path: root/make
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make')
-rw-r--r--make/lib/cpptasks-patch.tar.gzbin0 -> 7743 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmake/lib/cpptasks.jarbin0 -> 345356 bytes
7 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make/build.xml b/make/build.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..440d194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ - Ant build for GlueGen and corresponding ANT tasks. Also builds
+ - JOGL-specific BuildStaticGLInfo and its corresponding ANT task.
+ -
+ - This build has been tested with ANT 1.6.2 and ANTLR 2.7.4.
+ -
+ - Public targets:
+ - all: clean and build GlueGen and GlueGen Ant task
+ - clean: clean all built
+ -->
+<project name="GlueGen" basedir="." default="all">
+ <target name="load.user.properties" unless="user.properties.file">
+ <!-- Load the user specified properties file that defines various host
+ - specific paths. The user will be notified if this is does not
+ - exist. -->
+ <property name="user.properties.file" value="${user.home}/gluegen.properties" />
+ <property file="${user.properties.file}" />
+ <echo message="Loaded ${user.properties.file}." />
+ <fail message="antlr.jar was not specified in gluegen.properties. Please see README.txt for instructions" unless="antlr.jar"/>
+ <echo message="antlr.jar=${antlr.jar}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="init" depends="load.user.properties">
+ <!-- Declare all paths and user defined variables. -->
+ <!-- The source directories. -->
+ <property name="src.java" value="../src/java" />
+ <property name="build" value="../build" />
+ <!-- The generated source directories. -->
+ <property name="src.generated" value="../build/gensrc" />
+ <property name="src.generated.java" value="../build/gensrc/java" />
+ <!-- The compiler output directories. -->
+ <property name="classes" value="${build}/classes" />
+ <!-- Call the external config validator script to make sure the config is ok and consistent -->
+ <ant antfile="validate-properties.xml" inheritall="true"/>
+ <!-- Create the required output directories. -->
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.java}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${classes}" />
+ <!-- Create the classpath for ANTLR. This requires the user-defined
+ - "antlr.jar" property. -->
+ <path id="antlr.classpath">
+ <pathelement location="${antlr.jar}" />
+ </path>
+ <!-- The location of the GlueGen source and the C grammar files. -->
+ <property name="gluegen" value="${src.java}/com/sun/gluegen" />
+ <property name="c.grammar" value="${gluegen}/cgram" />
+ <!-- The resulting location of the generated Java files from the
+ - C grammar via ANTLR. -->
+ <property name="gluegen.build" value="${src.generated.java}/com/sun/gluegen" />
+ <property name="generated.java.from.grammar" value="${gluegen.build}/cgram" />
+ </target>
+ <!--
+ - Using ANTLR generate the specified Java files.
+ -
+ - @param target the grammar file to process
+ - @param output.dir the directory to write the generated files to. If
+ - the directory does not exist, it will be created.
+ -->
+ <target name="generate.c.grammar">
+ <!-- Generate the Java files -->
+ <antlr target="${output.dir}/${target}" outputdirectory="${output.dir}">
+ <classpath refid="antlr.classpath" />
+ </antlr>
+ </target>
+ <!--
+ - Using ANTLR generate the specified Java files with an overridden
+ - grammar file.
+ -
+ - @param target the grammar file to process
+ - @param glib the overridding grammar file
+ - @param output.dir the directory to write the generated files to. If
+ - the directory does not exist, it will be created.
+ -->
+ <target name="generate.c.grammar.glib">
+ <!-- Generate the Java files -->
+ <antlr target="${output.dir}/${target}" glib="${output.dir}/${glib}" outputdirectory="${output.dir}">
+ <classpath refid="antlr.classpath" />
+ </antlr>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build GlueGen.
+ -->
+ <target name="gluegen.build" depends="init">
+ <!-- Because ANTLR looks for importVocab files in the current
+ working directory, it likes to have all of its files,
+ including supergrammars, in one place, so copy all of the
+ grammars to the output directory up front so we don't put
+ temporary files into the source tree -->
+ <mkdir dir="${generated.java.from.grammar}" />
+ <copy todir="${generated.java.from.grammar}">
+ <fileset dir="${c.grammar}">
+ <include name="*.g" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- Generate the Java files from the C grammar using ANTLR. -->
+ <antcall target="generate.c.grammar">
+ <param name="output.dir" value="${generated.java.from.grammar}" />
+ <param name="target" value="StdCParser.g" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="generate.c.grammar.glib">
+ <param name="output.dir" value="${generated.java.from.grammar}" />
+ <param name="target" value="GnuCParser.g" />
+ <param name="glib" value="StdCParser.g" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="generate.c.grammar">
+ <param name="output.dir" value="${generated.java.from.grammar}" />
+ <param name="target" value="GnuCTreeParser.g" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="generate.c.grammar.glib">
+ <param name="output.dir" value="${generated.java.from.grammar}" />
+ <param name="target" value="GnuCEmitter.g" />
+ <param name="glib" value="GnuCTreeParser.g" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="generate.c.grammar.glib">
+ <param name="output.dir" value="${generated.java.from.grammar}" />
+ <param name="target" value="HeaderParser.g" />
+ <param name="glib" value="GnuCTreeParser.g" />
+ </antcall>
+ <!-- Build GlueGen using the generated Java files along with the
+ - original source. -->
+ <javac destdir="${classes}" source="1.4" debug="true" debuglevel="source,lines">
+ <src path="${src.java}" />
+ <src path="${src.generated.java}" />
+ <classpath refid="antlr.classpath" />
+ </javac>
+ <!-- Build gluegen.jar. -->
+ <jar destfile="${build}/gluegen.jar">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}">
+ <include name="**/*.class" />
+ </fileset>
+ </jar>
+ <!-- Build gluegen-rt.jar. -->
+ <jar destfile="${build}/gluegen-rt.jar">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}">
+ <include name="com/sun/gluegen/runtime/*.class" />
+ </fileset>
+ </jar>
+ </target>
+ <target name="all" depends="gluegen.build" />
+ <target name="clean">
+ <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true">
+ <fileset dir="../build" />
+ </delete>
+ </target>
diff --git a/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml b/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d10498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ - Ant project file which sets up cpptasks to compile native code
+ - generated by GlueGen for multiple supported platforms. This Ant
+ - project file is not intended to be executed standalone, but imported
+ - by other projects which use GlueGen to generate native code and
+ - need to compile that native code.
+ -
+ - Before importing this file, the property "gluegen.root" must be
+ - defined; this is the relative path from the current working
+ - directory (e.g., from which the parent project's build.xml is being
+ - executed) to the top of the checked-out GlueGen workspace.
+ -
+ - This Ant project file depends on the following properties being set
+ - externally:
+ -
+ - win32.c.compiler (required to be set on Windows):
+ - one of "vc6", "vc7", "vc8", or "mingw".
+ - c.compiler.debug:
+ - set to "true" if debug version of the compiled
+ - C code is desired.
+ - macosxfat:
+ - set to "true" if universal / fat binaries (both PowerPC
+ - and Intel code) are desired on Mac OS X. Requires
+ - support for cross-compilation from the underlying C
+ - compiler.
+ -
+ - The gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os target sets the following
+ - properties appropriately. They are only set to "true" if the OS/CPU
+ - configuration is exactly as specified.
+ -
+ - isFreeBSD
+ - isIA64
+ - isOSX
+ - isLinux
+ - isLinuxAMD64
+ - isLinuxIA64
+ - isLinuxX86
+ - isSolaris
+ - isWindows
+ - isUnix
+ - isX11
+ -
+ - The gluegen.cpptasks.detect.compiler target sets the following
+ - properties appropriately. They are only set to "true" if the OS/compiler
+ - configuration is exactly as specified.
+ -
+ - isVC6
+ - isVC7
+ - isVC8
+ - isMingW
+ -->
+<project name="GlueGen-cpptasks" basedir=".">
+ <!-- import cpptasks -->
+ <typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml" classpath="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/cpptasks.jar"/>
+ <!-- Detect OS and compiler configuration -->
+ <target name="gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os" unless="gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os">
+ <condition property="isOSX">
+ <and>
+ <os family="mac"/>
+ <os family="unix"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isUnix">
+ <and>
+ <os family="unix" />
+ <not>
+ <os family="mac" />
+ </not>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isLinux">
+ <os name="Linux" />
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isSolaris">
+ <os name="SunOS" />
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isWindows">
+ <os family="windows" />
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isFreeBSD">
+ <os name="FreeBSD" />
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isLinuxX86">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isLinux}" />
+ <os arch="x86" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isLinuxAMD64">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isLinux}" />
+ <os arch="AMD64" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isLinuxIA64">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isLinux}" />
+ <os arch="IA64" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isIA64">
+ <os arch="IA64" />
+ </condition>
+ <!-- Note: assumes X11 platform by default -->
+ <condition property="isX11">
+ <and>
+ <isfalse value="${isWindows}" />
+ <isfalse value="${isOSX}" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <echo message="OS X=${isOSX}" />
+ <echo message="Windows=${isWindows}" />
+ <echo message="Unix=${isUnix}" />
+ <echo message="Linux=${isLinux}" />
+ <echo message="Solaris=${isSolaris}" />
+ <echo message="FreeBSD=${isFreeBSD}" />
+ <echo message="LinuxAMD64=${isLinuxAMD64}" />
+ <echo message="LinuxIA64=${isLinuxIA64}" />
+ <echo message="IA64=${isIA64}" />
+ <echo message="X11=${isX11}" />
+ <property name="gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os" value="true" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- Detect compiler setup, in particular on Windows; separated
+ - out because this must sometimes be called late in the setup process
+ -->
+ <target name="gluegen.cpptasks.detect.compiler">
+ <!-- Set up compiler selection on Windows -->
+ <condition property="isVC6">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isWindows}" />
+ <equals arg1="${win32.c.compiler}" arg2="vc6" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isVC7">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isWindows}" />
+ <equals arg1="${win32.c.compiler}" arg2="vc7" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isVC8">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isWindows}" />
+ <equals arg1="${win32.c.compiler}" arg2="vc8" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isMingW">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isWindows}" />
+ <equals arg1="${win32.c.compiler}" arg2="mingw" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="WindowsFailure">
+ <and>
+ <istrue value="${isWindows}" />
+ <isfalse value="${isVC6}" />
+ <isfalse value="${isVC7}" />
+ <isfalse value="${isVC8}" />
+ <isfalse value="${isMingW}" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail message="Must specify either win32.c.compiler in jogl.properties or use e.g. win32.vc6 build target" if="WindowsFailure" />
+ <echo message="VC6=${isVC6}" />
+ <echo message="VC7=${isVC7}" />
+ <echo message="VC8=${isVC8}" />
+ <echo message="MingW=${isMingW}" />
+ <!-- NOTE: the value of the debug and optimise attributes will not be overridden if already set externally -->
+ <property name="c.compiler.debug" value="false" />
+ </target>
diff --git a/make/gluegen.properties b/make/gluegen.properties
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ca1f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/gluegen.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# The host specific properties. The build will inform you of required
+# properties. This file must be copied into your home directory (pointed
+# to by the Java system property user.home) and the copy modified appropriately.
+# The required antlr.jar property that is the full path to the antlr.jar
+# including the name of the jar
+# Windows
+# Linux
+# antlr.jar=/home/kbr/antlr-2.7.2/antlr.jar
+# Mac OS X
+# antlr.jar=/Users/kbr/antlr-2.7.2/antlr.jar
+# Solaris
+# antlr.jar=/export/kbr/ANTLR/antlr-2.7.2/antlr.jar
diff --git a/make/lib/cpptasks-patch.tar.gz b/make/lib/cpptasks-patch.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22f1cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/lib/cpptasks-patch.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/make/lib/cpptasks-version.txt b/make/lib/cpptasks-version.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e7dd72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/lib/cpptasks-version.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Current cpptasks is from CVS repository at
+:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/ant-contrib
+as of 10/5/2005 with patches applied for Forte C compiler (Bug
+1314266) and fat binary generation on Mac OS X (Bug 1313421).
diff --git a/make/lib/cpptasks.jar b/make/lib/cpptasks.jar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..005691c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/lib/cpptasks.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/make/validate-properties.xml b/make/validate-properties.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..195fb2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/validate-properties.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ - A validator for all of the user-defined properties. It will be called
+ - from build.xml in the "init" task.
+ -->
+<project name="Configuration validator" default="validate">
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Ensure that "antlr.jar" is set.
+ -->
+ <target name="antlr.jar.validate" unless="antlr.jar">
+ <fail>
+ ********************************************************************
+ ** The property "antlr.jar" was not set in the GlueGen properties **
+ ** file **
+ ** "${user.properties.file}" **
+ ** (or this file was not found). **
+ ** **
+ ** Please set "antlr.jar" to to the full path of the ANTLR jar **
+ ** including the jar itself. **
+ ********************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <!--
+ - Make sure that gluegen.jar is not on the CLASSPATH; this can cause
+ - builds to fail since if this Java process has the jar file open
+ - we can not overwrite it.
+ -->
+ <target name="java.class.path.validate">
+ <available property="gluegen.jar.on.class.path" classname="com.sun.gluegen.GlueGen" />
+ <fail if="gluegen.jar.on.class.path">
+ *******************************************************************
+ ** Your CLASSPATH environment variable appears to be set (some **
+ ** GlueGen classes are currently visible to the build.) This can **
+ ** cause the build to fail. Please unset your CLASSPATH **
+ ** variable and restart the build. **
+ *******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Validate the required properties
+ -->
+ <target name="validate" depends="antlr.jar.validate, java.class.path.validate"
+ description="Validate required properties" />