// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Jon A. Maxwell (JAM) // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package net.sourceforge.jnlp.cache; import static net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.Translator.R; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileLock; import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.security.*; import javax.jnlp.*; import net.sourceforge.jnlp.*; import net.sourceforge.jnlp.config.DeploymentConfiguration; import net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.*; import net.sourceforge.jnlp.util.FileUtils; import net.sourceforge.jnlp.util.PropertiesFile; /** * Provides static methods to interact with the cache, download * indicator, and other utility methods.

* * @author Jon A. Maxwell (JAM) - initial author * @version $Revision: 1.17 $ */ public class CacheUtil { private static final String setCacheDir = JNLPRuntime.getConfiguration().getProperty(DeploymentConfiguration.KEY_USER_CACHE_DIR); private static final String cacheDir = new File(setCacheDir != null ? setCacheDir : System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")).getPath(); // Do this with file to standardize it. private static final CacheLRUWrapper lruHandler = CacheLRUWrapper.getInstance(); private static final HashMap propertiesLockPool = new HashMap(); /** * Compares a URL using string compare of its protocol, host, * port, path, query, and anchor. This method avoids the host * name lookup that URL.equals does for http: protocol URLs. * It may not return the same value as the URL.equals method * (different hostnames that resolve to the same IP address, * ie sourceforge.net and www.sourceforge.net). */ public static boolean urlEquals(URL u1, URL u2) { if (u1 == u2) { return true; } if (u1 == null || u2 == null) { return false; } if (notNullUrlEquals(u1, u2)) { return true; } try { URL nu1 = ResourceTracker.normalizeUrl(u1, false); URL nu2 = ResourceTracker.normalizeUrl(u2, false); if (notNullUrlEquals(nu1, nu2)) { return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { //keep silent here and return false } return false; } private static boolean notNullUrlEquals(URL u1, URL u2) { if (!compare(u1.getProtocol(), u2.getProtocol(), true) || !compare(u1.getHost(), u2.getHost(), true) || //u1.getDefaultPort() != u2.getDefaultPort() || // only in 1.4 !compare(u1.getPath(), u2.getPath(), false) || !compare(u1.getQuery(), u2.getQuery(), false) || !compare(u1.getRef(), u2.getRef(), false)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Caches a resource and returns a URL for it in the cache; * blocks until resource is cached. If the resource location is * not cacheable (points to a local file, etc) then the original * URL is returned.

* * @param location location of the resource * @param version the version, or null * @return either the location in the cache or the original location */ public static URL getCachedResource(URL location, Version version, UpdatePolicy policy) { ResourceTracker rt = new ResourceTracker(); rt.addResource(location, version, null, policy); try { File f = rt.getCacheFile(location); // TODO: Should be toURI().toURL() return f.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { return location; } } /** * Compare strings that can be null. */ private static boolean compare(String s1, String s2, boolean ignore) { if (s1 == s2) return true; if (s1 == null || s2 == null) return false; if (ignore) return s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2); else return s1.equals(s2); } /** * Returns the Permission object necessary to access the * resource, or null if no permission is needed. */ public static Permission getReadPermission(URL location, Version version) { if (CacheUtil.isCacheable(location, version)) { File file = CacheUtil.getCacheFile(location, version); return new FilePermission(file.getPath(), "read"); } else { try { // this is what URLClassLoader does return location.openConnection().getPermission(); } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { // should try to figure out the permission if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) ioe.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** * Clears the cache by deleting all the Netx cache files * * Note: Because of how our caching system works, deleting jars of another javaws * process is using them can be quite disasterous. Hence why Launcher creates lock files * and we check for those by calling {@link #okToClearCache()} */ public static boolean clearCache() { if (!okToClearCache()) { System.err.println(R("CCannotClearCache")); return false; } File cacheDir = new File(CacheUtil.cacheDir); if (!