/* * Copyright (c) 2009 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opencl.gl; import java.nio.Buffer; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLContext; import jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl; import jogamp.opengl.egl.EGLContext; import jogamp.opengl.macosx.cgl.CGL; import jogamp.opengl.macosx.cgl.MacOSXCGLContext; import jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLContext; import jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContext; import com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLPlatform; import com.jogamp.opencl.llb.CL; /** * OpenCL Context supporting JOGL-JOCL interoperablity. * @author Michael Bien, et al. */ public final class CLGLContext extends CLContext { final long glID; private final GLContext glContext; private CLGLContext(final CLPlatform platform, final GLContext glContext, final long clContextID, final long glContextID, final ErrorDispatcher dispatcher) { super(platform, clContextID, dispatcher); this.glID = glContextID; this.glContext = glContext; } /** * Creates a shared context on all available devices (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL). * @see GLContext#makeCurrent() */ public static CLGLContext create(final GLContext glContext) { return create(glContext, (CLPlatform)null, CLDevice.Type.ALL); } /** * Creates a shared context on the specified platform on all available devices (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL). * @see GLContext#makeCurrent() */ public static CLGLContext create(final GLContext glContext, final CLPlatform platform) { return create(glContext, platform, CLDevice.Type.ALL); } /** * Creates a shared context on the specified platform and with the specified * device types. * @see GLContext#makeCurrent() */ public static CLGLContext create(final GLContext glContext, final CLDevice.Type... deviceTypes) { return create(glContext, null, deviceTypes); } /** * Creates a shared context on the specified platform and with the specified * device types. * @see GLContext#makeCurrent() */ public static CLGLContext create(final GLContext glContext, CLPlatform platform, final CLDevice.Type... deviceTypes) { if(platform == null) { platform = CLPlatform.getDefault(); } final long[] glID = new long[1]; final PointerBuffer properties = setupContextProperties(platform, glContext, glID); final ErrorDispatcher dispatcher = createErrorHandler(); final long clID = createContextFromType(platform, dispatcher, properties, toDeviceBitmap(deviceTypes)); return new CLGLContext(platform, glContext, clID, glID[0], dispatcher); } /** * Creates a shared context on the specified platform and with the specified * devices. * @see GLContext#makeCurrent() */ public static CLGLContext create(final GLContext glContext, final CLDevice... devices) { if(devices == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no devices specified"); }else if(devices[0] == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("first device was null"); } final CLPlatform platform = devices[0].getPlatform(); final long[] glID = new long[1]; final PointerBuffer properties = setupContextProperties(platform, glContext, glID); final ErrorDispatcher dispatcher = createErrorHandler(); final long clID = createContext(platform, dispatcher, properties, devices); final CLGLContext context = new CLGLContext(platform, glContext, clID, glID[0], dispatcher); if(devices != null) { for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { context.overrideContext(devices[i]); } } return context; } private static PointerBuffer setupContextProperties(final CLPlatform platform, final GLContext glContext, final long[] glID) { if(platform == null) { throw new RuntimeException("no OpenCL installation found"); } if(glContext == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("GLContext was null."); } // context must be current if(!glContext.isCurrent()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OpenGL context is not current,\n"+ " creating a OpenCL context for context sharing is not allowed in this situation."); } final GLContextImpl ctxImpl = (GLContextImpl)glContext; glID[0] = glContext.getHandle(); PointerBuffer properties; if(glContext instanceof X11GLXContext) { // spec: "When the GLX binding API is supported, the attribute // CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR should be set to a GLXContext handle to an // OpenGL context, and the attribute CL_GLX_DISPLAY_KHR should be // set to the Display handle of the X Window System display used to // create the OpenGL context." properties = PointerBuffer.allocateDirect(7); final long displayHandle = ctxImpl.getDrawableImpl().getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(); properties.put(CL.CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR).put(glID[0]) .put(CL.CL_GLX_DISPLAY_KHR).put(displayHandle) .put(CL.CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM).put(platform.ID); }else if(glContext instanceof WindowsWGLContext) { // spec: "When the WGL binding API is supported, the attribute // CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR should be set to an HGLRC handle to an OpenGL // context, and the attribute CL_WGL_HDC_KHR should be set to the // HDC handle of the display used to create the OpenGL context." properties = PointerBuffer.allocateDirect(7); final long surfaceHandle = ctxImpl.getDrawableImpl().getNativeSurface().getSurfaceHandle(); properties.put(CL.CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR).put(glID[0]) .put(CL.CL_WGL_HDC_KHR).put(surfaceHandle) .put(CL.CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM).put(platform.ID); }else if(glContext instanceof MacOSXCGLContext) { // spec: "When the CGL binding API is supported, the attribute // CL_CGL_SHAREGROUP_KHR should be set to a CGLShareGroup handle to // a CGL share group object." /** * FIXME: For all Mac OSX Versions ??? * CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_USE_CGL_SHAREGROUP_APPLE used to specify the GL sharing group ID * on Mac OSX 10.8.4 works. * Using the std. CL_CGL_SHAREGROUP_KHR on Mac OSX 10.8.4 causes the context creation * to throw a CL_INVALID_VALUE error. */ final long cgl = CGL.getCGLContext(glID[0]); final long group = CGL.CGLGetShareGroup(cgl); properties = PointerBuffer.allocateDirect(5); properties.put(CL.CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_USE_CGL_SHAREGROUP_APPLE).put(group) .put(CL.CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM).put(platform.ID); }else if(glContext instanceof EGLContext) { // TODO test EGL // spec: "When the EGL binding API is supported, the attribute // CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR should be set to an EGLContext handle to an // OpenGL ES or OpenGL context, and the attribute // CL_EGL_DISPLAY_KHR should be set to the EGLDisplay handle of the // display used to create the OpenGL ES or OpenGL context." properties = PointerBuffer.allocateDirect(7); final long displayHandle = ctxImpl.getDrawableImpl().getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(); properties.put(CL.CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR).put(glID[0]) .put(CL.CL_EGL_DISPLAY_KHR).put(displayHandle) .put(CL.CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM).put(platform.ID); }else{ throw new RuntimeException("unsupported GLContext: "+glContext); } return properties.put(0).rewind(); // 0 terminated array } // Buffers /** * Creates a CLGLBuffer for memory sharing with the specified OpenGL buffer. * @param glBuffer The OpenGL buffer handle like a vertex buffer or pixel buffer object. * @param glBufferSize The size of the OpenGL buffer in bytes * @param flags optional flags. */ public final CLGLBuffer createFromGLBuffer(final int glBuffer, final long glBufferSize, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLBuffer(null, glBuffer, glBufferSize, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } /** * Creates a CLGLBuffer for memory sharing with the specified OpenGL buffer. * @param glBuffer The OpenGL buffer handle like a vertex buffer or pixel buffer object. * @param glBufferSize The size of the OpenGL buffer in bytes * @param flags optional flags. */ public final CLGLBuffer createFromGLBuffer(final int glBuffer, final long glBufferSize, final int flags) { return createFromGLBuffer(null, glBuffer, glBufferSize, flags); } /** * Creates a CLGLBuffer for memory sharing with the specified OpenGL buffer. * @param directBuffer A direct allocated NIO buffer for data transfers between java and OpenCL. * @param glBuffer The OpenGL buffer handle like a vertex buffer or pixel buffer object. * @param glBufferSize The size of the OpenGL buffer in bytes * @param flags optional flags. */ public final CLGLBuffer createFromGLBuffer(final B directBuffer, final int glBuffer, final long glBufferSize, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLBuffer(directBuffer, glBuffer, glBufferSize, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } /** * Creates a CLGLBuffer for memory sharing with the specified OpenGL buffer. * @param directBuffer A direct allocated NIO buffer for data transfers between java and OpenCL. * @param glBuffer The OpenGL buffer handle like a vertex buffer or pixel buffer object. * @param glBufferSize The size of the OpenGL buffer in bytes * @param flags optional flags. */ public final CLGLBuffer createFromGLBuffer(final B directBuffer, final int glBuffer, final long glBufferSize, final int flags) { final CLGLBuffer buffer = CLGLBuffer.create(this, directBuffer, glBufferSize, flags, glBuffer); memoryObjects.add(buffer); return buffer; } // Renderbuffers public final CLGLImage2d createFromGLRenderbuffer(final int glBuffer, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLRenderbuffer(null, glBuffer, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } public final CLGLImage2d createFromGLRenderbuffer(final int glBuffer, final int flags) { return createFromGLRenderbuffer(null, glBuffer, flags); } public final CLGLImage2d createFromGLRenderbuffer(final B directBuffer, final int glBuffer, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLRenderbuffer(directBuffer, glBuffer, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } public final CLGLImage2d createFromGLRenderbuffer(final B directBuffer, final int glBuffer, final int flags) { final CLGLImage2d buffer = CLGLImage2d.createFromGLRenderbuffer(this, directBuffer, flags, glBuffer); memoryObjects.add(buffer); return buffer; } //2d Textures public final CLGLTexture2d createFromGLTexture2d(final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLTexture2d(null, target, texture, mipmap, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } public final CLGLTexture2d createFromGLTexture2d(final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final int flags) { return createFromGLTexture2d(null, target, texture, mipmap, flags); } public final CLGLTexture2d createFromGLTexture2d(final B directBuffer, final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLTexture2d(directBuffer, target, texture, mipmap, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } public final CLGLTexture2d createFromGLTexture2d(final B directBuffer, final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final int flags) { final CLGLTexture2d buffer = CLGLTexture2d.createFromGLTexture2d(this, directBuffer, target, texture, mipmap, flags); memoryObjects.add(buffer); return buffer; } //3d Textures public final CLGLTexture3d createFromGLTexture3d(final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLTexture3d(null, target, texture, mipmap, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } public final CLGLTexture3d createFromGLTexture3d(final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final int flags) { return createFromGLTexture3d(null, target, texture, mipmap, flags); } public final CLGLTexture3d createFromGLTexture3d(final B directBuffer, final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final Mem... flags) { return createFromGLTexture3d(directBuffer, target, texture, mipmap, Mem.flagsToInt(flags)); } public final CLGLTexture3d createFromGLTexture3d(final B directBuffer, final int target, final int texture, final int mipmap, final int flags) { final CLGLTexture3d buffer = CLGLTexture3d.createFromGLTexture3d(this, directBuffer, flags, target, mipmap, texture); memoryObjects.add(buffer); return buffer; } /** * Return the low level OpenCL interface with OpenGL interoperability. */ @Override public CL getCL() { return super.getCL(); } /** * Returns the OpenGL context this context was shared with. */ public GLContext getGLContext() { return glContext; } @Override public CLGLContext getContext() { return this; } }