# Default (English) UI messages for netx
# L=Launcher, B=Boot, P=Parser, C=cache S=security
# General
NullParameter=Null parameter
ButCancel=\ Cancel\
ButCopy=Copy to Clipboard
ButMoreInformation=More Information...
ButShowDetails=Show Details
ButHideDetails=Hide Details
AFileOnTheMachine=a file on the machine
AlwaysAllowAction=Always allow this action
Continue=Do you want to continue?
Unknown= \
Extended Applet Security refers to security features for unsigned applets. Traditionally, only signed applets required user confirmation and unsigned applets ran automatically. This is represented by the 'low security' setting. Unsigned applets must be allowed or disallowed individually on 'high security' (the default), and additionally do not run at all on 'very high security'. In theory, unsigned applets can safely run automatically. In practice, however, any vulnerability in the Java security sandbox will prevent this from being true. \
To do so it uses the Security Level main settings switch rules in the tables of Custom definitions and Global definitions \
Its a main switch for "extended applet security". Its value is commonly stored in usrs_home/.icedtea/deployment.properties, but can be enforced via global settings in /etc/.java/deployment/deployment.properties or JAVA_HOME/lib/deployment.properties under the key deployment.security.level
The page which made the request was:
It is recommended you only run applications from sites you trust.
SUnsignedAllowedBefore=You have accepted this applet previously.
SUnsignedRejectedBefore=You have rejected this applet previously.
SUnsignedQuestion=Allow the applet to run?
SNotAllSignedSummary=Only parts of this application code are signed.
SNotAllSignedDetail=This application contains both signed and unsigned code. While signed code is safe if you trust the provider, unsigned code may imply code outside of the trusted provider's control.
SNotAllSignedQuestion=Do you wish to proceed and run this application anyway?
SAuthenticationPrompt=The {0} server at {1} is requesting authentication. It says "{2}"
SJNLPFileIsNotSigned=This application contains a digital signature in which the launching JNLP file is not signed.
# Security - used for the More Information dialog
SBadKeyUsage=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate's KeyUsage extension doesn't allow code signing.
SBadExtendedKeyUsage=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage extension doesn't allow code signing.
SBadNetscapeCertType=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate's NetscapeCertType extension doesn't allow code signing.
SHasExpiredCert=The digital signature has expired.
SHasExpiringCert=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate will expire within six months.
SNotYetValidCert=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate is not yet valid.
SUntrustedCertificate=The digital signature was generated with an untrusted certificate.
STrustedCertificate=The digital signature was generated with a trusted certificate.
SCNMisMatch=The expected hostname for this certificate is: "{0}"
The address being connected to is: "{1}"
SRunWithoutRestrictions=This application will be run without the security restrictions normally provided by Java.
SCertificateDetails=Certificate Details
# Security - certificate information
SMD5Fingerprint=MD5 Fingerprint
SSHA1Fingerprint=SHA1 Fingerprint
SSignatureAlgorithm=Signature Algorithm
# Certificate Viewer
CVCertificateType=Certificate Type
CVExportPasswordMessage=Enter password to protect key file:
CVImportPasswordMessage=Enter password to access file:
CVIssuedBy=Issued By
CVIssuedTo=Issued To
CVPasswordTitle=Authentication Required
CVRemoveConfirmMessage=Are you sure you want to remove the selected certificate?
CVRemoveConfirmTitle=Confirmation - Remove Certificate?
# KeyStores: see KeyStores.java
KSCerts=Trusted Certificates
KSJsseCerts=Trusted JSSE Certificates
KSCaCerts=Trusted Root CA Certificates
KSJsseCaCerts=Trusted JSSE Root CA Certificates
KSClientCerts=Client Authentication Certificates
# Deployment Configuration messages
DCIncorrectValue=Property "{0}" has incorrect value "{1}". Possible values {2}.
DCInternal=Internal error: {0}
DCSourceInternal= * Some validity tests have not been passed
With invalid JDK IcedTea-Web will probably not be able to start.
