Each file in directory simple must follows hierarchy conventions and is compiled/jared 
 automatically into server's working directory and content of resources likewise. 
 The name of jnlp is independent, and there can be even more jnlps for each future jar.
Directories are honored in srcs and in resources, but not in testcases.
Directories in signed handle their content in similar way as simple's content is handled,
 but in addition final jars are signed with simple testkey.
Files in custom directory have to care about compilation/packaging and deploying of srcs
 directory themselves. This can affect also testcase and resources, but testcases and
 resources are still automatically prepared like they are in the other test types.
There are three reproducers – simpletest1, simpletest2 and deadlocktest, which tests 
 test’s suite itself and serve as examples of behaviour.

Directory "signed" is listed in Makefile.am. You can specify as much to-be-signed
directories as you want. And jars in each of those signed directories will be 
signed  by their's own unique key (number of signed directories == number of certificates).
Do not forget to add each this directory into list n Makefile.am

If the name of a folder in simple/signed is composed of dots, then its contents
 are deployed from under a directory structure such that each part evaluates to
 a folder. For example, my.dir.reproducer/ will be deployed as jnlp_test_server/my/dir/reproducer.jar.

Inside custom directory are expected directories which are handling themselves.
 The only strictly necessary file is custom/reproducerName/srcs/Makefile. Upon 
 all custom/*/srcs are then launched make prepare-reproducer and during cleaning make 
 clean-reproducer. Those targets are run after all simple and signed reproducers are
 prepared, so they can reuse components of the simple and signed reproducers, eg 
 certificates or dependencies. to keep this custom makefiles as simple as possible. 
 Some comment in makefile or readme file is recommended for each custom reproducer
 to tell dependencies and what it does. Some readme (or comment in classes) is good
  advice for any reproducer anyway;)
Because of automake only small set of variables from icedtea-web Makefile is 
 available for custom makefiles, but feel free to export others if needed.