(cacheDir.isDirectory())) { return false; } if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) { System.err.println("Clearing cache directory: " + cacheDir); } try { cacheDir = cacheDir.getCanonicalFile(); FileUtils.recursiveDelete(cacheDir, cacheDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return true; } /** * Returns a boolean indicating if it ok to clear the netx application cache at this point * @return true if the cache can be cleared at this time without problems */ private static boolean okToClearCache() { File otherJavawsRunning = new File(JNLPRuntime.getConfiguration() .getProperty(DeploymentConfiguration.KEY_USER_NETX_RUNNING_FILE)); try { if (otherJavawsRunning.isFile()) { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream(otherJavawsRunning); FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel(); if (channel.tryLock() == null) { if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) { System.out.println("Other instances of netx are running"); } return false; } if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) { System.out.println("No other instances of netx are running"); } return true; } else { if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) { System.out.println("No instance file found"); } return true; } } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } /** * Returns whether there is a version of the URL contents in the * cache and it is up to date. This method may not return * immediately. * * @param source the source URL * @param version the versions to check for * @param connection a connection to the URL, or null * @return whether the cache contains the version * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source is not cacheable */ public static boolean isCurrent(URL source, Version version, URLConnection connection) { if (!isCacheable(source, version)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(R("CNotCacheable", source)); try { if (connection == null) connection = source.openConnection(); connection.connect(); CacheEntry entry = new CacheEntry(source, version); // could pool this boolean result = entry.isCurrent(connection); if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) System.out.println("isCurrent: " + source + " = " + result); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) ex.printStackTrace(); return isCached(source, version); // if can't connect return whether already in cache } } /** * Returns true if the cache has a local copy of the contents of * the URL matching the specified version string. * * @param source the source URL * @param version the versions to check for * @return true if the source is in the cache * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source is not cacheable */ public static boolean isCached(URL source, Version version) { if (!isCacheable(source, version)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(R("CNotCacheable", source)); CacheEntry entry = new CacheEntry(source, version); // could pool this boolean result = entry.isCached(); if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) System.out.println("isCached: " + source + " = " + result); return result; } /** * Returns whether the resource can be cached as a local file; * if not, then URLConnection.openStream can be used to obtain * the contents. */ public static boolean isCacheable(URL source, Version version) { if (source == null) return false; if (source.getProtocol().equals("file")) return false; if (source.getProtocol().equals("jar")) return false; return true; } /** * Returns the file for the locally cached contents of the * source. This method returns the file location only and does * not download the resource. The latest version of the * resource that matches the specified version will be returned. * * @param source the source URL * @param version the version id of the local file * @return the file location in the cache, or null if no versions cached * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source is not cacheable */ public static File getCacheFile(URL source, Version version) { // ensure that version is an version id not version string if (!isCacheable(source, version)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(R("CNotCacheable", source)); File cacheFile = null; synchronized (lruHandler) { lruHandler.lock(); // We need to reload the cacheOrder file each time // since another plugin/javaws instance may have updated it. lruHandler.load(); cacheFile = getCacheFileIfExist(urlToPath(source, "")); if (cacheFile == null) { // We did not find a copy of it. cacheFile = makeNewCacheFile(source, version); } else lruHandler.store(); lruHandler.unlock(); } return cacheFile; } /** * This will return a File pointing