package net.sourceforge.jnlp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.nanoxml.XMLElement; // this class makes assumptions on how parser calls methods (such // as getFirstChild->getNextChild only called by a single loop at // a time, so no need for an iterator). /** * This class converts the NanoXML's XMLElement nodes into the * regular XML Node interface (for the methods used by Parser). */ /* NANO */ class Node { private XMLElement xml; private Node next; private Node children[]; Node(XMLElement xml) { this.xml = xml; } Node getFirstChild() { if (children == null) getChildNodes(); if (children.length == 0) return null; else return children[0]; } Node getNextSibling() { return next; } void normalize() { } String getNodeValue() { return xml.getContent(); } Node[] getChildNodes() { if (children == null) { List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Enumeration e = xml.enumerateChildren(); e.hasMoreElements();) list.add(new Node((XMLElement) e.nextElement())); children = list.toArray(new Node[list.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < children.length - 1; i++) children[i].next = children[i + 1]; } return children; } String getAttribute(String name) { return (String) xml.getAttribute(name); } String getNodeName() { if (xml.getName() == null) return ""; else return xml.getName(); } public String toString() { return getNodeName(); } } /** * This class converts the TinyXML's ParsedXML nodes into the * regular XML Node interface (for the methods used by Parser). */ /* TINY class Node { private ParsedXML tinyNode; private Node next; private Node children[]; Node(ParsedXML tinyNode) { this.tinyNode = tinyNode; } Node getFirstChild() { if (children == null) getChildNodes(); if (children.length == 0) return null; else return children[0]; } Node getNextSibling() { return next; } void normalize() { } String getNodeValue() { return tinyNode.getContent(); } Node[] getChildNodes() { if (children == null) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (Enumeration e = tinyNode.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { list.add( new Node((ParsedXML)e.nextElement()) ); } children = (Node[]) list.toArray( new Node[list.size()] ); for (int i=0; i < children.length-1; i++) children[i].next = children[i+1]; } return children; } String getAttribute(String name) { return tinyNode.getAttribute(name); } String getNodeName() { if (tinyNode.getName() == null) return ""; else return tinyNode.getName(); } public String toString() { return getNodeName(); } } */