n" + "MUL r3.x, r3.x, sinFreqAmplitude.y;\n" + "\n" + "# move vertex towards centre based on distance\n" + "MAD r0.xy, r0, -r3.x, r0;\n" + "\n" + "# lighting\n" + "DP3 r2.x, mvit[0], iNorm; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r2.y, mvit[1], iNorm;\n" + "DP3 r2.z, mvit[2], iNorm;\n" + "DP3 r3, lightPos, r2; # light position DOT normal\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r3, diffuseCol; # col = ldotn * diffuse\n" + "\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "\n" + "MOV oPos, r0;\n" + "\n" + "END\n", // // Twist // "!!ARBvp1.0\n" + "# Twist\n" + programSetup + "MOV r0, iPos;\n" + "\n" + "MUL r1.x, r0.x, sinFreqAmplitude.x; # frequency\n" + "\n" + "# calculate sin(angle) and cos(angle)\n" + "ADD r1.y, r1.x, -sinTaylorConst2.w; # r1.y = r1.x + PI/2.0\n" + "\n" + "# reduce to period of 2*PI\n" + "MUL r2, r1, sinTaylorConst2.x; # r2 = r1 / 2.0 * PI\n" + "EXP r3.y, r2.x; # r2.y = r2.x - floor(r2.x)\n" + "MOV r3.x, r3.y;\n" + "EXP r3.y, r2.y; # r2.y = r2.x - floor(r2.x)\n" + "MAD r2, r3, sinTaylorConst2.y, -sinTaylorConst2.z; # r2 = (r3 * 2.0*PI) - M_PI\n" + "\n" + "# r4.x = sin(r2.x);\n" + "# r4.y = cos(r2.y);\n" + "# parallel taylor series\n" + "MUL r3, r2, r2;\n" + "MAD r4, -r3, sinTaylorConst1.w, sinTaylorConst1.z;\n" + "MAD r4, r4, -r3, sinTaylorConst1.y;\n" + "MAD r4, r4, -r3, sinTaylorConst1.x;\n" + "MUL r4, r4, r2;\n" + "\n" + "# x y z w\n" + "# R:\n" + "# 1 0 0 0\n" + "# 0 c -s 0\n" + "# 0 s c 0\n" + "# 0 0 0 1\n" + "\n" + "# c = cos(a)\n" + "# s = sin(a)\n" + "\n" + "# calculate rotation around X\n" + "MOV r1, r0;\n" + "\n" + "MUL r1.y, r0.y, r4.y;\n" + "MAD r1.y, r0.z, -r4.x, r1.y; # ny = y*cos(a) - z*sin(a)\n" + "\n" + "MUL r1.z, r0.y, r4.x;\n" + "MAD r1.z, r0.z, r4.y, r1.z; # nz = y*sin(a) + z*cos(a)\n" + "\n" + "DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], r1; # object x MVP -> clip\n" + "DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], r1;\n" + "DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], r1;\n" + "DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], r1;\n" + "\n" + "# rotate normal\n" + "MOV r2, iNorm;\n" + "MUL r2.y, iNorm.y, r4.y;\n" + "MAD r2.y, iNorm.z, -r4.x, r2.y; # ny = y*cos(a) - z*sin(a)\n" + "\n" + "MUL r2.z, iNorm.y, r4.x;\n" + "MAD r2.z, iNorm.z, r4.y, r2.z; # nz = y*sin(a) + z*cos(a)\n" + "\n" + "# diffuse lighting\n" + "DP3 r1.x, mvit[0], r2; # normal x MV-1T -> lighting normal\n" + "DP3 r1.y, mvit[1], r2;\n" + "DP3 r1.z, mvit[2], r2;\n" + "\n" + "DP3 r3, lightPos, r1; # light position DOT normal\n" + "MUL oCol0.xyz, r3, diffuseCol; # col = ldotn * diffuse\n" + "\n" + "MOV oTex0, iTex;\n" + "\n" + "END\n" }; private static void runExit(final Animator animator) { // Note: calling System.exit() synchronously inside the draw, // reshape or init callbacks can lead to deadlocks on certain // platforms (in particular, X11) because the JAWT's locking // routines cause a global AWT lock to be grabbed. Instead run // the exit routine in another thread. new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { animator.stop(); System.exit(0); } }).start(); } }