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 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * License.
 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
 * March 31, 1998.
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/* more doc todo:
 *  threads
 *  gc

package netscape.javascript;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessControlException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.BasicPermission;

import sun.applet.PluginAppletViewer;
import sun.applet.PluginDebug;

 * JSObject allows Java to manipulate objects that are
 * defined in JavaScript.
 * Values passed from Java to JavaScript are converted as
 * follows:<ul>
 * <li>JSObject is converted to the original JavaScript object
 * <li>Any other Java object is converted to a JavaScript wrapper,
 *   which can be used to access methods and fields of the java object.
 *   Converting this wrapper to a string will call the toString method
 *   on the original object, converting to a number will call the
 *   doubleValue method if possible and fail otherwise.  Converting
 *   to a boolean will try to call the booleanValue method in the
 *   same way.
 * <li>Java arrays are wrapped with a JavaScript object that understands
 *   array.length and array[index]
 * <li>A Java boolean is converted to a JavaScript boolean
 * <li>Java byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double are converted
 *   to JavaScript numbers
 * </ul>
 * Values passed from JavaScript to Java are converted as follows:<ul>
 * <li>objects which are wrappers around java objects are unwrapped
 * <li>other objects are wrapped with a JSObject
 * <li>strings, numbers and booleans are converted to String, Double,
 *   and Boolean objects respectively
 * </ul>
 * This means that all JavaScript values show up as some kind
 * of java.lang.Object in Java.  In order to make much use of them,
 * you will have to cast them to the appropriate subclass of Object,
 * e.g. <code>(String) window.getMember("name");</code> or
 * <code>(JSObject) window.getMember("document");</code>.
public final class JSObject {
    /* the internal object data */
    private long internal;

     * initialize
    private static void initClass() {

    static {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject INITIALIZER");

     * it is illegal to construct a JSObject manually
    public JSObject(int jsobj_addr) {
        this((long) jsobj_addr);

     * it is illegal to construct a JSObject manually
    public JSObject(String jsobj_addr) {

    public JSObject(long jsobj_addr) {

        // See if the caller has permission

        try {
            AccessController.getContext().checkPermission(new JSObjectCreatePermission());
        } catch (AccessControlException ace) {

            // If not, only caller with JSObject.getWindow on the stack may
            // make this call unprivileged.

            // Although this check is inefficient, it should happen only once
            // during applet init, so we look the other way

            StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
            boolean mayProceed = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
                if (stack[i].getClassName().equals("netscape.javascript.JSObject") &&
                        stack[i].getMethodName().equals("getWindow")) {
                    mayProceed = true;

            if (!mayProceed)
                throw ace;

        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject long CONSTRUCTOR");
        internal = jsobj_addr;

     * Retrieves a named member of a JavaScript object.
     * Equivalent to "this.<i>name</i>" in JavaScript.
    public Object getMember(String name) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.getMember " + name);

        Object o = PluginAppletViewer.getMember(internal, name);
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.getMember GOT " + o);
        return o;

     * Retrieves an indexed member of a JavaScript object.
     * Equivalent to "this[<i>index</i>]" in JavaScript.
    //    public Object         getMember(int index) { return getSlot(index); }
    public Object getSlot(int index) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.getSlot " + index);

        return PluginAppletViewer.getSlot(internal, index);

     * Sets a named member of a JavaScript object.
     * Equivalent to "this.<i>name</i> = <i>value</i>" in JavaScript.
    public void setMember(String name, Object value) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.setMember " + name + " " + value);

        PluginAppletViewer.setMember(internal, name, value);

     * Sets an indexed member of a JavaScript object.
     * Equivalent to "this[<i>index</i>] = <i>value</i>" in JavaScript.
    //    public void           setMember(int index, Object value) {
    //        setSlot(index, value);
    //    }
    public void setSlot(int index, Object value) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.setSlot " + index + " " + value);

        PluginAppletViewer.setSlot(internal, index, value);

    // TODO: toString, finalize.

     * Removes a named member of a JavaScript object.
    public void removeMember(String name) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.removeMember " + name);

        PluginAppletViewer.removeMember(internal, name);

     * Calls a JavaScript method.
     * Equivalent to "this.<i>methodName</i>(<i>args</i>[0], <i>args</i>[1], ...)" in JavaScript.
    public Object call(String methodName, Object args[]) {
        if (args == null)
            args = new Object[0];

        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.call " + methodName);
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
            PluginDebug.debug(" " + args[i]);
        return PluginAppletViewer.call(internal, methodName, args);

     * Evaluates a JavaScript expression. The expression is a string
     * of JavaScript source code which will be evaluated in the context
     * given by "this".
    public Object eval(String s) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.eval " + s);
        return PluginAppletViewer.eval(internal, s);

     * Converts a JSObject to a String.
    public String toString() {
        return PluginAppletViewer.javascriptToString(internal);

    // should use some sort of identifier rather than String
    // is "property" the right word?
    //    native String[]                         listProperties();

     * get a JSObject for the window containing the given applet
    public static JSObject getWindow(Applet applet) {
        // FIXME: handle long case as well.
        long internal = 0;
        internal = ((PluginAppletViewer)
        PluginDebug.debug("GOT IT: " + internal);
        return new JSObject(internal);

     * Finalization decrements the reference count on the corresponding
     * JavaScript object.
    protected void finalize() {

        // Proceed if this is a valid object (0L == default long == invalid)
        if (internal == 0L)

        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.finalize ");

     * Override java.lang.Object.equals() because identity is not preserved
     * with instances of JSObject.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        PluginDebug.debug("JSObject.equals " + obj);

        return false;