* Non-OpenJDK is detected
You will have to modify or remove {0} property in your configuration file {1}.
You should try to search for OpenJDK in your system or be sure you know what you are doing.
CPJVMconfirmInvalidJdkTitle=Confirm invalid JDK
CPJVMconfirmReset=Reset to default?
# Control Panel - Buttons
CPButNetworkSettings=Network Settings...
# Control Panel - Headers
CPHead=IcedTea-Web Control Panel
# Control Panel - Tabs
CPTabAbout=About IcedTea-Web
CPTabClassLoader=Class Loaders
CPTabDesktopIntegration=Desktop Integration
CPTabJVMSettings=JVM Settings
# Control Panel - AboutPanel
CPAboutInfo=This is the control panel for setting deployments.properties.
Not all options will take effect until implemented.
The use of multiple JREs is currently limited to OpenJDK.
# Control Panel - AdvancedProxySettings
APSDialogTitle=Network Settings
APSProxyAddressLabel=Proxy Address
APSProxyPortLabel=Proxy Port
APSSameProxyForAllProtocols=Use the same proxy server for all protocols.
APSExceptionsDescription=Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with
APSExceptionInstruction=Separate each entry with a semicolon.
# Control Panel - DebugginPanel
CPDebuggingPossibilites=Logging outputs
DPEnableLogging=Enable logging
DPEnableLoggingHint=When this switch is on, then also debug messages are logged. Same as -verbose or ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG=true
DPEnableHeaders=Enable headers
DPEnableHeadersHint=When this switch is on, each logged message have header with additional information like user, place in code and time
DPEnableFile=Enable logging to file
DPEnableFileHint=output messages will be saved to file in your {0} directory
DPEnableStds=Enable logging to standard outputs
DPEnableStdsHint=messages will be printed to standard outputs
DPEnableSyslog=Enable logging to system logs
DPEnableSyslogHint=output messages will be saved to system logs
DPHide=Hide on startup
DPShow=Show on startup
DPJavaConsole=Java Console
# Control Panel - DesktopShortcutPanel
DSPNeverCreate=Never create
DSPAlwaysAllow=Always allow
DSPAskUser=Ask user
DSPAskIfHinted=Ask if hinted
DSPAlwaysIfHinted=Always if hinted
# Control Panel - NetworkSettingsPanel
NSDescription-1=Unknown Setting.
NSDescription0=Use direct connection.
NSDescription1=Override browser proxy settings.
NSDescription2=Use automatic proxy configuration script at the specified location.
NSDescription3=Use proxy settings from your default browser to connect to the internet.
NSBypassLocal=Bypass proxy server for local addresses
NSDirectConnection=Direct connection
NSManualProxy=Manual proxy server
NSAutoProxy=Automatic proxy configuration script
NSBrowserProxy=Use browser settings
NSScriptLocation=Script location
# Control Panel - SecurityGeneralPanel
SGPAllowUserGrantSigned=Allow users to grant permissions to signed content
SGPAllowUserGrantUntrust=Allow users to grant permissions to content from an untrusted authority
SGPUseBrowserKeystore=Use certificates and keys in browser keystore (Unsupported)
SGPUsePersonalCertOneMatch=Use personal certificate automatically if only one matches server request (Unsupported)
SGPWarnCertHostMismatch=Warn if site certificate does not match hostname
SGPShowValid=Show site certificate even if it is valid (Unsupported)
SGPShowSandboxWarning=Show sandbox warning banner
SGPAllowUserAcceptJNLPSecurityRequests=Allow user to accept JNLP security requests
SGPCheckCertRevocationList=Check certificates for revocation using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) (Unsupported)
SGPEnableOnlineCertValidate=Enable online certificate validation (Unsupported)
SGPEnableTrustedPublisherList=Enable list of trusted publishers (Unsupported)
SGPEnableBlacklistRevocation=Enable blacklist revocation check (Unsupported)
SGPEnableCachingPassword=Enable caching password for authentication (Unsupported)
SGPUseSSL2=Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format (Unsupported)
SGPUseSSL3=Use SSL 3.0 (Unsupported)
SGPUseTLS1=Use TLS 1.0 (Unsupported)
# Control Panel - TemporaryInternetFilesPanel
TIFPEnableCache=Keep temporary files on my computer
TIFPLocationLabel=Select the location where temporary files are kept
TIFPCompressionLevel=Select the compression level for JAR files
TIFPCacheSize=Set the amount of disk space for storing temporary files
TIFPDeleteFiles=Delete files
TIFPViewFiles=View files...
