From e3806ac97871e7f4cea5f800c3319b61a2fb8e8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jiri Vanek \
+Extended Applet Security refers to security features for unsigned applets. Traditionally, only signed applets required user confirmation and unsigned applets ran automatically. This is represented by the 'low security' setting. Unsigned applets must be allowed or disallowed individually on 'high security' (the default), and additionally do not run at all on 'very high security'. In theory, unsigned applets can safely run automatically. In practice, however, any vulnerability in the Java security sandbox will prevent this from being true. \
+ \
+To do so it uses the Security Level main settings switch rules in the tables of Custom definitions and Global definitions \
+Its a main switch for "extended applet security". Its value is commonly stored in usrs_home/.icedtea/, but can be enforced via global settings in /etc/.java/deployment/ or JAVA_HOME/lib/ under the key for Extended applet security - itw-settings, files and structures, dialogue
+You can read much more about development of (and help us to improve!) this feature at dedicated IcedTea-Web page \
+Security Level
+ \
+No applet will be allowed to run. However the Java virtual machine will always be executed (and an error screen with reason appear instead of applets). To disable Java completely you can uninstall IcedTea-Web or disable it in your browser (if supported). The tables with records are of course ignored. \
+Very High Security - stored as DENY_UNSIGNED - No unsigned applets will be run
+ \
+No applet unsigned will be allowed to run (and an error screen with reason will appear instead of such applets). The tables with records are of course again ignored. \
+High Security - stored as ASK_UNSIGNED - User will be prompted for each unsigned applet
+ \
+All unsigned applets will be tested against the tables below if they should be allowed or forbidden to run. If they are not matched in the table then the user is prompted and the decision is stored in tables below. If the user denies the applet, an error screen with reason appears and the applet does not run. If the user allows applets to run, the user can choose to save this decision and whether to allow just one applet or a whole group of applets (see Dialogue paragraph below). \
+Low Security - stored as ALLOW_UNSIGNED - All, even unsigned, applets will be run
This is default behavior. \
+ \
+All applets even unsigned will be allowed to run. User will not be warned and the tables with records are of course again ignored. \
+You need to press ok or apply button to make the changes take effect. \
\ +
\ +Always trust this applet - This unsigned applet will always be run in High Security Security Level. It is stored as A in .appletTrustSettings\ +Date - date of last action on this item (read only item)
\ +Never trust this applet - This unsigned applet will never be run in High Security Security Level. It is stored as N in .appletTrustSettings
\ +Visited and allowed - When the user is asked about this applet again, a note that this applet was already trusted in past will be displayed. It is stored as y in .appletTrustSettings
\ +Visited and denied - When user will be asked about this applet again, he will see information that this applet was already denied in past. It is stored as n in .appletTrustSettings
\ +
\ +
Delete - deletes items as specified in combo box on side\ +selected - removes all selected items. Key Del does the same. Default behavior. Multiple selections allowed. Selection can be inverted by button even more on side\ +Show full regular expressions - Disable or Enable filtering of quotation marks \Q\E in code/document base columns. About regular expressions see more lower
\ +all allowed (A) - removes all permanently trusted records
\ +all forbidden (N) - removes all permanently forbidden records
\ +all approved (y) - removes all previously (temporarily) trusted records
\ +all rejected (n) - removes all previously (temporarily) denied records
\ +all - will clear the table
\ +
\ +Ask me before action - switch to ask before each deletion (in bulk) or not to ask. Asking dialogue can be pretty long, so if you do not see the buttons, just press Esc \ +
\ +Show only permanent records - Shows only permanently allowed (A) or denied (N) records. Default behavior\ + \ +Add new row - will add new, exemplary filled, row with current date and empty archives
\ +Show only temporarily decided records - Shows only once allowed (y) or denied (n) informative records.
\ +Show only permanently allowed records - Shows only permanently allowed (A) records
\ +Show only permanently denied records - Shows only permanently denied (N) records
\ +Show only temporarily allowed records - Shows only once allowed (y) informative records.
\ +Show only temporarily denied records - Shows only once denied (n) informative records.
\ +
\ +Action - is one of A,N,y,n\ +Test url - In two dialogues (in two steps) will let you enter document base and codebase, and then try to match them against all records. All matching items are returned! Last values are remembered> \ +Move row down/up
\ +Date - is valid date
\ +Code base and document base - are valid regular expressions or empty
\ +Archives - coma separated list of archives or empty
\ +
\ +Order of rows is important. First matched result is returned (permanent have priority). So you can prioritize your matches using these buttons.\ + \ +
\ +For example, if you \Q\E.* regular expression to allow all applets on, then it must be AFTER your \Q\E.* regular expression forbidding all applets from blog of hacker evilJohn. \ +
\ +
\ +\ + \ +Controls
\ +\ +Remember this option - If set, then dialogue will never be shown for this applet or page again. \ +\ +Be aware to "proceed" + "Remember this option" + "For site" on pages you do not know! It can make you vulnerable! \ +\ +For applet - Exact applet will be allowed or denied \ +For site - All applets from this place will be allowed or denied \ +\ +Proceed - Applets, as selected above will be allowed \ +Cancel - Applets, as selected above will be forbidden \ +
\ +
+Stay tuned to our homepage at!
+If you encounter any bug, feel free to file it in our bugzilla ... According to
+Safe browsing from your IcedTea-Web team... \