/** * Copyright 2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.openal.util; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import com.jogamp.common.av.AudioFormat; import com.jogamp.common.av.AudioSink; import com.jogamp.common.av.PTS; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform; import com.jogamp.common.util.InterruptSource; import com.jogamp.common.util.InterruptedRuntimeException; import com.jogamp.common.util.SourcedInterruptedException; import com.jogamp.common.util.WorkerThread; import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Context; import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Device; import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Source; /** * A continuous simple off-thread mutable sine wave synthesizer. * <p> * Implementation utilizes an off-thread worker thread streaming the generated wave to OpenAL, * allowing to change frequency and amplitude without disturbance. * </p> */ public final class SimpleSineSynth { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** The value PI, i.e. 180 degrees in radians. */ private static final float PI = 3.14159265358979323846f; /** The value 2PI, i.e. 360 degrees in radians. */ private static final float TWO_PI = 2f * PI; private static final float EPSILON = 1.1920929E-7f; // Float.MIN_VALUE == 1.4e-45f ; double EPSILON 2.220446049250313E-16d private static final float SHORT_MAX = 32767.0f; // == Short.MAX_VALUE public static final float MIDDLE_C = 261.625f; private final ALAudioSink audioSink; private final Object stateLock = new Object(); private volatile float audioAmplitude = 1.0f; private volatile float audioFreq = MIDDLE_C; private volatile int nextAudioPTS = 0; private SynthWorker streamWorker; public SimpleSineSynth() { this(null); } public SimpleSineSynth(final Device device) { audioSink = new ALAudioSink(device); streamWorker = new SynthWorker(); } public ALAudioSink getSink() { return audioSink; } /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Device}. */ public final Device getDevice() { return audioSink.getDevice(); } /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Context}. */ public final Context getContext() { return audioSink.getContext(); } /** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Source}. */ public final Source getSource() { return audioSink.getSource(); } public void setFreq(final float f) { audioFreq = f; } public float getFreq() { return audioFreq; } public void setAmplitude(final float a) { audioAmplitude = Math.min(1.0f, Math.max(0.0f, a)); // clip [0..1] } public float getAmplitude() { return audioAmplitude; } /** Returns latency or frame-duration in milliseconds */ public int getLatency() { return null != streamWorker ? streamWorker.frameDuration : 2*AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration; } public void play() { synchronized( stateLock ) { if( null == streamWorker ) { streamWorker = new SynthWorker(); } streamWorker.doResume(); } } public void pause() { synchronized( stateLock ) { if( null != streamWorker ) { streamWorker.doPause(true); } } } public void stop() { synchronized( stateLock ) { if( null != streamWorker ) { streamWorker.doStop(); streamWorker = null; } else { audioSink.destroy(); } } } public boolean isPlaying() { synchronized( stateLock ) { if( null != streamWorker ) { return streamWorker.isPlaying(); } } return false; } public boolean isRunning() { synchronized( stateLock ) { if( null != streamWorker ) { return streamWorker.isRunning(); } } return false; } public int getNextPTS() { return nextAudioPTS; } public PTS getPTS() { return audioSink.getPTS(); } @Override public final String toString() { synchronized( stateLock ) { final int pts = getPTS().getLast(); final int lag = getNextPTS() - pts; return getClass().getSimpleName()+"[f "+audioFreq+", a "+audioAmplitude+", latency "+getLatency()+ ", state[running "+isRunning()+", playing "+isPlaying()+"], pts[next "+getNextPTS()+", play "+pts+", lag "+lag+"], "+audioSink.toString()+"]"; } } private static ByteBuffer allocate(final int size) { // return ByteBuffer.allocate(size); return Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size); } class SynthWorker { private final boolean useFloat32SampleType; private final int bytesPerSample; private final AudioFormat audioFormat; private ByteBuffer sampleBuffer; private int frameDuration; private int audioQueueLimit; private float lastFreq; private float nextSin; private boolean upSin; private int nextStep; private final WorkerThread.StateCallback stateCB = (final WorkerThread self, final WorkerThread.StateCallback.State cause) -> { switch( cause ) { case INIT: nextAudioPTS = (int)Platform.currentMillis(); break; case PAUSED: audioSink.pause(); break; case RESUMED: nextAudioPTS = (int)Platform.currentMillis(); audioSink.play(); break; case END: break; default: break; } }; private final WorkerThread.Callback action = (final WorkerThread