# This .cfg file is used to generate the JOAL interface.
Include joal-common.cfg

Style InterfaceAndImpl
JavaClass AL
ImplPackage net.java.games.joal.impl
ImplJavaClass ALImpl
Extends AL ALConstants

EmitProcAddressTable true
ProcAddressTableClassName ALProcAddressTable
GetProcAddressTableExpr ALProcAddressLookup.getALProcAddressTable()
ProcAddressNameExpr LP $UPPERCASE({0})

Import net.java.games.joal.*
Import net.java.games.joal.impl.*
Import com.sun.gluegen.runtime.*

# Factor out the OpenAL constants into their own interface
Ignore ^AL_.+

# This routine is not exposed in the public API
AccessControl alGetProcAddress PACKAGE_PRIVATE
# We also have to hack its return type for now because we can't make
# just that void* opaque
Opaque long ALproc

# This routine doesn't seem to exist
Ignore alHint

# Mappings for data types
Opaque boolean ALboolean

# These routines use or return strings
ReturnsString alGetString
ArgumentIsString alIsExtensionPresent 0
ArgumentIsString alGetEnumValue 0
ArgumentIsString alGetProcAddress 0

# Provide #includes to native code
CustomCCode #include "al.h"
CustomCCode #ifndef _MSC_VER /* Non-Windows platforms */
CustomCCode  #define __cdecl /* Trim non-standard keyword */
CustomCCode #endif
CustomCCode #include "efx.h"

IncludeAs CustomCCode joal-common-CustomCCode.c