path: root/make/stub_includes/openal/alc.h
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1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make/stub_includes/openal/alc.h b/make/stub_includes/openal/alc.h
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index 0000000..294e8b3
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+++ b/make/stub_includes/openal/alc.h
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+#ifndef AL_ALC_H
+#define AL_ALC_H
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#ifndef ALC_API
+ #if defined(AL_LIBTYPE_STATIC)
+ #define ALC_API
+ #elif defined(_WIN32)
+ #define ALC_API __declspec(dllimport)
+ #else
+ #define ALC_API extern
+ #endif
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ #define ALC_APIENTRY __cdecl
+ #define ALC_APIENTRY
+/** Deprecated macro. */
+#define ALC_INVALID 0
+/** Supported ALC version? */
+#define ALC_VERSION_0_1 1
+/** Opaque device handle */
+typedef struct ALCdevice_struct ALCdevice;
+/** Opaque context handle */
+typedef struct ALCcontext_struct ALCcontext;
+/** 8-bit boolean */
+typedef char ALCboolean;
+/** character */
+typedef char ALCchar;
+/** signed 8-bit 2's complement integer */
+typedef signed char ALCbyte;
+/** unsigned 8-bit integer */
+typedef unsigned char ALCubyte;
+/** signed 16-bit 2's complement integer */
+typedef short ALCshort;
+/** unsigned 16-bit integer */
+typedef unsigned short ALCushort;
+/** signed 32-bit 2's complement integer */
+typedef int ALCint;
+/** unsigned 32-bit integer */
+typedef unsigned int ALCuint;
+/** non-negative 32-bit binary integer size */
+typedef int ALCsizei;
+/** enumerated 32-bit value */
+typedef int ALCenum;
+/** 32-bit IEEE754 floating-point */
+typedef float ALCfloat;
+/** 64-bit IEEE754 floating-point */
+typedef double ALCdouble;
+/** void type (for opaque pointers only) */
+typedef void ALCvoid;
+/* Enumerant values begin at column 50. No tabs. */
+/** Boolean False. */
+#define ALC_FALSE 0
+/** Boolean True. */
+#define ALC_TRUE 1
+/** Context attribute: <int> Hz. */
+#define ALC_FREQUENCY 0x1007
+/** Context attribute: <int> Hz. */
+#define ALC_REFRESH 0x1008
+/** Context attribute: AL_TRUE or AL_FALSE. */
+#define ALC_SYNC 0x1009
+/** Context attribute: <int> requested Mono (3D) Sources. */
+#define ALC_MONO_SOURCES 0x1010
+/** Context attribute: <int> requested Stereo Sources. */
+#define ALC_STEREO_SOURCES 0x1011
+/** No error. */
+#define ALC_NO_ERROR 0
+/** Invalid device handle. */
+#define ALC_INVALID_DEVICE 0xA001
+/** Invalid context handle. */
+/** Invalid enum parameter passed to an ALC call. */
+#define ALC_INVALID_ENUM 0xA003
+/** Invalid value parameter passed to an ALC call. */
+#define ALC_INVALID_VALUE 0xA004
+/** Out of memory. */
+#define ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0xA005
+/** Runtime ALC version. */
+#define ALC_MAJOR_VERSION 0x1000
+#define ALC_MINOR_VERSION 0x1001
+/** Context attribute list properties. */
+#define ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE 0x1002
+#define ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES 0x1003
+/** String for the default device specifier. */
+ * String for the given device's specifier.
+ *
+ * If device handle is NULL, it is instead a null-char separated list of
+ * strings of known device specifiers (list ends with an empty string).
+ */
+#define ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 0x1005
+/** String for space-separated list of ALC extensions. */
+#define ALC_EXTENSIONS 0x1006
+/** Capture extension */
+#define ALC_EXT_CAPTURE 1
+ * String for the given capture device's specifier.
+ *
+ * If device handle is NULL, it is instead a null-char separated list of
+ * strings of known capture device specifiers (list ends with an empty string).
+ */
+/** String for the default capture device specifier. */
+/** Number of sample frames available for capture. */
+#define ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES 0x312
+/** Enumerate All extension */
+/** String for the default extended device specifier. */
+ * String for the given extended device's specifier.
+ *
+ * If device handle is NULL, it is instead a null-char separated list of
+ * strings of known extended device specifiers (list ends with an empty string).
+ */
+/** Context management. */
+ALC_API ALCcontext* ALC_APIENTRY alcCreateContext(ALCdevice *device, const ALCint* attrlist);
+ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcMakeContextCurrent(ALCcontext *context);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcProcessContext(ALCcontext *context);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcSuspendContext(ALCcontext *context);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcDestroyContext(ALCcontext *context);
+ALC_API ALCcontext* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetCurrentContext(void);
+ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetContextsDevice(ALCcontext *context);
+/** Device management. */
+ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcOpenDevice(const ALCchar *devicename);
+ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcCloseDevice(ALCdevice *device);
+ * Error support.
+ *
+ * Obtain the most recent Device error.
+ */
+ALC_API ALCenum ALC_APIENTRY alcGetError(ALCdevice *device);
+ * Extension support.
+ *
+ * Query for the presence of an extension, and obtain any appropriate
+ * function pointers and enum values.
+ */
+ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcIsExtensionPresent(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *extname);
+ALC_API void* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetProcAddress(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *funcname);
+ALC_API ALCenum ALC_APIENTRY alcGetEnumValue(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *enumname);
+/** Query function. */
+ALC_API const ALCchar* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetString(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcGetIntegerv(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param, ALCsizei size, ALCint *values);
+/** Capture function. */
+ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureOpenDevice(const ALCchar *devicename, ALCuint frequency, ALCenum format, ALCsizei buffersize);
+ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureCloseDevice(ALCdevice *device);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureStart(ALCdevice *device);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureStop(ALCdevice *device);
+ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureSamples(ALCdevice *device, ALCvoid *buffer, ALCsizei samples);
+/** Pointer-to-function type, useful for dynamically getting ALC entry points. */
+typedef ALCcontext* (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCCREATECONTEXT)(ALCdevice *device, const ALCint *attrlist);
+typedef ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCMAKECONTEXTCURRENT)(ALCcontext *context);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCPROCESSCONTEXT)(ALCcontext *context);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCSUSPENDCONTEXT)(ALCcontext *context);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCDESTROYCONTEXT)(ALCcontext *context);
+typedef ALCdevice* (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCGETCONTEXTSDEVICE)(ALCcontext *context);
+typedef ALCdevice* (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCOPENDEVICE)(const ALCchar *devicename);
+typedef ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCCLOSEDEVICE)(ALCdevice *device);
+typedef ALCenum (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCGETERROR)(ALCdevice *device);
+typedef ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCISEXTENSIONPRESENT)(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *extname);
+typedef void* (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCGETPROCADDRESS)(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *funcname);
+typedef ALCenum (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCGETENUMVALUE)(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *enumname);
+typedef const ALCchar* (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCGETSTRING)(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCGETINTEGERV)(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param, ALCsizei size, ALCint *values);
+typedef ALCdevice* (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCCAPTUREOPENDEVICE)(const ALCchar *devicename, ALCuint frequency, ALCenum format, ALCsizei buffersize);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCCAPTURESTART)(ALCdevice *device);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCCAPTURESTOP)(ALCdevice *device);
+typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCCAPTURESAMPLES)(ALCdevice *device, ALCvoid *buffer, ALCsizei samples);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif /* AL_ALC_H */