function print_usage() { echo "Usage: $0 java-exe joal-build-dir" echo "e.g.: bash scripts/ `which java` -d64 ../build-x86_64" } if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] ; then print_usage exit 0 fi javaexe="$1" shift bdir=$1 shift bdir_base=`basename $bdir` if [ ! -x "$javaexe" ] ; then echo java-exe "$javaexe" is not an executable print_usage exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $bdir ] ; then echo build-dir $bdir is not a directory print_usage exit 1 fi # # See # export ALSOFT_LOGLEVEL=3 # rm -f java-run.log spath=`dirname $0` unset CLASSPATH which "$javaexe" 2>&1 | tee -a java-run.log "$javaexe" -version 2>&1 | tee -a java-run.log GLUEGEN_DIR=$spath/../../../gluegen GLUEGEN_BDIR=$GLUEGEN_DIR/$bdir_base if [ ! -d $GLUEGEN_DIR -o ! -d $GLUEGEN_BDIR ] ; then echo GLUEGEN not found print_usage exit fi JUNIT_JAR=$GLUEGEN_DIR/make/lib/junit.jar if [ -z "$ANT_PATH" ] ; then ANT_PATH=$(dirname $(dirname $(which ant))) if [ -e $ANT_PATH/lib/ant.jar ] ; then export ANT_PATH echo autosetting ANT_PATH to $ANT_PATH fi fi if [ -z "$ANT_PATH" ] ; then echo ANT_PATH does not exist, set it print_usage exit fi ANT_JARS=$ANT_PATH/lib/ant.jar:$ANT_PATH/lib/ant-junit.jar function jrun() { #D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug=all" #D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.Bitstream" #D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.NativeLibrary=true -Djoal.debug=true" #D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.AudioSink" #D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.AudioSink -Djoal.debug.AudioSink.trace" #D_ARGS="-Djoal.debug.AudioSink.trace" #D_ARGS="-Djoal.debug=all" #D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.JNILibLoader" #X_ARGS="-verbose:jni" #X_ARGS="-Xcheck:jni" #X_ARGS="-verbose:jni -Xcheck:jni -Xrs -Xnoclassgc" #X_ARGS="-Xrs" # StartFlightRecording: delay=10s, # FlightRecorderOptions: stackdepth=2048 # Enable remote connection to jmc: jcmd ManagementAgent.start jmxremote.authenticate=false jmxremote.ssl=false jmxremote.port=7091 # X_ARGS="-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints $X_ARGS" # X_ARGS="-XX:FlightRecorderOptions=stackdepth=2048,threadbuffersize=16k $X_ARGS" # X_ARGS="-XX:StartFlightRecording=delay=10s,dumponexit=true,filename=java-run.jfr $X_ARGS" export CLASSPATH=$GLUEGEN_BDIR/gluegen-rt.jar:$bdir/jar/joal.jar:$bdir/jar/joal-test.jar:$JUNIT_JAR:$ANT_JARS #export CLASSPATH=$GLUEGEN_BDIR/gluegen-rt.jar:$bdir/jar/joal.jar:$bdir/jar/joal-natives.jar:$bdir/jar/joal-test.jar:$JUNIT_JAR:$ANT_JARS echo CLASSPATH $CLASSPATH echo echo "Test Start: $*" echo echo "$javaexe" $javaxargs $X_ARGS $D_ARGS $C_ARG $* #gdb --args "$javaexe" $javaxargs $X_ARGS $D_ARGS $C_ARG $* "$javaexe" $javaxargs $X_ARGS $D_ARGS $C_ARG $* echo echo "Test End: $*" echo } function testnormal() { jrun $* 2>&1 | tee -a java-run.log } #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.JoalVersion $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.manual.OpenALTest $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.manual.Sound3DTest $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.manual.Synth01AL $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.manual.Synth02AL $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.manual.Synth02bAL $* testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.manual.ALCSystemEventTest $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.junit.ALDebugExtTest $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.junit.ALVersionTest $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.junit.ALutWAVLoaderTest $* #testnormal com.jogamp.openal.test.junit.ALExtLoopbackDeviceSOFTTest $*