# Control Panel - Cache Viewer
CVCPDialogTitle=Cache Viewer
CVCPColLastModified=Last Modified
CVCPColSize=Size (Bytes)
# Control Panel - Misc.
CPJRESupport=IcedTea-Web currently does not support the use of multiple JREs.
CPInvalidPort=Invalid port number given.\n[Valid port numbers are 1-65535]
CPInvalidPortTitle=Error on input.
# command line control panel
CLNoInfo=No information avaiable (is this a valid option?).
CLValue=Value: {0}
CLValueSource=Source: {0}
CLDescription=Description: {0}
CLUnknownCommand=Unknown command {0}
CLUnknownProperty=Unknown property-name "{0}"
CLWarningUnknownProperty=WARNING: Unknown property name "{0}" - creating new property
CLNoIssuesFound=No issues found.
CLIncorrectValue=Property "{0}" has incorrect value "{1}". Possible values {2}.
CLListDescription=Shows a list of all property names and values that are in use by IcedTea-Web
CLGetDescription=Shows the value for property-name
CLSetDescription=Sets the property-name to value if possible. The value is checked for being valid. If the administrator has locked the property, this will have no effect
CLResetDescription=Resets the value for property-name to it\'s default value.\nall resets all properties recognized by IcedTea-Web to their default value.
CLInfoDescription=Shows more information about the given property
CLCheckDescription=Shows any properties that have been defined but are not recognized by IcedTea-Web
CLHelpDescription=The itweb-settings tool allows a user to modify, view and check configuration.\nTo use the GUI, do not pass any arguments. To use the CLI mode, pass in the approrpiate command and parameters. For help with a particular command, try: {0} command help
# splash screen related
SPLASHerror = Click here for details. An exception has occurred.
SPLASHtitle = Title
SPLASHvendor = Vendor
SPLASHhomepage = Homepage
SPLASHdescription = Description
SPLASHClose= Close
SPLASHclosewAndCopyException = Close and copy the stack trace to clipboard
SPLASHexOccured = An exception has occurred...
SPLASHHome = Home
SPLASHcantCopyEx = Can not copy exception
SPLASHnoExRecorded = No exception recorded
SPLASHmainL1 = For even more information you can visit {0} and follow the steps described there on how to obtain necessary information to file bug
SPLASHurl = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs
SPLASHurlLooks = http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web
SPLASHmainL3 = No further information available, try to launch the browser from the command line and examine the output.
SPLASHcloseAndCopyShorter = Close and copy to clipboard
SPLASHmainL4 = The folloing exception has occured. For more information, try to launch the browser from the command line and examine the output.
SPLASHexWas = Exception was:
SPLASHcfl = Can't follow link to
SPLASHvendorsInfo = Information from vendor of your application
SPLASHanotherInfo = Another available info
SPLASHdefaultHomepage = Unspecified homepage, verify source rather
SPLASHerrorInInformation = Error during loading of information element, verify source rather
SPLASHmissingInformation = Information element is missing, verify source rather
SPLASHchainWas = This is the list of exceptions that occurred launching your applet. Please note, those exceptions can originate from multiple applets. For a helpful bug report, be sure to run only one applet.