to the location of cache item. * * @param urlPath Path of cache item within cache directory. * @return File if we have searched before, null otherwise. */ private static File getCacheFileIfExist(File urlPath) { synchronized (lruHandler) { File cacheFile = null; List> entries = lruHandler.getLRUSortedEntries(); // Start searching from the most recent to least recent. for (Entry e : entries) { final String key = e.getKey(); final String path = e.getValue(); if (pathToURLPath(path).equals(urlPath.getPath())) { // Match found. cacheFile = new File(path); lruHandler.updateEntry(key); break; // Stop searching since we got newest one already. } } return cacheFile; } } /** * Get the path to file minus the cache directory and indexed folder. */ private static String pathToURLPath(String path) { int len = cacheDir.length(); int index = path.indexOf(File.separatorChar, len + 1); return path.substring(index); } /** * Returns the parent directory of the cached resource. * @param path The path of the cached resource directory. */ public static String getCacheParentDirectory(String filePath) { String path = filePath; String tempPath = ""; while(path.startsWith(cacheDir) && !path.equals(cacheDir)){ tempPath = new File(path).getParent(); if (tempPath.equals(cacheDir)) break; path = tempPath; } return path; } /** * This will create a new entry for the cache item. It is however not * initialized but any future calls to getCacheFile with the source and * version given to here, will cause it to return this item. * * @param source the source URL * @param version the version id of the local file * @return the file location in the cache. */ public static File makeNewCacheFile(URL source, Version version) { synchronized (lruHandler) { lruHandler.lock(); lruHandler.load(); File cacheFile = null; for (long i = 0; i < Long.MAX_VALUE; i++) { String path = cacheDir + File.separator + i; File cDir = new File(path); if (!cDir.exists()) { // We can use this directory. try { cacheFile = urlToPath(source, path); FileUtils.createParentDir(cacheFile); File pf = new File(cacheFile.getPath() + ".info"); FileUtils.createRestrictedFile(pf, true); // Create the info file for marking later. lruHandler.addEntry(lruHandler.generateKey(cacheFile.getPath()), cacheFile.getPath()); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } break; } } lruHandler.store(); lruHandler.unlock(); return cacheFile; } } /** * Returns a buffered output stream open for writing to the * cache file. * * @param source the remote location * @param version the file version to write to */ public static OutputStream getOutputStream(URL source, Version version) throws IOException { File localFile = getCacheFile(source, version); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFile); return new BufferedOutputStream(out); } /** * Copies from an input stream to an output stream. On * completion, both streams will be closed. Streams are * buffered automatically. */ public static void streamCopy(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException { if (!(is instanceof BufferedInputStream)) is = new BufferedInputStream(is); if (!(os instanceof BufferedOutputStream)) os = new BufferedOutputStream(os); try { byte b[] = new byte[4096]; while (true) { int c = is.read(b, 0, b.length); if (c == -1) break; os.write(b, 0, c); } } finally { is.close(); os.close(); } } /** * Converts a URL into a local path string within the given directory. For * example a url with subdirectory /tmp/ will * result in a File that is located somewhere within /tmp/ * * @param location the url * @param subdir the subdirectory * @return the file */ public static File urlToPath(URL location, String subdir) { if (subdir == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); path.append(subdir); path.append(File.separatorChar); path.append(location.getProtocol()); path.append(File.separatorChar); path.append(location.getHost()); path.append(File.separatorChar); path.append(location.getPath().replace('/', File.separatorChar)); return new File(FileUtils.sanitizePath(path.toString())); } /** * Waits until the resources are downloaded, while showing a * progress indicator. * * @param tracker the resource tracker * @param resources the resources to wait for * @param title name of the download */ public static void waitForResources(ApplicationInstance app, ResourceTracker tracker, URL resources[], String title) { DownloadIndicator indicator = JNLPRuntime.getDefaultDownloadIndicator(); DownloadServiceListener listener = null; try { if (indicator == null) { tracker.waitForResources(resources, 0); return; } // see if resources can be downloaded very quickly; avoids // overhead of creating display components