aaa) -> { enqueueWave(); }; final WorkerThread wt =new WorkerThread(null, null, true /* daemonThread */, action, stateCB); /** * Starts this daemon thread, * <p> * This thread pauses after it's started! * </p> **/ SynthWorker() { synchronized(this) { nextAudioPTS = 0; // Note: float32 is OpenAL-Soft's internally used format to mix samples etc. final AudioFormat f32 = new AudioFormat(audioSink.getPreferredFormat().sampleRate, 4<<3, 1, true /* signed */, false /* fixed point */, false /* planar */, true /* littleEndian */); if( audioSink.isSupported(f32) ) { useFloat32SampleType = true; bytesPerSample = 4; audioFormat = f32; } else { useFloat32SampleType = false; bytesPerSample = 2; audioFormat = new AudioFormat(audioSink.getPreferredFormat().sampleRate, bytesPerSample<<3, 1, true /* signed */, true /* fixed point */, false /* planar */, true /* littleEndian */); } System.err.println("OpenAL float32 supported: "+useFloat32SampleType); sampleBuffer = allocate( audioFormat.getDurationsByteSize(30/1000f) ); // pre-allocate buffer for 30ms // clip [16 .. 2*AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration] frameDuration = 10; // let's try for the best .. audioQueueLimit = Math.max( 16, Math.min(3*AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration, 3*Math.round( 1000f*audioSink.getDefaultLatency() ) ) ); // ms audioSink.init(audioFormat, frameDuration, audioQueueLimit); frameDuration = Math.round( 1000f*audioSink.getLatency() ); // actual number lastFreq = 0; nextSin = 0; upSin = true; nextStep = 0; wt.start( true ); } } private final int findNextStep(final boolean upSin, final float nextSin, final float freq, final int sampleRate, final int sampleCount) { final float sample_step = ( TWO_PI * freq ) / sampleRate; float s_diff = Float.MAX_VALUE; float s_best = 0; int i_best = -1; float s0 = 0; for(int i=0; i < sampleCount && s_diff >= EPSILON ; ++i) { final float s1 = (float) Math.sin( sample_step * i ); final float s_d = Math.abs(nextSin - s1); if( s_d < s_diff && ( ( upSin && s1 >= s0 ) || ( !upSin && s1 < s0 ) ) ) { s_best = s1; s_diff = s_d; i_best = i; } s0 = s1; } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("%nBest: %d/[%d..%d]: s %f / %f (up %b), s_diff %f%n", i_best, 0, sampleCount, s_best, nextSin, upSin, s_diff); } return i_best; } private final void enqueueWave() { // use local cache of volatiles, stable values final float freq = audioFreq; final float amp = audioAmplitude; final float period = 1.0f / freq; // [s] final float sample_step = ( TWO_PI * freq ) / audioFormat.sampleRate; final float duration = frameDuration / 1000.0f; // [s] final int sample_count = (int)( duration * audioFormat.sampleRate ); // [n] final boolean overflow; final boolean changedFreq; if( Math.abs( freq - lastFreq ) >= EPSILON ) { changedFreq = true; overflow = false; lastFreq = freq; nextStep = findNextStep(upSin, nextSin, freq, audioFormat.sampleRate, sample_count); } else { changedFreq = false; if( nextStep + sample_count >= Integer.MAX_VALUE/1000 ) { nextStep = findNextStep(upSin, nextSin, freq, audioFormat.sampleRate, sample_count); overflow = true; } else { overflow = false; } } if( DEBUG ) { if( changedFreq || overflow ) { final float wave_count = duration / period; System.err.printf("%nFreq %f Hz, period %f [ms], waves %.2f, duration %f [ms], sample[count %d, rate %d, step %f, next[up %b, sin %f, step %d]]%n", freq, 1000.0*period, wave_count, 1000.0*duration, sample_count, audioFormat.sampleRate, sample_step, upSin, nextSin, nextStep); // System.err.println(Synth02AL.this.toString()); } } if( sampleBuffer.capacity() < bytesPerSample*sample_count ) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("SampleBuffer grow: %d -> %d%n", sampleBuffer.capacity(), bytesPerSample*sample_count); } sampleBuffer = allocate(bytesPerSample*sample_count); } { int i; float s = 0; if( useFloat32SampleType ) { final FloatBuffer f32sb = sampleBuffer.asFloatBuffer(); final int l = nextStep; for(i=l; i<l+sample_count; ++i) { s = (float) Math.sin( sample_step * i ); f32sb.put(s * amp); } } else { final int l = nextStep; for(i=l; i<l+sample_count; ++i) { s = (float) Math.sin( sample_step * i ); final short s16 = (short)( SHORT_MAX * s * amp ); sampleBuffer.put( (byte) ( s16 & 0xff ) ); sampleBuffer.put( (byte) ( ( s16 >>> 8 ) & 0xff ) ); } } nextStep = i; nextSin = (float) Math.sin( sample_step * nextStep ); upSin = nextSin >= s; } sampleBuffer.rewind(); audioSink.enqueueData(nextAudioPTS, sampleBuffer, sample_count*bytesPerSample); sampleBuffer.clear(); nextAudioPTS += frameDuration; } public final synchronized void doPause(final boolean waitUntilDone) { wt.pause(waitUntilDone);; } public final synchronized void doResume() { wt.resume(); } public final synchronized void doStop() { wt.stop(true); audioSink.destroy(); } public final boolean isRunning() { return wt.isRunning(); } public final boolean isPlaying() { return wt.isActive(); } } }