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelExtraHighId=Disable running of all Java applets
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelVeryHighId=Very High Security
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelHighId=High Security
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelLowId=Low Security
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelExtraHighExplanation=No applet will be run
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelVeryHighExplanation=No unsigned applets will be run
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelHighExplanation=User will be prompted for each unsigned applet
APPEXTSECappletSecurityLevelLowExplanation=All, even unsigned, applets will be run
APPEXTSECunsignedAppletActionAlways=Always trust this (matching) applet(s)
APPEXTSECunsignedAppletActionNever=Never trust this (matching) applet(s)
APPEXTSECunsignedAppletActionYes=This applet was visited and allowed
APPEXTSECunsignedAppletActionNo=This applet was visited and denied
APPEXTSECControlPanelExtendedAppletSecurityTitle=Extended applet security
APPEXTSECguiTableModelTableColumnDateOfAction=Date of action
APPEXTSECguiPanelAppletInfoHederPart1={0} {1}
APPEXTSECguiPanelAppletInfoHederPart2={0} from {1}
APPEXTSECguiPanelConfirmDeletionOf=Are you sure you want to delete following {0} items
APPEXTSECguiPanelSecurityLevel=Security Level
APPEXTSECguiPanelGlobalBehaviourCaption=Settings of global behavior for applets
APPEXTSECguiPanelDeleteMenuAllA=all allowed (A)
APPEXTSECguiPanelDeleteMenuAllN=all forbidden (N)
APPEXTSECguiPanelDeleteMenuAlly=all approved (y)
APPEXTSECguiPanelDeleteMenuAlln=all rejected (n)
APPEXTSECguiPanelDeleteMenuAllAll=absolute all
APPEXTSECguiPanelDeleteButtonToolTip=You can press delete key during browsing the table. It will act as delete selected
APPEXTSECguiPanelTestUrlButton=Test url
APPEXTSECguiPanelAddRowButton=Add new row
APPEXTSECguiPanelValidateTableButton=Validate table
APPEXTSECguiPanelAskeforeActionBox=Ask me before action
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowRegExesBox=Show full regular expressions
APPEXTSECguiPanelInverSelection=Invert selection
APPEXTSECguiPanelMoveRowUp=Move row up
APPEXTSECguiPanelMoveRowDown=Move row down
APPEXTSECguiPanelCustomDefs=User definitions
APPEXTSECguiPanelGlobalDefs=System definitions
APPEXTSECguiPanelDocTest=Type document base URL
APPEXTSECguiPanelCodeTest=Type code base URL
APPEXTSECguiPanelNoMatch=Nothing matched
APPEXTSECguiPanelMatchingNote=Please note, that only first matched result will be considered as result.
APPEXTSECguiPanelMatchingError=Error during matching: {0}
APPEXTSECguiPanelCanNotValidate=Can not validate, can not create tmp file - {0}
APPEXTSECguiPanelEmptyDoc=All document-bases must be full
APPEXTSECguiPanelEmptyCode=All code-bases must be full
APPEXTSECguiPanelTableValid=Table looks valid
APPEXTSECguiPanelTableInvalid=Invalid with following error: {0}
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowOnlyPermanent=Show only permanent records
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowOnlyTemporal=Show only previously temporarily decided records
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowAll=Show all records
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowOnlyPermanentA=Show only allowed permanent records
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowOnlyPermanentN=Show only forbidden permanent records
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowOnlyTemporalY=Show previously allowed applets records
APPEXTSECguiPanelShowOnlyTemporalN=Show previously denied applets records
Help for Extended applet security - itw-settings, files and structures, dialogue
You can read much more about development of (and help us to improve!) this feature at dedicated IcedTea-Web page \
Security Level
No applet will be allowed to run. However the Java virtual machine will always be executed (and an error screen with reason appear instead of applets). To disable Java completely you can uninstall IcedTea-Web or disable it in your browser (if supported). The tables with records are of course ignored. \
Very High Security - stored as DENY_UNSIGNED - No unsigned applets will be run
No applet unsigned will be allowed to run (and an error screen with reason will appear instead of such applets). The tables with records are of course again ignored. \
High Security - stored as ASK_UNSIGNED - User will be prompted for each unsigned applet
All unsigned applets will be tested against the tables below if they should be allowed or forbidden to run. If they are not matched in the table then the user is prompted and the decision is stored in tables below. If the user denies the applet, an error screen with reason appears and the applet does not run. If the user allows applets to run, the user can choose to save this decision and whether to allow just one applet or a whole group of applets (see Dialogue paragraph below). \
Low Security - stored as ALLOW_UNSIGNED - All, even unsigned, applets will be run
This is default behavior. \
All applets even unsigned will be allowed to run. User will not be warned and the tables with records are of course again ignored. \
You need to press ok or apply button to make the changes take effect. \
\ Always trust this applet - This unsigned applet will always be run in High Security Security Level. It is stored as A in .appletTrustSettings\ Date - date of last action on this item (read only item)
\ Never trust this applet - This unsigned applet will never be run in High Security Security Level. It is stored as N in .appletTrustSettings
\ Visited and allowed - When the user is asked about this applet again, a note that this applet was already trusted in past will be displayed. It is stored as y in .appletTrustSettings
\ Visited and denied - When user will be asked about this applet again, he will see information that this applet was already denied in past. It is stored as n in .appletTrustSettings
Delete - deletes items as specified in combo box on side\ selected - removes all selected items. Key Del does the same. Default behavior. Multiple selections allowed. Selection can be inverted by button even more on side\ Show full regular expressions - Disable or Enable filtering of quotation marks \Q\E in code/document base columns. About regular expressions see more lower
\ all allowed (A) - removes all permanently trusted records
\ all forbidden (N) - removes all permanently forbidden records
\ all approved (y) - removes all previously (temporarily) trusted records
\ all rejected (n) - removes all previously (temporarily) denied records
\ all - will clear the table
\ Ask me before action - switch to ask before each deletion (in bulk) or not to ask. Asking dialogue can be pretty long, so if you do not see the buttons, just press Esc \
\ Show only permanent records - Shows only permanently allowed (A) or denied (N) records. Default behavior\ \ Add new row - will add new, exemplary filled, row with current date and empty archives
\ Show only temporarily decided records - Shows only once allowed (y) or denied (n) informative records.
\ Show only permanently allowed records - Shows only permanently allowed (A) records
\ Show only permanently denied records - Shows only permanently denied (N) records
\ Show only temporarily allowed records - Shows only once allowed (y) informative records.
\ Show only temporarily denied records - Shows only once denied (n) informative records.
\ Action - is one of A,N,y,n\ Test url - In two dialogues (in two steps) will let you enter document base and codebase, and then try to match them against all records. All matching items are returned! Last values are remembered> \ Move row down/up
\ Date - is valid date
\ Code base and document base - are valid regular expressions or empty
\ Archives - coma separated list of archives or empty
\ Order of rows is important. First matched result is returned (permanent have priority). So you can prioritize your matches using these buttons.\ \
\ For example, if you \Qhttp://blogs.com/\E.* regular expression to allow all applets on http://blogs.com, then it must be AFTER your \Qhttp://blogs.com/evilJohn\E.* regular expression forbidding all applets from blog of hacker evilJohn. \
\\ \Controls
\\ Remember this option - If set, then dialogue will never be shown for this applet or page again. \\ Be aware to "proceed" + "Remember this option" + "For site" on pages you do not know! It can make you vulnerable! \\ For applet - Exact applet will be allowed or denied \ For site - All applets from this place will be allowed or denied \\ Proceed - Applets, as selected above will be allowed \ Cancel - Applets, as selected above will be forbidden \
Stay tuned to our homepage at http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web!
If you encounter any bug, feel free to file it in our bugzilla ... According to http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs
Safe browsing from your IcedTea-Web team... \