for the resources if (tracker.waitForResources(resources, indicator.getInitialDelay())) return; // only resources not starting out downloaded are displayed List urlList = new ArrayList(); for (URL url : resources) { if (!tracker.checkResource(url)) urlList.add(url); } URL undownloaded[] = urlList.toArray(new URL[urlList.size()]); listener = indicator.getListener(app, title, undownloaded); do { long read = 0; long total = 0; for (URL url : undownloaded) { // add in any -1's; they're insignificant total += tracker.getTotalSize(url); read += tracker.getAmountRead(url); } int percent = (int) ((100 * read) / Math.max(1, total)); for (URL url : undownloaded) { listener.progress(url, "version", tracker.getAmountRead(url), tracker.getTotalSize(url), percent); } } while (!tracker.waitForResources(resources, indicator.getUpdateRate())); // make sure they read 100% until indicator closes for (URL url : undownloaded) { listener.progress(url, "version", tracker.getTotalSize(url), tracker.getTotalSize(url), 100); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (listener != null) indicator.disposeListener(listener); } } /** * This will remove all old cache items. */ public static void cleanCache() { if (okToClearCache()) { // First we want to figure out which stuff we need to delete. HashSet keep = new HashSet(); HashSet remove = new HashSet(); lruHandler.load(); long maxSize = -1; // Default try { maxSize = Long.parseLong(JNLPRuntime.getConfiguration().getProperty("deployment.cache.max.size")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } maxSize = maxSize << 20; // Convert from megabyte to byte (Negative values will be considered unlimited.) long curSize = 0; for (Entry e : lruHandler.getLRUSortedEntries()) { // Check if the item is contained in cacheOrder. final String key = e.getKey(); final String path = e.getValue(); File file = new File(path); PropertiesFile pf = new PropertiesFile(new File(path + ".info")); boolean delete = Boolean.parseBoolean(pf.getProperty("delete")); /* * This will get me the root directory specific to this cache item. * Example: * cacheDir = /home/user1/.icedtea/cache * file.getPath() = /home/user1/.icedtea/cache/0/http/www.example.com/subdir/a.jar * rStr first becomes: /0/http/www.example.com/subdir/a.jar * then rstr becomes: /home/user1/.icedtea/cache/0 */ String rStr = file.getPath().substring(cacheDir.length()); rStr = cacheDir + rStr.substring(0, rStr.indexOf(File.separatorChar, 1)); long len = file.length(); if (keep.contains(file.getPath().substring(rStr.length()))) { lruHandler.removeEntry(key); continue; } /* * we remove entries from our lru if any of the following condition is met. * Conditions: * - delete: file has been marked for deletion. * - !file.isFile(): if someone tampered with the directory, file doesn't exist. * - maxSize >= 0 && curSize + len > maxSize: If a limit was set and the new size * on disk would exceed the maximum size. */ if (delete || !file.isFile() || (maxSize >= 0 && curSize + len > maxSize)) { lruHandler.removeEntry(key); remove.add(rStr); continue; } curSize += len; keep.add(file.getPath().substring(rStr.length())); for (File f : file.getParentFile().listFiles()) { if (!(f.equals(file) || f.equals(pf.getStoreFile()))) { try { FileUtils.recursiveDelete(f, f); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } lruHandler.store(); /* * FIXME: if cacheDir is for example $USER_HOME and they have a folder called http * and/or https. These would get removed. */ remove.add(cacheDir + File.separator + "http"); remove.add(cacheDir + File.separator + "https"); removeSetOfDirectories(remove); } } private static void removeSetOfDirectories(Set remove) { for (String s : remove) { File f = new File(s); try { FileUtils.recursiveDelete(f, f); } catch (IOException e) { } } } /** * Lock the property file and add it to our pool of locks. * * @param properties Property file to lock. */ public static void lockFile(PropertiesFile properties) { String storeFilePath = properties.getStoreFile().getPath(); try { propertiesLockPool.put(storeFilePath, FileUtils.getFileLock(storeFilePath, false, true)); } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) { } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Unlock the property file and remove it from our pool. Nothing happens if * it wasn't locked. * * @param properties Property file to unlock. */ public static void unlockFile(PropertiesFile properties) { File storeFile = properties.getStoreFile(); FileLock fl = propertiesLockPool.get(storeFile.getPath()); try { if (fl == null) return; fl.release(); fl.channel().close(); propertiesLockPool.remove(storeFile.getPath()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }